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/ 5,000

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COMPLETION OF OIL WELLS 19 | Page Figure 3. Classification of wells
according to their location. 1.3 CLASSIFICATION OF WELLS ACCORDING
TO THEIR TRAJECTORY 1.3.1 VERTICAL WELLS Although it is true that
there are no wells that are totally vertical due to the movements of the string
when drilling, vertical wells are considered to be wells whose degree of deviation
is negligible and, in general, these are the exploratory ones. 1.3.2
DIRECTIONAL WELLS Wells are intentionally designed with a significant
degree of deviation from vertical. This degree of hole deviation is achieved using
techniques for calculating deviation, downhole motors, and a few other tools. The
objective of diverting a well is to develop an optimal strategy to ex
Also called THI or threshold inhibitors, "kinetic" inhibitors

do not shift the thermodynamic equilibrium of hydrate formation but rather extend the time

of induction (it is the duration between the crash of the system in the hydrate region and the
beginning of

effective hydrate formation). Recall that thermodynamics allows us to predict whether a

certain reaction is going to take place and the kinetics tells us how long the reaction is going to


Chemicals modified from the hydrate formation induction time were

called KHI and those that modify the hydrate particles by changing the agglomeration of the

hydrate crystals are called AA. Some inhibitors are surfactants that prevent the

adherence of hydrates to the lines or form O/W emulsions that interfere with the process

of crystallization.

All kinetic inhibitors are known as LDHI or low dosage hydrate inhibitors.

Evolution of the LDHI

The idea for LDHIs came from observing (Franks, 1987) that certain fish do not freeze

at subzero temperatures of fresh water due to the secretion of a protein that, adhered to the

microscopic ice crystals prevent their growth.

The first generation of KHI were polymers of pyrrolidone or caprolactam (1994).

The KHI application window is not limited by the water cut as it happens

with thermodynamic inhibitors but by the maximum obtainable subcooling in the system

.The first generation of KHI could guarantee 15ºF of subcooling. the second

generation has already reached 20ºF. In offshore operations it is not uncommon to operate with

35ºF subcooling.

The last generation AAs have in their structure a “hydratephilic” end and another

“hydratephobic” whose effects combine to disperse the incipient hydrate in the liquid phase

hydrocarbon. Certain quaternary ammonium salts and phosphonium compounds are effective AA

for subcooling 40ºF and above.

While methanol should be used between 10 and 60% of the volume of the aqueous phase (it is

estimated at US$ 150MM/year the worldwide cost of methanol for the treatment of gas hydrates),

LDHI are effective at less than 1 wt% of the clear phase.

Petroleum Studies and Services S.R.L.

NT No. 72

Sheet 6 of 7

In cases cited in the literature, the replacement of methanol by LDHI (PVP polyvinylpyrrolidone)

was able to reduce the cost of treatment by more than 50% being the inhibitor

effective at less than 0.1% of the aqueous phase.

Effective operation at very low concentrations (below 1000 ppm) has made

LDHIs are also referred to as THIs (threshold hydrate inhibitors).

The AA group has some limitations, although they operate for long periods and with

High subcoolings are toxic, they need 50-70% hydrocarbon cut from the water and

will worsen the quality of the co-produced water by forming emulsions.

The second generation of LDHI are called KHI which are chemically

modified 1st generation polymers. They can control carbohydrates for 48 hours. Fraud

subcooling of 13ºC (the first generation achieved 8ºC for 24hrs.). The usual doses

they are around 0.5% (5000 ppm).

Thermodynamic inhibitors (methanol, monoethylene glycol) act synergistically

with the LDHI. It is important that both are not antagonistic because the transition rules of

The change from thermodynamic to kinetic is gradual and both are used simultaneously.

Other water soluble chemicals (corrosion and scale inhibitors) are

Compatible with KHIs but hydrocarbon soluble chemicals usually are not.

Table 1 illustrates the KHI vs. Methanol in wells and Table 2 the assay

combined methanol and KHI in gas pipelines.

Table 1

KHI vs. methanol

KHI Methanol Well

Gal/day US$/ day Gal/day US$/ day %

WSA 23 27 21.60 < 4.3 < 14.62 4

WSA 25 30 24.60 1.8 6.12 4

WY2 20 16.00 2.5 -5.0 3.7 -7.4 1

NCT 25 20.00 3 - 4 10.20 - 13.60 4

Petroleum Studies and Services S.R.L.

