LCH1056 Mid-Term Test Rubrics (Student Version)

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LCH1056 Mid-term Test Rubrics (Student Version)

Section A Short Questions (60%)

Question 1 (4%)
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4
Title ▪ Not a summary of essay’s main idea ▪ Summary of essay’s main idea ▪ Telling summary of selection’s main
(4%) idea in a word or phrase (not a
complete sentence; major words
capitalized; no quotation marks)

Question 2 (6%)
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Topic ▪ The topic sentence (or ▪ The topic sentence is written, ▪ The topic sentence is written, ▪ The topic sentence is written,
Sentence more than one sentence) with either the topic or with a relevant topic and with a relevant topic and
(6%) is written, with the topic controlling idea missing OR a clear focus (i.e. controlling sharp effective focus (i.e.
and controlling idea little irrelevant. idea). controlling idea).
missing OR totally ▪ Many major and minor ▪ Some, mostly minor, ▪ Writing nearly/ completely
irrelevant. language errors spotted language errors spotted error-free
▪ Numerous major and
minor language errors

Question 3 (6%)
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Conclusion ▪ Does not offer any ▪ Does not offer any ▪ Offers some meaningful ▪ Writes only one sentence
(6%) (relevant) suggestions, meaningful suggestions, suggestions which end essay ▪ Offers very meaningful
resulting in essay ending resulting in essay ending naturally suggestions which end essay
abruptly abruptly ▪ Some, mostly minor, naturally and memorably
▪ Numerous major and ▪ Many major and minor language errors spotted ▪ Writing nearly/ completely
minor language errors language errors spotted error-free

Question 4 (10%)
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Paraphrasing No efforts at paraphrasing: Little observable effort at Solid effort at paraphrasing: Skillful effort at paraphrasing:
Skills paraphrasing:
(7%) ▪ All borrowed information ▪ There is evidence of ▪ Using own words and ▪ Expressing borrowed ideas
belongs to direct pseudo-copying sentence structures naturally and effectively in
quotations or obvious information. ▪ Focusing on the main idea own words and sentence
copying. ▪ Meaning is sometimes/ while meaning is structures
▪ Meaning is distorted. often not faithful to generally faithful to ▪ Focusing on the main idea
▪ Numerous major and original. original while meaning is almost
minor language errors ▪ Many major and minor ▪ Some, mostly minor, always faithful to original
spotted language errors spotted language errors spotted ▪ Writing nearly/ completely

In-text Model answer:

Citation in (Cloutier, 2015).
APA Style
Question 5 (10%)
Mark Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Summarizing No efforts at summarizing: Little observable effort at Solid effort at summarizing: Skillful effort at summarizing:
Skills summarizing:
(7%) ▪ All borrowed information ▪ There is evidence of ▪ Using own words and ▪ Only one sentence is written.
belongs to direct pseudo-copying sentence structures ▪ Expressing borrowed ideas
quotations or obvious information. ▪ Focusing on the main naturally and effectively in
copying. ▪ Meaning is sometimes/ idea* while meaning is own words and sentence
▪ Meaning is distorted. often not faithful to generally faithful to structures
▪ Many details are included. original. original ▪ Focusing on the main idea*
▪ Numerous major and ▪ Details are included. ▪ Eliminating details while meaning is almost
minor language errors ▪ Many major and minor ▪ Some, mostly minor, always faithful to original
spotted language errors spotted language errors spotted ▪ Eliminating all details
▪ Writing nearly/ completely

> Main idea: From the early 20th century, radio changed people’s impression on sports.

In-text Model answer:

Citation in Wong (2003)
APA Style

Question 6 (24%)
Sentence number (2%): 1
Type of Mistake (2%): Fragment
Correction (2%) Sally Wong is the CEO of Happy Media.
(Answer in a complete

Sentence number (2%): 2

Type of Mistake (2%): Verb tense
Correction (2%) She believes that the pandemic has affected every worker.
(Answer in a complete

Sentence number (2%): 6

Type of Mistake (2%): Subject-verb agreement
Correction (2%) Our heads of department have also been able to manage this.
(Answer in a complete

Sentence number (2%): 9

Type of Mistake (2%): Connector
Correction (2%) This measure has been extended, and it may be maintained even after
(Answer in a complete Covid-19.
Sentence number (2%): 11
Type of Mistake (2%): Pronoun consistency
Correction (2%) Some workers like WFH due to their preference for quietness.
(Answer in a complete

Sentence number (2%): 13

Type of Mistake (2%): Parallel structure
Correction (2%) The main change is about their abilities to be more digital, organized,
(Answer in a complete and connected.

