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Qualification BTEC Level 4 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 32: Business Strategy (574)

Submission date August 21st, 2022 Date received (1st submission)

Re-submission date Date received (2nd submission)

Student name Tran Minh Nhat Student ID GBS200790

Class GBS0908B Assessor name Tran Xuan Linh

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I
understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

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Grading grid

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Assignment Brief 1 (RQF)

Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business

Student Name/ID

Unit Number and Title: Unit 32: Business Strategy (574)

Academic Year: 2020-2021

Unit Assessor:

Assignment Title: ASSIGNMENT 1 – External audit

Issue Date:

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Submission Format:


• This assignment is an Individual report.

• You must use font Calibri size 12, set number of the pages and use multiple line spacing
at 1.5. Margins must be: left: 2.54 cm; right: 2.54 cm; top: 2.54 cm and bottom: 2.54 cm.
• You should use in text references and a list of all cited sources at the end of the essay by
applying Harvard referencing style.
• The recommended word limit is 1000-1500 words (+/-10%), excluding the tables,
graphs, diagrams, appendixes and references. You will not be penalized for exceeding
the total word limit.
• The cover page of the report has to be the Assignment front sheet 1 (to be attached with
this assignment brief).


• Students are compulsory to submit the assignment in due date (slot 15) and in a way
requested by the Tutor.
• The form of submission will be a soft copy posted on
• Remember to convert the word file into PDF file before the submission on CMS.

• The individual Assignment must be your own work, and not copied by or from another
• If you use ideas, quotes or data (such as diagrams) from books, journals or other sources,
you must reference your sources, using the Harvard style.
• Make sure that you understand and follow the guidelines to avoid plagiarism. Failure to
comply this requirement will result in a failed assignment.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Analyze the impact and influence which the macro environment has on an organization
and its business strategies
LO3. Evaluate and apply the outcomes of an analysis using Porter’s Five Forces model to a
given market sector

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

*This assignment guidance is for reference only and can be customized by the tutor to meet
specific needs

Assignment scenario.

Assuming that you are a corporate consultant at Deloitte LLP. Your company offers
various consulting services ranging from conducting internal and external analysis, strategic
planning, strategic implementation and strategy evaluation to companies in many different
sectors. At the moment, your company is having an order from company A operating in a
particular sector (which will be specified by your course tutor and each class will be assigned a
different sector to avoid plagiarism).
The CEO of company A wants your company to help them carry out a comprehensive
organizational audit including assessing both its internal and external environments. Based on
these analyses, they also wish to have some recommendations on which strategy they should
pursue in the future.

Your responsibility is to find relevant data and information from trustworthy sources,
process them rationally and present the findings and strategic suggestion as a formal strategic
report, which consists of three main parts:
• Part 1: External analysis
• Part 2: Internal analysis
• Part 3: Strategic planning and evaluation

 Assignment 1 is the part 1 of the required strategic report.

Note: Each student should choose one specific real-life company working in the targeted sector
and they must register their chosen company to the tutor to get approval before proceeding with
their assignment.

Structure of the Report:

General introduction: the chosen company, main purposes and structure of the work.

Main contents of the report:

1. Identify the strategic context of the company:

Identify the mission, vision and objectives of the chosen company.

Explain the role of business strategy to obtain business objectives and goals in general
and by giving example(s).

2. Carry out the macro environmental audit for the chosen company by using
PEST/PESTLE framework. You should provide evidences from credible sources to
analyze each factor of PEST/PESTLE for the chosen company.
In order to enhance your work, you should make final comments on the importance of
macro environmental analysis for the strategic development of your chosen company.

3. Carry out the industry/sector audit for the chosen organization by using relevant
analytical tools/models (e.g. the industry life cycle analysis, Porter’s 5 force model).
To improve your discussion, you should identify and discuss the critical success factors
for a company in the chosen market sector based on clear evidences/academic journals.

4. Carry out a specific stakeholder analysis and devise a stakeholder mapping for the
chosen company. Besides, you should explain the significance of stakeholder analysis
when formulating new strategy.
5. Based on all external analyses above, identify and analyze the main opportunities and
threats (O&T from SWOT) that the company is currently facing.
A conclusion to summarize all the key findings and analysis must be presented. Plus, you can
conclude whether the chosen company is facing a tough/advantageous time.

