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ons and
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Khant Zaw Hein



Every business is running in organizational form including allocation of people who share the
same objective. So, the understanding of nature and behaviors of organizations becomes
crucial for the business. The study of organizations and behaviors encompasses all the studies
about organizational behaviors and culture, motivational aspects, group behaviors and
teamwork and the other fields that concern with the organization. Now, the problems in Asia
Express are the top management does not understand clearly about the aspects of
organizational behavior. The management is then turned into wrong approach. On the other
hand, Golden Land Express is successful because the top management knows the behaviors
of organization. As a client support manager of Seven Star Consultancy, I am going to help
Asia Express Ltd by giving advices compared with Golden Land Express. The whole
document is aimed at Asia Express' success in the future. I am sure that when I have given
the knowledge about the organizational behavior, the performance of the top management of
Asia Express will be developed.


The accomplishment of this assignment aimed at getting the following knowledge about
organizations and behaviors.

To understand the relationship between organizational structure and culture

To understand different approaches to management and leadership

To understand ways of using motivational theories in organization

To understand mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organization

Executive Summary

The whole assignment is formed of different aspects of management in an organization.

Simply, the assignment can be divided into four parts. First of all, the basic necessaries of the
organizations such as its structure and culture are suggested to be in suitable form. We find
that Asia Express does not have clear organizational structure. The briefings are aimed to fix
organizational structure and culture of Asia Express. In the second part, aspects about
suitable approaches to management and leadership and its styles are expressed. Thirdly, the
motivational theories are discussed. To raise motivation in Asia Express, a clear
understanding of motivational theories and usages are required. Eventually, the methods to
build teamwork between employees in the organization are expressed.

Task (1) The relationship between organizational structures and

Task (1.1) Compare and contrast different organizational structures and


Organizations are social arrangements for the controlled performance of collective goals.
(Buchanan and Huczynski, 1991) This is the formal definition of the organization. In more
comprehensive way, the organization is a group of people who combine their efforts to
achieve goals and objectives. In the nature of organization, goals and objectives are achieved
through inter-relationships, co-ordination and even conflict between individual members who
work in different roles of the organization. As an example, a man is trying to move the stone
that is very heavy for him. By co-coordinating with another man, he can move the stone. In
this case, we need to consider what he would offer to get another man, what he will get in
return, who will in charge of the main operation, what tools he will use such as brute strength
or bulldozer. Actually, all these considerations are dealing with organizational issues
including planning, organizing, resourcing, controlling and people management.

In founding an organization, the most important thing is the organization must have a formal
structure and culture according to the nature of the business and size of the business. As a
man in business management, we should know about the organizational structure and culture.

Organizational structure and its different types

Organizational structure is essential for all businesses as it is closely related to the success of
the businesses. In an organization, we are working with a many people who have different
intelligence, different education levels, different abilities, different interests and different
levels of experiences. So, we cannot let them do the same task by giving the same
responsibility. They are going to perform different tasks and will have different authority. For
the right distributions of authority, responsibility and tasks, organizational structures are
crucial. We can roughly classify the organizational structures into tall structure and flat
structure depending on the level of management hierarchy. We can know differentiate the tall
structure and flat structure according to its span of control which shows the number of
subordinates instantly reporting to a superior official.

Tall structure

Tall structure is an organizational structure in which there is a large level of management

hierarchy in relation to its size. Tall structure has narrow span of control meaning the
organization has a lot of supervisors or too much control on the less numbers of subordinates
steps by steps. This means that there are a lot of steps in decision making. The main
advantage of tall structure is the superior officers can control and manage subordinates easily.
The main disadvantage of tall structure is that too many report levels for the same work
makes organization inefficient.

Flat structure

The organization with a flat structure has a small number of management levels in relation to
its size. In flat structure, the officer has to supervise many subordinates in a management
level. This means the flat structure has wide span of control. The main advantage of flat
structure is it gives the efficiency in running. It also offers fewer wages for hiring staffs. The
main disadvantage of the flat structure is the managers have to involve in a lot of activities
and control a lot of things. The managers may also deal with basic operational level of the

Depending on the departmentation, the organizational structure is divided into six types.

 By geography
 By function
 By product or brand
 Matrix
 Multidivisional structure and
 Network structure

Culture and its different types

The next important thing is culture of the organization. Culture in organizational aspect is
defined as organization's overall personality including its shared values, beliefs, symbols and
norms. The culture of the organization can govern the members the ways of acting in the

organization. There are four types of culture including power culture, role culture, task
culture, and person culture.

Power culture: Power culture is developed by the personality of the leader who makes the
decisions very rapidly depending on the situation. The organization is loosely structured and
it can adapt the changes through the order of decision maker. This type of culture is the most
suitable for small businesses. In this culture, the staffs must empathize with the key decision

Role culture: This type of culture is said to be classical bureaucratic style. The organization
running with role culture has formal organizational structure and the authority is delegated
according to job position. Role culture is usually beneficial in stable environment. The
organization can rarely adapt the changes in environment.

Task culture: In task culture, the work is done by team based structure. There are special
teams formed of individuals with different professions. There is no dominant leader in the
team. The members work together with teamwork. This type of organization is usually
flexible and can adapt the situations.

Person culture: This culture is very effective for maintaining people in the organization as it
contains the aspect of emphasizing on people than tasks. The success of the organization with
person culture mainly relies on the talent of the experts in the business. Individuals are
independent in work place. The role of management in this culture is lower than the role of
professionals. The management is just an aid for the professionals' work.

