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1. Introduction..................................................................................................................9
1.1. Objectives..............................................................................................................9
1.1.1. General objective...........................................................................................9
1.1.2. Specific objectives.........................................................................................9
1.2. Pedagogical practical stages..................................................................................9
1.3. Methodology of the work......................................................................................9
1.4. Theoretical references...........................................................................................9
2. Pre observation...........................................................................................................10
3. Observation.................................................................................................................10
3.1. Objectives of the observation..............................................................................10
3.2. Instrument of data collection...............................................................................10
4. Description of UniRovuma.........................................................................................10
5. Physical description of the school..............................................................................11
5.1. Internal security of the school.............................................................................12
6. Description of the pedagogical area...........................................................................12
6.1. Numbers of Teachers per class...........................................................................13
6.2. Timetable.............................................................................................................13
6.3. Stream organization............................................................................................14
6.4. Exams organization and control..........................................................................14
6.5. Function of director.............................................................................................14
7. Administrative area....................................................................................................14
7.1. Normative document...........................................................................................14
8. Post observation..........................................................................................................15
8.1. Seminars..............................................................................................................15
8.2. The relationship between the seminar and the work done one the observed field
9. Conclusion..................................................................................................................16
9.1. Suggestion and auto evaluation...........................................................................16
9.2. Recommendation and suggestion of PPG...........................................................16
10. Attachment..............................................................................................................17
11. Appendix.................................................................................................................18
12. Bibliography...........................................................................................................19

1. Introduction
For Franco 2015 PPG is synthesis or provisory that is organized in learning process. This
report will focus on observing Unirovuma of Niassa. So that i could find the main
information to write the PPG report, i am going to observer the administrative and
pedagogical department, and other aspect such as: To know the number of rooms, the
organization of school. I will show in details and some in depiction.
1.1. Objectives
1.1.1. General objective
 To know physical and internal characteristics of Unirovuma (Extensão Niassa )
1.1.2. Specific objectives
 To identify the components and interveners of the university.
 To describe the location and activities of university.

1.2. Pedagogical practical stages

I am in the first year of English Teaching Course

1.3. Methodology of the work
The present work in order to develop well i will use some available materials they are
books and internets. These are materials that can help me to produce PPG report.
1.4. Theoretical references
Observation is the process watching and analysing any thing
Franco 2015 PPG is synthesis or provisory that is organized in learning process
Description is a statement that tells you how something or someone looks sounds.
Attachment for Bowby is an emotional bond with another person
Pedagogic area is the place which hold on part of pedagogical Department where is
controlled by adjunct pedagogic director.

2. Pre observation
First of all, i starter to learn how to do the observation, and the structure of PPG report.
Second i learnt again during the presentation or seminars of the class. In this case when
the lecturer said to the class to do the report, i went to the departmant of school to collect
data’s for this report. After that i interviewed old partners of the University who have
experience about information of school. They told me the basic information; finally i
observed the environment and physical characteristic, of Unirovuma.
3. Observation
is the process watching and analysing anything. Ohlander (2008) pointed out that,
observation is the act of noticing something judgement from something had seen or
I used to interview the people face to face which are called direct observation and i used
the observation sheet during the observation that is indirect observation,
3.1. Objectives of the observation
 My purpose was to collect the main information of data to include in PPG Report
to facilitate during the development.
 To generalize all to analyse to know so that i could do my report.
3.2. Instrument of data collection
 Questionnarie
 Interview
 Observation
4. Description of UniRovuma.
Merriam( cited cogill 2008), pointed out that description is a statement that tells you how
something or someone looks sounds
Our school is founded in 2005 it was called up of Niassa the root was in Maputo city. In
2019 the Minister of education changed the name of up to Unirovuma. Which means the
University of Rovuma, and Nampula is chosen to be the centre of the University.
Now it is divided into three parts such as Extension of Cabo Delgado, Extension of
Niassa and finally the centre that is called Unirovuma University which is Nampula
capital. They choice this name because of Rovuma river in which lays on North of
Mozambique. All these depends on up of Maputo.

This university has three regimes fundamental such as Laboral which is studied at noon,
after laboral is studied in the evening and Teaching distance which is constituted by
different places of studies.

5. Physical description of the school

To describe the object is to say the way which it looks like physically. Our school is
called Unirovuma Extancao de Niassa, Campus de Nangala. University is located to the
Nangala neighbourhood of lichinga city the province of Niassa. The school has buildings
with five blocks, between the one is a flat of one floor where we can find differences
offices of school. Apart from this there is library which is divided into three area of
library in which students read different books and use computers to find out the some
resources other hand is TICs area where by students learn computers.
There are three simple blocks in which are constituted with different place. The block
which is in the middle has two class rooms and one amphitheatre is the place where is
used to meet people of school to have meeting. The block which is behind has instead of
classrooms has room which is being sold the papers of exercises.
The school has painted with Different colours and it lies beautiful. Every building has full
of windows and complete doors. All buildings have toilets and bathroom in conditions.
The school has football field which is being played by the students of the same school.
The school has storeroom to keep the cleaning materials. We can find showcase to stick
the information of school. Around the buildings there social centres for everyone.
Distance localization, unirovuma is located approximately 2 kilometres from chiuaula
market for who goes to the East.
Ord Components Numbers Total
1 Blocks 5 5

2 Toilests Man 9 18
Woman 9
3 Classrooms 1 24
4 Afeatheter 1 1
5 Library 1 1
6 F.ball field 1 1
7 Wi fi 2 2

5.1. Internal security of the school.

Over the school there is fence with three doors, the one is main which is used to pass
almost of all people who go to school. The school has the security conditions, it has got
condition against fire, and finally there are guards who control all part of university.
Other conditions to observe, toilets and bathroom are divided according to the gender the
men use other toilets and the woman use their toilets, the school has good appearance and
well located. As the hygiene important the school is cleaned every day, there are specific
workers to clean it.
Every corridors of school have light which help students and teachers to see well during
the dark time, the school is not in rehabilitation.