NT No. 72

Sheet 7 of 7

Box 2

Combined Test in Gas Pipelines


Length - feet 6,000 19,000 24,000

Diameter - in. 4 4 4

Qg. - MMscf./day 1.8 1.2 2

BPD condensed 40 15 15

BPD water 55 110 0.055

Methanol wt% 0.41 0.21 38

PVP %p 0.001-0.004 0.006-0.002 0.1 - 0.55

Inh. corr. gal/day 1 1.5 1

Demulsifier gal/day 0 0.25 0.25


They are very stable solids that normally precipitate from the gas phase in

systems with high content of H2S in the gas (dry gas). They mainly contain hc.

Cyclic and form diamond crystals, Table 3 contains data on the three

most frequent diamonoids.

Table 3

Most Frequent Diamonoids


Melting Point 514ºF 464ºF 430ºF

esp. Gram. 1.07 1.21 ----

Molecular Weight 136 188 240

GPA Petroleum Studies and Services S.R.L.

Remedios 2715 C1406HCC Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

Fax: (011) 4392-0618


Also called THI or inhibit

ploit a greater volume from a single location on the surface without the need to
move the equipment to another area, optimizing costs and time. In turn, there are
3 types of directional wells:  Type “J” / Type I, Increase and maintain.  Type
“S” / Type II, increase, maintain and decrease.  Horizontal Type III, continuous
increase. COMPLETION OF OIL WELLS 20 | Page “J” type holes start with a
vertical and then drift to a certain angle and maintain a specific direction until the
target is reached. “S” type wells start with a vertical section, then deviate at a
certain angle, to later return to the vertical well and reach the objective in this
way. A horizontal well is a well whose inclination increases more than 80° and
penetrates the reservoir with a completely horizontal section (90°). Figure 4.
Types of Directional Wells. Table 2. Causes that originate the drilling of a
directional well. COMPLETION OF OIL WELLS 21 | Page 1.3.3
MULTILATERAL WELLS Multilateral wells are those that have two or more
laterals drilled from a common or main well, these laterals can be horizontal or
directional. Branched wells are those that derive from a horizontal well to exploit
the same reservoir contained in the same horizontal plane, these are known as
multiple entry or reentry wells. Figure 5. Multilateral Well. 1.4.
reasons why a well is drilled in an oil field, so another type of classification is
made according to the function for which its design is required. In this
classification, the wells can be mainly producers, relief, injectors and latrine
wells. 1.4.1 INJECTOR WELLS It is a well that was drilled with the purpose of
injecting fluids into the reservoir in order to maintain the pressure in the reservoir
and thus ensure that the production of the well lasts a longer period of time or
that a greater volume of hydrocarbon is obtained. In this type of well there are
two types of injections:  Gas Injection Wells: The gas that comes from the
production separators of the same field or possibly the imported gas can be
reinjected in the upper gas section of the reservoir. COMPLETION OF OIL
WELLS 22 | Page  Water Injection Wells.- They are more common in marine
areas, where seawater is filtered and treated to later be injected into a lower
aquifer section of the reservoir. Figure 6. Injector Well. COMPLETION OF OIL
REQUIREMENTS OF A TERMINATION The information required for the
design of a termination can be diverse and must always be available, so the
engineer must use his criteria to determine the optimal type of termination design
the most appropriate type of termination. The proper design of the well
completion must consider obtaining the information recorded during drilling
directly or indirectly, which will be evaluated to determine the areas of interest
and through a nodal analysis the diameters of the production tubing will be
designed and the diameter of the chokes in order to optimize production. Figure
7. Required Information. 2.2 OPERATING CYCLE OF A COMPLETION The
well completion process begins after the last casing is cemented. Operationally,
the completion of wells is exemplified in the following figure, which shows the
cycle of operations required for a successful completion of wells, below the
technical aspects that must be considered during each process are mentioned.
GeologicalColumn • Cores •ChannelSamples •Training Tests Petrophysical
Characteristics •Porosity •Mineralogy •Permeability •CapillaryPressures
•Geological Age Fluid Characteristics •Density •Goo •Pressure •Temperature
•Saturation •Composition ParticularCharacteristicsofPozo •Deletable Intervals
•Gas Intervals •Inflatable Shales •FluidLeaks ENDS
5,000 / 5,000

