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Module 1: Activity No.

Properties of Matter Exercises Problems


Student No. : 20191136046

Problem No. 1:

How far from earth must a body be along a line toward the sun so that the gravitational
pull of the sun balances that of the earth? Earth to sun distance is 9.3 x 107 miles and
mass of sun is 3.24 x 105 x mass of earth. (Draw the diagram indicating all distances)
Ans. 1.63 x 105 miles from earth

�2 ��
= = 3.24 × 105 (�� )

= 3.24 × 105

= 569

d 9.3×107
x = 569+1 = 570

x = 1.63 × 105 miles

Problem No 2:

Define a new temperature scale, say 0N, in which the boiling point freezing points of
water are 1000 0N and 100 0N, respectively at standard condition. Determine:
(a) 0 N and 0 C relationship & 0 N and 0 F relationship;
(b) The 0 N reading on this scale is a certain number of degrees on a corresponding
absolute temperature scale. What is the absolute temperature at 00N?
Ans. (a) 0N = 9(0C) + 100, (b) 2360 0N approx.
°�−0 °�−100 °�−32 °�−100
= =
100−0 1000−100 212−32 1000−100

°� °�−100 °�−32 °�−100

= =
100 900 180 900

900°C = 100°N − 10000 900°F − 28800 = 180°N − 18000

°C(9) = °N − 100 5°F − 160 = °N − 100

°�−100 °�−60
°C = 9
°F = 5

°N = 9(°C) + 100 °N = 5(°F) − 60

°N = 9(° − 273.15) + 100

°N =− 2458.35 + 100

°N =− 2358.35°N or − 2360°N

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