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The role of information technology governance in improving the quality of

financial performance and increasing the competitiveness of Egyptian banks - a field study

Dr.. Sami Muhammad Ahmad Ghonimi

Assistant Professor of Accounting,

Faculty of Commerce - Benha University

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The role of information technology governance in improving the quality of financial

performance and increasing the competitiveness of Egyptian banks - a field study

Dr.. Sami Muhammad Ahmad Ghoneimi *

This study deals with the role of information technology governance in improving the quality of financial performance and

increasing the competitiveness of banks, and the need to activate information technology governance mechanisms to reduce the risks that

which emerged
It accompanies
as a natural
use ofofinformation
the tremendous
in business
in communication
in general
banks inexchange,

and the focus is mainly on implementing activities and providing banking services to customers and beneficiaries via

websites and internet workers in all business organizations, especially commercial banks.

Certain directors have been requestedThe researcher tested the research hypotheses through a field study

Financial and risk management officials in Egyptian banks, and other information technology and

governance experts in Egyptian banks using the SPSS statistical analysis program, to test the research

The study reached a number of results, the most important of which are: that information technology

governance contributes significantly to reducing the risks associated with the use of information technology

and supports both improving financial performance and increasing the competitiveness of commercial

banks. And that the Information Technology Governance Institute issues a standard for information

technology governance, and sets guidelines that guarantee compliance with the application of the standard
in all business organizations and banks.

key words:
IT Governance, Communication Technology and Information Exchange, Information Quality

Accounting, competitiveness, banking activities and services, Egyptian commercial banks.

The Role of Information Technology Governance in

Improving Quality of Financial Performance and
Increasing the Competitive Capability of the Egyptian
Banks - A Field Study
This study is addressing the role of IT governance in Improving the
quality of financial performance and augmenting the competitive
capability of the Egyptian banks, and the indispensable need to
activate the mechanism of IT governance with the purpose of

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diminishing the risks that have been generated in the business

organizations, particularly in banks. So, these risks have been raised
for numerous reasons: huge advance in IT, information swap, and
carrying out the banking activities via internet.
The researcher has tested the research hypotheses throughout a
field study that has been conducted on a sample from financial
managers and a number of risk management specialists along with
numerous experts in IT governance in the Egyptian banks.
The conclusions of this study include: the IT governance is
contributing in reducing the risks of using IT and supporting the quality
of financial performance and competitive capability for the trading
banks in Egypt. Furthermore, the study has suggested a number of
recommendations for future research including: (1) the crucial need for
articulating an independent committee within the banks for coping with
the IT governance, and (2) the institution of IT governance should issue
a specific standard for IT governance and establish the fundamental
guidelines which ensure the obligations of applying such standard in
the business organizations in general and particularly in banks.

key word:
Information Technology Governance (ITG), Communications
Technology and The Exchange of Information , The Quality of
Accounting Information , Competitiveness , Activities and Banking
Services , The Egyptian Commercial Banks.

General framework for research


The economic and financial systems at the world level have been affected by the continuous technological developments that

the world has been facing since the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of this century, which coincided with the bankruptcy

of many companies and banks at the level of the world such as Karka Enron and Karka com World (Mohammed, 2013), which had

repercussions There are many experts in the accounting profession, especially with regard to the appropriateness of the financial statements

With the coincidence of technological developments in the accounting information and systems contained therein in its current form,

communications and information exchange, interest has increased on the part of researchers, scientific and professional organizations,

, Responsible for the accounting profession in the governance

and due to the special nature of

of information technology, in particular for the banking sector, and its adoption as a
whole in exchanging information and providing banking services through electronic
systems. Interested in forming committees specialized in information technology
under the supervision of the boards of directors, with the aim of developing banking services
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Investments to increase the proportion of This interest was evident in the provision of customers and improving the competitive

advantage in information technology with the aim of securing information systems and maintaining a competitive advantage in

the face of other banks.

Some studies have confirmed the importance of the issue of information technology governance in the light of technological

developments in the field of information exchange, achieving effective oversight and control of information technology costs and

increasing the competitive advantage of companies, which prompted the researcher to prepare this study to contribute to

highlighting the importance of the role that information technology governance can play in Improving the quality of accounting
information and increasing the competitiveness of banks due to its importance to the local and global economy alike.

Research problem:

Despite the recent denial of electronic disclosure as a result of the great developments in the field of

communication technology and information exchange, and the many advantages achieved by all companies,

banks and financial institutions in terms of saving time, effort and money compared to traditional disclosure

methods, and increasing the efficiency of the stock market as a result of the rapid provision of Information for

investors early web site users, but this matter caused them some problems that put them in the face with many

risks and challenges that led to a weakening of confidence in the accounting information that is disclosed

through the websites (Moawad, 2014) and (Hayek) (2014,) With the beginning of this century, banks have

expanded greatly in providing banking services to customers and denying financial reports through their websites.

This has helped many investors and customers get to know the latest services offered

For all related parties via the websites, in addition to having access to the financial reports and the information they

contain, and following up and evaluating the annual performance of the banks.

As a result of the risks and challenges that have accompanied technological developments and the application of
achieve confidence in denied accounting disclosure,
information, investors
quality of the
and accesshave
accounting essentially
to the lostindue
services the to theirreports
in financial urgenthasneed to a requirement

Damin and customers, and here it shows the importance of all matters essential The fastest time and the least effort and cost, a

requirement for information technology governance in improving the quality of accounting information and the consequent increase in the

degree of confidence in that information, and providing the best electronic services to customers, which is positively reflected in the increase

in the competitiveness of banks in the financial and business environment.

Hence, the research problem was embodied in answering the following basic questions:

(1) What is the role that information technology governance can play in improving the quality of accounting

information in light of electronic disclosure across the Internet?

(2) What are the challenges that banks face in light of the progress in communication technology and information exchange,

What are the ways to reduce the negative effects of these challenges?

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(3) What is the role that information technology governance can play in increasing the competitiveness of banks, and

increasing the confidence and credibility of financial reports across websites?

research aims:

Governance mechanisms represented in an attempt to y In this research, the researcher seeks to achieve a main objective

highlight the role of information technology in improving the quality of accounting information and increasing the competitiveness of

commercial banks, especially in light of technological progress and the attendant risks that banking activities may be exposed to at the

present time, in addition to the high percentage of electronic services provided to customers compared to traditional services. which

were presented previously, and the researcher can achieve this main objective by achieving the following sub-objectives:

general, and the governance of information technology in particular, in facing1) Studying the importance of the role of governance in

.Risks of banking activities for banks and improving the quality of accounting information that is reported electronically

(2) Identifying the risks of banking activities that commercial banks may be exposed to in light of the great developments in

communication technology and information exchange, and ways to address them and limit their negative effects.

3) Recognize the importance of information technology governance in improving the quality of services provided to customers,

The repercussions of this increase the competitiveness of Egyptian banks.

(4) Testing the validity of the research hypotheses from none, through a list of questionnaires distributed to certain financial managers

and risk management officials in Egyptian banks, and certain information technology and governance experts in Egyptian banks.

Research hypotheses:
Based on the objectives of the research and the nature of the problem previously identified, the research is based on testing the

following three basic hypotheses:

The first hypothesis:

The development and use of information technology contributes to facing the complementary risks to the activities and banking

services provided by Egyptian banks.

The second hypothesis:

Implementation of information technology governance mechanisms in banks helps improve the quality of financial performance

in light of electronic disclosure across websites and on the Internet.

The third hypothesis:

The application of information technology governance mechanisms helps increase the competitiveness of Egyptian banks in

light of the expansion in the provision of electronic banking services.

research importance:

The tendency of the vast majority of banks - if not all - towards using websites on the Internet for electronic disclosure and

providing all banking services to customers, has made them face

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Many problems and difficulties in terms of the extent of confidence and credibility in the denied accounting information crossing

those sites, or the extent of the ability to face the fierce and continuous competition on the part of other banks in providing the best

banking services in the fastest time and at the lowest costs, and based on his reasoning, the researcher believes that the

importance of research is based on two axes essential:

The first axis: Scientific importance:

Technological developments and the governance of information technology in banks are among the topics confirmed

by the decisions of the Basel II and III Committee. Despite this, there is a dearth of research in this field, despite the

importance of the topic and its early effects on the financial and economic aspects. Therefore, the researcher tries to

highlight the extent of the impact of information technology governance mechanisms on him. Both improving the quality of

accounting information by reducing the risks of electronic disclosure, and increasing the competitiveness of banks with

other banks in the field of providing banking services to customers through websites and internet users.

The second axis: practical importance:

Which was dismissed as a result of the following main factors:

(1) The scarcity of applied research to study the effects related to the application of information technology governance

mechanisms on the quality of electronically denied accounting information despite the Egyptian environment’s need for
this type of research due to the importance of the Egyptian banking market at the local and regional levels.

