Historical Development of PE (Script)

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Script Flow

Video intro*
Cristine: Hello hello, my dear adventurers taking tourist, a really good morning to you or as we
say in our language “mayong aga sa inyong tanan” We welcome you bigtime to our journey in
before you, a fine young woman is your gorgeous tour guide. My name is Cristine Joy Leonoras
but you can call me Tata for short. And of course our equally fine looking colleagues that will
serve as our tour guide in this whole journey and we will be with you for the whole day fulfilling
our promise of an adventure like no other!
Shaina: Time check? Its 8 in the morning. More than anything else, we give high importance to
your safety, so please be remind the following acronym, F.U.N. (INCLUDE: sign language)
Always remember FUN! F stands for fight covid-19, U stands for understanding the signals. Can
u see this flag and whistle? They’re very important so that no one will be left behind. N stands
for never litter. Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints and kill nothing but time.
Oh and also don’t forget to smile all the time, seize the moment and enjoy. So, are you ready to
have Fun? Let’s go to our first trip to Primitive era. Arat na!
Jerone: Good morning everyone, we have finally arrived at our first destination, PRIMITIVE
ERA. For those who don’t know me yet, I am Jerone A. Roquero but you can call me Manong
Jim. Did you know that in primitive society, a man moves according to their satisfaction, needs
and necessity? Yes? No? Yes! In primitive society, a man lives by the means of hunting
animals or fishing. So, ibig sabihin, their resources such as food during this time are very limited
depende sa kung ano lang ang makukuha nila while hunting. Additionally, they also engage in
welfare murder to ensure their protection from adverse elements. “Pero what about po sa
Physical Education in this era Manong Jim?” Well in this era, their social nature was innate
and drives only by mating and propagation that gives them the desire to dance and play which is
not being organized. This only means that in this era, a man moves to survive and of course to
sustain life. (whistle) It’s time to go to our next destination!
Warren: Good morning everyone I am Neil Warren V. Orong, you can call me Neil or Warren.
For our next destination we will travel to the Ancient Oriental Countries which is Ancient China
and India. Our first stop, Ancient China. In Ancient China, Their Physical Education in this era is
very lacking, which is the result of Policy of isolation. They neglected their physical body for
something they believed was more important which was the spirit. The policy of isolation lacked
the factors that will make them physically strong because there was no fear of aggression. Not
until in 2698 B.C. they developed a medical gymnastics called kong-fu which lead them to a
realization that illnesses were brought by their inactive life.
From here in Ancient China, let's visit our other destination, India. Here in India, their religious
life affects their well-being which affects the physical education in this era. Physical education in
this time is relatively poor, because of the strong religious influence of Buddhism and Hinduism,
where Hinduism focus on spiritual needs, not the needs of the body and world things, while
Buddhism emphasized right living and thinking, including self-denial, to help the soul reach a
divine state. (whistle) Our next stop would be the Ancient nations.
Axcel: Ancient sun-bleached ruins pierce blue skies as the Aegean laps at the endless coastline.
And Greek culture is alive with passionate music, inspired cuisine and thrill-seeking activities.
Welcome to Greece. I am Axcel Anthony Portugana or you can call me Xel that's X-E-L.
Greece are divided into 2 cities which are Spartan and Athens will explore it in about 10 seconds
we will start our count down. We will use our time machine to bring us back in time as we go to
through each cities and explore about them but first you should Hold on to your hats because
things will get bumpy... Are you ready PEnatics?! Tara na! 3.. 2.. 1..
And now here we are time travelers! I should warn you to not wander off as we explore the land
of Sparta. Welcome to The Spartan era. While no marvelous works of art or literature ever came
of this system, it did accomplish the Spartan goal "but what is the Spartan goal"? you may ask. It
is to produced elite soldiers. Only the strong and vigorous babies were allowed to live in this
military state, the weak or defective were left to die on Mount Taygetus. Throughout their
adolescent and teenage years, Spartan boys were required to become proficient in all manner of
military activities. They were taught boxing, swimming, wrestling, javelin-throwing, and discus-
throwing. They were trained to harden themselves to the elements. Now that you have seen the
spine-chilling act of leaving a defective child in a mountain I think you might want to move on to
that, and I know how another ride in our awesome time machine! In 3.. 2.. 1.. We're here another
city to explore. Are you ready for another exploration time traveler? If yes you’re in luck. Behold
the land of Athens! Old Education in classical Athens consisted of two major parts – physical
and intellectual, or what was known to Athenians as "gymnastike" and "mousike." Gymnastike
was a physical education that mirrored the ideals of the military – strength, stamina, and
preparation for war. The Athens school system was based on physical training and mainly
involved music and various sporting activities; these were aimed at developing the physical,
mental and moral attributes of the citizens of the city-state. It is considered among the core
objectives of all curriculums since the establishment of the first Early Years setting back in 1896,
a fact that proves its eternal societal value. Wow! You can really see the difference between the
Sparta and Athens on how their physical education developed through time. Before we head
back shall we go on to our last trip in the Greece era? If you agree then let's go! 3.. 2.. 1..
Now we're here our last exploration in the Greece era, let's go see the philosophers and games
that takes place in the Ancient Olympics. FUN FACT! Did you know that Socrates, Pythagoras,
Aristotle and even the father of medicine, Hippocrates attended or even participated in the
ancient Games and that Plato, another famous philosopher, was a double winner of the
pankration? I know right it's mind blowing thinking that they participated in these event. The
goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by
educating youth through sport practiced without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic
spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.
Here are some of the Ancient games featured in the competitions that still take place in the
Modern Olympics, such as:
-foot races
-discus throwing
-javelin throwing
-And the pentathlon

