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ENGL 0101

Week 2
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Diagnostic Grammar Exercise
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Session No. Topic

Course Outline Review

1 Grammar Activity
Writing Activity
The Writing Process. An Overview
Essay Writing
Process Analysis
Grammatical Sentences
Clear Sentences
5 Effective Sentences
Grammar Activity (10%)
Effective Sentences
Correctness in Writing
8 Mechanics of Writing
Composition Activity (10%)
Combining Expository Patterns
9 Forming a Critical Perspective – Reading
Arguments Critically
Writing an Argument
Submission of Process Portfolio
Writing an Argument (continued)
Revision of course material
11 - 12 - Grammar
- Writing and Writing Styles
• What is a thesis statement?

• What is a topic sentence?

• What is a thesis statement?
• One sentence that summarises the focus of the entire
• What is a topic sentence?
• One sentence that summarises the focus of a single
Writing Process: Process Analysis
• Practically, it explains how something is done or how a process
• For discussion:
• How to bake brownies.
• Writing a business proposal.
• How does one wash a car.

• Process analysis is widely used in academic writing, as the

explanation of how a process occurs is often required.
Processes in real life scenarios
• Travelling to a temperate country
• How one’s own business was started
• What lead to World War II
• How a field trip is planned
• Constructing a house
• How to stay sober on a Saturday night
• Planning a fund-raising project
Attributes of Process Analysis
• 1. This method assumes that the topic can be “done” or “carried
out” in stages.
• E.g. How to stay sober on a Saturday night
• Constructing a house
• Travelling to a temperate country

• 2. The essay outlines the various steps of the process in a

sequential manner.
Attributes of Process Analysis
• 3. In brainstorming, one question must be asked:
• What are the steps involved in doing this thing?

• 4. There are three cues involved in understanding that the topic

requires process analysis:
• The topic refers to something that can be implemented in stages
• It may begin with the words “how” or “how to”
• The first word may end in “…ing”
Attributes of Process Analysis
• 5. The vocabulary of process analysis must be reflected in both the
thesis statement and the topic sentences:
• Ample, but not an abuse of, transitions allow the reader to follow
the process logically and smoothly…..

• 6. Since it is a process then, logically, the vocabulary would be

words that denote time:
• initially, secondly, subsequently, the next stage involves, the
secondary step involves, etc.
Typical Process Analysis Topics
1. How to construct a doll-house
2. How a graduation is conducted
3. Raising a child with a named disability
4. Preparing for a funeral
5. Managing stress
6. How a political party prepares for a general election
What to do if topic has no sequence?
Some topics may not have an explicit sequence of steps.
E.g. Managing stress
How to maintain a healthy lifestyle
These need to be outlined in terms of the measures necessary to
carry out the topic followed by an enumeration of stages within
each measure.
The language of Process Analysis
1. Present tense is used because it describes facts, general truths,
routines and processes.

2. Avoid language of doubt as this would confuse the reader.

3. Note the use of ordering vocabulary to help lead the reader

through the process.
Sample Process Analysis Topic:
• How does a political party prepare for a general election?
Sample Process Analysis Topic and Thesis Statement:
• How does a political party prepare for a general election?

• Thesis statement:
A political party’s preparation for a general election firstly
involves selecting candidates, then presenting a manifesto
and thirdly, engaging in a campaign.
Sample Process Analysis Topic and Topic Sentences:
Sub topics: Topic sentences
1. Selecting candidates The first stage of preparation for general
election by a political party is selecting
2. Presenting a The next stage that the party embarks on in
manifesto the preparation for a general election is
presenting a prepared manifesto.
3. Campaigning Campaigning for the electorate’s votes is the
third stage in a political party’s preparation
for a general election.
Process analysis: A summary
• The essay topic reflects something that can be implemented in
• Process analysis explores these stages, in sequence.
• Any overly technical terms used must be explained.
• Must have evidence to support claim
• (As always) Thesis must specify focus, points to be developed and
related vocabulary.
Grammatical? Ungrammatical?
• The definition of grammatical is anything that has to do
with sentences, punctuation, or the correct ways to write or speak
a language.

• Ungrammatical:
Grammatically incorrect or awkward; not conforming to the
rules or principles of grammar or accepted usage.
• Ungrammatical:
Grammatically incorrect or awkward; not conforming to the
rules or principles of grammar or accepted usage.

• Incorrect to whom?
• Acceptable to whom?
Standard English
• McArthur (442), in 2004, suggested that a Standard English
is generally considered to be “the variety most widely
accepted, understood, and perhaps valued” within an
English-speaking country.
Standard English
• McArthur goes on to say, a standard English is the easiest
to recognize (in comparison to other varieties) in print,
because of a level of written conventions are similar world-
Grammatical Sentences
• In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, it must contain
a subject and a verb.
• The main problems that prevent people from writing complete,
grammatically correct sentences include:
• (a) the sentence fragments;
• (b) the run-on sentences;
• (c) lack of subject-verb and pronoun-reference agreement; and
• (d) lack of parallel structure.
Sentence Fragments
• A fragment is a sentence which is not complete, and therefore not
grammatically correct.
• Always ensure your sentence has both a subject and a verb.

• Consider the following:

• "Many scientists think in strange ways. Einstein, for example.”
Run-on Sentences
• A run-on sentence is one which actually contains two (or more)
complete sentences without the proper punctuation to create
separate sentences.
• Two common forms of the run-on:
• (1) the "comma splice" in which a comma is inserted between
two complete sentences where a period should actually be used;
• (2) a lack of punctuation where a semi-colon or period is needed.
Run-on Sentences
• The Comma Splice:
• John is a musician, he plays the guitar for a living.
• Sarah walked home, she decided not to ride the bus.
Run-on Sentences
• Lack of Punctuation
• Nobody knows what really happened the policeman said there
was a fight.
• That is the problem when people have conflict they attack each
other personally.
Subject-Verb Agreement
• In order for a sentence to be grammatically correct, the subject and
verb must both be singular or plural.

• To ensure subject-verb agreement, identify the main subject and

verb in the sentence, then check to see if they are both plural or
Subject-Verb Agreement
• For example:
• "The group of students are complaining about grades.“
• The main subject in this sentence is "group," which is singular.
The main verb is "are complaining," which is plural.

• "The facts in that complex case is questionable."

The main subject in this sentence is "facts," which is plural. The
main verb, "is," is singular.
Pronoun-Reference Agreement
• A variation of the subject-verb agreement is pronoun-reference

• For example:
• "A manager should always be honest with their employees.”
• The subject in this sentence, "manager," is singular. The
corresponding pronoun, "their," is plural.
Parallel Structure
• The parallel structure of a sentence refers to the extent to which
different parts of the sentence match each other in form.
• When more than one phrase or description is used in a sentence,
those phrases or descriptions should be consistent with one an
other in their form and wording.
Parallel Structure
• Example:
• "The new coach is a smart strategist, an effective manager, and
works hard.”
• Notice that "a smart strategist" and "an effective manager" are
consistent with one another, but not consistent with "works

• Example Corrected: "The new coach is a smart strategist, an

effective manager, and a hard worker."

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