Week 1

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Quarter: _____1______ Grade Level: _______8_______

Week: ___1_________
MELCs: ____________ Learning Area: Remote-Psychosocial-Support

Day Objectives Topic/s Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities

1  Identify feelings/reactions related to Validating feelings and
the pandemic/any form of disaster  normalizing reactions  Say: What were the feelings that
ACTIVITY: Graphing Feelings  were mentioned a lot? Write
 Accept that all feelings and these down on your
reactions are normal and valid  whiteboard/manila  paper. 
Say: So I want to ask,
KAMUSTA KAYO? This is a What did you notice about your
strange crisis situation that reactions to the different
we are all  experiencing, situations? Are these normal
don’t you agree? So how reactions to  everything that you
are you? Are you okay, not experienced? I would like to show
okay? Were you not okay you this table of common reactions
three  months ago but okay of students to  stressful events.
now? Were you okay at the Please read those and tell me what
start but okay now? Can I you realize.  
ask you to identify about 5  Say: It’s good that you realized
feelings or emotions that that these are normal reactions
you have experienced as of this time. I want you to
during the past few realize  that it is okay to not
months/weeks or days? I feel okay.  
will give  you time to think
about it. (PAUSE) 
Say: Using the sheet of
paper, can you create a
graph or a pie chart of
feelings/emotions that you
have  or may have had during
all the crisis situations that
you experienced? Here is an
example (show on  camera).
On the x-axis, write down
each of the
feelings/emotions. On the y-
axis, write the numbers 25, 
50, 75 and 100 to represent
the percentage of time that
you were feeling that way.
Rate each  emotion/feeling
based on how much or how
often you would feel that way
over the past few 
months/weeks/days. I will
give you 5 minutes to do this
activity. After 5 minutes, I will
ask some of  those who have
videos to share their graphs
and talk about it for a short
while. I will also call those
who  only have audio to
share as well.  
Sharing and Comparing Graphs 
Say: If you are done,
may I ask ___ to share
his graph… (During the
sharing, listen for
feelings that  they rate
with 50 percent or
higher). Acknowledge it
and say if you felt the
same. Call on another 
student. Do this until all
or most have shared. 

2 When Terrible Things Happen

 Identify positive ways to manage one’s
emotions  Say: As a way to close this
ACTIVITY # 1  session, do you know that people
 Practice calming down using a
relaxation exercise Yesterday I asked you to who do yoga close the sessions
 Be able to practice reframing one’s identify your different by  saying “Namaste.” Namaste is
thoughts reactions and feelings towards a word which means “bow to you”.
the pandemic or any type of  People in India use it to say hello
stressful situation that you or  to bid each other goodbye.
may have experienced Can you think of a short phrase
recently. Can you recall what that you can share with the class
now to show our appreciation
those feelings were? Today, 
let’s talk about some ways to
about being with them during
help you manage your
online classes? What would be a
feelings. Can you recall for me good phrase or  word? (Possible
some of those feelings that  answers are “thank you, “
you mentioned yesterday?  “kamusta,” “good vibes,” etc. Can
we all say this to each  other now
The teacher now writes down some
as we leave our online class?
of those feelings in one column.  

Say: So when you feel this way,

what do you usually do to help
manage or get rid of that feeling? 

Teacher then writes those

actions down right beside
each feeling. Teacher then
asks another student to
recite.  She does this until she
has 5-6 examples.  
Say: So these actions help
make us feel better. They help
us address our stress. But can
we identify if there are  actions
here which would be
considered as unhealthy ways
of dealing with the stress?
Which ones would be 
considered as healthy ways of
coping? What made you say

Say: Please take a look at your

own list of emotions from
yesterday and list down the
ways that you deal with  the
emotions. Can you identify if
you were using healthy or
unhealthy ways of dealing
with the stress? Today, I  want
to remind you of healthier
ways of dealing with our
feelings. I will teach you three
new and easy ways: 
Say: Suggestion # 1: Count
backwards. If you feel that
you are getting more upset or
stressed or anxious or 
nervous. You can ask to be
excused or you can just close
your eyes, or turn around and
just silently, count  backwards
from 10 until 1. While doing
so, focus on your breathing
and tell yourself to calm
down. Let us try it  together.

Say: Suggestion #2: 3-2-1

Senses Check. In this
method, I want you to quietly
name 3 things you can  see
around you, 2 things you can
feel and 1 thing that you can
hear. While doing that,
breathe in and  out 5 times
but every time you do so, you
add one more second to
each inhale and one more
second to  each exhale.  

Say: Suggestion #3:

Reframe. This means that a
feeling usually comes from a
thought and when we  can
change or reframe a thought,
then we can change how we
feel. For example, I feel angry
because  my mother called
me lazy. I think my mother
called me that way because
she does not see me
working  hard or maybe
because she is just really
unfair all the time. I can
reframe that by saying, my
mother is  just very stressed
and tired tonight. She does
not mean what she says. By
reframing the thought, I  have
changed the way I feel about
the situation.  
Alternative Activities 
Other breathing
exercises, yoga poses,
tai-chi with humor injected
into it, engaging in sports
but in a  non-competitive
manner, or dance moves
using both slow and fast

3 Identifying and Ask students to come up with a

 To identify one’s current needs and chant or cheer after that activity.
those of one’s family  Addressing Needs   It should be a chant that will
 Become aware of the ACTIVITY 1 
Show the sheet called List of remind  them to find
various institutions, people/organizations to help
departments and centers Emergency Contact Numbers
and Information. Ensure that them/their loved ones address
present within the school  their most pressing needs.
environment or the the sheet is  properly filled
immediate community  out by the teacher. A copy of
 Take note of the important this sheet should be shown
numbers and information regarding during class time or the
who to approach for their needs teacher  can provide a link
where the students can get
this information from. 
Say: I want to show you a list
of emergency contact
numbers that I want you to
take note of or you may  want
to take a screenshot with
your phone. (Give them time
to copy or take a photo). Let
us all discuss  first what these
offices do. (Teacher explains
how each office can help).

Say: Please save the

screenshot on your
phone or if you listed the
numbers down, please
tape it to  any part of your
house so that it can easily
be seen by everyone.  
Show this list of common needs
of survivors after a disaster and
discuss with the class.  
Say: Take a look at the
common needs of survivors
after a disaster or
pandemic. Do you think it is 
complete? What other
needs should be on the list?
Take a look at this list of
needs of people during a 
pandemic and how to
access them. Let’s discuss
these for a while.  
Please get a piece of paper
and make three columns
(you can show an example).
On the first column,  list
down all the members of the
family whom you live with.
On the second column,
identify the  immediate
needs of this person that
your family cannot address
as of this moment. On the
third  column, identify where
you can refer this person to
or who you can approach in
order to ask for help 
regarding the needs of this
person. If you do not know
anyone who can help that
person, just leave it  blank
first. (Give them time to do
How many of you know who
to refer your loved ones to
for their needs? May I know
what these needs  are and
who you are going to refer
your loved ones to? (Please
commend them for knowing
whom  they could approach
in times of need). 
Can we talk about what you
think your own needs are?
Who can you approach in
order to address your  own
needs? Why do you think it is
important for all of you to
learn about whom you can go
to for your  own needs and
the needs of your family? 
Acknowledge them for
having good support
systems and for knowing
who to link themselves or
their  family members to.

Prepared by: Checked by:

HT III/ Chairman Math Dept.

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