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Kris Hazel P.

Renton, PHIS102, N2

What requirements do you need to follow or have in order to arrive at a good ethical

decision making?

Based on the reading material, “Why Identifying Ethical Standards is Hard”, making

good ethical decision making requires a trained sensitivity to ethical issues and a practiced

method for exploring the ethical aspects of a decision and weighing the considerations that

should impact our choice of a course of action. Before making a good ethical decision, one has to

build first his/her consciousness or awareness about different situations involving a moral

conflict that must be addressed. Studies on ethical issues helps one to unfold their knowledge to

moral standards which can result to having an ethical sensitivity. Giving attention to the ethical

values involved in a conflict-laden situation and a self-awareness of one’s own role and

responsibility in a situation is a requirement in making a good ethical decision making because

one knows how to assess the different choices they have while being reliable and trustworthy.

The first requirement is having ethical sensitivity. The second one is to be deliberate. One must

avoid making hasty decisions because sometimes, what’s been done in a rush leads to

disappointments or even to unethical actions. Before making a decision, one must consider

his/her basis of how he/she approaches the situation. He/she may put himself/herself to that

situation to think of the possible solutions that will solve the problem. Each possible solution

must be followed by its possible outcomes. When one analyzes the situation and imitates the

process of ethical decision making, he/she can avoid making hasty decisions. One can also

choose the right actions to do when he/she becomes deliberate in different situations where

conflict must be solves. The requirements in making a good ethical decision are important
because these are guides to explore ethical dilemmas and to identify ethical courses of action.

Therefore, all of us must achieve these requirements.

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