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Balibago, Angeles City

College of Arts, Social Sciences & Education


2nd Cycle, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
Name: Magsino Welerma D. Score: _________________
Course & Section: BSED SEE04A Date: April

I. MORSE TYPE. Read and analyze the sentences carefully. 2 points each (20 points)
A. If option A is the only correct and B is incorrect
B. If option B is the only correct and A is incorrect
C. If options A and B are both correct
D. If options A and B are both incorrect

B 1. A. According to Geoffrey Leech, stylistics is the linguistic approach to

literature that explains the relationship between language and its aesthetic function, while B. Henry
Widdowson believes that stylistics includes both literary criticism and linguistics.
B 2. A. Stylistics is an advanced level comprehensive study of literary text by
identifying the specific influence of a particular choice of language in literary communication, and
B. Stylistics may be defined as the study of linguistic choices the writer makes to effectively
express his/her thoughts and feelings.
A 3. A. Style encompasses the writer's way of thinking about his subject as
well as his distinctive way of presenting it for a specific reader and purpose; B. style is a means of
discovery for both the story maker and the gossiper.
C 4. A. According to David Crystal, there are four commonly occurring senses
of the term "style": 1. the language habits of one person, B. 2. the language habits shared by a
group at a time.
C 5. A. Stylistics is attributed to Eastern European and Russian scholars,
which is known as Russian Formalism. B. Roman Jakobson became one of the most influential
linguists of the twentieth century.
D 6. A. The art of creating speech was called poetic from the Greek word
rhetorike and was taught as one of the main subjects in schools. On the other hand, B. the artistic
creation was called rhetoric, which aimed to study a piece of art.
C 7. A. The study of creating and guiding a dialogue, talk, or discussion, as
well as the study of methods of persuasion, was called dialectics. B. This method is still known in
pedagogy as the "dialogical" or "Socrates’ method".
C 8. A. Stylistics began in 1966 when Roger Fowler published a book he
edited, called Essays on Style and Language. B. Stylistics was also influenced by Russian
Formalism and Czech Structuralism.
D 9. A. Stylistics was influenced and guided by Russian Formalism and its
professors, B. particularly Roman Jakobson, Viktor Shklovsky, and Vladimir Propp.
A 10. A. Stylistics and pragmatics are inextricably linked, as is discourse
analysis. B. These branches' domains will interfere with one another.

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Balibago, Angeles City
College of Arts, Social Sciences & Education


2nd Cycle, 2nd Semester 2021-2022
II. Instructions: Identify the style and stylistic devices used by the author in the statements.

Expressive Euphony Onomatopoeia

Emotiveness Parallelism Functional Style

Stream of Consciousness Antithesis Juxtaposition

Alliteration Anaphora Individual Style

Onomatopoeia 11. Before speakers settled on bumblebee.

Alliteration 12. “But Beowulf grappled and gripped him hard,” ― Beowulf
Euphony 13. “Before I fell in love with words, with setting skies and singing birds, it
was you I fell in love with first.” ― Lang Leav, Love & Misadventure
Anaphora 14. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness
thrust upon them. ―  William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
Expressive 15. “What Is Love? I have met in the streets a very poor young man who was
in love. His hat was old, his coat worn, the water passed through his shoes and the stars through his
soul.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables
Parallelism 16. “O, cursèd be the hand that made these holes; / Cursèd the heart that had
the heart to do it; / Cursèd the blood that let this blood from hence.” ― Richard III
Juxtaposition 17. “The dark house, with its overgrown garden and boarded windows, was a
blight on the rest of the neighborhood, dotted with picturesque houses boasting verdant lawns and
clean windows that gleamed in the sun.”
Antithesis 18.  “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. It was the age of
wisdom; it was the age of foolishness.” ― A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens
Alliteration 19. “Success is counted sweetest, by those who ne’er succeed.” ―  Success,
Emily Dickinson
Emotiveness 20. What could you make of a man like that I’d rather die 20 times over than
marry another of their sex of course had never find another woman like me to put up with him the way
I do know me come sleep with me yes and he knows that too. ―James Joyce’s Ulysses 63 pages

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