The first reason why Asia Express is not successful is that it does not have clear organization
structure. And also the founders of the business are creating power culture which is not fit the
business. No clear organization structure means that the business is running recklessly. The
employees' are not involve in the business. They are not self-motivated. Their ideas,
experiences and advices are neglected. Asia Express is not a small business. We cannot let it
flow in power culture. Power culture is only suitable with small organizations or small
department of a large organization. But in the case of Asia Express, we are working with a lot
of people. We should consider the advices of employees concerned their professional fields in
decision making. When the owners make all the decisions as they want, the labors are
demotivated and consequently raises labor turnover.

Actually, for the express transportation businesses require at least two offices: one at the
starting point of the business and the other at the end of the business. The numbers of offices
will rise due to the routes the business operates. The geography organizational structure is the
most suitable for Asia Express. This includes a head office which control overall operation
and regional branches. The authority is delegated to local managers. The small organization
of each region is planned to use functional structure. For example, in Taunggyi region, the
sub-organization of Asia Express will include group of drivers, group of bus services
providers and ticket sales groups. Each region is formed with groups of employees
performing similar tasks.

After the organization structure of Asia Express has changed, the culture of the organization
will change automatically. As the authority is delegated to regional managers, it is also
removing the power culture from the organization. We should let flow a mix of cultures in
the organization. The culture among between the owners and regional managers should be
bending on person culture. We should not control the high officers a lot. We let them show us
their abilities and efforts freely with less control. In small departments of regional office, the
power culture will be useful when we need to make rapid decisions. The most possible
culture is the role culture as the organization's authority is defined. In fact, in management,
there is not adequate formulae, we response relying on the situation.

Task (1.2) How the relationship between and organization's structure and
culture can impact on the performance of the business

The organizational structure and culture are closely related. Sometimes, the organizational
structure is a frame to organizational culture. For example, if the structure of an organization
is highly centralized, the culture of that organization will be power culture. Occasionally, the
culture creates the organizational structure. For instance, when the organization needs to
work in teams to solve the problems efficiently through task culture, the organization
structure is supposed to be matrix structure. Not only the organizational structure and culture
separately but also the relationship between them has impact on the performance of the
business. If the organizational structure is not fit with the business, the business will have to
face with many problems and rarely reach its goals. When the wrong culture is created within
the business, it will create bad image of the organization. Besides, the relationship between
organizational culture and structure can impact the business' performance. We can see the

impact of the relationship between organizational structure and culture in Golden Land

Golden Land Express is a successful transportation business which has established since
twenty years ago. It becomes very successful in express transportation industry a few years
ago. Now, it has built strong customer relationship. The main reason why the business
becomes very successful is it can use design the most convenient organizational structure and
culture. Moreover, the business uses the link between organization structure and culture
effectively. Golden Land Express designs the structure into a geography structure with one
head quarter and many branches in other regions. This is the most suitable structure for
transportation businesses. Head office which is located in Yangon is formed of functional
divisions including administrative division, account division, human resources division,
planning division, maintenance division and operational division. And also the culture is
enjoyable. The culture flowing within the organization is a mix of power culture, role culture,
task culture and person culture. In the mix the proportion of power culture is the smallest and
that of role and person culture are the most. Because of the perfect organization structure and
culture, the business gets a lot of benefits. One main benefit is that the organization can use
human resources (skills of employees) completely. The employees are let to know their
responsibilities so that they can do it exactly. The employees are also given the chance to do
great job. They can make some mistakes and learn from the mistakes. So, the employees will
try hard to show their abilities and the collective performance of the business is automatically
raised. Asia Express can see how a successful transportation business designs the
organizational structure and culture and fix the problems.

Task (1.3) The factors that influence individual behavior at work

In the management platform, managing people is the most difficult part and it is one of the
key points for success of the business. Then, understanding the people becomes a big deal in
management. We must learn human behaviors to understand them. If we know how they
behave and what make them to behave like that, we can change their behaviors into our
desired forms. There are factors that influence human behaviors at work. These factors are
divided into five groups:

1. Personality
2. Perception

3. Attitude
4. Ability and aptitude
5. Conflict, stress and change

Personality: The aspect of personality contains the combination of traits and quality of a
person. When people get to the workplace, they carry their traits and quality with them. So,
the way they act in the work place depends partly on the personality.

Perception: Perception is the way in which a person knows, understand or regard something.
Different people have different perceptions on the same things. Also in the workplace, people
make different decisions or solve the problems in different ways according to their

Attitude: Attitude is the inner feelings of employees concerned with the work environment
including superior officers, colleagues and the task he performs. The attitudes also affect the
work behaviors and performance of the workers. For example, if a worker feels his task is a
very low level work and it is not worth to work, he will not perform the task with required

Ability and aptitude: Ability is something that people can do well. Aptitude is the capacity
to learn and develop skills. In workplace, it is important to fit the responsibilities with
abilities. If the responsibility does not match ability, the performance of that person will be
poor and he behaves the things as a lazy person. But if he can learn new skills to do
responsibility or he is supposed to work in his professional field, he will show the great
performance and will be active in working.

Conflict, stress and change: The conflict between people can create bad behavior. When a
person is facing with arguments all the time, he will not happy in the workplace. His behavior
will be so mean. Stress is a mental situation which appears when the workers face with
overwork and very important tasks. Stress is also concerned with the time base. The
employees also get stress when they have only limited time for a variety of tasks. An
employee under stress will perform uncertainly because he thinks the task is very hard to
solve. The next thing that influences behaviors of workers is change. In the period of change,
the workers need to adapt all the things to be up to date. When the change is too strong for
worker, the workers perhaps feel depressed because they cannot get ahead of the change.

