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1. Overview of the telecommunication industry
- What is the telecommunications industry?
The telecommunications industry is made up of businesses that enable
global communication, whether it be via the phone or the Internet, over
airwaves or cables, via wires, or wirelessly. These businesses built a
network that enables the transmission of data in the form of text, voice,
audio, or video throughout the globe, facilitating easy information
exchange between people.

- Overview of the telecommunication industry in the world

During the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, travel restrictions,
working-from-home (WFH) arrangements, and limitations on gatherings
mean that telecommunications systems have stepped in to replace
important face-to-face interactions. The telecommunications sector
accommodates the rapid shift in working arrangements, helping
businesses stay in operation and communities connected in
unprecedented conditions.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global market for telecommunications
is predicted to be worth US$ 1792600 million in 2022 and US$ 1960100
million by 2028 with a CAGR of 1.5% throughout the study period.
Telecommunication is one of the fastest growing industries in the world.
The global telecommunications market has experienced a sharp rise in
investment and expansion over the last ten years.
The expansion of the telecommunications industry has benefited the
economy by generating new jobs and commercial opportunities.

- Overview of the telecommunication industry in Vietnam

According to the Ministry of Information and Communications, in the first 6
months of 2022, the total revenue of the telecommunications service
industry is estimated at VND 1,833,162 billion, up 17% over the same period
in 2021 (VND 1,568,141 billion).

Due to its major contribution to the development of the nation, the

telecommunications industry is one of the sectors in our country with the
greatest potential for growth.
Development trend of the telecommunications industry in Vietnam: 5G
Connectivity, User-Centered, Digital Transformation
2. Motivations to use BA
- In 2021, Vietnam has 71 million broadband mobile internet subscribers and
nearly 19 million fixed-band subscribers, up 4% and 14.6% respectively over
the same period in 2020. Meanwhile, the rate of enterprises using the
internet of things (IoT) increased by 20%, reaching 88.67%. Internet traffic is
growing by 40% annually, with 2G, 3G, and 4G users accounting for 99.8% of
the population.

- It illustrates the need for tools and strategies to help extract value from big
data since the volume of data is too large (big data). These tools are used
to transform data into information that may be used for decision-making,
management, and organization.

3. Benefits of BA

- Insight understanding: assisting companies in understanding client

insights, enabling them to establish effective strategies, and fostering
corporate growth
- It Supports Data-Driven Decision-Making: Using business analytics, raw
data can be transformed into more useful inputs for decision-making.

- It keeps you updated: The attention span of contemporary consumers is

short. They quickly transition from one business to another and soon forget
about the last one. However, with the help of business analytics, you can
stop this from happening.
- The capability of comparing achievements to overall goals: You can see
your aims and objectives more clearly thanks to business analytics.
Businesses can monitor their present and historical performance in relation
to key performance indicators (KPIs), goals, and objectives by employing
data visualization.
- Improving effectiveness: These days, businesses may collect data at a
breakneck pace. Business analytics allow you to pinpoint any process or
performance breakdown nearly immediately, saving you time, money, and
- Staying competitive: Companies need to be ahead of their competitors and
equipped with the newest toolkits to help them make decisions that will
increase efficiency and boost revenues.
- Personalize the customer experience: Businesses gather client information
from a variety of sources, including social media, traditional retail, and
e-commerce. Businesses can learn about consumer behavior to offer a
more individualized experience by employing data analytics to generate
thorough customer profiles from this data.
- Reduce risk and deal with setbacks: A company can use business analytics
to identify hazards and take precautions. Additionally, businesses might
employ data analytics to reduce losses following a setback.

Business Analytics Models

1. Behavioral analytics models:

Telecommunication businesses can run behavioral analytics models using
customer data to enhance customer experience. Each person will have
different behaviors, preferences, habits, and needs for using
telecommunications services and the behavioral analysis model will
concentrate on analyzing each customer based on the data collected,
from which it will make recommendations tailored to each customer,
personalize the user experience, and ultimately increase the purchase rate.
For example, Viettel telecom has many different telecommunications
service packages, because each customer has different usage needs,
based on behavioral analysis, Viettel can suggest telecommunications
service packages suitable for each individual
2. SWOT analysis model
The SWOT analysis model (SWOT matrix) is a high-level model used at the
beginning of an organization when it comes to strategy. The model
includes strengths (Strengths), weaknesses (Weaknesses), opportunities
(Opportunities), and challenges (Threats). While opportunities and threats
are considered external elements, strengths and weaknesses are thought
of as internal factors. A telecommunication business can identify areas for
improvement as well as those where they are succeeding with the use of a
SWOT analysis. The SWOT model can also be expanded into a competitive
advantage model.
3. PESTLE analysis model

A SWOT analysis and a PESTLE analysis frequently go hand in hand.

