ECET412a Finals

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Scope of the course …

 Course Outline (May change depending on period

time constraints)

 Introduction - (Prelims)
 Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms and Continuous
Spectra – (Prelims)
 Signal Transmission and Filtering - (Midterms)
 Linear CW Modulation - (Midterms )
 Exponential CW Modulation (Finals)


Data Communications Course
Lecture 5
Angle CW Modulation

Primary Reference Book: Carlson Chapter 5

In Lec 5, we are going to talk about:

 Phase and Frequency Modulation

 Transmission Bandwidth and Distortion

 Generation and Detection of FM and PM


Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 7

 Linear CW Modulation (AM, DSB, etc.)
 Modulated spectrum is the translated message spectrum
 Maximum BT is twice the message bandwidth
 SNR can only be improved by increasing power

 Angle or Exponential CW Modulation

 The transmission bandwidth is much greater than twice
the message bandwidth
 Can trade bandwidth for power to improve or increase
the SNR
 The message information resides not in the amplitude
but where the signal crosses the time axis (zero crossings)

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 8

1. Find the instantaneous phase and frequency of a signal with
exponential modulation (Sect. 5.1)

2. Construct the line spectrum for FM or PM with tone modulation

(Sect. 5.1)

3. Estimate the bandwidth required for FM or PM transmission

(Sect. 5.2)

4. Identify the effects of distortion, limiting, and frequency

multiplication on an FM or PM signal (Sect. 5.2)

5. Design an FM generator and detector appropriate for an

application (Sect. 5.3)

6. Use a phasor diagram to analyze interference in AM, FM, and

PM (Sect. 5.4)

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 9


 The total instantaneous angle of a CW signal



 Hence, if θC(t) contains the message information x(t), we

have a process that may be termed either angle
modulation or exponential modulation.

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 10

PM and FM Signals

 Phase modulation is defined as

 so that

 Keeping our convention

 Similar with AM , the maximum phase shift or

phase modulation index / phase deviation is

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 11

PM and FM Signals

 The phasor’s
instantaneous rate
(or instantaneous
frequency) of rotation
in cycles per second or
Hz will be

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 12

PM and FM Signals

 For FM

 where the frequency deviation is

 Thus, an FM wave has

 and integration yields the phase modulation

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 13

PM and FM Signals

 FM waveform

 PM waveform

 Using integrating and differentiating circuits, a phase

modulator can produce frequency modulation and vice
versa. In fact, in the case of tone modulation it’s nearly
impossible visually to distinguish FM and PM waves.

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 14

PM and FM Signals

 Comparison of FM and PM Signals

 Differences with Linear CW (AM)

 The amplitude of an angle-modulated wave is constant
 The message resides in the zero crossings alone, zero
crossings are periodic in AM
 The modulated wave does not resemble the message

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 15

PM and FM Signals (vs AM)

 FM noise reduction:
The demodulated
output is
proportional to the
frequency deviation
f∆,which can be
increased without
increasing the
transmitted power

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 16

Narrowband PM and FM

 Angle/Exponential Modulation

 Quadrature-carrier version


Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 17

Narrowband PM and FM

 Simplifying condition (narrowband assumption)

 The Fourier Transform of xc(t) becomes

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 18

Narrowband PM and FM

 Only for the narrowband case ,

if the message x(t) bandwidth is W << fC, then xC(t)
will be a bandpass signal with transmission bandwidth
of 2W (like AM)

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 19

Tone Modulation (FM and PM)

 Let x(t) be a tone


 The parameter β serves as the modulation index for PM

or FM with tone modulation and equals the maximum
phase deviation and is proportional to the tone amplitude
Am in both cases
Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 20
Narrowband Tone Modulation

 Narrowband requires


simplifies to

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 21

NBFM with Tone Modulation

 Narrowband FM

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 22

Tone Modulation

 Dropping the narrowband approximation

 The terms and can only be

expressed in terms of Bessel functions (where the
coefficients Jn(β) are given in a table)

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 23

Tone-Modulated FM Spectrum


Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 24

Tone-Modulated FM Spectrum

 The FM spectrum consists of a carrier-frequency line plus

an infinite number of sideband lines at frequencies
fC ± nfm
 All lines are equally spaced by the modulating frequency,
and the odd-order lower sideband lines are reversed in
phase or inverted relative to the unmodulated carrier

