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Assignment 1

An Assignment
Presented in Partial Fulfilment
of The Requirements for the Course
Perosnal Spirituality and Faith

Instructor: Ronald G daniel


Abyah Thorne

Wednesday 11th October, 2022

1. In what ways was the sacrificial system symbolic of the work of Christ?

Old Testament worship and praise of God were primarily conducted through a system

of sacrifices. It involved killing an animal and spilling the blood in hopes that God

would be pleased and pardon the offender or grant the people extra blessings. For

instance, Abraham, the founder of Christianity, offered an exceptional sacrifice on

Mount Moriah. God tried him by asking him to sacrifice Isaac in exchange for a lamb.

Such a sacrifice served as a picture of the work of Christ, who came to earth and died

to atone for our sins. As Jesus was innocent, the spotless lamb represents innocence in

the sacrificial system. While putting a hand on the lamb signifies being set toward

Jesus, the slaughter of the lamb depicts the categorization of Jesus.

2. Why did God wait four thousand years to make His sacrifice for our salvation?

God allowed sin to progress for a thousand years in order to allow all of the predictions that

pointed to the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ to be fulfilled. When it comes to

God, nothing occurs until the proper moment. When Adam and Eve sinned, they had no idea

the price God would pay for that sin in the future. God had to give up his only Son in order

for us to be reunited with him once more. God created the earth and humanity even though

He knew they would sin and need His Son's sacrifice. God and the angles had to be

convinced of Jesus Christ's redemptive purpose since they did not want to see His Son and

Commander killed. If Jesus hadn't come so soon after Adam and Eve sinned, we never would

have understood the depth of our sins. Additionally, we wouldn't have understood how much

we needed God. In order for all of the predictions regarding the conception, death, and

resurrection of Jesus Christ to be fulfilled, God had to wait four thousand years for sin to

complete its course.

3. The greatest benefit of the plan of salvation is providing eternal life for us in

heaven. What other benefits or purposes were served both here and throughout

the universe?

There would be no longer be a need for the sacrificial lamb since mankind will always be

able to contact God through prayer. God has made it clear that his law is unalterable. God is

just, loving, and abstinent, and developing a relationship with him is the greatest advantage.

Through the death of Christ, we can have our sins forgiven. The eternal Son of God gladly

and voluntarily died a death similar to that which is dealt out to criminals. The limitlessness

of God's law would so be established, and its true nature and effects would be made clear.

Satan was seeking to demonstrate his belief that God was unjust, His law was flawed, and the

universe needed to be modified. He believed that if he fought the law, he could usurp the

authority of its Creator. Some contend that happiness is what we're here for. Others assert that

our goal is to love others, improve ourselves, or carry out God's plan. Others claim that life

has no real meaning at all. Simply said, your life's goal is to lead a heroic existence.

4. How can we help the lost experience the joy of redemption? If you have not yet

asked Jesus into your heart, stop right now and say this prayer: “Dear Jesus. I

know I’m a sinner. I’ve really made a mess of my life. I accept Your death on the

cross as the only means whereby I can enjoy forgiveness and eternal life. Forgive

me, now, and mold me so I can be what you want me to be. Make me ready to

live with You in heaven. I love You. Amen.

We must first encourage those who are lost to acknowledge their sins and seek God's pardon

before we can assist them experience the joy of redemption. By admitting their misdeeds and

pleading for forgiveness, individuals can demonstrate that they are prepared to put them

behind and live a life free of sin. Saving oneself from sin is redemption. According to the
Bible, if the lost honestly repent and confess their sins, God will pardon them and allow them

to enjoy the joy of being redeemed. Additionally, we should implore God to grant them the

joy of redemption and strengthen their faith in order to prevent them from losing their way

once more.

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