PESTLE assesses external variables that might have an impact on business
success. These six terms—political, economic, technological,
environmental, legal, and sociological—represent the six factors that have
an impact on business.
PESTLE study evaluates each prospective factor's level of significance,
potential impact, duration of effect, and impact type (i.e., positive or
Business telecommunications stakeholders can obtain an advantage over
rivals by using this type of corporate analysis to manage risk, strategically
plan and analyze business goals and performance.

4. Entity-relationship diagram
An entity-relationship diagram (ER diagram) shows how entities in a system
(such as people, things, or concepts) link to one another. An organizational
business glossary might include a logical ER diagram that illustrates the
relationships between the concepts.
ER diagrams typically have three components: Entities, Relationships, and
Entities have attributes, which are used to describe additional details about
the notion. The main learnings from ER diagrams come from relationships.
The links between entities are depicted in a visual model either
quantitatively or via crow's foot notation.
These diagrams are particularly useful tools for BAs working in software
engineering and business information systems because they are
frequently used to model database structures in such domains.
Technical limitations of BA models
1. Privacy Concerns:
Business owners are prone to violate client information privacy during the
data collection process. Purchases, client transactions, and subscriptions
fall within this category. Various businesses eventually trade datasets with
different commercial enterprises for mutual advantages during the analysis

Additionally, the information gathered may be utilized against one person,

one community, or both. This means that organizations and corporations
need to exercise caution when collecting client data. and strengthen the
data's security and privacy. Additionally, companies just need to gather the
precise information needed for the analysis.

2. Access to Low-Quality Data

This is one of the factors that has an impact on business data analytics
globally. It is no secret that a lot of businesses have already analyzed and
accessed a ton of data. Businesses must adopt a top-down strategy to
guarantee that all the data gathered meets the specified standards of

You may occasionally discover that the data you have was gathered for a
variety of historical causes. This means that the data cannot assist you in
running your firm. Businesses and organizations must develop unique
metrics that will aid in the data collection process during analytics.

Challenges and future opportunities

1. Challenges:
- The amount of data being collected
Risk managers and other employees frequently experience data
overload as a result of today's data-driven enterprises and the
advent of big data. Every incidence and interaction that occurs
within a company every day may be reported, giving analysts
thousands of interconnected data sets.

A data system that automatically gathers and arranges data is

required. Manually carrying out this operation would take far too
long in the current context. Employees will be able to use the time
normally spent digesting data to take action thanks to an automated

- Poor quality data:

Inaccurate data is the single biggest threat to data analytics. Output
won't be dependable without good input. Data input mistakes made
by hand are a major contributor to erroneous data. If the analysis is
applied to decision-making, this could have grave detrimental
effects. Asymmetrical data is another problem since it causes
information in one system to become out of date because it does
not take into account changes made in another system.

These problems disappear with a centralized system. With

obligatory or drop-down fields, data may be entered automatically
with limited potential for human error. A change in one area is
immediately reflected throughout the system thanks to system

- Managing influxes of data:

When a business decides to go digital, it must deal with data. As
they expand, more data is received, and if it isn't structured properly,
it can become chaotic. Challenges and logistical flaws in the
corporate expansion are brought about by the data influx.

In order to free up risk management and data analysts and to enable

access from any device, anywhere in the globe, organizations must
consider scalable choices like cloud servers that offer
automatability. Businesses also need to adjust to the web's wider
accessibility, which connects them to resources that depend on a
certain place.

It doesn't matter if a company's computer resources are situated

halfway across the world, claims cloud computing specialist Barbara
Ericson of Cloud Defense. If the business has access to such cloud
servers, they need to be able to finish all the tasks they need to
without suffering a lot of delays.