(2) The failure to activate the appropriate procedures in Egyptian banks to face competition in the field of improving and

developing banking services provided via websites, or to face the risks of electronic banking activities, which is considered

an important matter for the global banking services market.

Research Methodology:

The researcher deals with the subject of the research, by relying on the inductive approach, especially when dealing

with previous studies on the governance of information technology and its role in improving the quality of accounting

information, reducing the costs and risks that may be exposed to problems or banking services in Egyptian commercial

banks, and studying the role of information technology governance in Improving the quality of information, developing

banking services, and the consequent increase in the competitiveness of Egyptian commercial banks.

The researcher also adopted the analytical method in the field study in order to test the validity of the research hypotheses

, by preparing a list for a survey of certain opinions of financial managers and risk management officials in Egyptian banks,

and some other information technology and governance experts in Egyptian banks, which were analyzed using the

statistical analysis program (SPSS).

Search Plan:
According to the researcher,
And its hypotheses that it seeks to study, it enables the importanceof the research and its objectives

the researcher divided the research into two main parts, as follows:

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The first section: the theoretical study.

Basic research: The research aims into three parts Theoretical study according to where the researcher divided

the first topic: some previous studies on the subject of the research.
The second topic: the importance of information technology governance for commercial banks.

The third topic: the role of information technology governance in increasing the competitiveness of banks.

The second section: the field study.

Findings and recommendations.

Search references.


The first topic

Some previous studies on the subject of research.

(1) A study (Moawad, 2014), which dealt with the role of information technology governance in controlling the risks of

electronic banking activities in Saudi banks, and this study concluded with a number of results

The most important recommendations are:

- There is a positive role for information technology governance in the process of controlling the risks of banking activities

electronic banking in Saudi banks.

- The necessity of Saudi banks’ interest in establishing an independent department whose objective is to manage the risks of attacks and achieve

strategic objectives, and increasing the competitiveness of banks.

- Supporting bank departments with physical and physical competencies to activate the requirements of information

technology governance to reduce the risks and problems faced by electronic banking services and activities.

- There is a positive relationship between the governance of information technology and reducing the risks of using technology.
There is also a positive relationship between it and the information in the electronic services and activities of the banks.

The role of internal audit in reducing the risks of using information technology in electronic services and activities in


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(2) A study (Hayek, 2014), where that study confirmed that information technology governance works according to specific

procedures and policies, and ensures the management and use of information technology assets in accordance with

The study emphasized the importance of the mechanisms of information technology governance that were used in the

operations of the operation and not on the strategic value, and that effective governance is an essential process for

maximizing the value of investments. in the field of information technology to make full use of those investments.

(3) A study (Abu Hajar, et al., 2014), which clarified the role of information technology governance mechanisms in reducing

information security risks, which in turn is reflected in the reduction of electronic financial fraud in government units in light

of the application of the e-government system, and reached several conclusions and recommendations, including :

come IT Governance is a requirement and extremely -
important in all strategic sectors

and information exchange. Especially when applying modern technology in communications and various fields, - that

electronic financial fraud hinders the achievement of accounting information security requirements, which requires the

necessity of applying information technology governance mechanisms to reduce the negative effects of this fraud.

- The need to focus on the practical aspects of using information technology governance mechanisms to reduce

Information security risks and the reduction of financial fraud.

The study also recommended further research on the extent to which information technology governance mechanisms contribute to

Achieving information security requirements in all sectors of the country.

(4) A study (Al-Otaibi, 2014), which dealt with the assessment of the level of information technology governance at Taif

University using the Quipet scale, with the aim of evaluating the curriculum used, and measuring the rules that were

developed to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the technology used, and to confront infringements or breaches

F the study was carried out through a survey list

prepared for this purpose. The University of Technology’s resources, and

The study reached a number of recommendations, the most prominent of which was that information technology in a university has

Quipet scale, which is represented in strategic planning, organizing Taif Availability

the dimensions of governance according to the

of human resources, acquisition of information infrastructure, improvement of services provided to clients in a better way, provision

of a specific level of oversight, and laying the foundations for a sustainable evaluation laboratory.

(5) A study (Mohammed, 2013), which reviewed the impact of the application of information technology governance on the quality

of electronic financial reports in the Saudi joint stock companies. At the end of the study, the study reached a number of results

and recommendations, including:

The companies that have information technology committees have electronically discredited financial reports

The best in terms of accuracy and credibility for all users and stakeholders with Al Karakah.

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The implementation of IT governance mechanisms helps reduce the risks of using technology

information, and reduce the risks of electronic disclosure.

The need to focus research on the various aspects of information technology governance and its impact on accounting standards in

particular and the accounting profession in general.

The study also recommended the bodies responsible for preparing accounting standards that they should pay attention to studying the

accounting effects of using information technology on an increasing scale.

(6) A study (Al-Layth, et al., 2013) which dealt with the repercussions of technological developments that threaten it, and the impact of these

developments on the extent of the global economicinsystem

their current
on the as
a whole, profession
in terms of in
of the beneficiaries
of financial reports
of the

reports in terms of quality and confidence that they attach The study reached several conclusions and recommendations, the most important

of which are:

There are shortcomings and lack of conviction among many members of the board of directors and managers with rules and objectives

Governance of the cracks and their impact on the achievement of the results of the cracks.

There is a positive impact of corporate governance on the quality of the content of the financial statements.

These rules have a huge impact and working mechanisms according to The development of a unified guide that clearly defines the rules of

governance in achieving the sufficiency and quality of accounting information.

(7) A study (Maikoush, et al., 2012), which focused on the terminology of information technology governance, and the definition of its

importance, its various methods of application, and its role in improving the performance of business organizations. It was necessary to

adopt effective mechanisms for technology governance

interests with

information, with the aim of achieving a balance between the conflicting interests between the different parties on the one hand, and

ensuring the continuity of business organizations on the other hand. In enhancing the contribution of information technology in creating

value and achieving outstanding performance for business organizations, which is in the interest of the relevant parties to the


Lunardi), which dealt with the effects of applying information technology governance , ,
8 (study) 2012. al et

mechanisms on the financial performance of companies, by measuring the levels of financial performance before and after the

application of information technology governance mechanisms, and at the end of the study the study reached a number of results and

recommendations, including:

There is a clear difference in financial performance between companies that have implemented technology governance mechanisms

Information in subsequent years about prior to the application process.

The application of information technology governance mechanisms led to a clear improvement in the financial performance of the

companies that applied them, compared to other companies.

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Companies that have implemented good information technology governance mechanisms have achieved greater

returns on investment in information technology than the rest of the companies.

For the huge investments required by the application of information technology, Al Karakat cares - given

big interest
information to maintain those investments, and thus maintain technological governance

Raise the rights of shareholders and investors.

(9) A study (Ibrahim, 2012), which dealt with an attempt to develop a proposed accounting framework for the

development of electronic disclosure in the light of information technology governance. And the problems that

may lead to weak confidence and credibility in the denied accounting information, and among the most important

of these are the risks and challenges of applying electronic disclosure.

In addition to the lack of electronically, there are legal regulations, accounting standards, or professional rules that

oblige companies to apply “electronic governance” disclosure. As a result, a new term has appeared in the field of

corporate governance, which technology

that information is information technology,
helps and the
in Supporting the accompanying rules of
strategic objectives andthemechanisms thatachieving
company, and confirm

good technological investments. At the end of the study, a number of results and recommendations were reached,

among which were that activating the governance of information technology leads to adding real value to the

company, and helps in improving its financial performance and competitive position.

ITGI) through which the effects of the application of information technology , (10) study) 2011

governance in companies were tested in (21) countries, where a survey was conducted for the opinion of 834

CEOs working in those companies, and they were divided into: executives and IT executives, and the results

and recommendations were as follows:

- The application of information technology governance helped in reducing the cost significantly, in addition to

The competitive position of the company vis-à-vis other companies.

The success of the application of information technology governance depends on the effectiveness of managing the change process, and the accuracy of determining

achievable goals, and mutual communication systems.

- that effective IT governance necessarily leads to creating real value and facing risks,

In addition to raising the level of efficiency of information technology resources.

- 95% of the study specifics emphasized the importance of the companies applying the governance of information technology

For the advantages that the cracks achieve from this application. According

Musa-Abu), in which the test of the impact of the application of control objectives , (11) (study) 2009

on information and technology (COBIT) processes was reviewed on the support and evaluation of information

technology governance in Saudi companies, by preparing a survey list that was distributed to many

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Saudi companies working in various fields, banks and government units, where the response rate was 4.25%, and the study

reached several results and recommendations, the most important of which were:

- 2.73% of the sample size confirmed that the Information Technology Department is responsible for implementing COBIT

processes in Saudi Karakat.