Unit assessment criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1. Analyze the impact and influence which the macro LO 1,2,3 & 4
environment has on an organization and its business strategies. D1. Critique and
interpret information
P1. Applying appropriate M1. Critically analyze the and data applying
frameworks analyze the impact macro environment to environmental and
and influence of the macro determine and inform competitive analysis to
environment on a given strategic management produce a set of valid
organization and its strategies. decisions. strategic directions,
objectives and tactical
LO3. Evaluate and apply the outcomes of an analysis using
Porter’s Five Forces model to a given market sector.
P3. Applying Porter’s Five M3. Devise appropriate
Forces model evaluate the strategies to improve
competitive forces of a given competitive edge and
market sector for an market position based on
organization. the outcomes.

Assignment Brief 1 (RQF) ............................................................................................................................... 3
Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Business ....................................................................................... 3
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 8
II. The impact and influence which the macro environment has on an organization and its business
strategies ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
1. Ford’s Vision and Mission .................................................................................................................. 8
2. The role of business strategy to obtain business objectives and goals in general ............................... 9
3. PESTLE analysis ............................................................................................................................... 11
4. Porter’s five force analysis ................................................................................................................ 13
5. Stakeholders of a company and its significance when formulating new strategy ............................. 14
6. SWOT analysis (O&T) ...................................................................................................................... 17
III. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 18
References .................................................................................................................................................... 19

I. Introduction
Nowadays, most enterprises understand that the key successful factor for any business is strategy.
Companies have to set strategies clearly to drive businesses to right way for their sustainable development
especially post COVID-19 situation. Ford Motor Corporation too. The external and internal environment of
the company will be analyzed. In this assignment, the author will analyze external first. PESTLE and
PORTER’s five forced analysis will be used to point out the external factors that may influence to company.
Therefore, Ford could see the opportunities and threats that may affect to its and company could understand
and set up suitable strategies for their development.

About Ford

Ford is a family business with global reach and a common set of values. The business places equal value on
serving its customers as it does the rest of the world. Ford has been a part of generations' memories, as well
as their hopes and dreams. The company has been leading change for 117 years and is accustomed to doing
so. As a result, the company is changing its focus from primarily on vehicles to include services,
experiences, and software.

II. The impact and influence which the macro environment has on
an organization and its business strategies

1. Ford’s Vision and Mission

As one of the leading corporations in its field, Ford set out its mission and vision clearly from day one.


- Better lives: The mission of the Ford company is to remove barriers that prevent people from
moving forward. Ford firmly believes that everyone deserves the freedom to travel anywhere they
please, to follow their dreams, and to lead the best life possible (Ford, no date)
- Stronger communities: Ford's business strategy is based on forging and strengthening ties within
communities, whether they be between workers, the company's union partners, clients, dealerships,
companies, businesses, neighborhoods, cities, or the government (Ford, no date)
- Healthier planet: From the first days, the company has taken decisive action to build and advance
a sustainable future for the world, frequently veering from the norm to influence positive change the
better (Ford, no date)


The vision of Ford is to "become the most trusted company in the world, designing smart vehicles for a
smart world." The multinational company's strategic objective of dominating the automotive industry is
reflected in this vision statement. Ford's emphasis on intelligent vehicles is relevant to the state of the market
and consumer preferences. In a market where more efficient technologies are preferred, the company seeks
to maximize its profitability and relevance (Thompson, 2019)

2. The role of business strategy to obtain business objectives and goals in


Definition of business strategy: A business strategy is a list of the decisions and activities a firm intends
to make in order to accomplish its goals and objectives. A business strategy outlines the steps the
organization must take to accomplish its objectives and can help direct decisions on resource allocation and
recruiting (Indeed Editorial Team, 2020)

A business strategy is crucial for organizations for a number of reasons, including:

- Planning: A company strategy enables businesses to define the essential steps it must take to
accomplish its objectives.
- Strengths and weaknesses: The process of developing a business strategy enables company to
assess the strengths and weaknesses of organization so that it can come up with a plan that
maximizes company's strengths and mitigates or completely eliminates its flaws.

