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LCH1056 Research Essay Scoring Rubrics (Individual)

Part A: Ideas and Organisation (50%)

Mark Range 0 1 2
Title (2%) ▪ Not a summary of essay’s main idea OR ▪ Summary of essay’s main idea ▪ Telling summary of essay’s main idea in a
▪ Mere repetition of guidelines’ topic area word or phrase (not complete sentence)
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Introduction ▪ No/minimal attempt in ▪ Does not use hook ▪ Use hook to attract readers’ ▪ Use hook to attract readers’
(7%) writing introduction ▪ Does not provide connecting attention – quite effectively attention – highly effectively
information ▪ Provides some connecting ▪ Provides all vital connecting
▪ No/minimal attempt to link or information to guide reader to information to guide reader to
blend introduction with thesis topic topic
statement ▪ Attempt to link or blend ▪ Skilful attempt to link or blend
introduction with thesis statement introduction with thesis statement
Mark Range 0 1 2 3
Thesis ▪ Thesis not observable or ▪ Statement hardly a thesis because ▪ Thesis covers main idea, with ▪ Thesis focuses sharply on main
Statement and irrelevant to main idea it provides topic or fact but not writer’s attitude, opinion or idea idea, with writer’s attitude,
Overview writer’s attitude, opinion or idea, stated opinion or idea forcefully stated
(3%) OR ▪ Clear overview, pointing out how ▪ Specific overview, pointing out
▪ Thesis covers more than one main main idea will develop in what clearly how main idea will
idea, OR aspects develop in what aspects – stated
▪ Overview missing or too general in the order that they will unfold
in the supporting paragraphs
▪ Thesis & overview presented
coherently in one sentence
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Body ▪ Content of paragraph largely ▪ Tries to develop one aspect of ▪ Develops, with clear focus, one ▪ Develops, with sharp focus, one
Paragraph 1 or totally irrelevant to any thesis, but lacks controlling idea aspect of thesis, with controlling aspect of thesis, with controlling
(10%) aspects of essay’s main idea or fails to communicate writer’s idea that communicates writer’s idea that communicates writer’s
as stated in introductory opinion, attitude or idea on point opinion, attitude or idea on point opinion, attitude or idea on point
paragraph of paragraph of paragraph effectively of paragraph very effectively
▪ No/ineffective use of topic- ▪ Effective use of topic-sentence- ▪ Skilful use of topic-sentence-
sentence-supporting-material supporting-material structure supporting-material structure
structure ▪ Supporting material is largely ▪ Supporting material is almost
▪ Supporting material is often specific and relevant, and supports always very specific and relevant,
general or irrelevant, and weak in point of paragraph effectively and supports point of paragraph
supporting point of paragraph ▪ Borrowed information, if any, is convincingly
▪ Borrowed information, if any, is generally related to the topic ▪ Borrowed information, if any, is
somehow related to the topic mostly related to the topic
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Body ▪ Content of paragraph ▪ Tries to develop a second aspect ▪ Develops, with clear focus, a ▪ Develops, with sharp focus, a
Paragraph 2 largely or totally irrelevant of thesis, but lacks controlling second aspect of thesis, with second aspect of thesis, with
(10%) to any aspects of essay’s idea or fails to communicate controlling idea that controlling idea that
main idea as stated in writer’s opinion, attitude or idea communicates writer’s opinion, communicates writer’s opinion,
introductory paragraph on point of paragraph attitude or idea on point of attitude or idea on point of
▪ No/ineffective use of topic- paragraph effectively paragraph very effectively
sentence-supporting-material ▪ Effective use of topic-sentence- ▪ Skilful use of topic-sentence-
structure supporting-material structure supporting-material structure
▪ Supporting material is often ▪ Supporting material is largely ▪ Supporting material is almost
general or irrelevant, and weak in specific and relevant, and supports always very specific and relevant,
supporting point of paragraph point of paragraph effectively and supports point of paragraph
▪ Borrowed information, if any, is ▪ Borrowed information, if any, is convincingly
somehow related to the topic generally related to the topic ▪ Borrowed information, if any, is
mostly related to the topic
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Body ▪ Content of paragraph ▪ Tries to develop a third aspect of ▪ Develops, with clear focus, a ▪ Develops, with sharp focus, a
Paragraph 3 largely or totally irrelevant thesis, but lacks controlling idea third aspect of thesis, with third aspect of thesis, with
(10%) to any aspects of essay’s or fails to communicate writer’s controlling idea that controlling idea that
main idea as stated in opinion, attitude or idea on point communicates writer’s opinion, communicates writer’s opinion,
introductory paragraph of paragraph attitude or idea on point of attitude or idea on point of
▪ No/ineffective use of topic- paragraph effectively paragraph very effectively
sentence-supporting-material ▪ Effective use of topic-sentence- ▪ Skilful use of topic-sentence-
structure supporting-material structure supporting-material structure
▪ Supporting material is often ▪ Supporting material is largely ▪ Supporting material is almost
general or irrelevant, and weak in specific and relevant, and supports always very specific and relevant,
supporting point of paragraph point of paragraph effectively and supports point of paragraph
▪ Borrowed information, if any, is ▪ Borrowed information, if any, is convincingly
somehow related to the topic generally related to the topic ▪ Borrowed information, if any, is
mostly related to the topic
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4
Conclusion ▪ Minimal/no attempt in ▪ Little to no attempt to signal essay ▪ Attempt to use transition, ▪ Skilful attempt to use transition,
(4%) writing a conclusion is ending, OR connector and/or re-statement of connector or re-statement of main
▪ Introduces new information, OR main idea to signal essay is ending idea to signal essay is ending
▪ Does not offer any meaningful ▪ Offers some meaningful thoughts ▪ Offers some meaningful thoughts
thoughts (e.g. suggestion, opinion, (e.g. suggestion, opinion, or (e.g. suggestion, opinion, or
or prediction), resulting in essay prediction) which ends essay prediction) which ends essay
ending abruptly naturally naturally and memorably

Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4
Organisation ▪ Does not use 5-paragraph ▪ Uses 5-paragraph structure ▪ Uses 5-paragraph structure ▪ Uses 5-paragraph structure
(4%) structure ▪ Some ideas grouped and ▪ Most ideas grouped and ▪ Almost all ideas grouped and
▪ All/most ideas grouped and sequenced logically while some sequenced logically – on sequenced logically and
sequenced randomly – on randomly – on paragraph level paragraph level and essay level – convincingly – on paragraph level
both paragraph level and and/or essay level – giving overall giving overall a good sense of and essay level – giving overall a
essay level – giving little to some sense of organisation organisation strong sense of organisation
no sense of organisation
Part A /50

Part B: Documentation in APA Style (10%)

Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4
In-text ▪ No in-text citations OR ▪ Use only “summarising/ ▪ Use both “summarising/ ▪ Use both “summarising/
Citations (4%) ▪ Citations not done in APA paraphrasing” or only “direct paraphrasing” and “direct paraphrasing” and “direct
style quotation” in borrowing quotation” in borrowing quotation” in borrowing
information information information
OR ▪ A few major and minor format ▪ Almost no format errors
▪ Many major and minor format errors ▪ All borrowed evidence indicated
errors ▪ Some borrowed evidence not with citations
▪ Lots of borrowed evidence not indicated with citations
indicated with citations
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4
Reference List ▪ No reference list OR ▪ Lots of major and minor format ▪ A few major and minor format ▪ Almost no format errors
(4%) ▪ Reference list not done in errors errors ▪ All in-text citations
At most 2 APA style ▪ Many in-text citations and ▪ Some in-text citations and and reference list entries are
marks if no in- reference list entries do not reference list entries do not matched
text citations match match
Mark Range 0 1 2
Evidence of ▪ No copies of sources and ▪ No copies of sources or no ▪ With copies of sources and
sources and no “Declaration of Own “Declaration of Own Work” form “Declaration of Own Work”
own work Work” form form
Part B /10

Part C: Language, Writing Style and Mechanics (40%)

Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Grammar & ▪ Numerous major and minor ▪ Many major and minor errors ▪ Some errors (in grammar, ▪ Writing nearly/completely
Mechanics errors (in grammar, punctuation, (in grammar, punctuation, punctuation, spelling, error-free (in grammar,
(20%) spelling, capitalization or other spelling, capitalization or other capitalization or other elements punctuation, spelling,
elements related to mechanics), elements related to mechanics), related to mechanics), mostly capitalization or other elements
Evaluates all 5 seriously hindering hindering communication of minor in nature, not creating related to mechanics),
paragraphs communication of ideas ideas to greater or lesser extent major obstacles to facilitating effective
and title throughout ▪ A few sentences error-free communication of ideas communication of ideas
▪ Almost no sentences error-free ▪ Some sentences error-free ▪ Errors, if any, are all minor
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Writing Style ▪ Using repeatedly simple words ▪ Some use of different words and ▪ Competent use of different ▪ Skillful use of different words
(15%) and simple sentences which sentence types, but marred with words and sentence types, and sentence types, making
makes writing monotonous and problems that affect readability making writing readable writing highly readable
poor in readability ▪ Isolated use of few transitions ▪ Effective use of variety of ▪ Skillful use of wide variety of
▪ Little to no attempt to use and connectors that hardly transitions and connectors that transitions and connectors that
transitions or connectors enhance flow of ideas enhance flow of ideas make ideas flow very smoothly
▪ Point of view inappropriate ▪ Point of view appropriate, but ▪ Point of view appropriate, with ▪ Point of view appropriate, with
and/or often shifting or with many consistency some consistency problems or almost no consistency problems
inconsistent problems or unnecessary shifts unnecessary shifts in viewpoint or unnecessary shifts in
in viewpoint viewpoint
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4 5
Summarising ▪ No efforts at paraphrasing or ▪ Observable effort at ▪ Solid effort at paraphrasing ▪ Skillful effort at paraphrasing
and summarizing because all paraphrasing and/or and/or summarizing borrowed and/or summarizing –
paraphrasing borrowed information are direct summarizing borrowed information – using own words expressing borrowed ideas
skills (5%) quotations OR obvious copying, information, but meaning is and sentence structures, and naturally and effectively in own
OR because no borrowed sometimes/often not faithful to meaning is generally faithful to words and sentence structures
information was used in essay original, and/or there is evidence the original while meaning is almost always
of pseudo-copying faithful to original
Part C /40

PART A + B + C
Total no. of words falls out of 600-650: Deduct 3 marks
Name: Class: Total Marks /100

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