Managers and Executive directors of Asia Express should roughly understand the personality
of their workers. Depending on the personalities, the culture used by the managers should be
changed. If the managers know the traits and qualities of employees, they can choose suitable
ways to control them. Depending on the way the managers treat the employees, the
perception of employees can be changed. The managers of Asia Express should treat the
employees fairly. The managers of Asia Express also should consider the inner feelings of the
employees about the work environment including peers, superiors and even managers
themselves. Sometimes, the work environment makes the employees unhappy in their works.
The managers should investigate the problems of employees in relation with their work
environment so that they can solve the problems and make workers feel happy in their
workplaces. The abilities and aptitudes of the employees are affected by the culture and the
organization structure used by the managers. The managers of Asia Express should give the
employees suitable responsibilities that fit with their abilities. And proper amount of
authority should be delegated to employees so that employees can show their abilities more.
The managers must provide conditions for employees to learn new skills so as to increase the
aptitudes of employees. Asia Express' managers must be wise enough to control the conflict
between employees. Every organization has conflicts between the employees. But the
managers have to control these conflicts not to lead to any problems. Moreover, the managers
should care about the delegation of responsibilities to employees. Giving a lot of
responsibilities or overwork to an employee can lead to stress. Then, the related performance
of the employees will be decreased. Asia Express has to change a lot in order to be a
successful business. In change period, employees will face with difficulties in learning new
form of skills or they don't want to learn new skills. The managers must program employees'
development trainings in the period of change. The training programs should be aids to the
employees in the period of change. The managers can raise employees' willingness to involve
in the change through giving incentives that they interested in. In fact, the work behaviors of
employees are closely related with the managers' actions on the employees.

Task (2) Different approaches to management to and leadership

Task (2.1) The effectiveness of different leadership styles in different


The scope of leadership and the scope of management are different. The functions of
managers and the functions of leader are also totally different. The managers focus on system
and procedures and leaders focus on people. Although they have many differences, the
leadership and management are linked and they implement one another. So, the role of
leadership in managing an organization becomes one of the most important parts of
successful management. To be a good manager, we also need to be a good leader. The nature
of a good manager is made of proportional combination between managerial activities and
leadership activities.

Leadership and its different styles

Leadership is a collective form of actions that a leader does. In organizations, mangers act as
leaders. To clearly understand what leadership is, we need to know what the true leaders do
and their traits. The functions of a leader are very complex. They involve a lot of innovation,
motivating people and inspiring trust. A leader can influence other people in the organization
through his power which comes from his morality, honesty and effort in workplace. A leader
care needs of the people in his organization instead of his needs. Although the leaders have
common functions and traits, there are numerous leadership styles depending on the many
factors. Depending on the factors, a leader can use different styles of leadership used in
different organization. If a leader's choice of style is wrong, there will be many defects on the
organization's performance. The different types of leadership style and their effectiveness are
expressed below.


In autocratic style, the manager or leader maintain all authority and make all decisions. The
employees have no right to express his visions and they all obey instructions of the manager.
There is only one communication way from manager to subordinates. The way of motivating
is very strict with rewards and punishments. The manager tries influencing the subordinates
through threats and punishments. We rarely use autocratic style in business organizations
nowadays. But we sometimes need to use autocratic styles in some situations. If the
organization highly programs all work and there is a specific procedures, autocratic style is
the most efficient leadership style. When the knowledge and skill of the employees are low,
the manager can use autocratic style because employees need high control. Autocratic style is
also useful in low level work which includes a manual work a lot. As an example of
autocratic style, we can see in a factory which requires high volume production for a day.


The managers also make all the decisions in persuasive style but he explains the reason of the
way he makes these decisions. Again, the employees are not allowed to involve in decision
making. One difference is that persuasive style can improve the will of employees to follow
the instructions of the manager. There is no more big difference between persuasive and
autocratic styles.


In this type of leadership style, employees are involved in the decision making. The manager
listens to the ideas, thoughts and views of subordinates. But they maintain the right to make
final decision. This style can motivate the employees more than the above two styles. As the
employees are encouraged to show their knowledge and abilities, interests and involvement
of employees will rise. It is a style in which a discussion in a group work between the
manager and employees is seen. On the other hand, employees' skills and thoughts are
developed through tasks. Two ways of communications from the manager to employees and
from employees to manager are used. This type of leadership should be used when the
organizations does not need to emphasize on efficiency and speed. This type is the most
suitable for coaching the employees how to develop.


Democratic leadership style let the employees make the decisions together with the manager.
It can provide more involvement of subordinates and more commitment. The relation
between the manger and employees are very free. To use this type of leadership style, the
employees need to be highly skills and experiences. This leadership style is useful when the
manager need to make wide decisions. It is commonly found in project teams.

The founders of Asia Express are creating power culture. This leads to autocratic leadership
style in which the managers controls all work. The managers of Asia Express are in charge of
making all the decisions. Subordinates do not have the chance to express their advices and
their abilities. The managers of Asia express do not even consider the role of human
resources in the organization. The autocratic leadership style is common in all situations. The
managers only emphasize on tasks and procedures. They do not consider much about the
importance of employees. In order to be effective managers, the managers of Asia Express
must care about the human resources. Depending on the effort of human resources, the

performance of the company is changed. Here, we can clearly see what the difference
between the managers of a successful organization and managers of an unsuccessful
organization is. The managers of Golden Land Express always focus on the employees. They
care about the needs of the employees. They try to get satisfactions of employees in their
jobs. They usually operate participative leadership style so that the employees feel they are
essential part of the organization. They build trust on the employees. They have the right
adjustment between trust and control. There is no doubt that the leadership of Golden Land
Express is on the right platform because of right organizational structure and culture. The
Golden Land Express has systematically drawn organizational structure so that the delegation
of authority is more distinctive. When the authority is clearly delegated to many levels, the
threat of power culture can be neglected. Then, the leadership style is moved to much
participation of employees in decision making and employee-centered. That is why managers
of Asia Express should set a formal organizational structure and stop creating power culture
in the organization. And also the leadership style should be in employee-participative form.
When the employees are not recognized by the superiors, they will feel their role is very
small in the organization and consequently their efforts are decreased. The result is decrease
in performance of the business. Eventually, we can know that interchangeability between
organizational structure, culture and leadership is important for the success of the business

