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Name: Rutche Pugon Autida Course and Year: BSED- 3 Module 1 and 2

Learning Activity

Instructions: Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What is the importance of technical writing?

- Technical writing serves as an essential tool in communicating or conveying one’s ideas, views, observations,
instructions, and suggestions more logically and technically. Technical writing is significantly important especially
in the industrial field as it can be seen in several different applications, which include the pitching of new
products or ideas. It focuses on the completion of tasks, the facility of work, and the security of records. Thus,
technical writing can be a very useful form of writing and it supports a business's use of technology in the
business to perform a certain function especially in giving instructions, explanations, and directions.

2. Is it necessary to follow the process in writing? Why do you say so?

- Yes, it is necessary to follow the process in writing to maintain its organization and ensure that the writer has
produced a polished and complete piece of writing. The writing process such as prewriting, drafting, revising and
editing, rewriting, and publishing mirror how proficient writers write. By using the writing process, the writer will
be able to break down the writing into manageable pieces and focus on producing a quality work of writing.
Most importantly, brainstorming should be given high importance because it is one of the essential steps in the
writing process that a writer should never skip. Thus, this process allows the readers to understand the writing,
grasp the readers’ attention, and provide a document or story that is well-structured, balanced, precise,
coherent, and cohesive and provides an emphasis on the arguments and/or information that would allow the
readers to understand the writing.

3. On what extent is technical writing helpful in the field of business?

- Technical writing is essential in the field of business as it provides an observation, and progress report on
something. It is used for feasibility reports, proposals, and analytical reports as well as in evaluating one’s
performance. Technical writing is present in every workplace, it is used in the instructions on how to operate
new presentation equipment, office policies, and procedures, a proposal for the next potential client, and any
other document in which the writer translates specialized information into one that a reader can easily
understand. Therefore, it should be clear and precise, instructional and informative to clearly demonstrate the
purpose of the documents and even the product or equipment made by a certain company, as well as its
specifications if applicable. An example is a manual of a washing machine, it provides a context to products, and
processes and allows them to be used safely and as intended. Without clear, precise writing that outlines the
specifications, instructions, and directions for use, products or a piece of equipment can become meaningless
and dangerous at worst, yet, it provides some assurances that the product is being used as intended.

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