- That the implementation of COBIT processes is not subject to any review procedures because there is no formal whole

Agreed upon to apply it inside Karak.

The study proved that managers in Karakat and Saudi banks are ready to understand and apply corporate governance

Information technology, which helps its success.

- The need to focus on studies and research that highlight the importance and effects of applying COBIT processes in Saudi

Karakat or other Arab countries.

(12) A study (Moawad, 2008), which reviewed the role of both internal and external audit and corporate governance mechanisms in

strengthening the governance of information technology and controlling the risks of electronic pranks. At the end of the study, the

for jokes
researcher reached a number of results and recommendations, the most important of which were:

- Activating the supervisory role of the Board of Directors in the governance of information technology requires the availability

of basic elements, including good design of control systems for information technology, and an emphasis on the continuous

development of the information technology strategy.

The success of IT governance mechanisms requires the presence of highly qualified board members

Experience in information technology and accounting fields.

- Activating the role of audit committees in the governance of information technology necessarily requires the presence of

members of the audit committee who have expertise in the field of information technology and accounting fields, in addition to

the need to provide the greatest degree of independence.

The success of the governance role of the external auditor in information technology requires him to follow the latest audit

methods that fit the successive developments in information technology, and to follow up

Developments in this matter are continuous.

Prasad), in which the researchers tried to identify the extent of the possibility of , , (study) 2008. al et

applying and activating the governance of information technology within the framework of the integrated system of governance

of Karakat. :

The process of continuous cooperation between corporate governance and information technology governance achieves value

Additive and improve the financial performance and competitive position of the company.

- It was emphasized with me that there is a clear direct correlation between the efforts made by the organizational structures, and between

Procedures for activating the mechanisms of information technology governance.

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Musson & Jordan), which focused on the practices followed in the framework of activating , (14) (study) 2007

the governance of information technology (Governance Technology Information) to confront the many risks and

difficulties of using information technology, and the necessary steps for coordinating the use of information technology

and achieving the strategic goals of the company, through the establishment and activation of clear systems of control

over technology information, and the study found:

especially in light of The application of information technology governance mechanisms has become a necessity for all businesses,

Continuous developments in the parameters of communications and information exchange.

- Information technology governance is considered part of the integrated system of corporate governance, and is not or
system. - Information technology governance should work
in Krakat
independent of the rest of the sub-systems.

coordination with the sub-systems in Karak, with the support of

Supporting the company in achieving strategic goals.

Li), which attempted to measure the main elements that make up the governance , , (study) 2007. al et

of information technology by analyzing the control processes that follow up and work on evaluating their performance

in Karak. Among the most important were:

The mechanisms of corporate governance play a major role in achieving effective control over information technology personnel.

- There is a positive relationship between the levels of performance in the internal operations of the company and the good

management of information technology.

- that information technology systems have a positive impact on improving the level of services provided to customers,

and achieving the company's competitive advantage.

- The presence of expertise in the field of information technology among some members of the Audit Committee

contributes significantly to reducing the basic shortcomings and errors that the internal control systems related to

information technology may be exposed to.

After reviewing and analyzing the researcher's previous studies related to the points of the research topic, it is

It can record and confirm the following main points:

(1) Information technology governance does not represent a separate system from corporate governance, but it is

considered an integral part of corporate governance in economic units that use information technology in applying

electronic disclosure methods to deny financial statements and reports through websites with internet access.

2) There is a growing interest at the regional and international levels in activating the mechanisms of information technology

governance, which is represented by my laboratory in the formation of the Information Technology Governance Institute (ITGI (Information)

Institute of Governance Technology since 1998 in the United States, with the aim of establishing the basic controls for

the governance of information technology, and providing insights to all companies worldwide in matters related to

information technology that are applied to these companies.

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(3) Many previous studies have proven that the application of information technology in Karakat has a positive role in

developing operations and activities, and achieving effectiveness for the decision-making process, which ultimately leads to

improving the performance of the company in general.

4) Achieving the effectiveness of information technology governance necessarily requires achieving the greatest degree of

compatibility and consistency between the strategic goals of the company, and the goals to be achieved through the application

of information technology governance.

(5) The objective of applying information technology governance is not only to preserve the huge investments that have been

injected in information technology, but to verify the extent of improvement in the financial performance of the company as a

whole, and the extent of the ability to add new value, and create competitive advantages for the company in real terms.

(6) The application of information technology governance mechanisms leads to an increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of internal

control systems, in addition to the corporate governance mechanisms represented in the Board of Directors and audit committees have an

important and positive role in achieving the effectiveness of information technology governance.

(7) Although there are some research efforts at the regional level that dealt with the issue of the relationship between

information technology governance and the quality of financial reports that are denied through the websites on the Internet,

but it still needs more efforts in this field, especially with regard to the relationship between information technology

governance and improving Financial performance and increasing the company’s competitiveness in the face of competing

.companies locally and internationally

The researcher can explain that despite the importance of the topic of governance for the previous notes According

Information technology in light of the amazing developments in the field of communication technology and the exchange of information

and the great expansion of its application in all types of facilities, especially banks and financial institutions, but it did not receive the

same attention in commercial banks as it happened in the case of Karakat, which made the researcher seek to participate in bridging

the gap in The field of studying the relationship between the mechanisms of information technology governance and increasing

, in addition to capacity through the development of banking services provided to customers electronically
The competitiveness of commercial

banks drew the attention of researchers towards future research studies in this field to ensure the achievement of continuous improvement and
development in accordance with the continuous global developments in communication technology and information exchange.

The second study

The importance of IT governance for commercial banks

It is worth noting that the governance of information technology is an integral part of corporate governance,
and one of the main axes on which corporate governance is based in achieving the objectives of economic

, Due IT governance is of great importance in the banking sector in particular for its key role

In the face of the challenges and risks associated with the use of information technology in this sector, especially

after information technology has become at the present time one of the most important elements in the system

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Accounting information in commercial banks, where one of the studies (Moawad, 2014) argued that

the application of information technology governance in banks is as if to enhance confidence in the

, (2005)sector
bank as it is the most used financial found (Mcfarlan
that the companies
& Nolan) information to
that have Information
and another

committees are more able to activate the control process over information technology costs, and

help achieve an increase in competitiveness and thus improve the competitive position and financial

performance of the Karakat unit.

Some previous studies dealt with the governance of information technology in terms of concept, importance,

mechanisms and dimensions, which can be clarified as follows:

2-1: The concept of IT governance:

Brown) f) , Bowen) and (2006 .) , at ,
I dealt with some previous studies (2007. al

Information Technology Governance Institute (IT Governance Institute , 2003 (and Clifford .) , 2006

in terms of concept, and the researcher can highlight what those studies dealt with regarding the concept of

information technology governance as follows:

, refers to the
Eduardo & Gherman Information Technology Governance , 1) (ID of one of the researchers) 2006

organizational structures, executive and leadership procedures that ensure the support of information technology in

expanding the strategic goals of the organization.

(2) The Information Technology Governance Institute (ITGI) has affirmed that: (ITGovernance is an integral part

of corporate governance, and that it is primarily the responsibility of the executive departments and the board of

directors, so as to ensure that information technology is able to achieve the strategic objectives of the company.

(3) The Information Technology Governance Institute (ITGI) also confirmed that what is meant by the governance of information

technology is to describe how the people in charge of the company pay attention to information technology when exercising control

processes on the Karaka’s investments in various activities, and one of the researchers (Mohammed, 2013) confirmed this The

concept to emphasize the importance of information technology governance by saying: “You have to imagine the impact of the

information security penetration in one of the companies that conduct sales operations via the Internet, and obtaining the customers’

credit card numbers and their personal data registered in the company, and that the occurrence of such an incident could lead to

the collapse of the company as a result of The huge sums of money that may be imposed by the custodians of Al-Karkah to

compensate the customers for the money that was stolen from their bank accounts, in addition to the collapse of the reputation of

Al-Karkah, all of this could happen as a result of the lack of governance of the information technology in Al-Karaka.

Brown) that information technology governance can be applied using , (4) As one of the studies refuted (2006 .).

a combination of organizational mechanisms represented by the members of the Board of Directors, the Executive

Management Committees and the Information Technology Strategy Committee, by working on the planning of the

information systems strategy, and the control objectives of information technology, in addition to sharing among the

stakeholders of the company.

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From the above it is clear from the previous concepts that the basic elements upon which the governance of information

technology is based in any business organization, regardless of the nature of that organization or the activities it exercises, can be

identified in the following elements:

(1) Adding real value to the organization.

(2) Managing the risks associated with engaging in complementary activities.

(3) Measuring the suitability of the developed activities and programs.

