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european journal of soil biology 44 (2008) 231–237

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Original article

Soil microbiological and biochemical properties

for assessing the effect of agricultural management
practices in Estonian cultivated soils

Marika Truua,*, Jaak Truua, Mari Ivaskb

Faculty of Biology and Geography, University of Tartu, 23 Riia Street, 51010 Tartu, Estonia
Tartu College of Tallinn University of Technology, 78 Puiestee Street, 51008 Tartu, Estonia

article info abstract

Article history: A set of soil microbiological and biochemical properties was used to assess the influence of
Received 3 September 2007 agricultural practices such as rotation, usage of pesticides, and fertilizers on the three most
Accepted 19 December 2007 widespread soil types (Calcaric Regosols, Calcaric Cambisols and Stagnic Luvisols) in the
Published online 18 June 2008 fields of horticultural farms throughout Estonia. Microbial biomass, dehydrogenase and
alkaline phosphatase activity were significantly higher in Calcaric Regosols, whereas mea-
Keywords: sured soil chemical parameters showed practically no difference among soil types. Multi-
Agricultural management practice variate exploratory analysis of soil biochemical and microbiological parameters clearly
Microbial activity distinguished soils with different management practices when the effect of soil type was
Microbial biomass taken into account in data analysis. Activity of dehydrogenase, potential nitrification, N-
Soil type mineralisation, and microbial biomass contributed most strongly to the differentiation of
soils from differently managed fields. Soils managed according to organic farming princi-
ples were generally characterized by elevated microbiological parameter values, but at
the same time the variation of those parameters among soils from these fields was also
highest. The application of organic manure positively affected microbial biomass, N-
mineralisation, potential nitrification, dehydrogenase and acidic phosphatase activity.
Data analysis indicated that the amount of mineral nitrogen fertilizers added over time
has a stronger effect on microbial biomass than the amount added in a given year.
Legume-based crop rotation increased soil respiration and microbial biomass.
ª 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction fertilizers and agrochemicals followed. At the beginning of

the 1990s, the land was returned to private owners, but during
There have been two major changes in Estonian agricultural the last decade the economic situation and agricultural policy
management practice during the last century. At the begin- have been unfavorable for agricultural land users. Since 1989
ning of the 1940s land was taken from private owners and cropping area has steadily decreased by about half (from
large collective farms were established. Fifty years of very 975,000 ha in 1989 to 461,000 ha in 2003). The first organically
intensive agricultural practice with high inputs of mineral managed farms were established at the very end of the

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ372 7375 014; fax: þ372 7420 286.
E-mail address: (M. Truu).
1164-5563/$ – see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
232 european journal of soil biology 44 (2008) 231–237

1990s. Nowadays ecologically managed land comprises about widely depending on substrate availability, moisture content
5% of all agricultural land and only 14% of this land is used for and temperature [34]. N-mineralisation reflects the quality
field crops. However, there are also still a number of farmers and quantity of soil organic nitrogen and links the substrate
who do not strictly follow any particular (organic or conven- with the functioning and activity of a range of soil organisms.
tional) management practice. In order to estimate the effects of soil management, land use
Soil is a complex environment, where microorganisms and specific conditions on soil microbial activity, short-term
play a crucial role in nutrient cycling and the degradation of laboratory measurements, including enzymatic activities are
different pollutants (herbicides, pesticides, PAH-s, phenols, used [3,12]. The advantage of standardizing environmental
etc.) contributing in this way to the maintenance of soil qual- factors is that it allows the comparison of soils of different or-
ity [8,14,39]. On the other hand, microbial activities are igins, but the results obtained represent the potential activity
strongly dependent on nutritional and other chemical and only and must be interpreted with reservations [31].
physical conditions of the soil and respond rapidly to changes The objective of this work was to use a set of soil microbi-
in soil properties. Microorganisms are considered sensible ological and biochemical indicators to evaluate the effect of
indicators when monitoring changes in soil status affected different management practices in three Estonian soil types.
by agricultural management, but the meaningful set of micro-
biological indicators still remains an object of debate
[3,11,31,35]. 2. Materials and methods
Microbial biomass is considered to be an integrative, bio-
logically meaningful, management sensitive, and measurable 2.1. Soil type and management description
signal in the soil [30]. Its turnover rate is much faster than that
of total soil organic matter, and based on the dynamics of soil Twenty-three study areas with three most widespread soil
microbial biomass content, longer-term trends in soil total types (Calcaric Regosols, Calcaric Cambisols and Stagnic Luvi-
organic matter content can be predicted [34]. The influence sols) throughout Estonia were selected (Table 1). On Calcaric
of soil management on the organic matter C and N turnover Cambisols and Stagnic Luvisols eight fields, and on Calcaric
capacity of microbial biomass has been pointed out in many Regosols seven fields with different management practices
studies focussing on microbial biomass and activity measure- were selected. Three years history of agricultural practices
ments in arable soils [4,10,28]. Soil respiration is considered to (cover crops, amounts of mineral and organic fertilizers and
be one of the well-established parameters for monitoring different kinds of pesticides used) was recorded. Mineral
decomposition, but it is highly variable and can fluctuate nitrogen was applied on 17 fields and the amounts ranged

