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Task 1: A random question

Andrea Daniela Pasinga Adarme

Tutor: Nancy Andrea Paez Marquez

Code: 518008_77

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia - UNAD

School of Education- ECEDU

Bachelor of Arts in Foreign Languages with Emphasis on English

Agosto 2022

 Screenshot of the question

 Answer to the question

I have a pet, it’s a dog his name is Bruno, he’s fat and big he also has a beard, but

I find that very funny, he likes to play a lot but he doesn’t like to bathed he is a

beautiful dog isn’t of the race, but I love him too much he is two years old. I have

since he was one month old, but due to some problems with some neighbors I can

´t have him with me, that´s why he lives now with my grandmother, she loves him

as much as I do and he is always with her he accompanies her everywhere. Bruno

is very dear to my family and especially to my mother. She carefully took care of

him every day while I worked. He was very naughty with her.

I miss him a lot, but he can’t have him with me, just as I know that with my

grandmother he is good. He makes me very happy to see and play with him, even

if he isn’t every day.


 Video
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