(4) Commitment to the rules of accountability, control and evaluation of activities.

2/2: Information Technology Governance (Importance - Objectives):

The importance of information technology governance stems from the importance of the goals that it seeks to achieve within,

especially in light of the continuous and successive developments in the field of information technology, which is what the organization

is, forcing business organizations to strive towards increasing interest in information technology governance in order to achieve the

greatest degree of compatibility and coordination between administrative units different organizations, and summing up the above can be
(2014) and (Mohammed, 2013) and (Hammad, 2008) and) For previous studies) Moawad researcher according to

Rau) The most important factors affecting the performance of the organization, which the IT governance seeks to , 2009

achieve are as follows:

(1) (IT Governance is concerned with developing a clear strategy for the information system consistent with

The strategy for the company, which ensures the provision of policies and procedures to ensure that the work teams do not deviate from

the strategy of the company, and to regulate the relationship between the producers of electronic services and their beneficiaries.

(2) The information technology governance has an early positive impact on the management of the information technology system

within the organization, and the effectiveness of information technology governance represents the main guarantee that investment

in information technology will reduce the risks resulting from its application, and work to add real value to the organization’s points.

(3) Information technology governance is the key factor for the success of information technology companies, as they are the ones

that are able to achieve compatibility between the goals of the information technology system and the goals of the company as a

whole, which makes management able to:

- Achieving the greatest benefit from the advantages of information technology in electronic disclosure and denial of financial

statements and reports through the websites on the Internet.

Comparison between the high costs of information technology and the added value of the accounting information that is

achieved for the company, which ensures the achievement of the appropriate return on information technology investments.

Reducing the problems and risks of electronic denial of financial statements and reports, and managing trade risks

The electronic gateway to the websites on the Internet.

From here it is clear that information technology governance seeks to achieve a set of important goals (

Rau , ( and ( 2008 , Hammad ( ) ) IT Governance Institute , 2003 ( ) 2013, Muhammad

2009) can be summarized the most important as follows:

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(1) A precise definition of the processes related to information technology to ensure the effectiveness of its services, and to reduce

the security risks of the accounting information contained in the denied financial statement through the websites of the Internet.

(2) Work on the development of information technology systems and their optimization, through continuous development of programs

and applications used to enable them.

(3) Efficient use of resources and investments in information technology, ensuring coherence between

Information technology and achieving the company's strategic objectives.

(4) Maximizing benefits and profits by emphasizing the efficient use of information technology and improving

The ability to make the best use of available material resources.

(5) Verifying the use of the best proactive management methods in the management of information technology, and facing the risks

and difficulties that accompany their application.

(6) Ensuring the effectiveness of information technology services and the efficiency of internal productivity, by completely separating

the duties and responsibilities of IT executives and the duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors.

After the researcher reviewed the objectives of the previous information technology governance, it becomes clear that the most

important of these goals is to reduce the challenges and risks facing the use of information technology, and to strive towards adding

real value to the business points of Karak. (2006, Effinger) that information technology governance is one of the primary responsibilities

of the board of directors and executive management, with a focus on the five basic principles of information technology governance

adopted by the Institute for Information Technology Governance (IT).

Institute of Governance) since 2003, to assist the management of Al-Karakah in identifying effective practices necessary to achieve

the strategic objectives of the department.

2/3: The Importance of Information Technology Governance for Commercial Banks:

After discussing the concept and objectives of information technology governance and its role in reducing risks and supporting

and evaluating financial performance, which leads to an increase in the company’s competitiveness in the face of other companies,

and here it is clear that despite the importance of information technology governance for companies, this importance increases due to

the nature and importance of the role it plays banking sectorIt is important for commercial banks, given the commercial banks are more

than the local and global economic system, and therefore the matter requires the board of directors to adopt good practices of

information technology governance in the banks to ensure the achievement of their objectives.

Here, it must be emphasized that the board of directors, with the participation of the executive management, adopts a set of

good practices for information technology governance to support and evaluate the financial performance of the bank and face the

risks of applying information technology, which entails increasing the competitiveness of the bank in the face of other banks. 2011)

that the application of information technology governance in financial institutions and commercial banks helps in emphasizing the

following main points:

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1) That the methods of information technology are consistent with the general policies of banks, which leads to improvement

Financial performance at the strategic and operational levels.

2) Effectively manage and control the risks related to information technology.

(3) The accuracy of the forecasts of the IT strategy and the work to achieve them through commitment

Implementing an effective accounting accountability system.

(4) Work to protect the rights of all stakeholders with the bank to the same degree that the rights of all stakeholders are protected

and shareholder interests.

(5) That information technology contributes to helping commercial banks make better use of available opportunities

The expected return from it will increase if it is compared to the costs of its implementation.

It is worth noting that banks differ from other types of economic units, because the collapse of banks has many

negative effects that can reach the degree of harming the entire financial and economic system of the state. Therefore,

the concept of information technology governance in commercial banks must complement several basic aspects:

(1) A set of practices and responsibilities that the executive management and the board of directors are committed to implement in

order to achieve the goals of information technology, in addition to achieving long-term banking leadership for the bank's activities.

(2) Ensuring the efficient exploitation of the Bank’s investments and resources through the conscious management of the risks

Banking accompanying IT application.

In 1999, the Basel Committee issued a report The importance of IT governance in the coffee sector and given

emphasizing the importance of corporate governance in banks, and this version was developed in 2005, then the

Committee updated it again in 2006 to include explicitly the principles of corporate governance in strengthening the

corporate governance to support banking organizations. Banks, and a report was issued titled “What is
it? Enhancing corporate Governance for Banking Organizations caused additional burdens to be placed

on the Board of Directors and the Executive Management in carrying out their duties.

In achieving its goals, it is clear that information technology plays a role in the success of the business From the

above, banks use information technology at the present time on a large scale, whether in many areas such as managing

banking activities, providing most banking services to customers, communicating with new customers by announcing

new banking services and achieving a kind of distinction among other banks. Information technology in Egyptian banks

must include a set of mechanisms and procedures in the form of bank-specific applications that the administration

adheres to when applying information technology practices. Adequate IT investment.

4/2: The main dimensions of information technology governance in commercial banks:

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Bowen , I have dealt with some studies (Moawad, 2014) and (Moawad, 2008) and ) , al at

2007) The different dimensions of IT governance, and identified them in the following three basic dimensions:

The first dimension: Information technology governance structure: through which the bank seeks to develop or achieve a

strategy that ensures the creation of the greatest degree of consistency between information technology and the activities and

services that banks provide to customers and beneficiaries.

The second dimension: Information technology governance processes: This means setting the necessary procedures

and policies to implement investment initiatives in information technology, in addition to proposing an appropriate system for

determining responsibilities and accountability within the bank.

The third dimension: Information technology results or outputs: which can be achieved by carrying out an evaluation process to

ensure the achievement of the objectives and continuous

the results
to thespecified
by technology
the Board ofstructures
the executive
within the

departments of the bank.

Therefore, the success that can be achieved from the application of information technology governance mechanisms depends on

the extent of the ability of the Board of Directors in cooperation with the executive departments to take into account the previous dimensions

in the information technology system in the bank, through:

(1) Develop clear strategies for all banking services and activities that the bank provides to customers through websites on

the Internet.

(2) Determining the necessary investments for information technology that are consistent with the strategies and objectives

to be achieved in terms of both long-term and short-term.

3) Work on managing the material and financial resources necessary for the development of information technology, and setting standards

It is clear to measure and evaluate performance and compare it to the set goals.

In dealing with She played a pivotal role From the above, it is clear to the researcher that the governance of information technology

information technology in banks, so that it is taken into account when the board of directors exercises oversight and control

operations in the bank, because the way in which information technology is applied has a significant impact on achieving its
required strategic objectives vision and specific tasks in accordance with As for whether the bank is able

to achieve it in the long run, and therefore the decisions related to the governance of information technology must be taken by

the senior management of the bank and in coordination between the information technology department and the rest of the

other departments.
The other departments, which require their management as part of the information, do not work in isolation from the management

and leadership of the bank.

As confirmed by most of the studies related to the governance of information technology that it is important and given

It is significant in the success of the information technology systems that they are managed by the board of directors and executive

departments and within the framework of coordination and interdependence between them and the other departments and

resources of the bank, which is reflected positively on improving the financial performance and increasing the competitiveness of

the bank in the face of other banks, which the researcher will try It was dealt with through the following topic and field study.

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The third topic

The role of information technology governance in increasing the competitiveness of banks

The method of applying information technology in business organizations has a significant impact in

determining whether the organization is able to achieve its vision and strategic goals from the lack of it.