Task (2.2) How organizational theory underpins the practice of


Organizational theories are useful for managerial processes in organizations. They can affect
the overall performance of the entire organization. Organizational theories can express the
right organizational structure, right culture, right approach to management and right
motivation methods. Moreover, the use of organizational theories can give higher efficiency,
accurate result and stability of employees. There are many organizational theories established
by business theorists. Some theories are very classical and some focus on scientific aspect.
Now we will emphasize on some famous theories. Taylor's principles of scientific
management and Fayol's principles of management are good organizational theories.

Taylor's principles of scientific management

Taylor's scientific management theory is a theory that introduces modern scientific aspects of
management rather than classical autocratic oriented management. This theory points out the
ways to raise efficiency of the workers. The theory proposes the idea to coordinate between
management level and workers. The fact that makes this theory different from older theories
is that this theory firstly considers the human behaviors in motivation. Taylor introduced "a
fair day's pay for a fair day's work". This means the wages of workers are determined by how
much work they done in a period. His idea is to motivate the workers with money which is
their basic expectation for their effort in work. Taylor proposed four principles in his theory.
The first one he suggested is to use scientific ways to study the work and find out the most
efficient method for the specific task. Secondly, the responsibility or the job given to an
employee is suggested to match his or her capability. And also motivation and training for
employees in order to be able to work efficiently are suggested in second principle. Thirdly,
monitoring on employees' performance is suggested to make sure employees are using the
most efficient way in working or not. Finally, Taylor promoted the coordination between
managers and employees so that the mangers can plan and train the employees to perform
efficiently. In conclusion, Taylor's scientific management theory indicates ways to do
perform the tasks of the organization in the most efficient ways.

Fayol's administrative theory

Fayol's administrative theory has strong influence on modern concept of management.

Although it is an old theory, it is still the most comprehensive theory of management. The
theory is based on the primary functions of management including planning, organizing,
controlling, coordinating, forecasting and commanding. Fayol proposed fourteen principles in
the theory.

1. Division of work (specialization)-employees are suggested to be given the tasks in the

their specialized field
2. Authority-mangers with authority also take the responsibilities (good or bad) derived
from authority
3. Discipline-straight disciplines should be developed depending on the conditions of the
4. Unity of Command- only one direct supervising from one superior should be allowed
in the organization

5. Unity of Direction- the group or organization must be under the direction of one
manger to ensure the accurate plan is transformed into action
6. Subordination of Individual Interests to the General Interest-the interests of individual
employees or mangers should not be allowed beyond the interest of organization
7. Remuneration-employees' in work place should be got by fair remuneration to
everyone in the organization.
8. Centralization-the involvement of employees in the decision making process should
be balanced in suitable amount
9. Scalar Chain-employees should know their positions in organization's hierarchy
10. Order-the facilities should be provided well and they must be clean, tidy and
convenient for employees
11. Equity-managers should be fair in treating employees ranging from the maintaining
discipline to kindness on employees
12. Stability of Tenure of personnel-mangers should have good personnel planning which
gives stability in labour turnover
13. Initiative-necessary rate of freedom for employees to create their own ideas in work
should be allowed
14. Esprit de Corps-teamwork and unity is should be built in organization

Managers and non-executive directors of Asia Express can learn how basic principles of
management are developed in organizational theories.

Task (2.3) The different approaches to management used by different


The organizations' ways of approaches are different. Some emphasize on human traits and
they make them useful. Some use the classical ways of management. The approaches of
management affect the effectiveness of the managerial functions. Depending on the
approaches, the results are varied and get different responses. Different types of approaches
to management are as follows.

Contingency approach

In contingency approach of management, there are no plans or procedures for management.
The management is made depending on the situations. While using contingency approach, the
manager considers environmental factors which affect the organization. These include
internal environment factors and external environment factors. Internal environment factors
are in the organization's operational level including its structure, process and technology.
External environment factors are in the national level which has influence on many
organizations. They include political, social and economic factors. This approach is suitable
to use when the manager has high abilities and skills.

Operational approach

Operational approach based on process and procedures in management. Management is a

process and procedures are set. It is very classical and many new companies do not use this
approach. But it is not totally useless at all. There are some fields in which this approach is
useful. As the functions, frames and principles of management are set, new managers can
easily understand the procedures.

Human behavioral approach

This approach contains use of human behaviors in the management. The manager
understands about the organizational behaviors and considers much about the people in the
organization. The manager cares about people and motivates them to raise the productivity.
Indeed, it is very useful in working with the organization as the manager has strong relation
with the employees.

Decision theory approach

The management is seen as a decision making process in decision theory approach. The
manager is decision maker and the employees are problem solvers. This approach can
improve the quality of decisions. However, it is not assumed to be the view of management.
It is just a part of management sometimes seen as an approach.

Systems approach

In this approach, the management is in the form of a system made of sub-systems. This
approach assumes that everything is inter-related and inter-dependent each other including
the manger and employees. The manager manages the organization in integrated form. The

holistic form of different sub-systems (employees from different departments) is designed in
the whole system.

