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Basic Input Output System

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Know how to configure a computer basically.
2. Set the computer system properly
Basic Input/output System, the BIOS, ROM BIOS, or System BIOS is a chip
located on all motherboards that contain instructions and setup for how your
system should boot and how it operates. In the picture below, is an example of
what a BIOS chip may look like on your computer motherboard. In this
example, this is a picture of an early AMIBIOS, a type of BIOS manufactured by
the AMI. Another good example of a BIOS manufacturer is Phoenix.

In IBM PC compatible computers, the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS), also

known as System BIOS, ROM BIOS or PC BIOS, is a de facto standard defining
a firmware interface. The name originated from the Basic Input/Output System
used in the CP/M operating system in 1975. The BIOS software is built into the
PC, and is the first software run by a PC when powered on.

The four main functions of a PC BIOS

• POST - Test the computer hardware and make sure no errors exist before
loading the operating system.
• Bootstrap Loader - Locate the operating system. If a capable operating
system is located, the BIOS will pass control to it.
• BIOS drivers - Low level drivers that give the computer basic operational
control over your computer's hardware.
• BIOS or CMOS Setup - Configuration program that allows you to
configure hardware settings including system settings such as computer
passwords, time, and date.

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BIOS (Basic Input and Output System)

Setup Utility displays the system’s configuration status and provides you with
options to set system parameters. The parameters are stored in battery-backed-
up CMOS RAM that saves this information when the power is turned off. When
the system is turned back on, the system is configured with the values you
stored in CMOS.

The BIOS Setup Utility enables you to configure:

• Hard drives, diskette drives and peripherals
• Video display type and display options
• Password protection from unauthorized use
• Power Management features

The settings made in the Setup Utility affect how the computer performs. Before
using the Setup Utility, ensure that you understand the Setup Utility options.
The Standard Configuration
A standard configuration has already been set in the Setup Utility. However, we
recommend that you read this chapter in case you need to make any changes in
the future.
This Setup Utility should be used:
• when changing the system configuration
• when a configuration error is detected, and you are prompted to make
changes to the Setup Utility
• when trying to resolve IRQ conflicts
• when making changes to the Power Management configuration
• when changing the password or making other changes to the Security

The Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) is a specification that
defines a software interface between an operating system and platform
firmware. UEFI is meant to replace the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS)
firmware interface, present in all IBM PC-compatible personal computers. In
practice, most UEFI images provide legacy support for BIOS services. UEFI can
support remote diagnostics and repair of computers, even without another
operating system.

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The original EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface) specification was developed by
Intel. Some of its practices and data formats mirror ones from Windows. In
2005, UEFI deprecated EFI 1.10 (final release of EFI). The UEFI specification is
managed by the Unified EFI Forum.


UEFI enables better use of bigger hard drives. Though UEFI supports the
traditional master boot record (MBR) method of hard drive partitioning, it
doesn't stop there. It's also capable of working with the GUID Partition Table
(GPT), which is free of the limitations the MBR places on the number and size of
partitions. GPT ups the maximum partition size from 2.19TB to 9.4 zettabytes.

UEFI may be faster than the BIOS. Various tweaks and optimizations in the
UEFI may help your system boot more quickly it could before. For example:
With UEFI you may not have to endure messages asking you to set up
hardware functions (such as a RAID controller) unless your immediate input is
required; and UEFI can choose to initialize only certain components. The degree
to which a boot is sped up will depend on your system configuration and
hardware, so you may see a significant or a minor speed increase.

Technical changes abound in UEFI. UEFI has room for more useful and usable
features than could ever be crammed into the BIOS. Among these are
cryptography, network authentication, support for extensions stored on non-
volatile media, an integrated boot manager, and even a shell environment for
running other EFI applications such as diagnostic utilities or flash updates. In
addition, both the architecture and the drivers are CPU-independent, which
opens the door to a wider variety of processors (including those using the ARM
architecture, for example).

However, UEFI is still not widespread. Though major hardware companies have
switched over almost exclusively to UEFI use, you still won't find the new
firmware in use on all motherboards—or in quite the same way across the
spectrum. Many older and less expensive motherboards also still use the BIOS
A master boot record (MBR) is a special type of boot sector at the very
beginning of partitioned computer mass storage devices like fixed disks or
removable drives intended for use with IBM PC-compatible systems and
beyond. The concept of MBRs was publicly introduced in 1983 with PC DOS

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BIOS Environment (Asus UEFI BIOS Utility)

The boot device options vary depending on the devices you installed
to the system.
The Boot Menu(F8) button is available only when the boot device is
installed to the system.

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Menu Bar
The menu bar on top of the screen has the following main items:

My For saving the frequently-used system settings and

Favorites configuration
Main For changing the basic system configuration

Ai Tweaker For changing the overclocking settings

Advanced For changing the advanced system settings

Monitor For displaying the system temperature, power status, and

changing the fan settings

Boot For changing the system boot configuration

Tool For configuring options for special functions

Exit For selecting the exit options and loading default settings

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Main menu
The Main menu screen appears when you enter the Advanced Mode of the BIOS
Setup program. The Main menu provides you an overview of the basic system
information, and allows you to set the system date, time, language, and security

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Ai Tweaker menu
The Ai Tweaker menu items allow you to configure overclocking-related items.

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Advanced menu
The Advanced menu items allow you to change the settings for the CPU and
other system devices.

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Monitor menu
The Monitor menu displays the system temperature/power status and allows
you to change the fan settings.

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Boot menu
The Boot menu items allow you to change the system boot options.

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Tools menu

The Tools menu items allow you to configure options for special functions.
Select an item then press <Enter> to display the submenu.

Exit menu

The Exit menu items allow you to load the optimal default values for the BIOS
items and save or discard your changes to the BIOS items. You can access the
EZ Mode from the Exit menu.

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Title: Configure BIOS Setting (Boot configuration, preparing for

Performance Objective: Given are the following materials, you
should be able to configure BIOS Setting. Allotted time 30minutes.

Supplies/Materials : Motherboard Manual

Equipment : Computer, flash drive (bootable disk)

1. Read information sheet 1.1-5 Basic Input Output
2. Read Motherboard Manual.
3. Insert your bootable device
4. Start your computer
5. During POST, Press F2, DEL, or F12. You may referrer
to the motherboard manual for the equivalent keyword.
6. Set the current time.
7. Configure the boot order.
8. Save configuration
9. Restart your computer

Assessment Method:
Demonstration, Observation

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Performance Criteria Checklist 1.1-6

Trainee’s Name: ____________________________ Date: ______________

During the performance of the task, did you consider the following criteria?

Grade Point
Equivalent NO
Possible Score
Possible Score
Did the trainee…
1. Is BIOS setting
configured properly?
2. Are tools, equipment and
materials listed?
3. Did the trainee set the
current date?
4. Did the trainee
configured the proper
boot order?
5. Did the trainee saved the
configuration properly?

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Total Points

Total Items

Signature of the

Signature of the Trainer

Grade Point Equivalent

The table shows the equivalent points that are used and show how they
are calculated to determine the grade point average (GPA), or index.

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Grade Point Explanation

5 Excellent

4 Very Good

3 Good

2 Average

1 Poor

0 Failure

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