Resultados de traducción
COMPLETION OF OIL WELLS 19 | Page Figure 3. Classification of wells
according to their location. 1.3 CLASSIFICATION OF WELLS ACCORDING
TO THEIR TRAJECTORY 1.3.1 VERTICAL WELLS Although it is true that
there are no wells that are totally vertical due to the movements of the string
when drilling, vertical wells are considered to be wells whose degree of deviation
is negligible and, in general, these are the exploratory ones. 1.3.2
DIRECTIONAL WELLS Wells are intentionally designed with a significant
degree of deviation from vertical. This degree of hole deviation is achieved using
techniques for calculating deviation, downhole motors, and a few other tools. The
objective of diverting a well is to develop an optimal strategy to exploit a greater
volume from a single location on the surface without the need to move the
equipment to another area, optimizing costs and time. In turn, there are 3 types of
directional wells:  Type “J” / Type I, Increase and maintain.  Type “S” / Type
II, increase, maintain and decrease.  Horizontal Type III, continuous increase.
COMPLETION OF OIL WELLS 20 | Page “J” type holes start with a vertical
and then drift to a certain angle and maintain a specific direction until the target
is reached. “S” type wells start with a vertical section, then deviate at a certain
angle, to later return to the vertical well and reach the objective in this way. A
horizontal well is a well whose inclination increases more than 80° and
penetrates the reservoir with a completely horizontal section (90°). Figure 4.
Types of Directional Wells. Table 2. Causes that originate the drilling of a
directional well. COMPLETION OF OIL WELLS 21 | Page 1.3.3
MULTILATERAL WELLS Multilateral wells are those that have two or more
laterals drilled from a common or main well, these laterals can be horizontal or
directional. Branched wells are those that derive from a horizontal well to exploit
the same reservoir contained in the same horizontal plane, these are known as
multiple entry or reentry wells. Figure 5. Multilateral Well. 1.4.
reasons why a well is drilled in an oil field, so another type of classification is
made according to the function for which its design is required. In this
classification, the wells can be mainly producers, relief, injectors and latrine
wells. 1.4.1 INJECTOR WELLS It is a well that was drilled with the purpose of
injecting fluids into the reservoir in order to maintain the pressure in the reservoir
and thus ensure that the production of the well lasts a longer period of time or
that a greater volume of hydrocarbon is obtained. In this type of well there are
two types of injections:  Gas Injection Wells: The gas that comes from the
production separators of the same field or possibly the imported gas can be
reinjected in the upper gas section of the reservoir. COMPLETION OF OIL
WELLS 22 | Page  Water Injection Wells.- They are more common in marine
areas, where seawater is filtered and treated to later be injected into a lower
aquifer section of the reservoir. Figure 6. Injector Well. COMPLETION OF OIL
REQUIREMENTS OF A TERMINATION The information required for the
design of a termination can be diverse and must always be available, so the
engineer must use his criteria to determine the optimal type of termination design
the most appropriate type of termination. The proper design of the well
completion must consider obtaining the information recorded during drilling
directly or indirectly, which will be evaluated to determine the areas of interest
and through a nodal analysis the diameters of the production tubing will be
designed and the diameter of the chokes in order to optimize production. Figure
7. Required Information. 2.2 OPERATING CYCLE OF A COMPLETION The
well completion process begins after the last casing is cemented. Operationally,
the completion of wells is exemplified in the following figure, which shows the
cycle of operations required for a successful completion of wells, below the
technical aspects that must be considered during each process are mentioned.
GeologicalColumn • Cores •ChannelSamples •Training Tests Petrophysical
Characteristics •Porosity •Mineralogy •Permeability •CapillaryPressures
•Geological Age Fluid Characteristics •Density •Goo •Pressure •Temperature
•Saturation •Composition ParticularCharacteristicsofPozo •Deletable Intervals
•Gas Intervals •Inflatable Shales •FluidLeaks ENDS

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