Undoubtedly, the application of information technology in commercial banks is accompanied by many banking

problems and risks, which requires the bank’s management to suggest Appropriate solutions to confront and

manage these risks to ensure control over them and avoid their negative effects on the bank’s accounting

performance, and protect customer accounts from penetration. To the necessity of banks’ interest in

establishing and activating an independent department that is responsible for managing electronic banking

risks, achieving strategic goals and increasing the competitiveness of banks, through qualifying the bank’s

departments and sections for the requirements of information technology governance to overcome the

challenges and risks associated with information technology.

Associated with the use of information technology in banks, the Basel Committee confirmed the multiplicity of risks and given

The Banking Supervision Authority in its successive publications (Al-Sayed, 2012) and (Al-Mahdi, 2008) and

(Mousa 2011) explained the need for banks to develop policies and take measures that assist them in managing

these risks through studying, evaluating and controlling them. The most important banking risks are as follows:

(1) Operational practical risks: These are the most important risks for banking services and activities resulting from

the use of information technology, which arise as a result of many reasons, the most important of which are:

Exposing the bank's accounts (a) Information technology systems are not adequately secured: which

system to the possibility of penetration by unauthorized persons, with the aim of obtaining confidential information

related to customers' accounts and misusing it, which puts the accounts of these customers at risk.

(b) Clients’ failure to follow appropriate preventive insurance measures: This helps criminal elements to

hack into clients’ accounts, withdraw their balances, or use them in money laundering operations.

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legal rules and regulations related to banking activities, especially

2) Legal
risks: These
risks laws,
arise and
due these
to the risks
due toofthe

violation of legal texts in this case, or the lack of clarity in the legal texts related to electronic banking operations.

(3) Reputational risk: which arises as a result of a negative general trend in relation to the bank’s activities, due to the existence

of substantial penetrations affecting the bank’s systems, and the bank’s failure to provide banking services and activities through

a network of sufficiently secured information, and the lack of material capabilities and early experience capable of Managing the

bank’s systems with the required efficiency, and the impact of this type of risk may extend to other banks.

In view of the multiple banking risks that banks are exposed to in light of the use of information technology in implementing

activities and providing services to customers, the researcher agrees with one of the studies (Jordan, &

2007, Musson (that there is a need for the bank’s management to take measures to confront technology risks, by adopting good

information technology governance practices, and coordinating between the use of information technology and the strategic

goals of the bank, which is an integral part of the strategic management system that aims to increase Competitiveness and

adding real value to the bank.

3/1: Information Technology Governance Mechanisms in Banks:

The existence of a framework of responsibility that ensures The researcher mentioned earlier that the concept of governance means

in an organized manner, and therefore the development

help me the framework
this achievement
of achieve of of
the strategic expected
“allowed benefits from
goals responsibility”
of the a particular
must have
and inclearlaboratory
light or service,
of the tremendous

providing electronic
services indevelopments
banks, it was necessary
and the expansion
for the boards
in the of
directors of
of information
banks to propose
a framework
in Practicing
of responsibilities
activities and

that ensure the achievement of expected benefits commensurate with the costs that are spent on the application of information

technology, and here the need arose for the need to establish mechanisms for the governance of information technology in banks, and

some of them mentioned ( Citing studies (Abu Musa, 2005) and (Abu Hajar, Ma’abdin, 2014 Ma’an Institute for Technology Governance

Information Technology (ITGI) Mechanisms for Information Technology Governance in Three Elements (Principles - Objectives -

Criteria (which the researcher can briefly show as follows:

3/1/1: Principles of Information Technology Governance:

ITGI (The IT Governance Principles for InformationTechnology Governance Institute Recommendations) According

Information can be summarized in five basic principles, through which it is possible to increase and activate the role of

information technology governance in reducing risks facing information security in banks. These principles are:

(1) The principle of strategic harmony and compatibility of information technology: by achieving compatibility and

into account theharmony

of thethe
of of
and the activities and operations of the bank, taking

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(2) The principle of adding value: by working on improving costs and realizing the real value of information technology within the bank.

Risks exist, and controls and procedures are in place (3) The principle of risk management: through formal recognition

The supervisory authority that guarantees limiting them and addressing their problems, and achieving the greatest degree of sufficiency, especially

with regard to significant and fundamental risks, and including them within the risk management responsibilities of the bank.

(4) The principle of resource management: by investing in the best information technology resources represented in people, applications or

infrastructure, and implementing control and follow-up processes on information technology activities and services from external or local sources.

(5) The principle of performance management: which is done through clear identification and good measurement of goals, and clearly reflects the

impact of information technology goals.

3/1/2: IT Governance Objectives:

The importance of IT governance objectives for commercial banks stems from their ability to reduce risk

Resulting from managing activities and providing banking services, and contributing to achieving information security requirements (Abu Mousa

Technology Governance Objectives, 2005) and (Al Jawhar, Hamoudi, 2013,) and thus the information can be summarized as follows:

(1) Oversight over performance by separating ownership from management.

(2) Imposing a strict control system on electronic computers and determining how to access information, to prevent anyone from accessing it, through:

As an unauthorized person -

secure off-the-cuff access to IT system software and equipment

- Implementation of a security alert system to stop any penetration by persons who are not authorized to access the information technology system

of the bank.

(3) Formation of the technical and administrative structure responsible for defining the strategic objectives of the bank, and methods of achieving them

These objectives and follow-up and evaluation of performance.

4) Separation between the duties and responsibilities of the members of the Board of Directors and the executive managers.

(5) Take the necessary measures to avoid the occurrence of financial and accounting problems, activate the accountability system, and periodically

evaluate the performance of each of the bank’s executive managers and senior management.

(6) Take the necessary measures to achieve the maximum standards of information quality for the information technology system, which are represented

in the following basic standards: effectiveness, efficiency, confidentiality, integrity and integrity, availability and reliability, compliance and compatibility.

(7) Contribute to the development of the necessary plans to reduce the risks of information technology and meet its challenges,

In order to achieve information security for all operations and departments of the bank.

3/1/3: Information Technology Governance Standards:

The most important criteria that contributed to reducing risks and achieving information security can be identified in the companies

According to what was mentioned by some studies (Youssef, 2013) and (Al-Jawhar, Hamoudi, 2013), which are from

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system technology governance the following
It may information:
contribute to achieving the same goals in commercial banks, according to

1) COBIT Standard : issued by the Information Technology Governance Institute (ITGI) in 1995, and it represents a

control and control framework through which information technology can be linked with

For the accepted process model, where is Work requirements in order to organize information technology activities in accordance with

Take it into consideration. Determining the main resources of information technology and the objectives of

control that must be carried out (2) ISO standards : issued by the ISO organization responsible for formulating and

setting standards for the security and protection of information technology. Since its establishment until now, this

organization has issued many standards, including:


2005, with the aim of setting the rules for the information Which
(a) ISO 27001 a
standard : issued in

security and protection management system, where those rules clarified how to design, implement, control and

continuously develop the performance of this department, in addition to evaluating the electronic risks that may

be exposed to it. According

This model has four basic stages:

Plan: Establishing an information security management system and developing a clear plan to operate this system.

Execution Do: The actual beginning of implementing and executing the established plans.

Check: A periodic review of implementation to measure the ability to achieve goals.

Act: It means taking the necessary measures to maintain and improve the performance of the system.

(B) ISO 27002 standard : issued by the ISO organization in 2005, to clarify how to actually apply the principles

and rules of application of the ISO 27001 standard, which clarifies the main points that must be done after

application, to secure and protect technological assets to avoid the risks of electronic operation.

(C) ISO 38500 Standard : The set of rules is established by the set of rules, which are as follows:

Clear and precise definition of the tasks and responsibilities of the IT department.

Karka goals and requirements. - Develop a complete planning strategy in accordance

For specific and logical reasons. with - That the appropriate IT acquisition is in accordance with
- Ensuring that the technological performance is in line with the set pace.

Achieving compatibility between information technology and related laws and regulations.

- Taking into account the financial resources and human competencies necessary to manage and operate the system.

3/2: The role of information technology governance in improving the financial performance of banks:

Undoubtedly, the mechanisms of information technology governance have a significant and effective role in

reducing the risks that may face electronic operators (Moawad, 2014), (Ibrahim, 2012) and (Youssef, 2013), which

leads to achieving the security of financial and non-financial information, and thus improving Accounting performance
general, and commercial banks in particular
based on the use of information technology in all types of organizations in

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Given the positive contribution of information technology governance mechanisms to reducing electronic financial fraud, which

represents one of the most important risks that threaten the protection and security of accounting information, by focusing on

the following main points:

(1) Emphasis on achieving the greatest degree of consistency and compatibility between the objectives of the bank and the

requirements of achieving information security and protection, which is better reflected in improving accounting performance and

achieving confidence in the accounting information contained in the denied financial reports through the bank’s websites and on

the international internet.

