Pumu-Volume and Capacity

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Volume is the measurement of the three dimensional area occupied by a certain shape. Capacity is therefore related to volume, in that it is the measurement of how much fluid or liquid that an object can hold. For the year 5 pupils, they are just starting to learn about volume and should have it well mastered by the end of their year and the continuation of the topic when they are in year 6. The content in their mathematic textbook has provided enough activities to make the pupils understand the volume and capacity concept in their process of learning. The use of mathematic exercises in these concepts help the pupils to understand the more clearly of its objectives and purposes. While most of our discussion about measurement is in terms of linear measurement we need to have skill and understanding of other forms of measurement as well. One of the more common attributes that we often measure is capacity or volume. In our cooking we often add ingredients in terms of cups or fractions of cups. We purchase gasoline, water, and paint in gallons. Fresh fruit from a farm market is packaged in pints, quarts, pecks, and bushels. Bottled water, milk, and many other drinks are packaged in liters, quarts, ounces, or gallons. So we can say that, volume is how much space a given material occupies. Meanwhile, capacity is the maximum volume a container or receptacle has the potential to carry. On a more abstract and sophisticated level, we can compute is the volume of air in our home and environment in order to do an energy audit to determine ways to save money on heating and cooling which cost a lot. There are multiple examples in our daily life where we need to measure and calculate volume. The question is, how do we measure volume? How do we assign a numeric and specific value to this abstract attribute question?



If there are two terms in general science that is most often interchanged in use and meaning, it is no other than volume and capacity. To give you an idea of the real differences between these two terms, let us make a comparison of their definitions. Firstly, to what exactly does volume refer? Whether something is a liquid, a solid or a gas, volume refers to the amount of three-dimensional space that it occupies. Some of the most common units of volume include :






Secondly, capacity refers to the ability of something to hold, receive or absorb. It is similar in concept to volume, but there are a few differences. One good example to illustrate the difference between capacity and volume, is how they are used in sentences. Take a look at the following: 1. The helium gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons. 2. The gas in our experiment expanded to twice to its original volume. In the sentence examples, volume was used to describe the three-dimensional size of the object, which was gas. Meanwhile, capacity referred to the volume that the gas tank could hold.

Another example, is that capacity is the ability of a container to hold two cups of rice, while that same container may have a volume of 5 cubic centimeters, which refers to the amount of space that the container itself occupies. To summarize, volume is the space taken up by the object itself, while capacity refers to the amount of substance, like a liquid or a gas that a container can hold. Summary: 1. Volume is the amount of space taken up by an object, while capacity is the measure of an objects ability to hold a substance, like a solid, a liquid or a gas. 2. Volume is measured in cubic units, while capacity can be measured in almost every other unit, including liters, gallons, pounds, etc. 3. Volume is calculated by multiplying the length, width and height of an object, while capacitys measurement is geared more towards cc or ml. 3.0 MEASURING VOLUME

We can, of course, sometimes measure volume in a direct way by pouring water or some other substance into a marked measuring cup. This rather straightforward technique conceals the difficulty of measuring volume, however. How did the manufacturer of the measuring cup know exactly where to make the marks to designate the specific quantities? Like so many other areas of mathematics, the issue boils down to units. What are the units of measure for volume? Since there is a direct relationship between volume of a substance and the weight of that substance, we can understand that units of volume may have originated in reference to specific quantities of weight.

A beaker

A test tube

Some of the objects that can be used to measure volume Biggs, J. B. and Collis, K. F.(1982), tells us that originally a gallon was known as the to have a volume of eight pounds of wheat. Even in the well well-known measurement rhyme, "A pint's a pound the world around," refers to the weight of a pint of water. Volume and weight are automatically involved in this type of measurement. At its core, volume is a way to represent or talk about three-dimensional space. Although most of the things we want to measure are not in the shape of cubes, we can always convert space into chunks that are cubes. The cube, a three-dimensional object that has equal height, width, and length, is a useful construction for making the abstract concept of volume more tangible. When we think about measuring liquids or gases like air, it is not too difficult to picture these substances filling a container of any shape. Then it is not too difficult to imagine manipulating the full container into a cubic shape. From there it is not too difficult to understand that we could measure the length, width, and height of that cube-shaped container in order to obtain a measurement of volume. Always remember that the volume of an object is the amount of space it takes up. For example, an inflated balloon takes up more space than an empty balloon. That means that a balloon that is blown up has more volume than one that has not been blown up.

