Evolutionism Vs Creationism by Tristan Yadao

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Editorial Article Once parents realize that they have been literally the spiritual

descendents of their Father in Heaven, and that they have an

obligation to provide mortal bodies for others, they rejoice in
Evolution vs Creationism the miracle of birth, realizing that they are co-partners with
God in the making of each child who enters their home. I
believe that by following Jesus Christ's gospel and honoring
Tristan Charles Yadao God's commandments and covenants, we may each make our
house a heaven on earth while preparing ourselves & our
11 – STEM 4 offspring to return to our Father In heaven.
 Evolutionary science is the study of how life evolves from
Introduction generation to generation, whereas evolution is the study of
how life evolves through time. Changes in the observable
Throughout millennia, the concept of creation, as well as the study features of organisms are linked to genetic changes in
of evolution, has been divisive, with many people siding with one biological populations. Mutations are genetic changes that
viewpoint or the other. Creationism argues that faith should take occur when an organism's DNA is damaged or replicated
precedence over science, and its beliefs are based solely on the incorrectly. As a population's genetic variety wanders
Bible. The planet and everything on it took God six days to randomly through generations, natural selection drives traits
construct. Evolutionists believe that the planet is far older than the to become more or less common based on the relative
Bible indicates, and that plants, wildlife, and humans evolved as a reproductive potential of creatures with those qualities.
result of natural selection. We did not descend from a common
ancestor (Adam and Eve); instead, we evolved through a natural People inherit hereditary material from their parents in the
selection process involving inorganic chemicals and nature. Many form of genes, which will passed on to any children.
scientists find it difficult to have a definite opinion on evolution Variations in genes can be found in offspring as a result of
because there is proof of it, but this is where trust in God and how the introduction of new genes through mutations or the
much he has done comes into play. "Conflicts involving science and reordering the specific genes during human reproduction. In
the Bible emerge either from a lack of scientific knowledge or a minor, unpredictable ways, the child differs from the parent.
faulty interpretation of the Bible," according to Moses Maimonides, If those variations are beneficial, the children have a better
a prominent medieval philosopher  chance of surviving and reproducing. This means that the
next generation's kids will have more of that beneficial
Paleontologists believe that humans evolved from other species, variation, so humans will never have equal odds of
primarily primates, and that this is how we came to be. According to reproducing. As a result, features that make organisms better
fossil records, Homo sapiens evolved from four-legged creatures adapted to their surroundings become more common in
swinging through trees to two-legged beings on the ground. descendent populations. These disparities compound over
Prehistoric human fossils are strikingly similar to primates in every time, resulting in population shifts. This process is
detail, from the jaw and brow to the torso and feet. Over time, responsible for the world's many different living forms.
evolution has evolved the human race into current-day humans,
enabling us to live in the modern era. Although it is difficult to
believe, we have now "proved how we split off from the ancestral
lineages leading to apes and chimpanzees, our closest cousins, only
five to six million years ago." As the necessity arose, language It never ceases to astonish me as a Catholic how much other
evolved as a result of adaptability. Evolution has adapted us, believers struggle with this. The Bible is filled with parables. Let me
allowing us to live in today's society, much as we have modified put it this way: evolution is unquestionably true. How can you
technologies to create things easier for us. We are unlikely to have believe that everything in the universe was created because of your
lived at the same time as the Neanderthals, as they would be unable beliefs. But you won't believe me if I tell you that He did it through
to survive in today's world. evolution? "