- Efficiency: By using a business strategy to utilize resources wisely for company operations, business
becomes more effective overall. Additionally, it aids in task allocation, deadline planning, and
project goal tracking.
- Control: Having a company strategy gives company more flexibility to choose what kind of
activities will best help company achieve its objectives. This also makes company to assess if
business current course of action is moving it in the right direction.
- Competitive advantage: By laying out a precise strategy for achieving company's objectives, it can
concentrate on leveraging its strengths and turning them into a differentiator for business in the

Example of Ford

The market share of electric vehicles has risen dramatically in the past decade, and it is expected that this
trend will continue to grow rapidly. Even if the number of EVs has already increased dramatically
worldwide, estimates from the electric car industry would indicate that this is just the beginning. As one of
the top companies in the automotive industry, Ford has anticipated the trend toward electric vehicles as a
replacement for gasoline-powered vehicles. Ford Motor Company announced its "Ford+" business strategy
on May 26, 2021, positioning electric cars (EVs), connected technologies, and the commercial vehicle
market as the three growth pillars. Ford plans to sell more than 40% of its global sales as EVs (electric
vehicles) by 2030 (marklines, 2022)

In order to lead electrification in its core competencies, Ford is investing $22 billion in the technology
through 2025. The Mustang, F-150, and Transit are three of the company's most recognizable products that
will go electric in the years to come. Ford's strategy to promote the use of electric vehicles includes a focus
on the sizable market for completely electric commercial trucks and vans. Ford intends to provide these
clients with the advantages of electric vehicles through an affordable price point, increased productivity,
and lower cost of ownership (Ford, 2021)

Ford has made some significant strides in this strategy so far. In 2021, along with a variety of home charging
options, Ford had North America's largest public charging network, with more than 63,000 charging ports
and expanded numbers of over 2,300 EV-certified dealers in all 50 states - plus 644 EV-certified commercial
vehicle centers - Ford is ready to assist customers and make the switch to owning electric vehicles. Ford
promises to achieve many achievements in the current electric vehicle revolution (Ford, 2021)

Since the beginning of the company, its goal has been to contribute to the creation of a better world where
everyone is free to move and follow their goals. In order to improve customer experiences and increase their
loyalty, the company's Ford+ plan for growth and value creation combines current strengths, new
capabilities, and always-on relationships with customers (Ford, 2021)

3. PESTLE analysis

The issues that Ford Motor Company faces, as revealed by this PESTEL research, are reflected in its

- Political

As a pride of manufacturing car of American, Ford has taken many supports from the US government,
especially in technological innovation. Therefore, Ford now has the chance to make use of government
incentives for creativity, environmentally friendly products, and sustainability. Based on trade agreements,
which make it simpler for businesses to join international markets, Ford also has the chance to expand its
operations. Due to the rising demand for automobiles in these nations as a result of this macro-environment
condition, Ford Motor Company has the chance to expand abroad (Rowland, 2017)

- Economic

In addition, Ford must also pay attention to the change of the economy. Ford has a chance to expand as a
result of the U.S. economy, which is the company's largest market, growing slowly but notably. Ford also
has a chance to expand in high-potential developing nations, where the corporation is still relatively
underrepresented. However, given that majority of the company's raw materials and parts are produced in
the US, the rise of the US currency is an external automotive element that lowers profit margins and the
allure of Ford's products. Given this macroenvironment, Ford should strengthen its international operations
to take full advantage of market opportunities (Thompson, 2019)

- Social

Ford may grow by offering products that match the rising demand for hybrid and electric cars. To draw in
more customers, Ford has the ability to enhance its services, particularly its after-sales offerings like battery
rentals, warranties, etc. However, the widening wealth divide is a problem that puts Ford's Lincoln cars,
which are expensive luxury goods, in threat. Based on this PESTEL analysis component, Ford's intensive

growth strategy must place a greater emphasis on product innovation to meet shifting consumer tastes and
take into account sociocultural external elements that affect its business (Rowland, 2017)

- Technological

An external aspect that creates opportunities for Ford Motor Company to expand through mobile service
assistance and mobile marketing is the growing use of mobile computing. Additionally, the company might
boost its performance by offering better online fulfillment services. For instance, these fulfillment services
can send Ford components to clients. However, due to the lack of alternative fuel stations, the company's
potential expansion in the provision of alternative-fuel vehicles could suffer. Ford must therefore
concentrate on service improvement and technical advancement in order to maintain its competitiveness
despite difficulties in its remote or macroenvironment, according to the PESTEL analysis' technological
component (Rowland, 2017)

