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Animal Behaviour 80 (2010) 3e8

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The central importance of information in studies of animal communication

Robert M. Seyfarth a, *, Dorothy L. Cheney b, Thore Bergman c, d, Julia Fischer e, Klaus Zuberbühler f,
Kurt Hammerschmidt e
Department of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A.
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, U.S.A.
Cognitive Ethology Laboratory, German Primate Center, University of Gottingen, Gottingen, Germany
Wissenschaftskolleg, Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o
The concept of information plays a central role in studies of animal communication. Animals’ responses
Article history: to the calls of different individuals, to food calls, alarm calls, and to signals that predict behaviour, all
Received 17 December 2009 suggest that recipients acquire information from signals and that this information affects their response.
Initial acceptance 4 March 2010 Some scientists, however, want to replace the concept of information with one based on the ‘manipu-
Final acceptance 26 March 2010 lation’ of recipients by signallers through the induction of nervous-system responses. Here we review
Available online 21 May 2010 both theory and data that argue against hypotheses based exclusively on manipulation or on a fixed,
MS. number: AE-09-00802 obligatory link between a signal’s physical features and the responses it elicits. Results from dozens of
studies indicate that calls with ‘arousing’ or ‘aversive’ features may also contain information that affects
Keywords: receivers’ responses; that acoustically similar calls can elicit different responses; acoustically different
animal communication
calls can elicit similar responses; and ‘eavesdropping’ animals respond to the relationship instantiated by
animal signal
signal sequences. Animal signals encode a surprisingly rich amount of information. The content of this
information transmission
information can be studied scientifically.
language ! 2010 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

The concept of information has played a long and productive role perspective is not adequate as a concept or methodology to
in the study of animal communication. Empirical research has understand either the evolution or the process of vocal commu-
attempted to specify the kinds and amount of information trans- nication’ (1998, page ix). Along with others, they advocate a view of
ferred in signalling systems as disparate as the dance language of communication as management by signallers of the behaviour of
honeybees (von Frisch 1967; Seeley 1997), the claw-waving displays receivers (see also Owren & Rendall 1997, 2001; Owren 2000;
of crustaceans (Dingle 1969), the songs of birds (Vehrencamp 2000), Rendall et al. 2009). For example, following Morton (1977),
and the alarm calls of primates (Cheney & Seyfarth 1990). Theo- Rendall et al. (2009) note that the squeaks, shrieks and screams
retical analyses have relied heavily on the concept of information in of many animals have ‘sharp onsets, dramatic frequency and
contexts ranging from aggression to courtship to cooperation amplitude fluctuations, and chaotic spectral structures, which are
(Enquist 1985; Grafen 1990; Maynard Smith 1991). exactly the sorts of features that have direct impact on animals’
Nevertheless, this approach has been criticized by a minority of nervous systems’ (page 236). Similar generalizations hold for alarm
researchers. Dawkins & Krebs (1978, page 309), for example, argued calls which have evolved, they believe, to ‘induce nervous-system
that animal signals should be viewed not in terms of information responses’ in receivers (Owren & Rendall 2001, page 61). Finally, the
but in terms of the manipulation of receiver behaviour, arguing that critics also argue that using terms like information implicitly
‘it is probably better to abandon the concept of information transfer commits scientists to the use of human communication, particu-
altogether’. The call to abandon information in favour of ‘manipu- larly language, as a model for communication in animals. It is
lation’ or ‘assessment/management’ was later renewed by Owings therefore both anthropomorphic and inaccurate (Owings & Morton
& Morton (1997, 1998), who suggested that ‘the informational 1997, 1998).
These opposing views find parallels in studies of animal learning.
For years, behaviourists argued that the mental activities of animals
* Correspondence: R. M. Seyfarth, Department of Psychology, University of
were not appropriate topics for research, either because they could
Pennsylvania, 3720 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. not be studied scientifically (methodological behaviourism) or
E-mail address: (R.M. Seyfarth). because they did not exist (radical behaviourism; Skinner 1974).

