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Jun 28, 1848

Marriage of his parents

Teodora Morales Alonso-Realonda y Quintos, and dad, Francisco Rizal-Mercado y
Alejandra, married.

Period: Jun 28, 1848 to Dec 30, 1912

The Life and Influence of Rizal
Jun 19, 1861
Birth of Rizal
Rizal was born, as their seventh child.

Jun 22, 1861

Christened as José Protacio Rizal-Mercado y Alonso-Realonda

Jun 22, 1870

Studied under Justiniano Aquin Cruz.
Aug 24, 1871
Studied at Kalamba public school under Master Lucas
At age 10

Jun 10, 1872

Took exam in San Juan de Letran College
Age 12

Jun 26, 1872

Started strudying at Ateneo Municipal de Manila

Jun 16, 1875

Became a boarder at Ateneo

Mar 23, 1876

RecievedBachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree with highest
honors, from Ateneo de Manila.

Jul 20, 1877

Entered Sto. Tomás University in the Philosophy

Nov 19, 1877

Awarded diploma of honorable mention and merit by
the Royal Economic Society of Friends of the Country,
Amigos del País for his prized poem.

Jun 23, 1878

Matriculated in the medical course. Won Liceo
Artistico-Literario prize, in poetical competition for
“Indians and Mestizos”, with the poem “To the
Philippine Youth”.

Apr 23, 1880

Received Licco Artístico-Literario diploma of
honorable mention for the allegory, “The Council of
the Gods”, in competition open to “Spaniards,
mestizos and Indians”. Unjustly deprived of the first
Dec 8, 1880
Operetta “On the Banks of the Pasig” produced.

Sep 25, 1881

Submitted winning wax model design for
commemorative medal for the Royal Economic
Society of Friends of the Country centennial.

May 3, 1882
Secretly left Manila taking a French mail steamer at
Singapore for Marseilles and entering Spain at Port
Bou by railroad. His brother, Paciano Mercado,
furnished the money.

Jun 15, 1882

Arrived in Barcelona

Jun 20, 1882

Absence noted at Sto. Tomás University, which owned
the Kalamba estate. Rizal’s father was compelled to
prove that he had no knowledge of his son’s plan in
order to hold the land on which he was the
University’s tenant.

Oct 3, 1882
Began studies in Madrid.
Aug 21, 1886
Received degree of Licentiate in Medicine with honors
from Central University of Madrid on June 19 at the
age of 24.
Clinical assistant to Dr. L. de Wecker, a Paris oculist.
Visited Universities of Heidelberg, Leipzig, and Berlin

Feb 21, 1887

Finished the novel Noli Me Tangere in Berlin.
Traveled in Austria, Switzerland and Italy.

Jul 3, 1887
Sailed from Marseilles.

Aug 5, 1887
Arrived in Manila. Traveled in nearby provinces with a
Spanish lieutenant, detailed by the Governor-General,
as escort.

Feb 9, 1888
Sailed for Japan via Hong Kong.

Feb 28, 1888

A guest at the Spanish Legation, Tokyo, and traveling
in Japan.

Period: Feb 28, 1888 to Apr 13, 1888

A guest at the Spanish Legation, Tokyo, and traveling
in Japan.
Apr 25, 1888
Travelled to United States

May 24, 1888

In London, studying in the British Museum to edit
Morga’s 1609 Philippine History.

Mar 28, 1889

— In Paris, publishing Morga’s History. Published
“The Philippines A Century Hence” in La Solidaridad,
a Filipino fortnightly review, first of Barcelona and
later of Madrid.

Apr 22, 1890

In Belgium finished El Filibusterismo which is the
sequel to Noli Me Tangere.

Aug 4, 1890
Returned to Madrid to confer with his countrymen on
the Philippine situation, then constantly growing

Jan 27, 1891

Left Madrid for France.

Nov 19, 1891

Arranging for a Filipino agricultural colony in British
North Borneo.
Practiced medicine in Hong Kong.

Jun 3, 1892
Organized a mutual aid economic society: a Liga

Jun 26, 1892

Returned to Manila under Governor-General
Despujol’s safe conduct pass.

Jul 6, 1892
Ordered deported to Dapitan, but the decree and
charges were kept secret from him.
Taught school and conducted a hospital during his exile, patients coming from China
coast ports for treatment. Fees thus earned were used to beautify the town. Arranged a
water system and had the plaza lighted.

Aug 1, 1896
Left Dapitan en route to Spain as a volunteer surgeon
for the Cuban yellow fever hospitals. Carried letters of
recommendation from Governor-General Blanco.

Aug 7, 1896
On Spanish cruiser Castilla in Manila Bay.
Sailed for Spain on Spanish mail steamer and just after leaving Port Said was confined
to his cabin as a prisoner on cabled order from Manila. (Rizal’s enemies to secure the
appointment of a governor-general subservient to them, the servile Polavieja had
purchased Governor-General Blanco’s promotion.)

Oct 6, 1896
Placed in Montjuich Castle dungeon on his arrival in
Barcelona and the same day re-embarked for Manila
Friends and countrymen in London by cable made an unsuccessful effort for a Habeas
Corpus writ at Singapore. On arrival in Manila was placed in Fort Santiago dungeon.

Dec 3, 1896
Charged with treason, sedition and forming illegal
societies, the prosecution arguing that he was
responsible for the deeds of those who read his
During his imprisonment Rizal began to formulate in his mind his greatest poem who
others later entitle, “My Last Farewell.” (Later concealed in an alcohol cooking lamp)

Dec 12, 1896

Rizal appears in a courtroom where the judges made
no effort to check those who cry out for his death.

Dec 27, 1896

Formally condemned to death by a Spanish court

Dec 29, 1896

Completes and puts into writing “My Last Farewell.”
He conceals the poem in an alcohol heating apparatus
and gives it to his family. He may have also concealed
another copy of the same poem in one of his shoes
but, if so, it is lost in decomposition in

Dec 30, 1896

Roman Catholic sources allege that Rizal marries
Josephine Bracken in his Fort Santiago death cell to
Josephine Bracken; she is Irish, the adopted daughter
of a blind American who came to Dapitan from Hong
Kong for treatment.

Dec 30, 1896

Shot on the Luneta, Manila, at 7:03 a.m., and buried in
a secret grave in Paco Cemetery. (Entry of his death
was made in the Paco Church Register among

Jan 21, 1897

Commemorated by Spanish Free-masons who
dedicated a tablet to his memory, in their Grand Lodge
hall in Madrid, as a martyr to Liberty.

Aug 22, 1898

Filipinos who placed over it in Paco cemetery, a cross
inscribed simply “December 30, 1896”

Dec 20, 1898

President Aguinaldo, of the Philippine Revolutionary
Government, proclaimed December 30th as a day of
national mourning.

Dec 30, 1898

Filipinos held Memorial services at which time
American soldiers on duty carried their arms

Jun 19, 1911

— Birth semi-centennial observed in all public
schools by an act of the Philippine Legislature

Dec 30, 1912

Rizal’s ashes transferred to the Rizal Mausoleum on
the Luneta with impressive public ceremonies

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