- Environmental

Climate change is an external force that gives Ford chances to expand through environmentally friendly
products. The low-carbon trend could be benefited from with the same effort. Ford can also introduce new
products that run on electricity or alternative fuels to address the effects of the depletion of oil sources on
the local or global environment that affects automakers. In order to enhance its commercial performance,
Ford must focus on product innovation, according to the ecological component of the PESTEL analysis
(Rowland, 2017)

- Legal

Ford's business is fully subject to legal requirements. Ford can increase the sustainability of its operations
to counteract the effects of environmental protection legislation. Additionally, Ford can enhance product
design to seize the chance in accordance with safety laws. Additionally, when intellectual property laws are
strengthened, Ford's distant and macro environments will benefit since their rights and intellectual property
will be better protected. Ford can expand in response to changes in the external regulatory landscape, as
demonstrated by this PESTEL component (Rowland, 2017)

4. Porter’s five force analysis

Ford Motor Company keeps its place as one of the largest automobile manufacturing in the world by
updating its business plans to meet the problems identified in this Five Forces analysis. This Ford Motor
Company Five Forces analysis examines the most significant external influences and how they affect the
company, providing information for managerial decision-making.

- Competition in the industry

Ford Motor Company is dealing with heated competition. Ford needs to compete with industry leaders that
aggressively market and innovate their products (like Toyota). Due to the high costs and investments, the
automotive industry also has high exit barriers, which means that businesses would prefer to continue
competing with Ford than to shut down. A situation like this creates fierce competition for Ford.
Additionally, Ford must contend with a fair number of businesses, particularly a few sizable ones like
General Motors. In order to address the external factors related to competition, Ford must maximize its
competitive advantage in accordance with this aspect of the Five Forces analysis (Ferguson, 2017)

- Threat of New Entrants

Ford is one of many companies that spend a lot of money setting up and maintaining their facilities and
enterprises. These expenses act as an entrance barrier, reducing the threat posed by new competitors.
Additionally, building a strong brand that rivals Ford's is expensive, making it challenging for new
competitors to successfully take on established market leaders. According to this section of the Five Forces
analysis, Ford is only slightly threatened by external influences (Ferguson, 2017)

- Power of Ford’s Suppliers

Suppliers have substantial but constrained negotiating power with companies like Ford due to the moderate
overall supply and moderate population of suppliers. Furthermore, the majority of these suppliers have
minimal forward vertical integration, which means that they do not possess or manage the means of
distribution or the means of sale of their goods to Ford. Ford's backward vertical integration through the
Ford River Rouge Complex reduces the suppliers' bargaining power even more. Ford creates some of the
materials it needs to make cars and related finished goods at the Complex. As a result, this aspect of the

Five Forces analysis demonstrates that Ford must take into account the important but limited external factors
related to suppliers' business impact (Ferguson, 2017)

- Power of Ford’s Customers/Buyers

Customers of Ford have a big impact on the company. Customers of Ford Motor Company experience
modest switching costs as a result of changing companies. Since automobiles are expensive items, customers
can easily switch to other businesses in this situation, though this does not happen often. Additionally, each
purchase of a Ford product is reasonable in terms of price and revenue contribution. Therefore, even a small
change in customer demand could have a big impact on Ford. Additionally, customers have the choice to
stop using Ford thanks to the moderate availability of alternatives. Thus, in order to address the external
factors in this section of the Five Forces analysis, Ford Motor Company must maximize customer
satisfaction (Ferguson, 2017)

- Threat of substitute products

There are many alternatives to Ford's products, such as bicycles and public transportation. However, in some
locations or circumstances, these alternatives may not always be suitable or available. Additionally, the
switching costs are reasonable because, despite the fact that Ford's customers can switch to using these
alternatives, they find it difficult to do so while still making car loan payments. Additionally, these
alternatives frequently perform worse than Ford's products in terms of convenience and safety. Ford must
address suppliers as a secondary external threat in light of this aspect of the Five Forces analysis (Ferguson,

5. Stakeholders of a company and its significance when formulating new


• Definition: According to Fernando (2022), A stakeholder is a party with an interest in a business

who has the potential to influence or be affected by it. A typical corporation's investors, employees,
clients, and suppliers make up its main stakeholders.