(2) Increasing the ability to produce sufficient and credible financial statements and reports, which contributes to reducing

financial manipulation and reducing profit management practices as a result of implementing accounting policies and procedures

in an automated manner in which the virgin role is minimal, thus improving the financial performance of the bank.

(3) Reducing the risks resulting from the use of electronic computers and information technology in the production of accounting

information, in addition to reducing costs, time and effort needed by the processes of classification, analysis and storage of

financial data necessary for the production of accounting information and the preparation of financial statements and reports.

(4) Information technology governance contributes to providing the best investments in terms of funding sources and programs

used, which is positively reflected in increasing information security, reducing electronic manipulation operations, and improving

financial performance.

(5) Providing the necessary mechanisms to protect the accounting information, which helps those who improve the financial

performance, and achieve more confidence in that information, which leads to an improvement in the degree of confidence of

the bank. customers and all other parties related to

(6) Raising the efficiency of the internal control systems and improving their ability to monitor and evaluate the bank’s financial

performance, as the information technology governance stresses the necessity of separating jobs, which contributes positively to

reducing confusion and improving financial performance.

From the foregoing, it is clear to the researcher that the application of information technology in all economic units in general, due to the

tremendous developments that have occurred in the methods of operation, has become an inevitable necessity, given And
the banks, in particular,

electronic accounting information systems and the adoption of electronic presentation and disclosure methods across websites

on the Internet, in light of the development of communication technology and information exchange in recent years. Risks of

electronic processing of information.

3/3: The role of information technology governance in increasing the competitiveness of banks.

3/3/1: The nature and importance of competitiveness in the banking sector.

Several studies have dealt with the definition of the term advantage or competitiveness (Temple Al-Sami’, 2010) and at all

levels, whether at the international level or (Muammar, 2003) and (Ghunaimi,

the organization,
2014), theand
I agreed
of the that
or the level ofis at

the level of the organization. Organization means that

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“An organization has a competitive advantage if it has the ability to create value for its customers, able to satisfy, confirming :

enable her toits difference and distinguishing it from its competitors, andTheir desires through an effective competitive strategy to

confront them and increase their market share, and achieve a profitability rate that guarantees their survival, growth and

continuity in, from the previous definition it becomes clear that the importance of competitiveness lies in its ability to achieve
cover the

market “three basic aspects:

1) Creating real value that is able to meet the needs of customers, preserve their rights, and improve the bank’s reputation.

(2) Maintaining an appropriate share for the bank in the market that achieves high profitability and ensures its survival and growth.

and persistence in the market.

(3) Achieving strategic distinction with competitors in the services provided to customers, through excellence in resources

Competencies and strategies applied in light of the prevailing competition.

The researcher believes that this importance can only be achieved by relying on two main sources of competitiveness,

namely, distinguished resources and skills, as their efficient use can achieve for the commercial banking sector a cost

reduction and outstanding quality among competitors, in addition to customer retention and ensuring their loyalty.

3/3/2: Information technology governance and increasing the competitiveness of banks:

Information technology has become at the present time the basis for implementing activities and providing banking

services to bank customers in all countries of the world, and everyone does not hide the size of the investments required by

the application of this technology, whether it is in physical equipment or the physical equipment required to enable it, and

here the need for information technology governance emerged. And some studies (Ma’ikush, Wadeh, 2012) and (Abu Hajar,

Maabdin, 2014) mentioned that there are components that are integrated with each other for its success in any organization,

especially banks, and these basic components are as follows:

1) Management of information technology equipment resulting from decisions related to the types of hardware and software

used and building the communications network within the bank in all its branches, in addition to special standards according

services. to the Develop

nature ofITthe required banking activities and

2) Management of the use of information technology, which depends on planning decisions, the type of technology used, and

the routineness of providing banking services.

3) Management of information technology clusters in the bank, which requires equipment management and systems application

skills that must be used in the successive development processes in addition to taking into account the requirements of improving

Activities and services provided to clients.

From the above, it is clear to the researcher that he doubts that the application of information technology tops the list of

distinguished resources for the banking sector, which is characterized by successive developments in communication systems and

information exchange, in addition to the fact that the economics of applying information technology requires reliance on the best
greatest possible benefit, which is positively reflected on the Improve the competitiveness of banks, to achieve the
here confirms

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The researcher Maali that improving competitiveness under the governance of information technology must be accompanied by equipment to be taken into

Procedures (1) It
consideration to ensure the achievement of the objectives, the most important of which are the following:

should be taken into account that the majority of clients benefiting from bank services prefer the quality of services provided and the appropriate

price, without affiliation with a particular bank or service.

(2) Assisting banks in controlling the prices of their services through the efficient application of information technology. The prices of services are

determined through the banking market, and therefore the bank must try to develop its services and reduce their costs.

Require all organizations (3) The necessity of working on setting a mandatory standard for IT governance that meets

And banks apply information technology governance mechanisms to ensure the best provision of banking services at the lowest costs in

To global standards in this case. accordance with

In sum, the efficient application of information technology and the activation of information technology governance mechanisms is as if it

supports the development of banking activities and services provided, by following the policies of providing banking services through electronic

reality on the Internet, and the network of disguised ATMs at the level of the Republic, and even at the level of the world using the number

International Customer (IBAN)

IBAN, which ultimately leads to satisfaction of existing customers, ensures their retention and attracts new customers, which means supporting and

improving the competitiveness of the bank.

The second part: the field study

In this section of the research, the researcher aims to:

1) To test the hypotheses on which the research is based, which were identified at the beginning of the research.

(2) To test the extent of the importance of the role played by the application of information technology governance mechanisms in developing the

accounting performance and increasing the competitiveness of Egyptian commercial banks, with the aim of facing the continuous and rapid

developments in information technology, and keeping pace with the development in the methods of implementing the activities and services provided.

For clients, by preparing a list of questionnaires to survey the opinions of two categories that have an early relationship with the subject of the

research, namely, certain financial managers and risk management officials in Egyptian banks, and another group of information technology

and governance experts in Egyptian banks, and based on it, the researcher can present that field study as follows: :

First: Study Method:

Where, in this study, the researcher highlighted the role that the application of information technology governance mechanisms can play in

developing the accounting performance and increasing the competitiveness of Egyptian banks, with the aim of facing the continuous developments

in information technology, and methods of implementing activities and banking services provided to customers. Survey by designing a survey list

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And distribute it to certain financial managers and risk management officials in Egyptian banks, and to some other

information technology and governance experts in Egyptian banks.

The researcher also verified the suitability of the questionnaire questions, and the understanding of the target

groups with these questions in terms of meaning and content, by conducting private interviews with some financial

managers and risk management officials in Egyptian banks, as well as some information technology and governance

experts in Egyptian commercial banks who received the questionnaire.

Second: Selection of the study sample:

Early between the presence of spoons given these
The two
the field
the both
the theoretical
in two basic

point of view, namely:

(1) The initial sample selection of financial managers and risk management officials in Egyptian commercial banks.

(2) Selection of the second sample of IT and governance experts working in commercial banks

Third: Designing the survey list:

The survey list was designed according to the three hypotheses included in this study. The
questionnaire list included three sets of questions to test the three previously identified
hypotheses at the beginning.

(5) Agree (4) Neutral (3) Disagree (2) Totally Disagree (1)

Fourth: Distributing the survey list and receiving responses from the target groups:

Where the researcher distributed a list of the survey to some financial managers and risk management officials,

(ie, a number) in the Egyptian

reached commercial banks, and
(83). The researcher thedistributed
also percentage 30oflists
responses to theoflist
out of a total from
(36) that category
survey lists that were

distributed. In this category, the

survey commercial
list includes banks,
a groupand
of information
the response
rate from and
this governance
category also
in 75%,

as the number of responses received reached (30) lists out of the total number of (40) lists distributed in that category.

Fifth: Analyzing the results of the survey and testing the research hypotheses:

Where the researcher tested the three mentioned research hypotheses using the
Square - Chi method, which was applied using the (SPSS) program by comparing the
calculated Square - Chi with the tabular value (Square - Chi). Analysis of the results of
the responses received to the survey list that was distributed in this way:

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First: Hypothesis testing for the category of financial managers and risk management officials in Egyptian banks

Table No. (1)

Calculate the mean, standard deviation, and mean standard error

One-Sample Statistics

N Meaning std. Deviation std. Error Meaning

first assignment 30 4.2444 .11451 .02091

The second hypothesis 30 4.2375 .23061 .04210

The third hypothesis 30 4.3000 .19258 .03516

Table No. (2)

Test schedule (T) and coefficient of variation for the first class

One-Sample Test a

Test Value = 3.4

Sig. (2- Meaning 95% Confidence Interval

T Df tailed) Difference of the difference

Lower Upper

first assignment 40,392 29 .000 .84444 .8017 .8872

The second hypothesis 19.892 29 .000 .83750 .7514 .9236

The third hypothesis 25,597 29 .000 .90000 .8281 .9719

The first hypothesis:

The null hypothesis: that the development and use of information technology does not contribute to facing the complementary risks

to which the activities and banking services provided by Egyptian banks are exposed.