Section B Writing (40%)

Conversion Table for “Section B Total” to “Test Marks for Section B”
Section B (40%) – Writing
Part I: Ideas and Organisation (60% of Section B)
Introduction 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(12%) ▪ No/minimal attempt in ▪ Does not use hook ▪ Use hook to attract readers’ ▪ Use hook to attract readers’
writing introduction ▪ Does not provide connecting attention – quite effectively attention – highly effectively
information ▪ Provides some connecting ▪ Provides all vital connecting
▪ No/minimal attempt to link or information to guide reader to information to guide reader to
blend introduction with thesis topic topic
statement ▪ Attempt to link or blend ▪ Skilful attempt to link or blend
introduction with thesis statement introduction with thesis statement
Thesis 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Statement ▪ Thesis not observable or ▪ Statement hardly a thesis because it ▪ Thesis covers main idea, with ▪ Thesis focuses sharply on main
and Overview irrelevant to main idea provides topic or fact but not writer’s attitude, opinion or idea idea, with writer’s attitude,
(6%) writer’s attitude, opinion or idea, or stated opinion or idea forcefully stated in
▪ Thesis covers more than one main ▪ General overview, leaving some one sentence
idea, or uncertainty as to how main idea ▪ Specific overview, pointing out
▪ Missing overview will develop and in what aspects clearly how main idea will
develop in what aspects
▪ Good sense of coherence between
thesis statement and overview
Body 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 13 19 20 21 22 23 29 30 31 32
Paragraph 5 6 7 8 14 15 16 17 18 24 25 26 27 28 33 34 35 36
(36%) ▪ Content of paragraph ▪ Tries to develop an aspect of thesis, ▪ Develops, with clear focus, an ▪ Develops, with sharp focus, an
largely or totally irrelevant but lacks controlling idea or fails aspect of thesis, with controlling aspect of thesis, with controlling
to any aspects of essay’s to communicate writer’s opinion, idea that communicates writer’s idea that communicates writer’s
main idea as stated in attitude or idea on point of opinion, attitude or idea on point opinion, attitude or idea on point
introductory paragraph paragraph of paragraph effectively of paragraph very effectively
▪ No/ineffective use of topic- ▪ Effective use of topic-sentence- ▪ Skilful use of topic-sentence-
sentence-supporting-material supporting-material structure supporting-material structure
structure ▪ Support is largely specific and ▪ Support is almost always very
▪ Support is often general or relevant, and supports point of specific and relevant, and supports
irrelevant, and weak in supporting paragraph effectively point of paragraph convincingly
point of paragraph
Organisation 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
(6%) ▪ All/most ideas grouped and ▪ Some ideas grouped and sequenced ▪ Most ideas grouped and ▪ Almost all ideas grouped and
sequenced randomly on logically while some randomly on sequenced logically on paragraph sequenced logically and
paragraph level – giving paragraph – giving overall some level – giving overall a good convincingly on paragraph level –
little to no sense of sense of organisation sense of organisation giving overall a strong sense of
organisation ▪ Used point-by-point method for ▪ Used point-by-point method organisation
▪ Did not use point-by-point comparison, but with some flaws effectively for comparison ▪ Used point-by-point method
method for comparison effectively for comparison
Marks for Part I: ______________
Part II: Language and Writing Style (40% of Section B)
Grammar 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
& ▪ Numerous major and ▪ Many major and minor errors ▪ Some errors (in grammar, punctuation, ▪ Writing nearly/completely error-
Punctuation minor errors (in grammar, (in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization), mostly minor in free (in grammar, punctuation,
(25%) punctuation, spelling, spelling, capitalization), nature, not creating major obstacles to spelling, capitalization),
capitalization), seriously hindering communication of communication of ideas facilitating effective
hindering communication ideas to greater or lesser extent ▪ Some sentences error-free communication of ideas
of ideas throughout ▪ Few sentences error-free ▪ Errors, if any, are all minor
▪ Almost no sentences
Writing 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Style ▪ Using repeatedly simple ▪ Some use of different words ▪ Competent use of different words and ▪ Skillful use of different words
(15%) words and simple and sentence types, but marred sentence types, making writing readable and sentence types, making
sentences which makes with problems that affect ▪ Effective use of variety of transitions and writing highly readable
writing monotonous and readability connectors that enhance flow of ideas ▪ Skillful use of wide variety of
poor in readability ▪ Isolated use of few transitions ▪ Point of view appropriate, with some transitions and connectors that
▪ Little to no attempt to use and connectors that hardly consistency problems or unnecessary make ideas flow very smoothly
transitions or connectors enhance flow of ideas shifts in viewpoint ▪ Point of view appropriate, with
▪ Point of view ▪ Point of view appropriate, but almost no consistency problems
inappropriate and/or often with many consistency or unnecessary shifts in
shifting or inconsistent problems or unnecessary shifts viewpoint
in viewpoint
Marks for Part II: ____________
Deduct 3 marks for either case

- No. of words in the introduction

< 100 or > 130
Part I + Part II = __________ - No. of words in Body Paragraph 1 Section B Total: (1 – 2) = ________ / 100%
< 220 or > 250

 Yes (-3 marks)

 No (no deduction)

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