0003-3472/$38.00 ! 2010 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
4 R.M. Seyfarth et al. / Animal Behaviour 80 (2010) 3e8

Today, however, this view has largely been discarded. Modern correlated with the urgency of the danger. The suricates’ responses
theories of learning have a strong cognitive component, with many to call playbacks suggest that, upon hearing an alarm call,
experiments designed to examine the content of animals’ individuals acquire information about both predator type and
knowledge and the information that animals acquire as a result of urgency (Manser et al. 2001a, b). In California ground squirrels,
experience (e.g. Colwell & Rescorla 1985; Kamil 1987; Rescorla Spermophilus beecheyi, acoustically different alarm calls encode
1988; Lieberman 2003). information about urgency, but not predator type (Owings &
Hennessy 1984); in primates, they encode information about
CLARIFYING THE TERMINOLOGY different predators (vervet monkeys, Chlorocebus aethiops: Seyfarth
et al. 1980; Diana monkeys, Cercopithecus diana: Zuberbühler et al.
Current accounts of information are built on the theoretical 1999). Macedonia & Evans (1993) discuss the evolution of alarm call
advances made by Shannon (1948) and Wiener (1961). Shannon systems that encode different types of information. Finally, in
viewed information as a statistical measure of uncertainty, allowing addition to their acoustically different alarm calls for ground and
for mathematical analyses of information processing. While infor- aerial predators (Evans et al. 1993), domestic chickens, Gallus gallus
mation theory was initially developed to describe information domesticus, produce food calls that signal the presence of food.
transmission in technical systems, it quickly found its way into Once again, playback experiments indicate that listeners acquire
a range of other disciplines, including psychology and animal this information from the calls (Evans & Evans 1999, 2007).
behaviour (e.g. Dingle 1969; Beecher 1989). For our purposes, Contrary to the critics’ argument, investigators in these studies
treating information as a reduction of uncertainty in the recipient is have not naïvely applied linguistic concepts to their subjects, nor
useful because it connects communication to learning theory and to have they claimed that their results demonstrate the same kind of
research on the mechanisms by which animals associate signals (or information transfer found in language. Instead, they have simply
cues) with each other or with the outcomes of specific behaviours. tried to determine whether particular signals predict something
about the world (e.g. the presence of food, the caller’s identity,
INFORMATION IN ANIMAL COMMUNICATION a particular kind of predator, or the urgency of danger) or about the
signaller’s next behaviour. In this respect, the critics have set up
Whenever there is a predictable relation between a particular a straw man: although information plays a central role in studies of
signal and a specific social situation, the signal can be used by animal communication, ethology is in no danger of being taken
listeners to predict current states or upcoming events; that is, to over by linguistics.
provide information. A light that predicts shock, an alarm call that The ‘manipulative’ approach also leaves many interesting ques-
predicts the presence of an eagle, or a scream that predicts that tions unanswered. For example, some of the alarm calls mentioned
a specific individual is involved in a fight all have the potential to above have acoustic features that are arousing and attention getting.
provide a listener with information if they are reliably associated Why, then, are the calls within each species acoustically so
(Rescorla 1988) with a narrow range of events (Seyfarth & Cheney different? Why do individuals respond to them in such different
2003). In each case we assume that the listener has acquired the ways? And why is there such wide variation across species in the
contingent relation between two stimuli and thus reduced its acoustic properties of alarm calls? Rats’ alarms have a whistle-like
uncertainty (or gained information) about events in the world: the structure (Litvin et al. 2007), those of shifaks are low-frequency roar
light predicts shock, not food; the alarm call predicts an eagle, not grunts (Fichtel & Kappeler 2002), while antelope produce snorts
a leopard; the screams predict that one individual, but not another, (Tilson & Norton 1981). An exclusive focus on the calls’ arousing
is involved in a dispute. We also assume that learning such physical characteristics cannot answer these questions.