 Let's take a look at why the planet was created in the first Alternative Solutions
place. According to the Bible, it was... When the earth was
 The Big Bang Theory is also another explanation that even
formed, God said, "Let us create man in our image, after our
some scientists are adopting to explain the origins of the
likeness," to give a home for God's daughters and sons to
earth. The "universe began as an endlessly hot point of
reside in mortal life and prove themselves worthy of
infinite density, then chilled and dispersed as it exploded
returning to God's presence by keeping the commandments
outward," according to this hypothesis.  Only after the Big
"So God created man inside his own image, male and
Bang did cosmos, history, matter, and energy exist. This idea
female," God continued, blessing them and telling them to
is based on our understanding of how the world works,
"be fruitful, increase, populate, and take on the world."
which is obtained from the analysis of electromagnetic
“Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall waves, which provides evidence that the universe is
join unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh," God stated expanding. Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson, two
when he created woman and brought her to man.  Yes, God astronomers, discovered cosmic background radiation
ordained marriage, and we have repeated verses as proof that radiation in the earth, which was later identified as the
men and women became husband and wife in marriage primordial heat and light from the Big Bang. This light and
rituals after that first referral to husband and wife. We're not heat give the necessary ingredients for life to begin.
just here to "eat, drink, and have a good time". It is critical
for us to comprehend that God is everlasting, that his
creations are eternal, and that His truths are eternal, as we  Another perplexing question that evolutionists raise while
may learn from the scriptures. As a result, when He married confronting creationists is, "What about the dinosaurs?"
Eve to Adam, He ensured that their union would last forever. There is no mention of the dinosaur epoch in the Bible, when
these massive reptile beasts roamed the planet without
human involvement and subsequently vanished. Dinosaurs with distinct species and life forms that defined that period
lived 65 million years ago, during the Cretaceous period, and left evidence in the form of fossils. Animals and plants
according to paleontologists and archeologists. There are adapt to become better suited to their surroundings. Humans
several theories for their extinction: the climate grew too have evolved along with our primate ancestors to become the
extreme in one direction or the other, animals ate newly modern humans we are today, but we are not the end
formed poisonous plants, life form emerged and ate dinosaur product. We, too, will evolve over time, eventually becoming
eggs, or an asteroid or meteor collided with the globe, a distinct species. There are theories like the Big Bang
eliminating everything on the planet. Large-scale extinctions theory, as well as criticisms of how the Bible sees time in
occur every 26 million years, according to latest speculation comparison to geological time. Evolutionists believe that the
based on oceanic families spanning the previous 250 million earth was not created by God, but rather by a natural process
years. These mass extinctions are the result of a companion that began with inorganic molecules and evolved into today's
star approaching the sun, altering orbit and allowing meteors contemporary individual.
and asteroids to collide with the planet. This catastrophic
extinction is looming, according to science, but creationists
believe it is the Apocalypse.  I agree with both ideas to some extent. Solid evidence that
existence has evolved between species is difficult for a
student to deny. But, as a Catholic, my life centers on my
 A further way of looking at the earth's creation is through the faith in God. I believe that God created life, but that he did
lens of time. In the Bible, each day is assigned to a new so in an evolutionary manner. I think God made it all in six
creation. Each day of Creation, according to some scientists, days, and each day lasted millennia, and various species &
corresponds to a geologic time period. God was a part of the life forms emerged during that period. I think God created
beginning and evolution of one era, culminating in a day of the world in such a way that evolution could take place. I
creation. Every day or period of time brings the world think that species must adapt to changing environments, and
something new and distinctive. it is easier for us to that God designed each type of organism to be able to
comprehend a day in terms of millions or billions of years withstand these changes. I don't think humans are the last
than it is to comprehend a day in terms of millions or even species; rather, I believe we may evolve into something
billions of years. In some ways, the Bible took the easy way better over time. I'm not a big fan of the Big Bang Theory,
out when it came to telling us the tale of creation. "There is and I don't think life originated with inorganic chemicals.
truth of a physical reality deep inside Psalms 90: the six days After creating life, God allowed nature to grow. If God didn't
of Genesis included the hundreds of thousands of years of like the outcome, it was wiped out by a natural disaster, like
the cosmos whilst the days stayed twenty-four hour days." the asteroid that killed out the dinosaurs or Noah's flood. If
The very first thirty-one chapters of Genesis recount events everything was fine, life went on as usual. Faith is abstract,
that span over 16 billion years, ranging in length from a few but for Catholics it is a way of life, and science is concrete.
hundred words theologically to over a million words This is a tough topic on which to take a clear stand since
scientifically. Because we can't be there or have a firsthand belief is conceptual, yet for Believers it is a way of life, and
source, estimating the time it has taken each day of creation science is concrete.
is difficult; hence, scientists are turning to fossils and the
earth's layers for actual evidence.

Concise Solution

 Both creationism and evolution have opposing views on how

the earth and humans came to be. Creationism is founded on
the conviction that the Bible is a trustworthy source for the
creation story. God made the heaven and earth, the moon,
sun, stars, including all the earth's creatures in six days. God
created Adam, a human being in God's image, to rule over
the planet on the very last day. Creationists think the earth is
young and creatures are fixed, and that every organism we
witness today is the same one that God created thousands of
years. Adam and Eve are the founders of the human
population, and the soul that God bestowed on us
distinguishes us from all other creatures. Some who believe
in evolution, according to creationists, are unethical. "The
most common criticism leveled against evolutionists is that
they are 'arrogant and obnoxious, just the kind of individuals
the First Amendment was meant to protect us from,' and that
they exhibit 'an academic arrogance frequently representative
of the nation's scientific educational elite.'"

 Evolutionists think that humans, from simple molecules to

today's modern person, are the consequence of evolution.
Starting 4.5 billion years ago, the planet was formed over a
long period of time. Life began with inorganic chemicals that
evolved into viable living entities with the help of nature.
Each phase of the earth's history had its own characteristics,

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