The alternative hypothesis : The development and use of information technology contributes to facing the complementary risks to

which the activities and banking services provided by banks are exposed.

The researcher used the 5% level of significance.

Decision: By comparing the value of p-value (sig) to the level of significance, we find that:

05.0) > value-p (sig which means reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

Meaning that: - The development and use of information technology contributes to facing the operational risks to

which banking activities and services provided by Egyptian banks are exposed.

The second hypothesis:

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The application of information technology governance mechanisms in banks does not help the auditor to improve the quality of performance.

The imposition of nullity : Accounting in light of electronic disclosure across websites and with the Internet.

The application of information technology governance mechanisms in banks helps the auditor to improve the quality of performance .

The researcher used the 5% level of significance.

Decision: By comparing the value of p-value (sig) to the level of significance, we find that:

05.0) > value-p (sig which means reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

In the sense that: - The application of information technology governance mechanisms in banks helps to improve the

quality of accounting performance in light of electronic disclosure via websites on the Internet.

The third hypothesis:

The null hypothesis : The application of information technology governance mechanisms does not help increase the competitiveness

of Egyptian banks in light of the expansion in the provision of electronic banking services.

The alternative hypothesis : The application of information technology governance mechanisms helps to increase the competitiveness

of Egyptian banks in light of the expansion in the provision of electronic banking services.

The researcher used the 5% level of significance.

Decision: By comparing the value of p-value (sig) to the level of significance, we find that:

05.0) > value-p (sig which means reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

Which means that: - The application of information technology governance mechanisms helps to increase the

competitiveness of Egyptian banks in light of the expansion in the provision of electronic banking service

Second: To test the hypotheses for the category of IT and governance experts in Egyptian banks.

Table No. (3)

Calculate the mean, standard deviation, and mean standard error

One-Sample Statistics a

N Meaning std. Deviation std. Error Meaning

first assignment 30 4.3074 .10794 .01971

The second hypothesis 30 4.3708 .16893 .03084

The third hypothesis 30 4.3571 .18283 .03338

Table No. (4)

T-test table and coefficient of variation for class II

One-Sample Test a

Test Value = 3.4

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T Df Sig. (2- Meaning 95% Confidence

tailed) Difference Interval of the

Lower Upper

first assignment 46.046 29 .000 .90741 .8671 .9477

The second hypothesis 31.477 29 .000 .97083 .9078 1.0339

The third hypothesis 28,674 29 .000 .95714 .8889 1.0254

The first hypothesis:

The imposition of nullity: the development and use of information technology does not contribute to facing the complementary risks to which the

activities and banking services provided by Egyptian commercial banks are exposed.

The alternative hypothesis: The development and use of information technology contributes to confronting the complementary risks to which the

activities and banking services provided by Egyptian commercial banks are exposed.

The researcher used the 5% level of significance.

Decision: By comparing the value-p (sig) with the level of significance, we find that:

05.0 > value-p (sig), which means rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis, meaning that: - The

development and use of information technology contributes to facing the operational risks to which banking activities and services

provided by Egyptian banks are exposed.

The second hypothesis:

The null hypothesis: “The application of information technology governance mechanisms in banks does not help improve the quality of accounting

performance in light of electronic disclosure across websites and on the Internet.

The alternative hypothesis: “The application of information technology governance mechanisms in banks helps improve the quality of accounting

performance in light of electronic disclosure across websites and on the Internet.

The researcher used the 5% level of significance.

Decision: By comparing the value of p-value (sig) to the level of significance, we find that:

05.0) > value-p (sig which means rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis

In the sense that: - Applying information technology governance mechanisms in banks helps to improve the quality

of accounting performance in light of electronic disclosure via websites on the Internet.

The third hypothesis:

The imposition of nullity: the application of information technology governance mechanisms does not help increase the competitiveness of

Egyptian banks in light of the expansion in the provision of electronic banking services.

The alternative hypothesis: The application of information technology governance mechanisms will help increase the competitiveness of Egyptian

banks in light of the expansion in the provision of electronic banking services.

Machine Translated by Google

The researcher used the 5% level of significance.

Decision: By comparing the value of p-value (sig) to the level of significance, we find that:

05.0) > value-p (sig which means reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

In the sense that: - The application of information technology governance mechanisms helps to increase the

competitiveness of Egyptian banks in light of the expansion in the provision of electronic banking servic

Third: Testing the hypotheses for the two groups under study together (the complete sample)

Table No. (5)

Calculate the mean, standard deviation, and mean standard error

One-Sample Statistics

N Meaning std. Deviation Std. Error Meaning

first assignment 60 4.2759 .11480 .01482

The second hypothesis 60 4.3042 .21139 .02729

The third hypothesis 60 4.3286 .18839 .02432

Table No. (6)

T-test table and coefficient of variation for the whole sample

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 3.4

T Df Sig. (2- Meaning 95% Confidence

tailed) Difference Interval of the

Lower Upper

first assignment 59.102 59 .000 .87593 .8463 .9056

The second hypothesis 33.131 59 .000 .90417 .8496 .9588

The third hypothesis 38.180 59 .000 .92857 .8799 .9772

The first hypothesis:

The imposition of nullity: the development and use of information technology does not contribute to facing the complementary risks to

which the activities and banking services provided by Egyptian banks are exposed.

Machine Translated by Google

The alternative hypothesis: The development and use of information technology contributes to confronting the complementary risks to

which the activities and banking services provided by Egyptian banks are exposed.

The researcher used the 5% level of significance.

Decision: By comparing the value of p-value (sig) to the level of significance, we find that:

05.0) > value-p (sig which means rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis

In the sense that it is agreed that: - The development and use of information technology contributes to facing the operational risks to

which banking activities and services provided by Egyptian banks are exposed.

The second hypothesis:

The null hypothesis: “The application of information technology governance mechanisms in banks does not help improve the quality of

accounting performance in light of electronic disclosure across websites and on the Internet.

The alternative hypothesis: “The application of information technology governance mechanisms in banks helps improve the quality of

accounting performance in light of electronic disclosure across websites and on the Internet.

The researcher used the 5% level of significance.

Decision: By comparing the value-p (sig) with the level of significance, we find that:

05.0) > value-p (sig which means reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

In the sense that it agrees that: - The application of information technology governance mechanisms in banks helps to improve the

quality of accounting performance in light of electronic disclosure through websites on the Internet.

The third hypothesis:

The imposition of nullity: the application of information technology governance mechanisms does not help increase the competitiveness of

Egyptian banks in light of the expansion in the provision of electronic banking services.

The alternative hypothesis: The application of information technology governance mechanisms will help increase the competitiveness of

Egyptian banks in light of the expansion in the provision of electronic banking services.

The researcher used the 5% level of significance.

Decision: By comparing the p-value (sig) with the level of significance, we find that:

05.0) > value-p (sig), which means rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternative hypothesis, which means that:-

The application of information technology governance mechanisms helps to increase the competitiveness of Egyptian banks in light

of the expansion in the provision of electronic services.

Fourth: To test the hypotheses for the differences between the category of financial managers and risk management

officials and the category of information technology and governance experts in Egyptian banks.

Table No. (7)

Table for testing hypotheses of differences between the two sample categories according to the T-test

Independent Samples Test

Machine Translated by Google

t-test for Equality of Means

T Df Sig. (2- Meaning std. Error

tailed) Difference Difference

Equal variances
-2.192- 58 .032 -.06296- .02873
The first assumed
Equal variances not
-2.192- 57,799 .032 -.06296- .02873

Equal variances
-2.555- 58 .013 -.13333- .05219
The second
hypothesis Equal variances not
-2.555- 53.166 .014 -.13333- .05219

Equal variances
-1.179- 58 .243 -.05714- .04848
Assumption assumed
Equal variances not
-1.179- 57.844 .243 -.05714- .04848

First: The first group:

The null hypothesis: There are no significant differences between the opinions of the two groups regarding the first group.

The alternative hypothesis: There are significant differences between the opinions of the two groups regarding the first group.

The researcher used the level of significance 5%.

Decision: By comparing the value of p-value (sig) with the level of significance, we find that:

025.0) > value-p (sig which means accept the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.

That is, there are no moral differences between the opinions of the two groups with regard to the first group.

Second: The second group:

The null hypothesis: There are no significant differences between the opinions of the two groups regarding the second group.

