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Republic of the Philippines

Bataan Peninsula State University - Main Campus

Balanga City, Bataan

Name: ESCOBAR, JOHN CARLO AGUINALDO Period: AY 2022-2023, First Semester
ID No: 19-00242 Course/Yr: BSAR 4 Date: September 16, 2022
Code Subject Code Subject Description Units TF Lab Schedule Section
A203 UTIL0313 Building Utilities 2 (BU 2) - Electrical, 3.0 3.0 1.0 3-6 pm Th AR STUDIO 3 BSAR 3C
Electonics and Mechanical Systems
4-6 pm F STUDIO 7
A232 PLAN0413 Planning 2 - Fundamentals of Urban 3.0 3.0 0.0 6-7:30 pm M STUDIO 6 BSAR 4A
Design & Community Architecture
3-4:30 pm T TBA-MC
A233 ARDS0415 Architectural Design 7- Community 5.0 5.0 4.0 12:30-3:30 pm M AR STUDIO 3 BSAR 4A
Architectural and Urban Design
9:30 am-12:30 pm T AR STUDIO 4
9:30 am-12:30 pm W AR STUDIO 5
1:30-4:30 pm W AR STUDIO 5
8:30-9:30 am T AR STUDIO 5
A251 CESD0413 Steel and Timber Design 3.0 3.0 0.0 7-8:30 pm TTh TBA-MC BSAR 4C
A240 BTCH0413 Building Technology 5 - Alternative 3.0 3.0 1.0 8-11 am M AR STUDIO 2 BSAR 4A
Building Construction Systems
10 am-12 pm F TBA-MC
A242 PRCT0413 Professional Practice 2 ( Administering 3.0 3.0 0.0 12-1:30 pm F STUDIO 6 BSAR 4A
the Regular Services of the Architect)
1:30-3 pm F TBA-MC
Total Units: 20.0 20.0 6.0
Assessment Amount Total
Tuition Fees In consideration of my admission to Bataan Peninsula State University,
Tuition Fee - Regular 20 x 300/unit 6,000.00 6,000.00 and of the privileges of students in this institution, I hereby pledge to
abide by and comply with all the rules and regulations laid down by the
Miscellaneous Fees University and in the academic unit in which I am enrolled.
Laboratory Fee 6 x 210/unit 1,260.00
Athletic Fee 160.00
Cultural Fee 160.00
Library Fee 150.00
SCUAA Fee 160.00
Trust Liabilities - School Organ - College Fund 160.00
Trust Liabilities - CSC - College Fund 160.00
Mutual Aid Fee 75.00
Guidance Fee 75.00
Entrance Fee 50.00
Registration Fee 50.00
Medical and Dental Fee 210.00 Student Signature
Insurance Fee 75.00 2,745.00 This is to certify that the student whose name appears on this document
is officially enrolled. This further certifies that this is a system-generated
Total Assesssment 8,745.00
document, no signature is necessary.
Tuition Fee - Regular 6,000.00
Laboratory Fee 1,260.00
Athletic Fee 160.00
Cultural Fee 160.00
Library Fee 150.00
SCUAA Fee 160.00
Trust Liabilities - School Organ - College Fund 160.00
Trust Liabilities - CSC - College Fund 160.00 Campus Registrar
Mutual Aid Fee 75.00
Guidance Fee 75.00
Entrance Fee 50.00
Registration Fee 50.00
Medical and Dental Fee 210.00
Insurance Fee 75.00 8,745.00
Notice to all Students:
Total Discounts/Scholarships 8,745.00

Discounted Assessment 0.00 Keep this certificate of registration for this shall be presented for any
claim or transaction that you engage in within the University.

Summary Amount Total

Current Assessment 8,745.00
Discounts/Scholarships (8,745.00)
Previous Balance 0.00
Current Receivable 0.00
Payment Schedule Amount Total
Down (Due: 09/23/2022) 0.00
Midterm (Due: 11/30/2022) 0.00
Finals (Due: 01/31/2023) 0.00 0.00

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