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Hygienic norm of labor conditions:

To put it simply, a hygienic norm is satisfied when a safe and hygienic working
environment is provided, bearing in mind the principal knowledge of the industry and all
specific hazards. Norms of unhealthy industrial factors level must not provoke diseases
or any harm to a person both in the working process and in later parts of life, in age. So,
when the levels of danger and unhealthy industrial factors on employees are high and
not taken care of, they do not satisfy the hygienic norms. And when the sanitary-
hygienic norms are not fulfilled, they might and will cause occupational diseases in
employees – which are already usually poor and lower working-class people and cannot
afford proper healthcare.

2. Road safety and driving:

If we take a look at the statistics, usually the main causes of car accidents are violations
of traffic laws, certain car parts malfunction, and disrepair of roads. Another high cause
of car accidents is tired drivers who fall asleep as they drive, people who like extreme
things, and drive at exceeding speed. And, of course, drunk drivers. So, to reduce all
this, we must reduce the cases of this happening. The most hazardous days for an
accident to happen are either Friday or Saturday – when the driver is tired by the end of
the week and is usually drunk too.

Furthermore, it is noteworthy how dangerous is the neglect of traffic lights and going at
a red light. Not using seatbelts – too, because in case of an accident the seatbelts
reduce the fatality and death by 200%. And they can help us not get any injuries at all if
something not deathly but still hazardous happens.

To avoid all the dangers, the car must be working well – like without releasing any toxic
substances or CO, have glasses without a crack, and the driver must be sober and
obey the traffic rules.

3. Hardware components for industrial traumas and Occupational

diseases prevention:
The hardware components are used in cases while working in possibly hazardous
conditions, as the main goal is to provide safety for both employees and the equipment.
For instance, sometimes it is necessary to select hardware components that would let
people be away from a dangerous zone so they do not get harmed: distant, remote-
control devices, as well as, protective devices, block systems, signal devices, and guard
devices are of that kind. Machine motive parts, electric current conductivity, radiation (!),
and other risk zones are all protected by guard devices.
Protective devices are the ones to reduce industrial traumas, they cover the dangerous
parts of the machines (internal, and external) – because contacting them might be very
dangerous for a person. It is usually a protective board or a wire screen. Block systems,
on their hand, must be installed for the protection of workers in the dangerous zones –
they switch off the electric drive if a hand, for example, approaches the danger zone.
The remote control is simple, you just control the machine from a long distance – which
is making it safe.

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