associations (if learning is required) is adaptive because it allows Nor does the presence of particular acoustic features preclude
the receiver to predict what is likely to happen next. the acquisition of information by listeners. Primate screams, for
Empirical support for this use of information is widespread in example, may have ‘aversive’ acoustic qualities, but this does not
studies of animal communication. It is now clear that individuals in preclude recipients from acquiring information from them. In fact,
many species consistently use specific signals in particular social or research on many primates has shown that screams are individu-
ecological contexts and that receivers have learned or otherwise ally distinctive (e.g. Hammerschmidt & Fischer 1998). Their
acquired these contingent relations, gaining information as a result. acoustic features can also be correlated with different types of
For example, honeybees, Apis mellifera, acquire information about aggression (Gouzoules et al. 1984), the caller’s role in the interac-
the location of food by observing the details of a worker bee’s tion (Slocombe & Zuberbühler 2005), or the presence of a particular
dance (e.g. Seeley 1997). In hermit crabs, Pagurus bernhardus ‘audience’ (Slocombe & Zuberbühler 2007). As a result, screams
(Laidre 2009), swamp sparrows, Melospiza georgiana (Ballentine used in playback experiments elicit different responses from
et al. 2008), and banded wrens, Pheugopedius pleurostictus different individuals, or from the same individual under different
(Vehrencamp et al. 2007), certain visual or vocal displays are reli- circumstances (Cheney & Seyfarth 1980; Gouzoules et al. 1984;
able predictors of an individual’s subsequent aggressive behaviour, Palombit et al. 1997; Fischer 2004; Fugate et al. 2008; Slocombe
and recipients respond as if they know this relation. The begging et al. 2009). Here again, an exclusive focus on the screams’
calls of cliff swallows, Hirundo pyrrhonota, are individually aversive qualities cannot explain these results.
distinctive and provide parents with information about individual
identity; the begging calls of barn swallows, H. rustica, do not Theoretical Limitations
(Medvin et al. 1993). In black-capped chickadees, Poecile atrica-
pillus, acoustic features of the ‘seet’ and ‘chick-a-dee’ alarm calls are The critics argue that signals have evolved to manipulate
correlated with both the type of predator present and the degree of listeners’ behaviour, and that the acoustic properties of signals take
danger. Playback experiments indicate that listeners acquire this the form that they do because they have a ‘direct effect’ on listeners’
information from the calls (Templeton et al. 2005). A similar nervous systems, effects that are difficult for listeners to resist. This
generalization holds for the alarm calls of African suricates, Suricata explanation assumes that listeners are automata that can be
suricatta. Suricates give acoustically different alarm calls to manipulated to respond in ways beneficial to the signaller as long
different predators (jackals, eagles and snakes), and within each as the right nervous-system buttons are pushed. However, as
call type produce calls with graded acoustic variation that is Searcy & Nowicki (2005, page 8) point out, ‘The critical flaw with
R.M. Seyfarth et al. / Animal Behaviour 80 (2010) 3e8 5

this reasoning is that it does not explain why the receiver would be may do this) but also because it reduces uncertainty (that is,
selected to respond to the signal at all’. An analysis that allows the provides information) about a competitor.
signaller’s behaviour to evolve but does not permit any evolution in Finally, Rendall et al. (2009, page 236) argue that ‘a frustrated
receiver response does not make sense. ‘If there is, on average, no primate weanling cannot force its mother to nurse, but can readily
information of benefit to the receiver in a signal, then receivers elicit such behaviour with sounds’ that ‘with repetition become
should evolve to ignore that signal. If receivers ignore the signal, very aversive’. But studies of primate mothereinfant interactions
then signalling no longer has any benefit to the signaller, and the show that aversive sounds do not always have this effect. Infants do
whole communication system should disappear’ (Searcy & Nowicki get weaned, in part because mothers cease responding to their calls
2005, page 8). In fact, receivers should evolve responses to signals and reject their attempts to nurse (e.g. Hinde 1978; Altmann 1980,
only when it is advantageous to do so. And if it does not benefit page 175e177; Maestripieri 2002; see also Hammerschmidt et al.