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 25

Tone-Modulated FM Spectrum
1) The relative amplitude of the carrier line J0(β) varies with
the modulation index and hence depends on the
modulating signal. In contrast to linear modulation, the
carrier-frequency component of an FM wave “contains”
part of the message information
2) The number of sideband lines having appreciable relative
amplitude also depends on β. With β << 1 only J0 and J1
are significant, so the spectrum will consist of carrier and
two sideband lines (narrowband case). But if β >> 1 , there
will be many sideband lines, giving a spectrum quite unlike
linear modulation
3) Large β implies a large bandwidth to accommodate the
extensive sideband structure, agreeing with the physical
interpretation of large frequency deviation

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 26

Tone-Modulated FM Spectrum

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 27

Tone-Modulated FM Spectrum

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 28

Exercise: Tone Modulation with NBFM
1) A narrowband FM signal is transmitted

a. Find the instantaneous frequency f(t) (the derivative of θ (t)) in

b. Find fC, f∆, and x(t)

c. Find the modulation index β

d. Draw the spectrum

e. Solve for FM signal power using the original equation.
Compare with power from line spectra.

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 29

Exercises: Tone Modulation with NBFM

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 30


 The spectrum of a signal with exponential modulation has

infinite extent, in general. Hence, generation and
transmission of pure FM requires infinite bandwidth, whether
or not the message is bandlimited.
 But sufficiently far away from the carrier, spectral
components are quite small and may be discarded.
 How much of the modulated signal spectrum is significant?

 Jn(β) falls off rapidly

for |n/ β| > 1
 Jn(β) is significant
only for β ≥ |n|

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 31

Transmission Bandwidth Estimates
 Therefore, all significant lines are contained in the frequency
range fC ± β fm = fC ± Am f∆ (except for narrowband which
requires ar least 2 sidebands)
 Let all sideband lines having relative amplitude |Jn(β)| > ε
where ε ranges from 0.01 to 0.1 according to the
 Then if |JM(β)| > ε |JM+1(β)| < ε, then there are 2M significant
sidebands (2M + 1 lines in the spectra including carrier)
 The bandwidth is thus

 See next graph

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 32

Transmission Bandwidth Estimates

 The number of significant sideband pairs as a function of β (or D).

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 33

Transmission Bandwidth Estimates

 Now, bearing in mind that f∆ is a property of the

modulator circuit, what tone produces the maximum
 Clearly, it is the maximum-amplitude–maximum-
frequency tone having Am = 1 and fm = W.
 The worst-case tone-modulation bandwidth is then

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 34

Transmission Bandwidth Estimates
 Extrapolating our tone analysis to an arbitrary modulating
signal, we define the deviation ratio

 The transmission bandwidth BT can be approximated using

Carson’s Rule

 The majority of actual FM systems have 2 < D < 10, for

which Carson’s rule somewhat underestimates the
transmission bandwidth. A better approximation for
equipment design is then

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 35

Transmission Bandwidth Estimates
 The deviation ratio represents the maximum phase
deviation of an FM wave under worst-case bandwidth
conditions. Our FM bandwidth expressions therefore apply
to phase modulation if we replace D with the maximum
phase deviation ϕ∆ of the PM wave.
 The transmission bandwidth BT for a PM wave is

 Note that in PM, ϕ∆ is independent of W

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 36

Exercises: Transmission Bandwidth
1) Given that a commercial FM broadcast station has a
modulating signal from 30 Hz to 15 KHz and a
maximum allowed frequency deviation of 75 KHz
a. Find the deviation ratio D
b. Solve for the maximum transmission bandwidth using
Carson’s rule and the other estimate
c. For a single modulating tone of +1 Vpeak and 15 KHz
frequency, then D = β. Approximate M(β). Counting the
sidebands, what is the transmission bandwidth BT
d. For a lower frequency tone of 3 KHz, find the modulation
index β. Find the number of sideband pairs M.
e. Compare the 15 KHz and the 3 KHz case, which tone-
modulated FM signal will occupy more bandwidth?

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 37

Exercises: Transmission Bandwidth

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 38

Exercises: Transmission Bandwidth

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 5: Angle CW Modulation 39

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