Depending on the nature and size of business, the suitable approach to management can be
different. All approaches are useful in their fields. But, the managers need to adjust the
approach to management and the conditions of their organizations. For Asia Express, human
behavioral approach is the most suitable. We see that the role of human resources in Asia
Express is at the low level because of power culture and nearly autocratic leadership style.
The problem is that the managers of Asia Express do not analyze human behaviors. By using
human behavioral approach, the managers might have more chance to understand the
importance of humans in the organization. They have to analyze the behaviors of employees
in the organization and understand more about the employees. When they understand the
employees, the managers' leadership styles are expected to change and there may be stronger
and closer relationship between managers and employees. The operation of the whole Asia
Express Company depends mainly on its employees. The actions of the employees determine
other company's resources usefulness. Human behavioral approach will effectively help the
managers in managing human resources.

Task (3) Ways of using motivational theories in organizations

Task (3.1) The impact that different leadership styles may have on
motivation in organizations in period of change

Motivation is one of the main processes of management as it can give many benefits.
Motivation includes the act of putting human resources into actions so that the work is done
in time. In operating a business, a lot of resources containing financial resources, physical
resources and human resources are required. By increasing the willingness of employees
(human resources), the employees are more involved in business and use other resources
effectively. So, the motivation can also make the enterprise to use its resources effectively. It
can raise the efficiency of the whole organization through filling willingness of workers.
Depending on the leadership styles used to motivate the employees, the outcomes of an
organization are different.

Much motivation is necessary when the organization is in the period of change. The changes
in an organization occur when it makes transitions from one state to another. In the period of

change, the basic traits of the organization including the organizational structures, cultures
and even the personalities of workers may be changed to new forms. Then, leading the
change becomes a very important issue. In fact, different leadership styles give different
effectiveness of motivation in the period of change.

When the manager uses an autocratic leadership style in period of change, he orders his
subordinates either to do new forms of tasks or to change their personalities. The feelings of
employees are neglected in this type of leadership style. The employees are poorly motivated
by the managers. Their interests about to change are not motivated well. Although they may
act according to their superior officers' order in physical work, they will not change mentally.
Another leadership style called persuasive let the employees understand the current
conditions of the organization, why the organization needs to change and why employees
should participate in the changes of the organization. Though persuasive leadership style can
increase the interests of employees to involve in the change process, the percent of interests is
still less. Participative leadership style makes the employees join the change process as the
employees are allowed to express their thoughts and feelings. The employees are motivated
by giving them to express their ideas about change. Finally, democratic leadership style in
which the employees lead the change together with the manager highly motivates the
employees. As a result, employees can become proactive or self-motivated.

In the period of change, the employees have to learn new skills and adapt the change. Since
the employees are already comfortable with the previous tasks and processes, they do not
want to change immediately. Firstly, they try to resist it. Asia Express needs to choose the
right type of leadership style in the process of change. In general, Asia Express should use the
types of leadership that can highly motivate the employees but not out of control of the
manager. Asia Express has many things to change to be a successful business. It has to make
changes in organizational structure and culture.

In the change process of Asia Express, the type of leadership styles that lead the change is a
big part. The type of leadership style that the authorities use gives the answer to why the
business is unsuccessful. The employees should be motivated by many skill training
programs. The authorities should use a leadership style is fit with the period change. At the
beginning of the change, the most possible response from the employees is resistance to
change. This is because the employees may be afraid to learn new skills. Their willingness to

learn new technologies and to get ahead the rapidly developed environment is said to be low.
The authorities of Asia Express should raise the willingness of the employees to learn new
skills and to join the change process.

The top managers and non-executive directors of Asia Express can learn how a successful
management controls motivation of employees in the period of change in Golden Land
Express. In Golden Land Express, all employees are let to learn or let to improve skills freely.
Even they make some mistakes, these mistakes are assumed as learning opportunities for
them. This can build the employees' strong willingness to learn new skills. Also the inner
minds of employees are filled with honesty, open communication, and integrity. The leaders
of Golden Land Express build the minds of employees first. The leaders make each employee
feel the company' jobs as his or her jobs. Moreover, the leadership styles in Golden Land
Express are bending to the participative and democratic styles which include a lot of
employees' participation in the decision making process. To use that leadership styles
successfully, the knowledge of employees is crucial. So, the employees of Golden Land
Express are skilled through continuous training programs. That is why the employees of
Golden Land Express are ready for any changes in the workplace. Asia Express can see how
to make a change in an efficient with high employee motivation.

Task (3.2) The application of different motivational theories within the

work place

Motivation is simply understood as employees' level of desire or commitment to do a task.

Motivation is important in a business for many reasons. With a fine motivation, employees'
effort can be maintained or even raised. Motivation can make the employees become self-
motivated. It is essential for efficient work done in a business. It is mostly affected by
leadership styles in an organization. There are many theories of motivation. The major
theories are content theories and process theories

Content theories are also known as need theories as they really emphasize on satisfaction of
needs. In content theories, we attempt to identify specific needs for individual that motivate
them. The well- known content theories are Maslow's need hierarchy theory and Herzberg's
two- factor theory. Maslow's theory is built with hierarchy of needs ranging from basic needs
to self-actualization needs. We all have those needs in our lives. As we are fulfilled the needs
from steps to steps, we are also motivated with some tasks for those needs. Fulfillment of

needs is derived from rewards given for completing tasks. In order to satisfy our needs, we
are motivated to do certain tasks. The size of responsibilities of employees rises as the step in
hierarchy of needs is high. In Maslow's theory, the continuous motivation is met as high level
of needs are usually cannot be fulfilled. Self-actualization needs are unlimited and never end

motivation is found.