2. Future opportunities: pathways for future works

- AI and Machine Learning:
Machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) enable excellent
efficiency at significantly lower prices. Machine learning is expected
to take over an increasing number of customer support activities in
the future, but how well these technologies work depends largely
on the people who develop them. Business analysts are frequently
the guardians of these solutions because even robots with the
potential to learn need to be fed the proper data.
Businesses can use AI and machine learning in a broad variety of
ways. The concepts serve as the foundation for features that are
essential for corporate performance and efficiencies, like
customized marketing, cybersecurity, hiring top personnel, and
customer relationship management, according to the online
newspaper Business 2 Community. While these technological
components are ready to change the company landscape, they still
require the expertise of business analytics experts to make them

- Cloud Computing:
Many of the advantages demanded by organizations are offered by
cloud computing, the practice of employing remote servers on the
internet to store and administer data. These advantages include less
reliance on physical resources, which frequently become obsolete
as soon as they are installed, improved productivity, particularly
when working with teams spread across different locations, and a
wide range of choices for redundancy management and disaster
preparation. Cloud computing may lower expenses and boost
operational efficiency when used properly.
It's not always simple to make use of these advantages, though.
Businesses must create workable workflows to combine resources,
share information effectively yet securely, monitor data access to
safeguard customers, and retain the speed and simplicity of data
access. To make sure that business objectives are achieved,
business analysts oversee data flow inside cloud-based structures,
assist in designing and developing data processes, and assess both
the data and system performance as a whole.

- Data Automation:
Sorting, storing, and managing the zettabytes of data that exist
today can be a difficult and time-consuming procedure. Because of
this, data automation will be a crucial part of the company in the
future. Data automation may take care of the tedious but crucial
aspects of data management automatically, giving business
analytics professionals more time to study and interpret collected
data. It can also play a crucial role in aiding companies in resolving
any scalability problems they may be facing.
Building an effective approach that carefully curates the automated
system is the key to employing data automation efficiently. This
indicates that the information is organized so that it is simple to find
and utilize when needed. Professionals in business analytics can
play a crucial role in this process by using their expertise to develop
solutions that incorporate sensitivity and effectiveness into the data
automation process.

- Predictive Analytics Tools:

The future of business analytics is going to be heavily influenced by
predictive analytics. Predictive analytics in business frequently boils
down to the requirement to predict the client's or customer's next
move. Businesses can more confidently plan for specific outcomes
and performances by looking at past data patterns in consumer
behavior, market volatility, and even social trends. This might not
only help them remain constantly relevant in their field but also
elevate them to the position of leadership.
The future is crucial to the concept's success, so the data from the
past must be accurately evaluated for the purposes of future plans.
If not, adverse effects might happen. For predictive analytics to
remain effective and not unintentionally lead corporate efforts to run
into unforeseen roadblocks, the work of highly qualified business
analytics professionals might be crucial.
- Edge Data and Analytics:
Thanks to the explosive proliferation of IoT devices, data has
multiplied tenfold in recent years. Businesses, on the other hand,
profit from data in a favorable way. However, their responsibility to
analyze the incoming data in real time is a challenging task here.
Sadly, businesses are not free to choose whatever data they wish to
process; instead, the idea has changed to how they are using edge
data analytics to reach judgments quickly. Additionally, it improves
data processing rates and minimizes data latency.

- Embedded Analytics:
Utilizing embedded analytics will lighten the strain of your analytics
team and provide a quicker means of obtaining the crucial insights
needed for the analytics team to concentrate more on the product
and positively improve the business. Additionally, it offers the
end-user the option to play around with the data by aggregating
and zooming in on it. Companies all over the world are anticipated to
benefit the most from embedded analytics in 2022.


Every year, the amount of data produced in the business sector doubles. Data
from gadgets, robots, and social media raises a whole new set of problems and
confirms that data will continue to increase dramatically for the foreseeable
future. Naturally, there is a seemingly endless demand for technologies that
assist companies in accessing, analyzing, governing, and sharing information. To
create useful data for complex modeling and business analytics, it is necessary to
combine data warehouses with transactional data, non-traditional external data
(data surrounding the transaction, such as web server logs, Internet clickstream
data, social media activity reports, mobile phone records, and information
captured by sensors), and transactional data.

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