receivers to respond in a particular way to a specific acoustic 1994).
feature then selection will favour receivers that attend to some
other cue. Calls with Similar Acoustic Features Can Elicit Different Responses
Imagine, for example, a species of frog in which males compete
with vocal displays and calls with a low dominant frequency induce Animals often respond differently to acoustically similar calls.
a ‘nervous-system response’ that causes recipients to retreat. This Chickens, for example, respond in very different ways to food calls
response will be maintained by natural selection only if it benefits and to ground predator alarm calls even though the calls have
the recipient. This could happen if calls with a low dominant similar acoustic characteristics (Evans & Evans 1999). They also
frequency accurately predict the caller’s competitive ability, respond differently to the same food call depending on whether
thereby providing recipients with information about their likely they already know about the presence of food (Evans & Evans
success if they compete with that opponent. If calls with a low 2007). Upon hearing a vervet monkey’s eagle alarm call, nearby
dominant frequency do not allow accurate assessment, then animals on the ground look up or run into a bush. Animals in a tree
selection will favour recipients who base their decision on some look up and/or run down out of the tree and into a bush, and
other cue, regardless of any impact that low dominant frequency animals already in bushes typically do nothing (Seyfarth et al. 1980;
might have on their nervous system. see also Fischer et al. 2000). Listeners’ responses to baboon grunts
Receivers are not, then, prisoners of the influence that specific depend on both the type of grunt given and details of the social and
acoustic properties have on their sensory systems. Instead, selection ecological context (Rendall et al. 1999; Rendall 2003), including the
will favour receivers that act selfishly, adjusting their ‘assessment recipient’s prior interaction with the caller (Cheney & Seyfarth
rule’ (Grafen 1990, page 521) so that it is most effective in reducing 1997), and the relation between the caller and individuals with
uncertainty, or in providing them with information. whom the recipient has recently interacted (Wittig et al. 2007).
Finally, Grafen (1990), Searcy & Nowicki (2005), and others have These differences in response to the same or acoustically similar
used the logic of information to explain the evolution of all animal calls cannot be attributed to acoustic features alone, but they are
signals, regardless of modality. This generality constitutes a strength consistent with the hypothesis that responses depend upon the
of their approach. If the explanation based on manipulation is to be integration of information acquired from calls and other contextual
equally general, its advocates will need to show that, just as some cues.
auditory signals like screams manipulate listeners through ‘loud
bursts of jarring broadband noise’ (Rendall et al. 2009), certain Calls with Different Acoustic Features Are Judged To Be Similar
visual signals are equally aversive and manipulative by virtue of
their physical properties. This seems unlikely. Diana monkeys that typically respond to the growl of a leopard
by giving their own leopard alarm call will not give such calls in
Receiver Flexibility response to the growl if they have already heard a Diana’s leopard
alarm call coming from the same area. However, they respond in
Supporting the view that selection can act just as forcefully on typical fashion to the leopard’s growl if they previously heard
receivers as it does on signallers, there is ample evidence that a Diana’s eagle alarm call coming from the same area. Although
receivers can learn to respond in specific ways to signals regardless a leopard’s growl and Diana monkey leopard alarm calls are very
of the signals’ acoustic properties (think, for example, of learning different acoustically, the monkeys respond as if they judge them to
experiments using pure tones, white noise, or more naturalistic be similar (similar, at least, in the sense that responding to one call
vocalizations as stimuli), and that receiver responses can evolve type produces habituation to the other; Zuberbühler et al. 1999). An
over time (cases of character displacement, for example, suggest exclusive focus on call acoustics cannot explain these results. They
that receiver response may be more malleable than signal form). are, however, consistent with the hypothesis that listeners acquire
Other studies suggest that there is no obligatory relation information from a call, store it in memory, and respond to
between acoustic features and response. In songbirds that sing more subsequent vocalizations depending on some combination of
than one song type, the rate of song type switching increases with acoustic features, information provided by the current vocalization
increasing aggression in some species but decreases with increasing and context, and information stored in memory (for similar results
aggression in others (Vehrencamp 2000). Song type switching has see Fischer 1988; Cheney & Seyfarth 1988; Rendall et al. 1996;
no inherent, immutable effect on listeners’ behaviour. Instead, Hauser 1998).