6. Description of the pedagogical area.

Pedagogic area is the place which hold on part of pedagogical Department where is
controlled by adjunct pedagogic director.
Department of Social Sciences
 Portugues,
 English and
 History.

Deparment of Right
 Right
Department of Geo science
 Geograph
 Invironment
 Management
Department of Sciences and Feed
 Agriculture
Educacional Department and Psychology
 Course of the Psychology
 Social of oganizetion
Department of Distance learning
 Biology
 Ministration
 School Management

 English course and

 Basic learning.
Department of Higeener of Mathematic
 Quemistre
 Biology and
 Mathematic

Department of economic science and Real learning;

 Countability and auditory,
 Human Maneggement Resource
 Campany Manegement and Countability.

6.1. Numbers of Teachers per class.

It is difficult to generalize the specific numbers of teachers because the pedagogic area
didn’t manage to count all teachers in gender, man and woman, due to lack of
actualization of data’s.
6.2. Timetable
Unirovuma has no specific timetable due to corona virus disease. Today it is changes
every moment according to the problems of corona. Example
G Hora 2 a Feira 3aFeira 4aFeira 5aFeira 6aFeira Sabado

1 07-08:00 TELP TELI-II

2 08:00- TELI- LI-II
09:00 II
3 09:00- LI-II FFI
4 10:00- FFI PPG DG
5 11:00- PPG TELP DG

6.3. Stream organization.


Each course is organized while depending on its program it is not organized in the same
6.4. Exams organization and control.
Unirovuma School organize exam in semester, so at the end of each semester is done the
6.5. Function of director.
In normal director control all activities of university.
7. Administrative area
Is the area which holds the organization of administrative functions per Departments. For
article 17 administrative areas is the part of estabilishment not generally accessible to the
public, including, not limited to individual offices, stockrooms, employee lounges or
meeting rooms.

7.1. Normative document

Each place has its normative documents in this case our school has normative plan which
can be followed in order to obtain the objective. It also has general regulation which tells
teachers how to work in basic learning process.
This area is also divided into different departments such as:
Department finance;
 Patrimony of Human Human Resource
 Social Action
 Evaluation Planification quality
 Unit and Manager of execution acquisition
Department of communication and Juridical cooperation
 General secretary
Department of TICs

8. Post observation

This is the place where you reflect on your work.

For (libaneo 2006) Post observation is not a time to answer questions about observed
fact; it also an opportunity for you to bring your own reflection to the conversation.
After observation of the school i joined all data and i made analysis while making
cooperation among them. Finally is started to develop my report.
8.1. Seminars
I would like to sum up all the seminars presented during the PPG report. First of all i
start with the role of teaching practice at Unirovuma. It has objective and importance
in practice; it provides teachers to opportunity gain different knowledge and to use in
specific context. It is the most importance part of school because the students learn to
understand problems in teaching as curricular problems. School is the organized
space for teaching and learning. It has the classroom where teachers and students
interact. Some of the roles of teacher are: To motivate, to encourage and to teach
students and good teacher has to be confidence in the classroom.
Also we learnt about methods, techniques and manners for data collection and how to
analyse during teaching practice so we learn research approach and it is the way of
collecting and analysing data in both parts those are qualitative and quantitative
approach. They can give better understanding of research problems than approach
itself. To collect data we have to use three instruments, questionnaire, observation
and interview they are instruments of collecting data.
We spoke about components of schools and its intervener so the componets of
schools are materials used to learn they can be books classroom, buildings and
interveners are the people who play part of learning process but the main are the
teachers and students.
We spoke about attendance book where we discovered that it is the material used by
the teachers to control the names of students in the classroom in order to know who is
present and who is absent. Evaluation is the test while regulation is the law.

8.2. The relationship between the seminar and the work done one the
observed field
Seminars opened me the moment which i was attending presentation. In the seminars
i learnt enough techniques of PPG report in order to follow so they are

9. Conclusion
Many people who do any work first thing are to have difficult at the beginning of the
work. And also can happen during the realization of the work. So i had problems of
observing, because i didn’t know how and where to start. I went to school on Monday
the guard told me to go back because it was inappropriate day. It took my work to
take long time without to study. Internal data was not easy to get early because of
being my first time.
9.1. Suggestion and auto evaluation
The PPG report which i done is important because it brings same details of my

9.2. Recommendation and suggestion of PPG

The subject of PPG is more importance in the English teaching course because it explains
the techniques, which contribute trainer to be good teacher in the society.
Professional people of the area should add interest of teaching and motivating students.

10. Attachment

11. Appendix

12. Bibliography
LIBANEO, Jose carlos. Didaticas. São Paulo, ed. Co rtez. 2006
COGILL, Pedagogy and Models of teacher’s knowledge. Brazil 2008

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