Module 5

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Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. Distinguish between egocentric and sociocentric self? What is your dominant behavi
or with your sociocentric self? With your egocentric self?
- Sociocentric - a personality dependent on the social atmosphere. An example I use is the person that
acts differently around different groups of people.
Whereas; Egocentric - are individuals with personalities formed from within themselves and do not vary,
not matter the social atmosphere.
Differences: In the EGOcentric society a person's identity is INDEPENDENT from a group. In the
SOCIOcentric society a person gets their identity from the group. One who is without regard for the
feelings or desires of others; self-centered.

2. From the eyes of an anthropologist, should you have eitehr egocentric or sociocentric self or both
egocentric and sociocentric self? Explain your answer.

- The Ego-Centric & Socio-Centric Self Two contrasting models of personal identity or selfhood:

Egocentric Self

- each person is seen to be a separate entity with inherent characteristics

- which are seen to originate and reside within an individual

- to act differently depending on who you are with is seen as dishonest

- as suggested in the expression, "be true to yourself"

Sociocentric Self

- personal identity not autonomous but relative/conditional

- depends on social context, who one is with (or referring to)

- personal qualities not embedded in the person but embodied (manifested) in concrete social settings

- assumes/realises people are not autonomous and self-contained packages of traits but part of a social
matrix These are two sides of identity found in any person in any culture
- the two models don't necessarily describe two different forms of people

- rather they are ways of treating people, values attached to expressions of personhood (who you are in
a social setting)

- where people are raised to value the sociocentric aspects of selfhood, self-centered and egotistic
behaviour is devalued

- but they would still recognize that such behaviour exists because of the existence of the egocentric self

- so it's not that people in such societies (like the Bemba) are not individuals

- but rather the pursuit of individualism at the expense of concern for others is considered inappropriate
This is an important distinction in anthropology and is found in any culture

- every society works with both egocentric and sociocentric aspects of selfhood

- identity is always in part unique and internal to an individual

- but always within a larger cultural context of complex interpersonal relations

3.a. Kung-fu-tsu once said: “All men are pretty much alike; it is by culture that they are set apart.”
- Do not do to others what you do not like others to do to you.
b. How does the statement of Kung-fu-tsu affect your attitude towards people from various
cultures? Explain.
- Shaolin kung fu is a philosophy as much as it is a fighting style. Aspects such as the qigong are rooted in
traditional Chinese medicine, as well as Buddhism and Daoism. Kung fu is highly valued in Chinese
culture because it teaches respect, patience, humility, and morality.

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