Fig.Maslow's higherachy of needs

Another need theory is Herzberg's two- factor theory which focuses on job satisfaction.
Herzberg states that there are some factors that cause job satisfaction and some factors that
cause dissatisfaction. In this theory, the motivation results from increasing job satisfaction
and decreasing dissatisfaction. Not like Maslow's theory, there are only two basic needs in
this theory. Herzberg reveals that factors which cause job satisfaction and the factors which
cause dissatisfaction. Generally, dissatisfaction arrives from environmental factors.
Environmental factors include job extrinsic factors containing pay, status, organization's
policies, relationship with colleagues, supervision and job security. These factors cannot be
completely satisfied. But missing to provide them can lead to dissatisfaction. Satisfaction
comes from motivator factors. Motivator factors consist of status (also an environmental
factor), advancement, gaining recognition, being given responsibility, achievement and
growth in job. These factors create job satisfaction by fulfilling personal growth. In order to
motivate employees with two-factor theory, an organization must provide both environmental
factors and motivator factors.

Next major motivation theories are process theories which analyze how behavior is sustained
energized and stopped by external incentive factors. Process theories let us understand how
people make choices between preferences, rewards and accomplishment. Expectancy theories
are important process theories. One expectancy theory is Vroom's theory. In Vroom's theory,
Vroom creates a formula that can measure human motivation. The theory states that high
performances of employees come from high expectations. To motivate employees, high
expectations should be given to them.

Asia Express' motivation is not effective. None of the accurate motivation theories is being
used. According to Maslow's theory, Asia Express fails to provide almost above four need
levels. The employment is not stable. The future of employees is not safe. The autocratic
leadership style used by the managers leads to low motivation. As Asia Express miss to
provide needs of employees, the employees are not well motivated. Then, jobs are not
properly assigned. From expectancy point of view, Asia Express does not give impressive
expectation for the employees. No formal bonus system is used in the company. The terms
and conditions of the jobs are not attractive to employees. That is one of the reasons why
labour turnover is high. Actually, Asia Express should provide strong conditions for
fulfillment of employees' needs. And also the expectation given by Asia Express should be
high for employees.

Task (3.3) The usefulness of motivation theory for managers

Motivation has many impacts on the performance of the business. Motivation can give extra
levels of commitment, creativity and performance in an organization. With people who are
motivated, the work is done in more efficient way or better quality of products can be
produced. Especially, how the managers use motivation theories can change the performance
of the business. A manager's work includes developing performances of employees so as to
improve the performance of organization as a whole. The performances of employees derived
from the effort and energy of the employees. To raise these E factors such as energy and
effort, the manager have to deal with motivation theory. Indeed, motivation goes a great role
to a manager.

The next reasons why motivation theory is essential to a manager are that motivation is a
great part of leadership and it can give a lot of advantages to a manager. In the field of
leadership, there are a lot of human related activities. Motivation can transfer human
resources to the action. It can give highest use of human resources. By using motivation
theories, a manager can increase the employees' willingness to work. Consequently, the
highest rate of effort from the employees is found. And also the motivation theories can
change the attitudes of employees. Some employees have negative attitudes about his work or
task. By motivating them through different motivation theories, a manager can refill
unwanted decreases in work rate. This also makes the employees happy in the work place. So
the labour turnover of the organization is also decreased. Then, the reputation of the
organization is raised by its low labour turnover. Moreover, high cost of recruiting new

employees can be neglected. A manager who uses motivation theory well can make his
organization financially successful and give high performance. In fact, productivity, work
rate and performance of the business are promoted when the motivation theory is used by the
manager of the company.

Now, we can know why Asia Express is unsuccessful. The manager and directors of Asia
Express are using wrong methods of motivation. They force the employees to work hard.
They always scold the employees whenever they make any mistakes. Leadership styles in
Asia Express are bent to autocratic style. The leadership style highly impact the motivation of
the employees. As the nature of autocratic leadership style, the employees involvement in the
decision making process is low. This fact is the first impact of leadership style on the
motivation of Asia Express. When the employees are not allowed to make any decisions, they
will feel their role in the organization is very small. They will not effort as much as they can.
That is why Asia Express work rate is low and inefficient. And also the leadership style
affects attitudes of the employees. When the employees are scolded all the time, negative
attitude will be developed in their mind. Therefore, employees are not motivated mentally.

From the point of view of motivation activities, the managers and executive directors of Asia
Express are weak in using specific methods. They do not emphasize on specific theories of
the experts such as Maslow's needs theory, Herzberg's theory and Vroom's theory. This weak
point is one of the reasons of high labour turnover. The employees are not attracted by any
incentives and they are also under the wrong leadership style. All the employees are
depressed and become unhappy in the work. So, the managers of Asia Express are not using
human resources effectively. They make them non-sense. They make employees to leave the
organization. As a result, Asia Express faces with high cost of recruiting new staffs. What we
are supposed to do is to change leadership style first. Then, the attitudes of the employees
will change slowly. Secondly, the managers of Asia Express should use a certain type of
motivation style. Simply, incentives that are interested by employees should be provided.
Rewards and bonus systems should be programmed carefully. Eventually, the performance of
the business will be developed with the changes in leadership and motivation styles.