Voume can also show capacity on how much a container can hold. For example a bathtub has more volume than a coffee cup. 3.1 Volume of a Regular Shaped Solid

The volume of a regular-shaped solid can be found by multiplying the height X the width X the length. 5 cm

2 cm
1 cm So the volume of the above object would be 10 cm 3.



Practice makes students more proficient, but not experts. It takes experience and skill to measure when using a graduated cylinder. A graduated cylinder measures in milliliters, which is a measure of volume. It is much easier to measure in milliliters, because it is already divided into the decimal system. Just as students measured using metric with the left side of the decimal point centimeters and the right millimeters, the same is true for metric volume. Measuring with a graduated cylinder is complicated somewhat by a meniscus. A meniscus is the curvature of the surface of the water. Water "sticks" to the walls of the graduated cylinder, but only on the sides and not the middle. When students look at the surface, the water level is not straight. Measurement should be at the lowest point. Students need to read the meniscus at eye level in order to get an accurate reading. Students should place the graduated cylinder on the table and then lower their heads to be able to read the meniscus at eye level. 5


How do children's notions of volume and capacity develop?

From a logical adult perspective it could be argued that length measurement should precede area measurement, which in turn should precede volume measurement. However there are good grounds for thinking otherwise. Some researchers argue that children's intuitions experiences of three dimensional space are more basic, and that their intuitions of two dimensional space, followed by uni-dimensional space such as lengths and distances which come later. The work of Piaget(1960), suggests that children think about volume differently according to whether they are able to "conserve". By conserve is meant that any given quantity remains invariant under different physical transformations. That is, so long as nothing is removed and nothing is added, the measure of a quantity will stay the same no matter what the physical configuration, or rearrangement. Now the important thing to appreciate is that the realization of physical invariance becomes interiorised into the mental structures of the child. Thus conservation of volume begins to work for a child when that child is able to mentally anticipate the possibility of recognizing the elements of a quantity in order to more easily and efficiently solve a problem. A problem Piaget (1960), used to study children's behaviour in measuring the volume situations involves 36 wooden cubes and together with several bases of differing shapes. First the blocks are set up on a three by four base so that the height of the blocks is three. The pupils are told that the blocks are a building on a piece of land and each block is a room. The problem is to determine if a building with the same number of rooms can be built on another land that is just three blocks long and two blocks wide. A base of this shape is provided. As well as being invited to move the blocks the child is asked to explain what will happen.

The activities The pupils are given a collection of cent cubes. The teacher will ask questions about the cubes. For example: 1. How long is the side of the cube? 2. What is the volume of each cube? How did you know? 3. Pupils will give explanations when necessary. Students make a rectangular prism using 24 cubes and record the dimensions length, breadth and height. Determine the volume is 24 cubic units. Look at the relationship between the volume, length, breadth and height. Questions
1. 2.

What is the volume of each prism? 24 cubic units/cubic centimetres How can we calculate the volume using the length, breadth and height of the prism? Can you make other rectangular prisms with a volume of 24 cubic units?


Students attempt to make other prisms, record the results and describe what they notice. Discuss:

1. How is your second prism/cubes different from your first prism/cubes? 2. How is your second prism/cubes similar to your first prism/cubes? 3. What is the length, breadth and height of each prism/cubes? 4. What generalizations can you make? 5. How do know that you have made all the possible prisms?

Students draw some of the models they have made. Students use the centicubes to construct a rectangular prism which is 3 cm long, 2 cm wide and 1 cm high. Students add more cubes to the prism by following the steps below. After each step they must add the details to the table. What is the volume of the prism? Complete row a of the table. Add another layer to this prism so the height is now 2 cm. Complete row b of the table. Add another layer to this prism so the height is now 3 cm. Complete row c of the table. Repeat with a height of 4 cm. Complete row d of the table. Repeat with a height of 5 cm. Complete row e of the table. Students choose their own measurement for the height and complete row f. When the rows of the prism is complete the pupils will place them on the different surface such as table, chairs, cupboard to see whether it can accommodate the different space and other objects.



