ECET412a - Prelim

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Principles of Communications Course

Course information

 Scope of the course

 Principles of Communications

 Lectures posted in Yahoo Group
 Course Syllabus

 Reading Materials

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE 2

 Course material
 Course text book:
 Carlson, B., Crilly P. (2010). Communications Systems: An
Introduction to Signals and Noise in Electrical
Communication. 5th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

 Additional recommended books

 Electronic Communications Systems W. Tomasi. Prentice Hall, 4th ed
2001 (or 5th edition, 2004)

 Material accessible from course yahoo group:

 Message Posts
 Lecture slides (.ppt, pdf)

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 3

Scope of the course …

 Course Outline (May change depending on period

time constraints)

 Introduction - (Prelims)
 Fourier Series, Fourier Transforms and Continuous
Spectra – (Prelims)
 Signal Transmission and Filtering - (Midterms)
 Linear CW Modulation - (Midterms )
 Exponential CW Modulation (Finals)

 Course responsible and lecturer and giving
 Joel C. Delos Angeles
 Office: CEAT – CTH 214


(2 to 2:30 PM); Laboratory hours – 2:30 to 5:30 PM


Lecture 1

Data Communications Course
Lecture 1

Primary Reference Book: Carlson Chapter 1

Tomasi Chapter 1
In Lec 1, we are going to talk about:


 Elements of Communications Systems

 Modulation and Coding

 Historical Perspective and Societal Impact

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 7

Background and Objectives
 Since information transfer is the same basic
function of all communication systems, we will:

 Seek out and isolate the principles and problems of

conveying information in electrical form
 Examine these principles in sufficient depth to develop
analysis and design methods suited to a wide range of

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 8

Communication Link as Systems

 What are transducers?

 For our purposes, we will use the terms message and
signal interchangeably

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 9

Information, Messages and Signals
 Message – the physical manifestation of
information as produced by the source
 Analog message - a physical quantity that varies in a
smooth and continuous fashion.
 Examples: acoustic pressure, angular position of a gyro, or the
light intensity at some point in a TV.
 Requires a specified degree of fidelity
 Digital message - an ordered sequence of symbols
selected from a finite set of discrete elements.
 Examples of digital messages are the printed letters, a listing of
hourly temperature readings, or the keys you press on a
computer keyboard.
 Requires a degree of accuracy in a specified amount of time.
 Message type determines criterion for successful
Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 10
Elements of a Communication System

 Transmitter signal processing involves modulation and

may also include coding.
 Channel - Transmission loss or attenuation of signal
 Receiver – operations include amplification,
demodulation, decoding, filtering
Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 11
Elements of a Communication System

 Distortion - waveform perturbation caused by imperfect

response of the system to the desired signal itself.
 If the channel has a linear but distorting response, then distortion
may be corrected, or at least reduced, with the help of special
filters called equalizers.

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 12

Elements of a Communication System

 Interference - is contamination by extraneous signals

from human sources, other transmitters, power lines and
machinery, switching circuits, and so on.
 Addressed by filtering techniques

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 13

Elements of a Communication System

 Transmission Types

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 14

Fundamental Limitations
 Technological Problems- can be solved in theory
even though perfect solutions may be impractical
 Hardware availability
 Economic Factors
 Governmental Regulations
 Physical Limitations
 Subject to laws of nature – what can and cannot be
 Bandwidth (C or I is the information capacity in bps)

Hartley-Shannon Law

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 15

Fundamental Limits
 When a signal changes rapidly with time, its
frequency content, or spectrum, extends over a
wide range, and we say that the signal has a large
 Similarly, the ability of a system to follow signal
variations is reflected in its usable frequency
response, or transmission bandwidth. Now all
electrical systems contain energy-storage
elements, and stored energy cannot be changed
instantaneously. Consequently, every
communication system has a finite bandwidth B
that limits the rate of signal variations.