listeners attend to song switching rate because it predicts the
singer’s behaviour and thus provides useful information. Animals’ Responses Depend on the Relationship Instantiated by Two
Of course, there are also many cases in which acoustic features Signals
are closely linked to call function. Two examples are the relationship
between call frequency and body size in frogs and toads (reviewed Song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, sometimes match a neigh-
in Searcy & Nowicki 2005), and between formant spacing and body bour’s song by selecting from among their own repertoire the song
size in several mammals (reviewed in Fitch & Hauser 2003). In both type that most closely matches the song their neighbour just sang
of these cases, however, listeners attend to a crucial acoustic feature (Beecher et al. 1996). In studies using interactive playback experi-
not just because it induces a ‘nervous-system response’ (although it ments, subjects responded more strongly to a match than
6 R.M. Seyfarth et al. / Animal Behaviour 80 (2010) 3e8

a nonmatch (Burt et al. 2001). It was not just the acoustic properties ‘Teleological’ and ‘Circular’ Reasoning?
of the song that determined the neighbour’s behaviour (although
these were clearly important), but whether or not the two song Both Owings & Morton (1998) and Rendall et al. (2009) object to
types matched (see also Beecher & Campbell 2005). the ways in which scientists studying animal communication have
Territorial songbirds learn to recognise their neighbours and borrowed the term information from linguistics. Rendall et al.
associate them with specific areas by listening to their songs. They (2009) believe that this approach is ‘both teleological and
respond more strongly to a given song type when it comes from an circular’ because it ‘virtually guarantees’ that animal communica-
unfamiliar area than when it comes from a familiar area (Brooks & tion and language ‘will be “found” to be similar’ (page 238). In fact,
Falls 1975; see also Herbinger et al. 2009). When a listener responds however, quite the opposite is true. The informational approach has
differently to the same vocalization played from different locations, instead played a major role in uncovering differences between
it integrates information contained in the call itself with informa- species, and between animal communication and language, in the
tion stored in memory about the caller’s typical location. The direct kinds of information recipients acquire from signals.
effects of acoustic features alone cannot explain this behaviour. For example, experiments on nonhuman primates have
Songbirds also learn about the competitive abilities of potential repeatedly shown that, whereas human listeners acquire infor-
intruders by listening to their singing bouts with the territory mation about a speaker’s mental states (intentions, beliefs, desires)
holders’ neighbours (Peake et al. 2002). Such ‘eavesdropping’ is during conversation, nonhuman primate listeners appear to make
widespread among animals (McGregor 2005). When a bird or no such attributions (reviewed in Tomasello & Call 1997; Cheney &
primate responds differently depending upon whether it has heard Seyfarth 2007). Research on the information conveyed by vocali-
A dominate B or B dominate A (Peake et al. 2002; Bergman et al. zations has thus led the way in revealing differences between
2003), its response depends not just on the calls’ acoustic proper- human language and nonhuman primate communication.
