Order Form v.02

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Fastel Sarana Indonesia

Gd. Lina Lantai 2 Ruang 210
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav B7
Phone : 021-5274177
Fax : 021-5278244

Order No.
Order Date. 5 Juli 2011
Order Form Customer ID. 013
Estimated Activation Date 10 Juli 2011
To be filled by Globe

Current Status New Upgrade DownGrade Other

1. Customer Details

Customer Name (Customer Contracting Legal Entity) SAAT MINISTRY CENTER

Billing Account No.
NPWP 21.059.764.765-7.000
(Existing Globe Customer)
Central Park Office Tower LT. 15 Suite 2504 , Tanjung Duren Raya Kav 5-9
Street Address
Grogol Jakarta Barat , DKI Jakarta Indonesia
Postal Code 11470
Contact Person Andre Saatministrycenter@gmai
E-mail Address
Contact Title Mr l.com
Telephone Number (021)-29034290 Fax Number -

2. Customer On-Site Information

Contact Person Andre Saatministrycenter@gmai

E-mail Address
Contact Title Mr l.com
Central Park Office Tower LT. 15 Suite 2504 , Tanjung Duren Raya Kav 5-9
Street Address
Grogol Jakarta Barat , DKI Jakarta Indonesia
Postal Code 11470
Telephone Number (021)-29034290 Fax Number -

3. Related Technical Information

Interface Jack Type

Optical ST SC Other
Electrical UTP / RJ 45 Serial / V35 Other
Provided by GLOBE Customer
IP Address
IP Addr required Yes No
If Yes, IP Address Will be Provided If No, please indicate which existing IP
by Globe Address to use :
Customer Order Form Page 1 of 3
PT. Fastel Sarana Indonesia
Gd. Lina Lantai 2 Ruang 210
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav B7
Phone : 021-5274177
Fax : 021-5278244

IP Address
AS Number

DNS Information
Primary DNS GLOBE Customer
Secondary DNS GLOBE Customer
(If DNS are customer Provide, please fill the information below)
DNS Administrator
Ferry E-Mail Address support@globe.net.id
Telephone Number Fax Number
Existing Domain
New Domain Choices

4. Network Terminating Unit

G.703 RJ45* SC / ST V.35*


5. Service Details

A. Type of Service Broadband Link

B. Capacity Up to 2 Mbps

C. Installation Charge IDR 2.000.000

D. Monthly Charge IDR 1.500.000

E. Route

E. Others
Term of Service
One Year (12 months) after Activation Date * Contract Can Stoped If Service Quality Poor
Two Year (24 months) after Activation Date
Three Years (36 months) after Activation Date

6. Location


Building/Floor IT ROOM Central Park Central Park Office Tower, 15 Floor

Tanjung Duren Raya kav 5-9 Grogol Tanjung Duren Raya kav 5-9 Grogol
Jakarta Barat Jakarta Barat
City DKI – Jakarta DKI – Jakarta
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PT. Fastel Sarana Indonesia
Gd. Lina Lantai 2 Ruang 210
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav B7
Phone : 021-5274177
Fax : 021-5278244

Country Indonesia Indonesia

Postal Code 11470 11470

I/we hereby confirm that the foregoing information herein given to be true and correct. I/we agree to be
bound by the Contract Agreement attached.


Bambang ariyanto
Account manager

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