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 16

 Modulating Signal + Carrier Wave

 Continuous-wave modulation – methods for

sinusoidal carrier modulation (e.g. speech)
Modulation Benefits and Applications
1) For Efficient Transmission – antennas for line-of-
sight requires at least 1/10 of signal wavelength
2) To overcome hardware limitations – minimize cost
if fractional bandwidth (absolute bandwidth /
center frequency) is kept within 1 to 10%
3) To reduce noise and interference (wideband noise
reduction – using much greater transmission
bandwidth than the bandwidth of modulating
4) For frequency assignment
5) For multiplexing / multiple access

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 18

Coding Methods and Benefits
• Coding is a symbol-processing operation for
improved communication when the information is
digital or can be approximated in the form of
discrete symbols (e.g. binary codeword)

• Channel Coding – involves error detection or


• Source Coding – involves encoding fewer bits

than the original message or its representation
(eg. Compression)

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 19

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 20

Electromagnetic Wave Propagation

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 21

Electromagnetic Wave Propagation

Skywave propagation uses the ionosphere (reflection)

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 22

Electromagnetic Wave Propagation

Multipath interference can be an advantage or

disadvantage for signal propagation

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 23

Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
• Refraction – wave velocity changes when passing
from one medium to another

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 24

Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
• Refraction – wave velocity changes when passing
from one medium to another

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction 25

“Engineers are the agents of social change”
 Quote from : Daitch - “Introduction to College

 Reading assignment : Societal Impact and

Historical perspective

Joel C. Delos Angeles B.S. ECE Lecture 1: Introduction

Lecture 2

Data Communications Course
Lecture 2
Signals and Continuous Spectra Fourier Analysis

Primary Reference Book: Carlson Chapter 2

Tomasi Chapter 1
Signal Analysis – Time and Frequency Domain
 Amplitude versus time
 Amplitude versus frequency
Vpeak ?

? freq

Time domain Freq domain

Signal Analysis – Phase spectrum
 Phase versus frequency

A ?

? freq

Time domain ? freq

Exercise: Signal Analysis
 Get one-sided/positive-frequency line spectra of:
Signal Analysis - Two-sided Spectrum
 More valuable: From Euler’s Theorem
Signal Analysis - Exercise:
1) Get two-sided frequency line spectra of:

2) ) Get two-sided frequency line spectra of:

Signal Analysis – Phase spectrum
 Phase versus frequency

A ?

? freq

Time domain ? freq

Signal Analysis – Fourier Series Concept
 Decompose periodic signals into sum of sinusoids.
Let v(t) be a power signal (i.e. power is non-zero)
with period T0 = 1/f0

Signal Analysis – Alternative Fourier Expression

∞ ∞
f (t ) = a0 + ∑ an cos(nω0t ) + ∑ bn sin( nω0t )
n =1 n =1

NOTE: Read on Fourier Series Discussion in

Tomasi (Signal Analysis Section) especially
Fourier Series Summary table
Application: ECET412La
Signal Analysis – The Sinc Function

Incidentally, τ/T0 equals the

duty cycle
 Over one period
Signal Analysis – The Sinc Function

 Incidentally, τ/T0 is the duty cycle

Signal Analysis – Parseval’s Power Theorem

 The average power can be found by squaring and

adding the heights c(nf0) of the amplitude lines
(superposition of average power)

 Compute for signal power of the following:

Fourier Transforms and CONTINUOUS Spectra

 Emphasized here is continuous in contrast to

discrete (in Signals and Spectra subject)
 Difference between Fourier Transforms vs Fourier
Series? Or when to use one or the other?
 What are non-periodic energy signals? What is the

Fourier Transform

Inverse Fourier Transform

Fourier Transforms and CONTINUOUS Spectra

 Rectangular Pulse (function defined below – also

known as rect() function


Fourier Transforms – Rayleigh’s Energy Theorem
 Integrating the square of the amplitude spectrum
over all frequency yields the total energy

 So |V(f)|2 is the energy spectral density. You may

choose between time and frequency domain when
solving for power (Parseval’s) or energy (Rayleigh’s)
 While total pulse energy is
E = A2τ
 We can band-limit the spectrum to
Fourier Transforms – Theorems
 Theorems are useful in order to generate transform
pairs without going through the difficulty of
evaluating the Fourier integral
 Duality Theorem, if


 PROVE below: (Note difficulty of perfect bandwidth limit

in the frequency domain)
Fourier Transforms – Theorems
 Superposition theorem simply states that linear
combinations in the time domain become linear
combinations in the frequency domain.
Fourier Transforms – Theorems

• Problem: Sketch the spectra of z(t)

Impulses and Transforms in the Limit
 The unit impulse of Dirac delta function has unit
area (area = 1) concentrated at the discrete point

• Problem: What is the graphical representation of

Aδ(t - td)?
Impulses in Frequency Domain
 A constant (DC) signal has no time variation and its
spectral content ought to be confined to f = 0

• How about application of duality theorem? What does it

Impulses in Time
 An impulsive signal with “zero” duration has infinite
spectral width, whereas a constant signal with
infinite duration has “zero” spectral width.

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