ties but also on the relationship between callers. As McGregor & Curiously, Rendall et al. (2009) support their argument against
Dabelsteen (1996, page 416) put it, the eavesdropper ‘gains infor- the ‘informational’ hypothesis by noting that recent studies have
mation from an interaction that could not be gained from a signal revealed ‘an informational disconnection between signallers and
alone’. Once again, an exclusive focus on acoustic properties is perceivers [suggesting] that they do not share the same represen-
insufficient to explain these results. tational parity that characterizes human speech’ (page 235). But
this conclusion, first proposed by Premack (1972, 1975) and later
elaborated (e.g. Cheney & Seyfarth 1990, 1996, 1998; Seyfarth &
USING ‘INFORMATION’ IN ANIMAL COMMUNICATION Cheney 2003), emerged not as a result of their ‘manipulative’
approach but instead as a consequence of the very informational
The experiments cited above, and many others, suggest that the perspective that they decry. Results demonstrate that, contrary to
manipulative hypothesis is insufficient to explain all that happens the critics’ claims, the informational view is fully compatible with
when one individual signals to another. Instead, results suggest that distinct roles for signallers and receivers.
when recipients perceive a signal they acquire information, and the Finally, the lack of language-like intentionality in animal
acquisition of this information (among other things) changes their communication does not mean that no continuities exist between
behaviour. The information that receivers acquire has content, and human and animal communication, nor should it prompt us to
this content can be studied scientifically. abandon a research programme designed to search for precursors
Used in this way, ‘information’ helps to formulate hypotheses of language in animal communication and cognition. Marler (1982)
that guide research and sharpen our understanding of what we was one of the first to examine similarities among birds, primates
actually mean when we use the term. There is nothing wrong with and humans in meaning and the categorization of signals (see
this strategy, particularly if it leads to testable, falsifiable predic- also Cheney & Seyfarth 1990, 2007). Several recent studies have
tions. In fact, adopting such heuristic terms has a long and documented psychological skills in nonhuman primates, such as
continuing history in the biological sciences. ‘Gene’, ‘memory’, sensitivity to the presence of an audience or an awareness of the
‘mental map’, ‘auditory template’ and ‘neural representation’ are directedness of a vocalization, that may well have been precursors
other examples of words or phrases that scientists have used to of intentional signalling during the course of human evolution (e.g.
label an entity whose physical properties they are only beginning to Engh et al. 2006; Wich & deVries 2006). It would be impossible to
understand. The inability to specify precisely the information formulate hypotheses about the evolution of language if one started
conveyed by a vocalization (that is, its meaning to a listener) does with the premise that testing for language-like attributes in animal
not prove that information is entirely absent. communication is off-limits. Several recent studies in nonhuman
The critics argue that we should abandon the concept of infor- primate neurophysiology, inspired by work on primate vocaliza-
mation, but what programme of research do they offer in its place? tions, demonstrate the value of a research programme that tests for
To reject the informational hypothesis entirely, we need evidence language-like processing in primates and other animals (e.g.
that recipients in studies like those reviewed here acquire no Ghazanfar & Santos 2004; Gifford et al. 2005; Belin 2006;
information. Although the ‘manipulative’ hypothesis has been Ghazanfar et al. 2008; Petkov et al. 2008).
around for many years, no such data are available. The influence
that signallers have on receivers may help understand cases of CONCLUSION
sensory exploitation (e.g. Ryan 1990), but years of research on this
topic do not compel us to abandon the concept of information. The critics have erected a straw man: most ethologists make no
Indeed, if there exist cases of sensory exploitation without claim that the signals they study are like language. The critics’ view
information transfer, the only way to make this distinction is to ask is also inconsistent with evolutionary theory. Recipients are not
if a signal contains information, a question the critics see as powerless, unable to resist certain signals; instead, their responses
‘ill-posed’. We agree that it is important to consider the form that will evolve to reflect their own interests, and will depend on
signals take, and can imagine some useful experiments to test both a signal’s physical properties and the information they acquire
whether animals more readily learn pairings of certain types of from it.
signals with particular outcomes, but this work would be fully Many studies argue against the critics’ hypothesis. They show
compatible with the informational perspective. that calls with arousing or aversive features may also contain
R.M. Seyfarth et al. / Animal Behaviour 80 (2010) 3e8 7

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