Capacity is how much can substances fit into something, for example the capacity of a container may be 3 cups of rice or 500 millilitre of water. While volume is the amount of space that is taken up whether or not there is something in it or it is solid, expressed in cubic cm or m or km how much can be held. Capacity is the area which is inside an empty hollow shape, for example 500millilitre is equivalent to 3 cups where the volume is the amount which has been taken up by a liquid or object as 200 milliliter is equal to half cup. If it is a solid shape the inside is the volume because it does not have any space inside it so there is no capacity in a solid. Also is a shape is completely empty then there you cannot measure the volume because to measure the volume there has to be something in there from either a cubic cm or liquids . If we measured the length, width, and height of the cubic container in terms of inches, then our resulting volume measurement would be a number of cubic that is threedimensional inches. If our measurements of length, width, and height were in terms of feet, our resulting volume measurement would be in terms of cubic three-dimensional feet.

Figure A. Nine square feet in a square yard


Ideas for learning Capacity for Primary 5 Pupils

In order to measure the capacity of certain liquid that can fit into something such as containers, bottles or cups there are several items which can be used to measure them. For example:

Measuring Spoons

Measuring Cups (Type 1)

Measuring Cups (Type 2)

Measuring Beakers



Measurement for Capacity-Activities

The capacity of an object is the measure of how much it can hold and be fit in its area of contain. As mentioned earlier, Jean Piaget, the founder father of child development, referred to the idea of conservation, which illustrates that a quantity remains the same despite changes in appearance. By learning about capacity through hands-on experiences and activities, children will naturally develop a sense for how much a container can hold despite its size, colours or shape. For that purpose let us take a closer look at the activity which can enhance the pupils knowledge when it comes to capacity. For this purpose, the pupils use measuring cups to fill storage containers with rice. ( Beside rice, other materials or grains can be used such as green beans, sand, sugar or gravels) A simple plan but yet comprehensive can develop an understanding of the capacity of different containers and that containers of different shapes may fit/hold the same amount. Experimental activities using a large plastic bin, dry rice or beans and several measuring cups and food storage containers should be relevant. A chart on the notice board or wall helps children remember how many scoops of spoons fill each container. To make it easier for children to complete the chart, use at least 10 pictures of each cup and one picture of each food storage container, and have tape available to record the results. You can review the chart with the children to see which containers hold more, less or the same amount. As an enrichment activity, fill a container with rice or beans. Holding up the cup, ask the children to guess and estimate how many cups of rice or beans are place inside. The children can write their estimates down on a piece of paper with their name. The child who guesses closest to the correct answer get the most marks and can be awarded with present.


As for the homework, the pupils are ask to make comparison on the containers of house hold products such as washing detergent, tooth brush, cooking oil, hair shampoo and syrup.



4.5 kg

1.5 l

500 ml

250 ml



The ability to understand volume and capacity plays a significant role in our lives as we deal with measurement and money everyday of our lives and they goes hand in hand with our knowledge. No matter what you do, the ability to measure volume and capacity is needed if you are unable to do or understand the concepts. As for primary 5 pupils, they are able to make use of the concept in their daily routine and school work if they get the adequate and sufficient knowledge from the teacher. Some people think that this knowledge is useless but as a teacher if there were no such lesson in the class, the students would not be able to relate what is in the world outside to the lesson that they have learnt in class and the significance that it can brings to both when it comes to measuring of volume and capacity.



Biggs, J. B. and Collis, K. F., (1982).Evaluating the quality of learning: The SOLO Taxonomy, New York: Academic Press. Biggs, J. B. and Collis, K. F., (1991).Multimodal learning and the quality of intelligent behaviour, In H. Rowe (ed.). Campbell, K. J. Watson, J. M. and Collis, K. F., (1992).Volume Measurement and Intellectual Development, Journal of Structural Learning, 11 (3), 279-298. Collis, K. F., and Watson, J. M, ,(1991).A mapping procedure for analyzing the structure of mathematics responses, Journal of Structural Learning, 11, 65-87 Demetriou, A. and Efklides, A., (1985).Structure and sequence of formal and postformal thought: General patterns and individual differences, Child Development, 56, 1062-1091, Lunzer, E. A., (1960).Some points of Piagetian theory in the light of experimental criticism, Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 1, 191-202, Piaget, J., Inhelder, B. and Szeminska, A., (1960). The childs conception of geometry, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul,


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