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Tell us about yourself!

My name is sulton okta maulana, I was born on October 31th 1996 in Kendal. Now, I’m an
undergraduate student in Agriculture Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University taking
Agrotechnology as my major and Plant Protection as my minor. In university, I’ve join in
several activities, both in academic and non-academic. In academic I was able to join the
entrepreneur competition to present my hobby and get more income. In non academic, I was
a student in Pondok Pesantren Al-Kautsar Bina Insani wich enrich my religion knowledge. In
the future I hope I can open my own business about agriculture.

Tell us about your strength!

I’ve consider myself have a good leadership skills, as my experiences joining organization
some event. Look back at those success event, I realize I wouldn’t reach them if I hadn’t built
and led teams composed by skilled and diverse individual. I’m also highly adaptable
according to occasions, thus allow me to communicate with other individual who has
different background and make it easier for me to work on team. Other than that, some
strength that might useful in my self is I am a flexible person, honest, and patient during
facing problems. Thus, strength are what made who I am today.

Tell us about your weaknesses!

Several things that I realize, I’m not comfortable taking risk, I’m always afraid that
something bad will happen before it doing, but I learned if I didn’t taking any risk, I won’t
be able to move forward, so it to be the my motivation before doing something. I’m also
hard to say “no” to other people request, making me sometimes taking too much
responsibility or rather I, sometimes stressing myself. As I realize it, now i try to saying yes if
I was capable, and no if that was beyond my expertise. I’m a not perfectionis person, but I
have several standards when working on something, it can be my strength because i have to
found creative think to get better. I haven’t mention but I think that’s enough to describe who
I am.

Why you choose this program?

This program is in line with my dreams to be a trainer of plant protection. And also
line with my research abour epidemmi of blast in rice. Through this program I able to connect
with lot of farmer that have many experience in agriculture especially about pest and disease
of plant’s. This program also allow me to observe many issues and solutions the expert
facing when applying my knowledge to the society and compare it to the issues .
What your problem when doing this program?
I think a lot of farmers did not apply of safety use the pesticide are their habit. They
don't want to spend more cost and equipment when using the pesticide. And also, they think
if effect the pesticide that happens in the long-time have not the trouble for their health. So I
suggest to their if to protect health is important. And we know, if cost healthy in my place is
increase. Then, when I doing this program, the condition of weather in my place is summer,
farmers difficult to get the water for irrigation their field. So I just met little farmer to train
about safe use pesticide. Because of the problem, I train the farmer in agriculture shop and
join with Bayer at event Bayer Special Trip. They think if I will give some money or reward
after training. I am also felt bad if the farmers request something after training. And the main
trouble is in my self because i felt so embarrassed to start the training. So I realize if I did not
start the program I can not make my parents proud of me.

What your motivation to join this competition ?

My motivation is l want to learn about agriculture directly to farmers. Because to be a
trainer of plant protection I must have t communication skill with farmers. Sometimes we are
difficult to transfer our knowledge and technology to theirs because we are not using the
correct method when speaking with farmers. Farmers did not allow with our instruction
because they are needed the fact just not the theory.

Can you tell about this video ?

Bapak Darwanto (baju kuning), Bapak Ahmad Sahudin (napeni gabah), Bapak Hadi
Kuswanto (nuang herbisida dekat sungai), Bapak Jaini (yang merokok sehabis aplikasi,
kontak langsung dengan pestisida), Bapak Samsudin (korea), Bapak Sirun (korea), Bapak
Sarkim (korea), Bapak Darwan (korea in market), Bapak Sabar (sosialisai di pasar),
What happen with him ?

What your method to train the farmer?

Arrive wtyyyyyyjmdirect to the field, make a brochure banner. I was made a brochure
because I want to give more understanding to farmers about safety equipment that must be
worn when applying the pesticide. And the banner was used in the event Bayer Special Trip
and training in the agriculture shop.
What do you want to get in German ?
I want more science and technology in German about agriculture and share it to young
generation in my place to be motivation. Because many farmers in my place has to old and
must retired. We are know if agriculture in my place still using convensional equipment and
system. The young generation will more interest with agriculture that combine with
technology. As I gain new friends from all over the world, I hope I can learn new culture, be
it from other indonesians. I’m willing to learn anything that will shape me into better person.

How is the condition the agriculture in your place?

How many farmers that you can train?

I was trained to two hundred and seventy-six in 4 regencies. That is in Banyumas,
Temanggung, Kendal, and Cilacap. The most in Banyumas because near my campus. In
Cilacap i was joined with Bayer on event Bayer Special Trip. (desa kebocoran, blimbing,
ngadirejo, kalikudi, banteran, tambak sogra, linggasari)
What are the impact’s after you train the farmer’s ?
They are more aware of safety when using the pesticide. Maybe with the different
person, which deliver information about safety use pesticide they are will more understand
and follow the instruction.
What the effect this program to the environment?
We know if agriculture plays an important role in our country. Sustainable in
agriculture will make of productivity increas or secure. The understanding of handling the
pesticide that can contaminate the environment must be applied to every farmer. Responsible
Care is extremely important in all areas of agriculture to minimize possible effects and the
discharge of crop protection products outside of the treated crops..
What the aim of this program?
The goal is to improve knowledge and how to use the product in the context of the
right to farmers and all related with plant protection product with the real conditions
encountered in the field, and the most importans is the farmers use of plant protection
products must follow the instructions indicated on the packaging label.
What do you know about this program ?
The application of crop protection products requires the greatest possible care. Supporting
our customers and partners in the proper and safe handling crop protection products is
therefore a focus of our product stewardship.  In this connection, we offer targeted training
measures worldwide particularly for farmers and dealers that are designed to promote the
responsible handling of our products and thus improve safety for users, the environment and
1. Bapak Waryanto

Mr Waryanto has a unique story when the insecticide near gets her life. He is a farmer has
paid attention to safety use pesticide. At the moment her wife cooking mendoan to eat. But
her wife does not know that flour to made mendoan is same as an insecticide. He said that he
just eat a small of mendoan and him direct falling in the ground. He said her wife is forgotten
if the pesticide in the plastic is insecticide.

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