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John Lester B.

Avenido BS-INFO 4A
Discuss your learning for today. Upload a pdf file for your answer.
1. What have you learned about the Topics? Discuss each topic
About the topics of Cloud Computing and Cloud Migration I learned
that more industries using this and it is very important to them to store
all of their digital information and resources. I’ve learned also that there
are 4 types of cloud computing Especially the Private cloud which serves
single organization only. I learned that there’s three models of cloud
service, like SaaS which I use to store my data in a software without
installing it. In that topic I understand about cloud migration, their
benefits, ethics, and how cloud computing and migration change the
employee’s behavior

2. What is the significance of these topics in your future as an IT

Professional? Are these topics helpful in your future career? How and
It is very helpful to us IT students to know what about cloud
computing and migrating. Soon as we are all IT Professional, we will

give a chance to maximize are full potential in which workload,

especially operations being done manually will been lessened with
the help of cloud computing and cloud migration. This can boost our
performance and be more productive towards our work

3. How do these topics impart a big role to you as a student? Discuss

why in each topic.
Cloud Computing is already a human basic need. As a student,
understanding what cloud computing is all about like delivering the
computing services, and how company moves some all of their data
center capabilities into the cloud. As technology levels up, so as we
students develop too. we will use our cloud storage to store our
important data incase if some of our important files get corrupted in
our desktop, or some calamities will come and destroy our gadgets.
Our data or files is in the cloud storage and its safe because we know
cloud computing and migrating

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