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Diesel Engine 1892

As we could see in the previous video, the inventor: Rudolph Diesel of

German nationality has revolutionized the world of the automobile. With more
than 80 years of history, it was a great technological advance that has survived
to this day.
Diesel invented a compression-ignition internal combustion engine after
several trial and error.
Diesel started research on a steam engine fueled by ammonia vapor. This test
was unsuccessful and during the testing engine exploded and severely injured
Diesel. After this incidence, Diesel spent several months in a hospital.
Despite the severe accident, Diesel did not stop his research on building a
compression ignition engine.
In 1892 he finished his design and a year later he received a patent for the
engine that bears his name. His contribution brought enormous advantages:
smaller and lighter engines than those existing to date.

1er acontecimiento

In addition, while this event was taking place, on January 1 of the same year,
the first federal station for immigrants in the United States was inaugurated in
the Ellis Island. Until 1954, when it closed operations, employees inspected
the entry of more than 12 million immigrants arriving by boat. The main
building was restored after 30 years of neglect and opened as a museum on
September 10, 1990.

2do acontecimiento

Also, when this event began, one of the great losses for culture in Mexico was
happening on the afternoon of March 24, 1982, when the Cineteca Nacional in
Churubusco caught fire. The fire, which lasted more than 15 hours, completely
damaged the venue and thousands of "film treasures of Mexican cinema" were
The unfortunate event left several dead and at least 50 injured. The journal EL
UNIVERSAL reporters stated that it could have been due to a short circuit in
the Cineteca development laboratories, where chemical products, specifically
silver nitrate, were stored.
3ER acontecimiento

Finally on October 9: President Porfirio Díaz inaugurates the Río Blanco

spinning and weaving factory in the then municipality of Tenango (today Río
Blanco) in Veracruz. This factory was the largest in its time in the country,
employing 1,700 workers, including 60 women. The factory was foreign
investment, mainly English. The Rio Blanco strike took place on this site later
in 1907.

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