Task (4) Mechanisms for effective developing effective teamwork in

Task (4.1) The nature of groups and group behavior within organizations

A group is defined as any collection of people who perceive themselves as a group (Handy).
While in a group, people are sharing the same identity, feelings and belonging. They mostly
own the same task. They are interdependent each other and they interact each other. Groups
are different from random collections of people. They have common characteristics. In a
group, there are rules and norms that members should follow. In the rules, the ways the
members of the group should behave are definitely described. Norms are also the rules that
are not described or discussed but the members know they are going to follow. For example,
members know to follow social norms which affect the relationship between them. Another
characteristic of group is that the members have their own roles. The whole project or
responsibilities are delegated to members and members work in their own roles. Mostly,
groups have specific goals. We can simply classify groups into two groups: formal and

Formal groups

Formal groups are formed by the organization as a part of organizational structure to serve its
goals and objectives. There is a formal structure within the group. Formal groups are task
oriented and become teams. A leader is chosen in the group and suitable authority is given by
the organization. There are two types of formal groups.

Command group: command group is a group in which there is a supervisor and subordinates
who report to that supervisor. Mostly, they have many tasks to complete.

Task group: a task group is formed by the organization to accomplish a specific task. In a task
group, the members work together to complete a given task in a limited time.

Informal groups

Informal groups are formed naturally within the organization. They are not structured by the
organization. There are not related with any task or responsibility. The purposes of the
informal groups usually related to the group. They do not have specific purpose for the goals
and objectives of the organization. There are two types of informal groups.

Interest group: interest groups are formed by the people who have common interest. They
may be job related or for the other reasons.

Friendship group: this type of group is formed by people who share common characteristics.
They may like to do same social activities. They may have same hobbies.

Group Development

Group development process is a useful process to examine the attitudes and behavior of the
groups. It explores how a group is formed and operated in four steps including forming,
storming, norming and performing.

Forming: The first stage that every group faces is forming stage. In this stage, the group is
just starting. Group members meet each other and discuss what they will do and what
objectives they will have. However, this stage is characterized with anxiety and uncertainty.
The main outcome of this stage is becoming familiar between group members. Besides, the
members know what they will do together.

Storming: Storming stage is a stage at which conflict and competition grows. In this stage,
group members know what the task is. Different people have different visions and thoughts in
solving a problem. They only see weak points of each other. Therefore, conflict can be
developed any time and begins the storming stage.

Norming: In this stage, the group members begin to trust one another. The group is built of
trust. The group members know each other's behavior and they understand each other. They
know emphasize on the strengths of the colleagues. They may even socialize together. They
are now interdependent each other and help each other. The group members are very active
and skilled at this stage. They focus on group goals and flexible to the needs of the group.

Performing: It is a stage where the actual work is done in the group. In this stage how we
can do our work is a focus. The plans set in the previous stages are filled in this stage with
creativity, enthusiasm, and skills of the members. The part of leadership is delegated and all
members participate in the decision marking.

When Asia Express set its formal organizational structure, it results departments which have
characteristics of formal groups having each respective goals. Departments such as selling,
marketing, finance and admin all pass the above group development stages. In forming stage
when the employees are just recruited in departments of Asia Express, they may not be

clearly aware of what the task they are supposed to perform. The guide to what the group and
its members supposed to perform should be provided by the managers and directors of Asia
Express. Training programs that help employees understand about their tasks should be
arranged by Asia Express' management. In storming stage, Asia Express needs to help the
employees in struggling group conflicts. Conflicts may arise from how the managers treat its
employees, i.e. fairly or not. The managers of Asia Express should be fair in treating
employee. The wrong decisions to promote unsuitable employees to higher places can also be
a source of conflicts within the group. Thus, the managers also need to make right decisions
in promotion of employees. In norming stage, the employees know more about each other.
There may be informal groups which are formed by interests or behaviors. The social groups
may form. What Asia Express should adjust in norming stage is relationship between
informal groups. Different informal groups may have different interests or behaviors. Asia
Express should manage the formal groups not to split into competitive informal groups. In
performing stage, we make our plans into actions. The work conditions that can raise
employees' willingness to effort in their works should be provided by Asia Express. In fact,
every department of Asia Express has to pass all these stages and conflicts.

Task (4.2) Factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective
teamwork in organizations

A team is a formal group that is formed for particular objectives. The characters of a team are
similar to that of a formal group. The team is mostly structured and project oriented. In a
team, professionals from different roles co-ordinate and pass the difficulties together.
However, the tasks are not always smoothly solved. In order to be able to solve the problems
together, the teamwork is hardly built in the startup of the team. There are many factors that
promote the teamwork or inhibit the teamwork.

The factors that promote teamwork

There are many factors that promote the development of effective teamwork. But here we
will focus on three main factors.

Good communication: The understanding of team members on each other mainly depends
on the communication between them. If they have a good communication, they will easily

know about each other including strengths and weaknesses. When they know each other well,
they can help each other in their professional roles. They become interdependent in the
workplace. Indeed, good communication is the encouragement on the development of

Effective leadership: The leadership style also has impact on the teamwork. According to
the ways of a leader manage the team members; the development of teamwork is affected.
When a leader plans all the members to be on the same floor and respect each other, there
will be no problems in the team. The members can work together happily with great

Dealing with conflict: Team members are allowed to tell everything in their minds. There
may be many conflicts. By knowing the different opinions of the members, the leader can
adjust for all the members. When all the problems are gone, the workplace will be fun. This
will also lead to development of effective teamwork.

The factors that inhibit development of effective teamwork

The mangers or team leaders must also be aware of the factors that are barriers to the
effective teamwork. There are two main barriers to effective teamwork.

Poor communication: When the employees cannot connect each other well and the
friendship between them is not strongly built, the teamwork between them will not reach to a
certain limit. This causes the work delays and inefficient.

Low managerial involvement: In this case, the role of manager is very large. When the
manager does not involve in any group work and just deliver to subordinates, the employees
will act freely. They may have teamwork in their informal groups in the organization may be
interest groups or friendship groups.