The alternative hypothesis: There are significant differences between the opinions of the two groups regarding the second group.

The researcher used the level of significance 5%.

Decision: By comparing the value of p-value (sig) with the level of significance, we find that:

025.0) < value-p (sig which means reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis.

That is, there are moral differences between the opinions of the two groups regarding the second group.

The third group: Third,

the null hypothesis: There are no moral differences between the opinions of the two groups regarding the third group.

The alternative hypothesis: There are significant differences between the opinions of the two groups regarding the third group.

The researcher used the level of significance 5%.

Decision: By comparing the value of p-value (sig) with the level of significance, we find that:

025.0) > value-p (sig which means accept the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.

Machine Translated by Google

There are no significant differences between the opinions of the two groups regarding the third group.
Which means that he :

Findings and Recommendations

For theoretical and field study that , according to In light of the study problem, objectives and hypotheses, the researcher can draw several

conclusions, the most important of which are:

First: search results:

(1) The main objective of information technology governance in banks is to ensure the consistency of the objectives of the bank’s

strategic objectives system. Information technology with (2)

that effective governance of information technology has become an imperative to add real value to the bank, maximize the value of its

investments in the field of information technology, and achieve the greatest possible benefit through information. Computer and IT
application requirements Re-evaluation of corporate governance procedures

according to (3) that many successful experiences and studies have proven the necessity of applying information technology

governance mechanisms and standards and their positive impact on improving performance and continuity in the money and business

market for business organizations, especially commercial banks.

4) The information technology governance helps in providing the indicators and standards necessary to measure performance in the

field, which achieves the interests

of companies
all the and
bank. to supporting the competitiveness of banks, in

In reducing the complementary risks associated with the use of 5) IT governance has an important role

information technology, through the use of mechanisms to improve the risk management that the bank may be exposed to from

internal or external hackers.

(6) The application of information technology governance mechanisms contributes to activating the process of managing risks

associated with activities and providing electronic services in banks, which ensures the achievement of the strategic objectives

represented in increasing the expected return, growth and continuity.

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Second: Research Recommendations:

In light of the aforementioned research results, the researcher can confirm a number of recommendations, which are:

He considers it necessary in this context, the most important of which are:

(1) The necessity of directing banks towards intensifying the use of technology in implementing all activities and providing banking services, and

keeping pace with technological developments in the modern era.

(2) The necessity for business organizations, especially banks, to adopt the concepts and mechanisms of information technology governance as the

general framework through which electronic risks can be reduced and information security protected.

(3) Emphasis on the importance of banks’ commitment to implement information technology governance mechanisms through partnership

Management and executive departments to ensure the achievement of the strategic objectives, which is reflected positively

Developing the financial performance and increasing the competitiveness of banks.

(4) The necessity of establishing an independent department within the bank’s administrative structure, whose mission is to support the mechanisms of

information technology governance and protect information security from the risks of manipulation, in a way that reflects the Board of Directors’ interest

in the size of the large investments in information technology.

(5) The need to pay attention to setting an annual budget for the operation and development of the information technology system, and to show in detail

the information related to the costs and benefits related to the operations of the operation during the fiscal year.

(6) Intensifying training courses for bank employees to familiarize themselves with the elements and mechanisms of information technology governance,

which will lead to an increase in the number of qualified workers for the best and most effective application of information technology governance


(7) The necessity for the Information Technology Governance Institute to develop a unified standard or guide for all banks that defines the rules and

mechanisms of information technology governance and the appropriate procedures for their application within the rules and principles of corporate

governance in general.

(8) The necessity of activating the requirements of information technology governance in the various departments, to eliminate the obstacles and risks

associated with its use, which leads to customer satisfaction, avoiding crises and increasing competitiveness in banks.

(9) Encouraging researchers to increase research in the field of information technology governance with the aim of developing a framework for the

role of information technology governance mechanisms in reducing information security risks and reducing electronic financial fraud in companies and


(10) The need to focus on research that helps in activating and highlighting the role of information technology governance in developing internal control

systems to achieve information security requirements and reduce banking risks in banks.

commercial in particular.

(11) That scientific and professional bodies work on setting a proposed accounting standard for information technology governance that all organizations

are committed to applying in light of contemporary developments in communication systems and information exchange.

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Machine Translated by Google

search extension

survey list

Respondent’s name: ................................................. ... ) my choice (.

Academic (or functional) qualification: …………………………………………………………………………… .............

Occupation and place of work: ……………………………………………………………………………… ...................

Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.

The Role of Information Technology Governance in Improving Information Technology In this regard, the researcher is preparing a

research entitled “The quality of financial performance and increasing competitiveness in Egyptian banks - a field study.” The results of the

research come out expressing the truth and without any bias, so the researcher hopes that you will give the attached survey list some of

your time to answer the questions received

We thank you in advance for your kind cooperation in completing this research.

The researcher undertakes before God and then before you to maintain the confidentiality of the data contained in your answers in

that list, and not to use it for purposes other than research, knowing that you have the right not to disclose your personal data or the name

of the entity you work for.

With my sincere thanks and appreciation,


Dr.. Sami Muhammad Ahmad Ghonimi

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Commerce - Benha University.

Associate Professor at Taibah University in Madinah.

Machine Translated by Google

first group
Please choose only one of the five answers corresponding to each of the items listed

in the attached table

I don't I totally
neutral I agree
I totally agree Questions and Inquiries

(1/1) The use of information technology is an essential element in managing the bank’s

resources by providing direct interaction with customers.

(1/2) The use of information technology achieves more speed and accuracy in operating

operations, and reduces human errors.

(1/3) The use of information technology achieves efficiency and effectiveness in the

implementation of operations, and achieves the greatest return compared to application costs.

(1/4) The use of information technology achieves more alignment and coordination between

the strategic objectives of the Bank and the objectives of the beneficiaries.

(1/5) The use of information technology helps reduce operational risks when implementing the

bank's activities in an electronic way.

(1/6) The use and development of information technology leads to improving the level of

banking services provided to customers, and thus attracting more new customers to the bank.

(1/7) Designing programs to train members of the Board of Directors to help reduce the risks

associated with the use of information technology.

(1/8) The presence of members of the audit committees with experience in information

technology reduces the risks of using it in the implementation of various activities

and providing banking services to customers.

9/1) The presence of competencies in the Internal Control Department who have expertise in

the field of information technology supports efficiency of use and reduces operational risks

associated with its application.

the second group

Please choose only one of the five answers corresponding to each of the items

contained in the attached table

Machine Translated by Google


I don't I totally
neutral I agree
I totally Questions and Inquiries

(1/2) Its application achieves immediate disclosure to users, and provides information

required for them with the required speed and accuracy.

(2/2) Its application achieves more confidence and credibility of the accounting information

published in accordance with the electronic disclosure.

(2/3) Positively supports the achievement of the strategic objectives of the Bank's Board of

Directors, and it ensures continuity and growth in the long term.

(4/2) It helps to activate internal control to ensure information security and reduce risks through

the presence of members who have sufficient experience in information technology.

(5/2) It helps in activating the role of audit committees by appointing members of the committees

who have sufficient experience in information technology.

(1/6) Supports the process of continuous development of information technology methods within

the bank, according to the latest methods used in this field.

(1/7) helps to select the best practices followed in the application of information technology in

banks, which helps in improving the quality of financial performance in light of electronic


(1/8) It works to achieve the best rates of efficiency and effectiveness with regard to the

implementation of electronic activities and operations, and the provision of banking services

through websites on the Internet.

third group

Please choose only one of the five answers corresponding to each of the items
in the attached table

I don't
The I totally

agree neutral I agree

I totally
agree Questions and Inquiries


(1/3) There is an increasing demand on the part of customers for banks that are expanding in

Machine Translated by Google

Providing banking services through websites.

(2/3) The application of information technology governance mechanisms achieves

more customer satisfaction, and attracts many new customers to benefit from

electronic banking services.

(3/3) The increase in new customers at the present time with banks can be attributed

to the application of information technology governance mechanisms in those banks,

and to ensure the reduction of operational risks.

(3/4) The application of information technology governance mechanisms achieves

more confidence and credibility of the accounting information, which increases the

degree of confidence of customers in the bank’s ability to achieve its goals.

(3/5) The application of information technology governance mechanisms and

information security assurance in banks helps to add real value to the bank, which is

reflected in reducing the cost of banking services.

(6/1) Periodic review of information technology governance mechanisms ensures

providing the best services to customers at the lowest costs, which achieves customer

retention and ensures continuity and growth.

(1/7) The application of information technology governance mechanisms achieves

greater customer satisfaction and improves competitiveness, by maintaining the

highest quality of banking services provided.

With my sincere thanks and appreciation to your honorable person



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