Ford Motor Company’s stakeholders analysis:

The corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives of Ford Motor Company are made to satisfy the
needs and interests of the company's constituents. These stakeholder groups are impacted by Ford's
business operations. The stakeholders are important because they have an impact on the business
through their purchases and social and political pressure. Ford, one of the largest automakers with U.S.
operations, must take care of its stakeholders' needs in order to stay competitive. Therefore, stepping up
corporate social responsibility initiatives can support Ford's long-term growth as it works toward its goal
of dominating the global market. The following is a list of Ford’s stakeholders:


Communities Employees


• Customers: Customers are Ford's top priority stakeholder. This stakeholder group is interested in
high-quality goods and services, particularly after-sales services. Customers are important
stakeholders because they directly affect how much money the business makes. The following are
Ford's corporate social responsibility initiatives for this stakeholder group:
- Innovation in products for quality, efficiency, and safety
- Smart Mobility by Ford
- Program Ford Driving Skills for Life

To increase stakeholder satisfaction, Ford Motor Company continuously innovates its products for quality,
fuel efficiency, and safety. Additionally, the Ford Smart Mobility program aims to improve mobility and
offer driverless and autonomous vehicles. Additionally, the free Ford Driving Skills for Life driver
education program aids in the development of safe and effective driving techniques in new drivers. As a
result, Ford's CSR initiatives go beyond simply selling cars to also help its top stakeholders—its
customers—improve their driving abilities (Thompson, 2017)

• Employees: Ford considers its employees as stakeholders with a secondary importance. This
stakeholder group is concerned with opportunities for professional advancement, high salaries, and
fair treatment. Because they affect the company's capacity for production and service, employees
are important stakeholders. For instance, even a slight decline in the performance and productivity
of the company's stakeholder group has a proportionate impact. Ford has the following CSR
programs to address the needs of its stakeholders, including its workforce:
- Online Training
- Sustainable Workforce
- Global Development and Learning
- Worldwide leadership development initiatives

To protect this stakeholder group and maintain legal compliance, Ford Motor Company has updated its
workplace safety procedures over time. The company's Sustainable Workforce initiative aims to maximize
workers' productivity, efficiency, and health. Additionally, the business provides online product training to
keep this stakeholder group informed and competent at all times. In addition, the Global Learning and
Development program is a part of the company's CSR initiatives. The Global Leadership Summit for
executives and general managers, the Global Executive Leadership Program for directors and senior
managers, the Experienced Leader Program for middle managers, and the Salaried Supervisor
Institute/Program (SSI) for new or experienced leaders are just a few of Ford's global leadership and
development initiatives. These initiatives are a reflection of Ford's commitment to CSR and to advancing
employee interests as one of the most significant stakeholder groups in the business (Thompson, 2017)

• Investors: Investors in Ford Motor Company are focused on maximizing returns and maintaining
financial stability. These stakeholders are crucial because they have an impact on the company's
capital. Under the direction of former CEO Alan Mulally, Ford implemented the One Ford plan in
2008 to achieve uniformity and synergy throughout its international organization. The One Ford

strategy minimizes expenses while boosting global company profits. Ford is making this effort as
part of its CSR strategy to boost performance (Thompson, 2017)
• Communities: For communities as stakeholders, Ford has a number of significant CSR initiatives.
This stakeholder group has interests in environmental preservation as well as community
development. Communities are important stakeholders because they have an impact on how Ford's
customers perceive the company. The following corporate social responsibility initiatives at the
company cater to these interests:

In order to improve their sustainability performance, which is correlated with environmental impact,
Ford Motor Company offers sustainability training to its suppliers. The Ford Motor Company Fund and
Community Services is the business' nonprofit organization and is responsible for a wide range of
philanthropic initiatives for this stakeholder group. For instance, the company's CSR initiatives fund
education initiatives in rural areas as well as community irrigation projects. In this regard, community
development is supported by the Ford Volunteer Corps, which is primarily made up of company
employees. Additionally, the Ford Driving Skills for Life program makes sure that driving doesn't
endanger public safety. Because of this, the company's CSR initiatives for these stakeholders are varied
(Thompson, 2017)

