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Geologi Gempabumi:

Sesar Aktif, Tektonik Aktif,

Tektonik Geomorfologi, Paleoseismologi

Adi Patria

7 Oktober 2022

Pusat Riset Kebencanaan Geologi


Kerangka Presentasi
 Tektonik aktif dan Sesar aktif
 Identifikasi sesar aktif (Tektonik geomorfologi dan survey
 Identifikasi kejadian gempabumi purba (Paleoseismologi)
 Gempabumi 2018 Sesar Palu-Koro
 Sesar Matano dan kejadian gempabumi purba
 Sesar aktif di Kalimantan
Tektonik Lempeng
Tectonic Indonesia

Structural elements are from Hall (2012), Pownall et al. (2016), and this study
Earthquake locations are from USGS earthquake catalog. Plate Motions are from deMets et al. (2010).
Jenis sesar
Jenis sesar
Sesar Aktif
 Pergerakan sesar dapat menyebabkan gempa

 Sesar Aktif: jika memiliki rekaman

pergerakan selama Holosen (~11 kya) atau
Kuarter Akhir (~125 kya).

 Memotong satuan batuan atau geomorfologi

Jalur Sesar Aktif

(Toda, 2011)
Geomorfologi sesar aktif
Jalur Sesar Aktif

Sesar Sumatra
Jalur Sesar Aktif
Sesar Ambon

Sesar Palu-Koro
Robekan permukaan (Surface rupture)

(Natawidjaja et al, 2021)

(Patria & Putra, 2020)

Perulangan Gempabumi
 Model Perulangan Gempabumi
 Interval dan slip yang konstan

 Observasi aktual
 Interval dan slip yang bervariasi

(Toda, 2011)
Laju Pergeseran (Slip rate)
 Laju pergeseran : total pergerakan / waktu (umur batuan yang terpotong)

Tuff Ranau: 33,640 ± 190 yr

Slip rate : 10.4 ± 1.5 mm/yr

(Natawidjaja et al, 2017)

Sesar aktif dibawah permukaan (geolistrik dan
Seismic reflection (single channel)

(Natawidjaja et al, 2021)

Paleoseismic trenching and radiocarbon dating
 Evaluating the earthquake history of the faults
 Excavation can be done by hand-digging or heavy
 Logging the trench wall: mapping the fault, sedimentary
unit, and related features
 Selected samples were dated in the Beta Analytics, USA
using C14 radiocarbon dating.

(McCalpin, 2008) 17
Indikator gempabumi pada paleoseismic trench

Earthquake Geology of the Large Left-lateral
Strike-slip Fault System at the Pacific and
Australian Plate Margin, Eastern Indonesia
( Palu-Koro and Matano faults)

Adi Patria

Division of Science of Environment and Mathematical Modelling

Graduate School of Science and Engineering
Doshisha University

Background and aims
Asia Philippine
 Research aims Few geological information:
 provide precise active fault map • Precise fault traces
• Slip rates
 uncover the faulting behavior: slip • Paleoseismic history
• Recurrence interval
rates, potential magnitudes,
paleoseismic history
Western Indonesia LargeEastern Indonesiastrike-slip fault system
 evaluate the seismic hazard
 clarify the active tectonics


Mw ≥7 earthquake

Structural elements are from Hall (2012), Pownall et al. (2016), and this study
Earthquake locations are from USGS earthquake catalog. 20
Study areas

The Palu-Koro fault

The easternmost Matano fault

The northern Banda Arc

Mw ≥7 earthquake

Structural elements are from Hall (2012), Pownall et al. (2016), and this study
Earthquake locations are from USGS earthquake catalog. 21
Plate tectonic motions

80 mm/yr

Structural elements are from Hall (2012), Pownall et al. (2016), and this study
Earthquake locations are from USGS earthquake catalog.
GPS velocity fields are from Bock et al. (2003) 22
Tectonic geomorphic interpretation
 Active faults offset the late
Quaternary geomorphic
surfaces and strata.
 8 m Indonesian DEM (DEMNAS) DEM Slope
 1.4-3 m LiDAR DEM
 DEM processing
 Hill-shade
 Slope
 3D Anaglyph
Hill-shade Hill-shade+DEM
 Color range manipulation

(Burbank and Anderson, 2012)

Delineate active fault traces

3D anaglyph
Paleoseismic investigation
Earthquake Indicators at the subsurface



Logging & sampling

(Toda, 2011)
Timing of event : (A - B)

Paleoseismic trench excavation is to

expose strata and faults

Shallow subsurface geophysics
Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) Ground-penetrating radar (GPR)

Dipole-dipole configuration
a: 1.5-5 m S: antenna separation (1-2 m)
n: 112 electrode
d: depth
length: 166.5-555 m
R: electromagnetic wave path
A: direct airwave.

Development of the Palu–Koro fault in
NW Palu Valley, Sulawesi

Patria, A., Putra, P.S., 2020. Development of the Palu–Koro Fault in NW

Palu Valley, Indonesia. Geoscience Letters, 7(1), pp.1-11.

Palu-Koro fault: overviewBasin-bounding fault (PUSGEN, 2017)
Cross-basin fault (Watkinson and Hall, 2017)
Surface rupture (i.e. Socquet et al., 2019;
Natawidjaja et al., 2021)
Palu-Koro fault NW Palu Valley

Palu Valley


North area DEM Interpretation
Old alluvial fan

Young alluvial fan

Basin-bounding fault

Topographic profile

Fault scarp
68 m

South area
Offset road Olddrainage
Offset alluvial fan
Young alluvial fan


Subsided ground Fault scarp

Development of the Palu-Koro fault
Ages of fans from Bellier et al. (2001)
Old alluvial fan: 120 kya
Young alluvial fan: 11 kya
120 11

The existence of the intra-basin fault

should be carefully examined for seismic
hazard evaluation in strike-slip basins.
Active faults in Kalimantan

Major structures in Kalimantan
Seismicity in Kalimantan 1900-2022 (USGS)
M6.1, 2015
M6.1, 1995

M5.4, 2000
Sesar Mangkalihat
Intensity map of M 6.1, 1957-10-26
Concluding remarks
 Indonesia is a seismically active region due to convergence of four major plates.
 Development of the Palu-Koro fault during the Quaternary.
 The northwest Palu valley is characterized by normal faults and strike-slip fault.
 the eastward progressive migration from the basin-bounding fault to the intra-basin strike-
slip fault.
 The intra-basin fault should be anticipated in seismic hazard evaluation in strike-slip basin.
 Earthquake geology of the easternmost Matano fault.
 Complex segmentation in the Larongsangi Basin.
 Preferred offshore connection to the South Sula fault, through the Geresa segment.
 The most-recent surface-rupturing earthquake was dated AD 1432‒1819 (AD 1626).
 Mw 7.4 and 107 km long fault rupture.

 Recurrence interval: 190-270 years, and slip rate: 30 mm/yr.

 Kalimantan is relatively stable area, low seismicity. However, record indicates some
moderate (M>6) earthquakes occurred in Kalimantan.
 Some faults in Kalimantan is considered to be capable of generating large earthquake.



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