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Name : Esraa Saleh Rashwan

Dr: Seham
Topic: constructivist strategies
Integrative teaching (its)
What is constructivism?
Constructivism is the theory that says learners construct
knowledge rather than just passively take in information.
As people experience the world and reflect upon those
experiences, they build their own representations and
incorporate new information into their pre-existing
knowledge (schemas).
Related to this are the processes of assimilation and
• Assimilation refers to the process of taking new
information and fitting it into an existing schema.
• Accommodation refers to using newly acquired
information to revise and redevelop an existing
For example, if I believe that friends are always nice, and
meet a new person who is always nice to me I may call
this person a friend, assimilating them into my schema.
Perhaps, however, I meet a different person who
sometimes pushes me to try harder and is not always nice.
I may decide to change my schema to accommodate this
person by deciding a friend doesn’t always need to be
nice if they have my best interests in mind. Further, this
may make me reconsider whether the first person still fits
into my friend schema.
Consequences of constructivist theory are that:
• Students learn best when engaged in learning
experiences rather passively receiving information.
• Learning is inherently a social process because it is
embedded within a social context as students and
teachers work together to build knowledge.
• Because knowledge cannot be directly imparted to
students, the goal of teaching is to provide
experiences that facilitate the construction of
This last point is worth repeating. A traditional approach
to teaching focuses on delivering information to students,
yet constructivism argues that you cannot directly impart
this information. Only an experience can facilitate
students to construct their own knowledge. Therefore, the
goal of teaching is to design these experiences.
Consequences for the classroom:
There are many consequences for teaching and the
classroom if you adhere to constructivist principles. The
following chart from the Teaching and Learning
Resources wiki compares traditional and constructivist
classrooms across several components
Integrative learning is an approach where the learner
brings together prior knowledge and experiences to
support new knowledge and experiences. By doing this,
learners draw on their skills and apply them to new
experiences at a more complex level. The concept behind
integrative learning is that students take ownership of
their own learning, becoming critical inquiries who can
make meaningful connections between different
disciplines and utilize critical thinking to real-life
An integrative approach (also known
as integrative therapy)
is a type of therapy in which the affective, behavioral,
cognitive, physical, social, and spiritual aspects of an
individual are used in their treatment..

• “An integrated approach allows learners to explore,

gather, process, refine and present information about the
topics they want to investigate without the constraints
imposed by traditional subject barriers. “(Pigdon &
Woolley, 1992).

• Integrated approach encourages student to see the

interconnectedness and interrelationships between the
different curriculum areas.
Instead of focusing on learning in isolated curriculum
areas, an integrated approach is based on skill
development around a particular theme that is relevant to
students of a particular class.
• The curriculum set up of science at primary level i.e.,
general science is an example of integrated approach.
Following are the ways of integration:

a. Cross disciplinary approach: This approach examines

an issue typically relevant to one discipline through the
lens of another discipline.

b. multi-disciplinary approach: This approach examines

an issue from multiple perspectives, without making a
concerted effort to systematically integrate various

c. Inter-disciplinary approach: This approach examines

an issue from multiple perspectives, leading to a systematic
effort to integrate the alternative perspectives into a unified
or coherent framework of analysis.
Characters of integrative teaching:

1. Wide conceptual knowledge: Integrated approach

provides an opportunity for broader & wider conceptual

2.Child-centered teaching: Integrated approach

promotes child centered teaching.

3. Integration of skills with contents: Integrated

approach of curriculum organization promotes integration
of skills with contents.

4.Teacher as a mediator: The role of a teacher is

mediator between knowledge and child.

5.Use of modern method: The integrated approach

requires use of modern methods of teaching such as
inquiry based teaching.

6.Flexibility: No rigid disciplines exist. Integrated


7. Preparation of future citizens: The main purpose of

integrated approach is to prepare the future citizens of a
8. Openness: The approach is open to new ideas and

9. Multi learning Environment: The approach requires

multi-learning environment such as classroom, lab,
outdoor, computer, internet etc.

Importance of integrated approach:

1. Detailed conceptual understanding: This approach

helps the learner to get detailed conceptual understanding
of the content.

2. Choice based selection of subject: Integrated

approach help the students to select discipline / subject
according to their own interest.

3. Creativity: This approach foster creativity among


4. Promotion of modern methods: This approach

promotes modern methods of teaching such as
collaborative learning, cooperative learning etc.

5. Development of self-concept &

socialization: Integrated approach helps in developing
self-concept & socialization.

6. Realistic Application: This approach has realistic



1. Time Consuming: Integrated approach is time

consuming as a single theme analysis is done with
different discipline point of view.

2. Need of well equipped & expert teacher: Integrated

approach needs well equipped & expert teachers who can
use modern methods of teaching.

3. Create confusion: If this approach is not handled

carefully then child may get confused in various

4. Proper selection & organization of various

disciplines: Integrated approach needs expertise to select
theme and organization of various disciplines.

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