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OUTLINE Specific Purpose: To introduce our audience about what is holography and the benefits of hologram with the

application of hologram. Central idea: Hologram will give tons of benefits to human beings. INTRODUCTION I. II. III. IV. V. Which one would you prefer? An old television or the LCD television? Which one would you prefer? A LCD television or Led television with 3D spectacles? We have better than this which is hologram. Today we would like to share an old technology but maybe will be new to us which is hologram. We divided our speech today into three parts which are benefits of hologram in education, communication and industry.

(Transition: Let s start by introducing you where actually it came from. ) Body


Hologram, where it started. A. An interesting fact, actually the technology was invented in 1947 by the HungarianBritish physicist Dennis Gabor. B. I am sure that you all expect that hologram was made by using a high technology devices but for your information this thing was only made just by using physics concepts which are reflection and refraction.


Holographic Teaching Inspiring Interest in Learning.

A. Actually human is a very complex organism. Sometime they are quite picky. They can easily accept thing only if they can see, hear, taste and fell it with their own senses. People remember :y y y y y

10% of what they read. 20% of what they hear. 30% of what they see. 40% of what they hear and see. Hologram show all the value which people can see in 3D view plus 3D sound.

B. Teachers replaced by holograms. Sounds like something from a science fiction movie or television show. What would happen if holographic teachers could be sent into you? The reality is, the technology exists right now to bring live hologram from one location and beam it into any location in the world. y y y y Our foundation students will be much interested in subjects they do not like. Usually students will hate particular subject if they cannot see things that they could not see with their own eye. Especially in calculus and sciences subjects who some of the example could not be shown to the students because of maybe it is dangerous. So hologram will be very useful in this.

(Transition: Now you all have understood a little bit about what is hologram. Let s not waste our time here and move on to the next one)


Holographic Communication Featuring New Technology A. Can you imagine you chat with your friend but your friend is not there? You can see your friend body but he/she is not there. Your friends are thousand miles from you but you can see him /her full body in front of you. y Nowadays we have Skype; yes we can see our friend s face isn t it? But with this holographic technology we can see them just like we see them in front of our eye. y That would be much more interesting in communicate with them. y Chatting with them will be much easier and faster.

B. Businessmen always travel a lot to do their business. They also need to do lots of conference with other company in order to make their business on. So this will cause them hardship in order to travel lots of places. y Yes we do have video conference nowadays. But I can guarantee that not everyone like video conference. They would prefer a real life conference which they can ask question easily and see their faces. y Holographic conferencing can overcome that. y Conference will be absolutely 100% like real life conference and people can ask easily there.

(Transition: I m very sure that you all want this technology come to your life right?)


Holography in Industry Enhancing Productivity. A. Hologram can save the cost of productivity y For example, the production of car engines. The makings of car engines are not easy. Sometimes there are some trials and errors. Because of this they need to figure out the flaw of the engine and then create the engine again. This will cost a lot and will use a lot of earth material because of the imperfectness. y With the hologram technology, the product can be improvised before the item been created.

CONCLUSION I. II. III. As we all know there are many benefits that hologram contributes to human life. Actually nowadays the technology is already in use but not yet commercialized. In our opinion, this technology will become worldwide later on we hope all of can have this hologram device in our life


Wikimedia. (2011, July 10). Hologram Retrieved from Teachers--The Future of Education is Now! (2008, June 15). Retrieved from Education Innovation: Applying Lateral Wisdom to Personal and Organizational Learning website:

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