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Chapter # 07


Performance Appraisal System

In Grameen Phone Bangladesh Limited

Submitted To:
A. A. Shamsul Alam
Management Counselor
Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM)

Prepared By:
Tahmina Islam
Roll No. : 142, Batch -2
Post- Graduate Diploma in Personnel Management (PGDPM)

Bangladesh Institute of Management (BIM)

4, Sobhanbag, Mirpur Road, Dhaka-1207
March 22, 2007


I do solemnly declare that this term paper submitted, in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for ,the Post- Graduate diploma in Personnel Management
of session 2006 Bangladesh Institute of Management, Dhaka, is the result of
my own research work and written in my own language. That no part of this
term paper consists of material, copied or plagiarized from published or
unpublished work of other writers and that all materials, borrowed or
reproduced from other published or unpublished source have either been put
under quotation or duly acknowledged with full reference in appropriate place
(s). I understand that the diploma, conferred on me, may be cancelled
/withdrawn if subsequently it is discovered that this term paper is not my
original work that it consists of materials copied / plagiarized or borrowed
without proper acknowledgement.

Name of the participant:

Tahmina Islam

Roll No. : 142, Batch -2

Session : 2006
Signature :
Date : 22/03/2007

Name of Guide :
Mr. A. A. Shamsul Alam

Management Counselor
Date : 22/03/2007

As partial fulfillment of the Post-graduate Diploma .in Personnel

Management, I am assigned by Bangladesh Institute of Management to write
a term paper titled as "Performance Appraisal System for GP Mobile
Telephone Company."

My thanks to all those who have helped and encouraged me in various ways
to write this term paper. First, of all my thanks to the Head of Human
Resources of GP Mobile Telephone Company or permitting me to attend one
year Diploma course in Bangladesh Institute of Management.

My special thanks to may guide Mr. A. A. Shamsul Alam, Bangladesh

Institute of Management. It would have been impossible of my respected
guide. In spite of his profusely busy schedule, he was always kind enough to
provide men with valuable guidance and all - out cooperation.

I sincerely 'thank to Mr. Emadul Amin, Head of HR, Grameen Phone Ltd. who
has extended his cooperation in providing me information required for the
Contents: Page
Glossary of the Common Terms i
Table of Contents ii

1. Introduction
01.01. Background of the study 1
01.02. Importance of the study 2
01.03. Objectives of the study 3
01.04. List of variables 4
01.05. Methodology of the study 4
01.06. Limitation 6
2. Theoretical Background
02.01. Introduction of the theoretical background 7
02.02. Purpose and use of Performance Appraisal 8
02.03. Aims of Performance Appraisal 8
02.04. Benefits of Performance Appraisal System 8
02.05. Types of Performance Appraisal System 10
02.06. Limitation of the Appraisal System 11
02.07. Basic Consideration in Appraisal 12

3. Review of the existing GP in Performance Appraisal System
03.01. Performance Planning 16
3.1.1. Job Description 17
3.1.2. Performance competencies and practice
of core values 17
3.1.3. Individual Operating Plan 18
3.1.4. Most Recent Appraisal 19
03. 02. On going Mentoring and Development 19
3.2.1. Consistent Supervision 19
.3.2.2. Coaching and Mentoring 20
3.2.3. Regular Review Sessions and Discussions 20

03.03. Annual Performance Appraisal 20

3.3.1. The Format 20
3.3.2. Weight age system and performance Rating 21
3.3.3. Midterm Evaluation 23
3.3.4. Self Evaluation 23
3.3.5. Peer Feedback 24
3.3.6. Appraisal interview 24
3.3.7. Supervisor’s implementation of Performance
Appraisal Process 24
3.3.8. Appraiser’s Supervisor’s Comment 15
3.3.9 Employee comments 25
3.3.10. Submission to next level and personnel 25

4. Analysis of Primary data and Findings

4.1. Necessity of the Performance Appraisal System 26
4.2. Staff’s Level of understanding about the system 26
4.3. Objectives of Appraisal System 27
4.4. Role of HRD &M 28
4.5. Period of Performance Appraisal System 28
4.6. Mid term Evaluation 29
4.7. Performance Rating 30
4.8. Performance Criteria 30
4.9. Weight age System 31
4.10. Performance Rating scale 32
4.11. About the APA Format 33
4.12. Linking Appraisal with Financial Benefits 34
4.13. Level of satisfaction on the way APA is finalized 34
4.14(A). Acceptability of the Appraisal System 35
4.14(B).Level of satisfaction grade wise 35
4.15. Performance Appraisal System: Role of Supervisor 36
4.16. Acceptability of the Appraisal System 37
4.17. Reason for non-acceptability of Appraisal System 38
4.18. Performance Feedback 38
4.19. Supervisor’s communication with the subordinates 38
4.20. Training Needs 39
4.21. Development Needs 39
4.22. Performance Interview 40
4.23. Discussion points appraisal interview 41
4.24. Appraisers Training 41
4.25. Performance Planning 42
4.26. Timing of Goal Setting 42
4.27. Influence on Performance Rating 43
4.28. Peers Feedback

4.29. Graphical presentation on different components
of the PM System 46

Chapter -05
5. Analysis of Secondary Data and Findings
5.1. Interview 45
5.2. Review of Reports 50

Chapter -06
6. Summary of the Findings 52
Chapter -07
7. Recommendation and Conclusion 55
References 58
Annexure 59
Glossary of Common Terms
APA Annual Performance Appraisal

PAS Performance Appraisal System

IOP Individual Operating Plan

HRD &M Human Resources Development and Management

GP Grameen Phone

SER Significantly Exceeds Requirements

BR Below Requirements

Table of Contents
Table 1 Respondents Characteristics

Table 2 Staff’s level of understanding about the system

Table 2A Grade-wise level of understanding

Table 3 Objectives of the Performance Appraisal System

Table 4 Role of HRD &M in the clarification of the system

Table 5 Period of Performance Appraisal System

Table 6 Mid Term Evaluation

Table 7 Performance Rating

Table 8 Performance Criteria

Table 9 Weight age System

Table 10 Performance Rating Scale

Table 11 About the Format

Table 12 About the APA Contents

Table 13 Linking of Appraisal with Financial Benefits

Table 14 Level of Satisfaction on the way APA is finalized

Table 14A Level of Satisfaction: Appraisers vs. Appraisees

Table14B Level of Satisfaction: Grade wise

Table 15 Supervisor’s Accountability

Table 16 How far performance is measured

Table 17 Reasons for non-acceptability of the Appraisal System

Table 18 Performance Feedback

Table 19 Supervisor’s Communication with the subordinates

Table 20 Training Needs

Table 21 Development Needs

Table 22 Invitation to Appraisal Interview

Table 23 Discussion points during Appraisal Interview

Table 24 Time Allocation to read APA

Table 25 Appraiser’s Training

Table 26 The way Targets are set

Table 27 Timing of Goal Setting

Table 28 Change of Performance Rating by Appraiser Supervisor


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