Later on the Ancient Olympic became the Modern Olympic that we know in the present largely
thanks to the efforts of Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) of France. Dedicated to the
promotion of physical education, the young baron became inspired by the idea of creating a
Modern Olympic Games after visiting the Ancient Olympic site. So as you witness the 2 cities
that have opposite views and practice in physical education and the Ancient Olympic where
philosophers like plato joined and what games are held. I hope that traveling with me was not a
waste of time, again I'm Xel your time travel captain! Hope we can meet again in another time

Warren: Welcome to the physical education during the Dark Ages. In this era where the fall of
the Roman empire transpired in the west around A.D. 476 resulted from a period of history that
is frequently referred to as a dark age. The fall of Rome was the rise of Christianity and the
church with an influence more powerful than the Roman legion. The physical education in this
era deteriorated, because of the abolition of the Olympic games in A.D. 394, ascetism, and
scholatism where they focus on what they believed, so their body is not physically fit.
Cristine: HELLO.GOOD MORNING, I am back again as your most gorgeous tour guide,
Manang Tata. Now we are traveling our time during the age of feudalism.
what is feudalism? A social system existing in Medieval Europe in which people work and
fought for nobles who give them protection and land in return. As a result of the decentralization
of government during the dark ages, the period of feudalism being between the ninth and
fourteen centuries. The feudalistic is appeared because people needed protection and since strong
monarch and government that could supply this protection is rare, people to noblemen and built
castle had large land and made themselves strong. Feudalism was the system of land tenure and
service to the nobleman or lord. The Lord owned the land. The vassal owed allegiance and
certain obligations. Serf, the largest part of population, who work the land but shared the little
profits. Two careers open were two sons of noblemen during feudalistic time. Enter training for
the church -members of clergy or became knights. Decided in favor of church - religious an
academic in nature. Decided in favor of chivalry - physical social and military in nature, chivalry
more appeal than the church. Becoming a knight was long and through. Physical training played
a major role during this period.
 7-13 years a boy known as PAGE

 During his tenure as a page, a boy learned, court etiquette, waited on table, ran errands
and helped with household task, they practiced for events such as boxing, running,
fencing, jumping and swimming.

 14-17 years the boy became SQUIRE

 continually required - hunting scaling walls, shooting with bow and arrow, running,
climbing, swordsmanship and horsemanship. If the squire proved his fitness he became a
knight at 21 years of age.

 JOUSTS AND TOURNAMENTS- two special events, test of their fitness, these special
events served both as amusement and training for the battle. During these tournaments
death often resulted for participants. In this exhibition the knights had the opportunity to
display his personal bravery, skill, prowess, strength and courage.

Thank you for listening. I hope you enjoyed our time travel.
Jerone: Finally, my dear adventurers we have arrived at our last destination. Are you guys
excited which era will it be? Yes, it is indeed the renaissance period. I know that some of you
know about renaissance period means rebirth since it was already tackled during your junior
years but why do you think renaissance period is considered the revival of learning? It is only
because it is the era in which it proved about the dignity of man and a renewed spirit of
nationalism. It is said to believed that many sports were introduced during the rebirth period such
as football, lawn bowling and of course tennis that influenced us in the present time. War games
and stamina races for physical education purposes, people trained for a specific endurance test
such as javelin throwing, jousting, and running. However, in this period physical education were
created with humanist ideas. Humanism, moralism and realism replaced the scholastic
philosophy. As a result, the belief became prevalent that physical education is necessary for
health as a preparation for welfare as means of developing the body.

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