 Ford performs exceptionally well in terms of corporate social responsibility. To address the interests
of its stakeholders, the company has extensive strategies and programs. It is noteworthy that the
company's performance has improved since the 2008 reform implemented under the One Ford plan.
However, the company must place a greater emphasis on product development and cost containment
in its corporate social responsibility efforts if it wants to maintain long-term sustainable operations.
For instance, more reasonably priced, more energy-efficient hybrid or electric vehicles can boost
client satisfaction and the effectiveness of the business.

6. SWOT analysis (O&T)

• Opportunities:
- Eco-Friendly Vehicle: With the current trend of replacing gasoline cars with electric cars, especially
in the US, Ford is taken advantages a lot from this. For example, Ford built vehicles that run by
electric and hybrid engine (both gasoline and electric) including 2022 Explorer, 2022 Ford Mustang
Mach-E, etc.

- Expand customer base: Ford has a great chance to expand their customer base by entering other
small nations around the world since they are already working to enter the auto markets in China
and India. Ford's sales in China increased by 25% from July to September 2020 to 164,352 units,
demonstrating the company's expanding Asian customer base (Reuters Staff, 2020)
- Expand into Related Fields: Ford has a lot of experience in a variety of auto-related fields. Jim
Farley, the organization's new CEO, recently disclosed plans for the company to expand into the
software, fleet management, electric vehicle charging, and other related technology fields.
- Digital marketing: With the explosion of digital platforms, digital marketing is a huge field for
enterprises can exploit to attract new customers and increase the turning rate of old customers.
• Threats:
- Competitors: For years, Ford has to face with giants in the traditional automobile manufacturing
industry such as Toyota, Volkswagen, GM, etc. Now, Ford also is competing fiercely with Tesla at
the EV sector in Ford's main market is the US.
- New regulations: According to the new EU regulations, to protect the environment, automakers
must reduce CO2 emissions from 120.5 g/km to 95 g/km for 95% of the cars they produce starting
in 2020. By 2021, all new vehicles produced in EU member states must adhere to the aforementioned
emission standards (Hong, 2021) If Ford fails to comply with the new regulations, it may face serious
consequences. In 2020, Ford was forced to face a civil lawsuit in the United States Supreme Court
after it was sued by two people who were injured in accidents involving used Ford vehicles. (Frankel,
- The uncertainties of market: Since COVID-19 happen in 2019-2020, it can be seen that the market
can be negatively affected by various factors. The crisis in 2020 harmed Ford a lot. As a result, sales
fell to 516,330 total vehicles, a 12.5% decrease from the same period in 2019 (Miller, 2020)
Although Ford has recovered very well up to now, new same crises may happen again in the future.
Therefore, company has to always ready to face with negative problems.

III. Conclusion
In summary, the author pointed out the external factors that influence to company after using several
methods such as PESTLE, Porter’s five forced. Thanks to these, Ford Motor can adjust and develop new
strategies to serve the thrive of company in the automobile industry.

Ferguson, E., 2017. Ford Motor Company: Five Forces Analysis (Porter’s Model). [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 3rd August 2022].

Available at:
[Accessed 2nd August 2022].

Ford, no date. OUR PURPOSE. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1st August 2022].

Frankel, A., 2020. Reuters. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 21 August 2022].

Hong, S. C., 2021. Oto Hui. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 21 August 2022].

Indeed Editorial Team, 2020. 10 Business Strategy Examples (And Why It Helps To Have One). [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1st August 2022].

marklines, 2022. U.S. battery electric vehicle strategies for GM, Ford and Stellantis. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 2nd August 2022].

Miller, B., 2020. New York Business Journal. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 21 August 2022].

Reuters Staff, 2020. Reuters. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 21 August 2022].

Rowland, C., 2017. Ford Motor Company PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 2nd August 2022].

Thompson, A., 2017. Ford Motor Company’s Stakeholders: A CSR Analysis. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 17 August 2022].

Thompson, A., 2019. Ford Motor Company’s Mission Statement & Vision Statement: An Analysis. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1st August 2022].


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