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Associate Professor
Cagayan State University

Lesson 3:

Part 2

Sequence of interrelated actions

and events in the story
Parts of Plot

1. Exposition
2. Complication
3. Climax/ Turning Point
4. Resolution
5. Conclusion
• Gives the setting – time and place or
locale of the story

• Introduces the main characters

• Gives background information on what

took place before the actual start of
the story

• Gives the situation out of which the

conflict develops
Introduces the conflict or problem to be solved
• Conflict – clash of opposing forces in the

Kinds of Conflict:
1. External Conflict – the clash of the
character with forces outside him natural
or social or both
2. Internal Conflict – the clash of forces
within the character
Climax/ Turning Point

The conflict reaches a height

and may turn for the better or
for the worse.
Conflict is solved

Action ends in success or

failure for the main character

A. According to Roles Played

B. According to Fullness of

C. According to Changes
Undergone in the Story
A.According to Roles Played

• Major Characters make impt. Decisions.

1. Protagonist
The central character in the story.
He is called the hero when he embodies
certain noble ideas of man.

2. Antagonist
The character or force against the
protagonist is pitted. It may be another character, society,
nature, or one side of the character that battles another
side in an internal conflict. It does not have to be a person
Cont. Roles…

• Minor/ Supporting Character

1. Confidant – a character to whom the protagonist or

another character reveals his reflection or hope

2. Foil – a character who provides a striking contrast to

another character. Purpose: to emphasize the traits of
the main character by comparison and contrast.

3. Stock/ Type – shows qualities of a national, social, or

occupational group to which he belongs.
B. According to Fullness of Dev’t

1. Flat
Simply depicted; stock; characterized by
one or two traits; can summed.

2. Round
Three dimensional, complex, many sided, fully
developed; readers may even anticipate the
actions of a round character if the
characterization is well done and consistent.
C. According to Changes Undergone
in the Story

1. Static – does not change, same sort of person at

the end as in the beginning.

2. Developing/ Dynamic – undergoes a permanent

change in some aspects of personality outlook.

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