In an organization, employees cannot work alone. They have to negotiate with many people.
In working with people in an organization, teamwork becomes one of the essential
competencies. Asia Express should train its employees to have interpersonal skills including
communication skills. When employees have good relation between one another, the
effectiveness of their teamwork is promoted. Asia Express' managers have to use leadership
styles suggested in above tasks. When the leadership of Asia Express becomes better, its
employees' teamwork will also be better as leadership has strong influence on employees'

perception. Asia express can built teamwork between its employees by dealing with conflicts.
The managers have to find out the source of conflicts in the organization. By solving conflicts
and building smooth relationship, the employees are more comfortable to work with others.
Indeed, Asia Express can raise its performance by the great team work results from great
leadership and management.

Task (4.3) The impact of technology on team functioning within a given


Nowadays, most of the work can be done efficiently through new technologies. The new
technologies are developing at the high speed. Technologies can make the task easier. People
can do a work easily and precisely with the use of new technologies. For example, a ship in
the ocean can get required weather information by using modern technologies. By using
modern technological machines, fishing can be more successfully done. In the same way, the
technology is also important in business organization. The technologies can give a lot of
benefits to the business organizations.

Many developments in technologies such as internet, email, groupware, laptops, phones and
websites are very useful for business organizations. By using these technologies effectively, a
business can operate more efficiently. But if the business cannot get ahead of the
technologies while other rivals are using new technologies, there will be a lot of loss for the
business. Actually, the technology can affect the business in both positive and negative ways.

Positive impacts of technology on the business organizations are usually easily visible on the
daily operation. The effects of technology can spread to the organizational structure. Some
tasks which had been done on manual can be done efficiently by the help of technologies and
machines. For example, in production industry, we can produce a large amount of products
with few humans to control many machines and computer systems. Then, the structure of
production team will change to few people who are professionally trained to control the
machines and computer systems. In daily operation, the employees can use technological
information system which let them know latest information in minimum of time. By using
emails and phones, they can inform one another and transfer information instantly.
Technological enhancement in electronic devices like computers let the employees work at a
greater efficiency and reduces the time cost of the organization. For instance, in office, the
employees can do more work efficiently by using computers. Besides, in communication,

colleagues and partners can communicate each other from anywhere by the use of phones.
Many chat apps let the workers connect, discuss and make decisions efficiently. Group wares
such as Lotus Notes and Microsoft SharePoint let the employees share information quickly.
Today business mans can make video and audio conferencing on group wares. Enormous
improvements of websites let the businesses share about their company and products to the
customers more effectively. From the employee side of view, employees can learn new
theories and new aspects concerned with the business through learning websites. Indeed,
technologies affect the business organization positively. They can give the efficiency and the
accuracy at work.

Technologies also have negative effective on businesses. Firstly, businesses face with
problems when they cannot adapt technological change. When the change in technology is
high and businesses cannot follow the new technologies like the other businesses do, the
ability to compete the other businesses is automatically down. While other companies are
using new technologies in their operations, the business cannot use new technologies because
of financial problems or other problems. Then, the business will end up with going out of the
industry because it cannot compete rivals. For example, local book store cannot compete
Amazon's online book store which can distribute books to customers quickly online and
customers can get the books easily by paying online. Next, the businesses face with high cost
of using new technologies. When businesses try to be up to date in technology field, they
have to use a lot of cash on that field. The cost ranges from buying projectors, computers,
production machines to technology training programs. Sometimes, installing employees
monitoring software in the workplace makes the employees feel that the company does not
trust them. Nobody does not like being monitored by the computer systems all the time. In
conclusion, technology affects the business organizations both in positive ways and negative
ways. We only need to balance ourselves between positive and negative effects.

Managers of Asia Express should able to adjust technology factors. Firstly, the technology
that can assist the operations of trips should be provided. Technologies that can get weather
information during the trips should be provided. Depending on the weather conditions, the
safety of the passengers can be affected. For example, if we know there is a flood disaster in
coming towns through we pass to get our end of the trip, we can choose another safe path.
Managers of Asia Express should also use aid of technologies in communication between
regional offices. By use of internet or online communication systems, information can be
transferred to one another and efficient decisions can be made. As Asia Express is weak in

performing the tasks efficiently, managers need to consider doing some parts of the tasks on
technological ways. It does not mean Asia Express have to replace a lot of human activities
with technological products. Asia Express only needs to provide some technological devices
that help the employees work together more efficiently. Managers of Asia Express should
only need to adapt the changes in technologies. As technologies change, the employees
should be able to understand and use new technologies. But the managers must be wise to
consider the perceived value of technologies and their cost. When the perceived performance
of the technologies with high cost is not too different from the former technologies, we do not
need to buy use new technologies. In conclusion, it is better to be efficient in operation with
the help of new technologies if possible. But if the return advantages of technology are not
worth with the cost of using them, we can choose the old way.


By the help of briefings, Asia Express is expected to be changed successfully. The

organizational structure and culture have to been changed first. Then, the leadership and
management style of the top management should be changed as suggested. The motivation of
employees must be built in order to get efficient work done and good performances both
individually and as an organization. Asia Express finally needs to build great teamwork
between every level of organization. Indeed, this briefing paper will help Asia Express Ltd at
least to survive in the transportation industry.

This assignment can give us valuable knowledge about the organizations and behaviors. We
have learned many important facts that are useful in the real situation. As the assignment also
asks to give briefings for Asia Express, we have to develop our thinking about managerial
process. The suggestions are derived from our own ideas and theories. Indeed, the completion
of this assignment can give us useful knowledge and ways of thinking to solve managerial



Organizations and behavior by Pippa Riley



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