Table 1 – Soil and site characteristics of studied fields

Site no. Location Soil typea Mineral nitrogen, Organic fertilizers, Pesticidesc Legumes/rape
sum of three sum of three
years (kg ha1) yearsb (t ha1)

1 58 160 0800 N 22 030 0200 E CR No/no

2 58 190 0800 N 22 000 4500 E CR 120 Yes/no
3 58 370 1300 N 26 310 1500 E CR 60 65 H Yes/no
4 58 580 4500 N 24 430 0100 E CR 70 GM H Yes/no
5 58 580 4700 N 24 420 2500 E CR 100 H, F No/yes
6 58 580 5400 N 24 420 4200 E CR 50 H Yes/no
7 58 390 2700 N 26 370 4000 E CC 70 GM Yes/no
8 58 430 0300 N 26 390 2800 E CC 315 H, I Yes/no
9 59 090 2700 N 25 450 1900 E CC 248 H, I, F No/yes
10 59 100 5100 N 25 460 2100 E CC 249 H, I, F No/yes
11 59 100 4200 N 25 460 0900 E CC 175 40 H No/no
12 58 580 5800 N 24 420 5300 E CC 70 GM H, F Yes/no
13 58 580 5700 N 24 430 0000 E CC 140 H Yes/no
14 58 580 5200 N 24 430 1000 E CC 146 H Yes/no
15 58 410 3500 N 26 340 0300 E SL GM Yes/no
16 58 410 4800 N 26 330 4900 E SL GM Yes/no
17 58 370 0300 N 26 300 5900 E SL 25 Yes/no
18 58 330 1000 N 25 330 4400 E SL 285 H, I, F No/yes
19 58 330 0300 N 25 340 0200 E SL 309 H, I, F No/yes
20 58 330 4300 N 25 330 2300 E SL 245 H, I No/no
21 58 420 0300 N 26 350 3800 E SL 100 40 H, I No/yes
22 58 260 2500 N 22 010 0800 E CR 80 No/yes
23 58 420 3000 N 26 390 2200 E SL 182 H No/yes

a CR – Calcaric Regosols, CC – Calcaric Cambisols, SL – Stagnic Luvisols.

b GM – green manure, numbers are shown for brown manure.
c H – Herbicides, I – Insecticidas, F – Fungicides.
european journal of soil biology 44 (2008) 231–237 233

from 15 kg ha1 per year (in three cases) to 142.5 kg ha1 per ammonium sulfate as a substrate and sodium chlorate as an
year (in one case during the last three years). Animal manure inhibitor preventing nitrite oxidation were incubated for 5 h
was applied on seven fields and six fields have received green at 25  C and the released nitrite was extracted with 2 M potas-
manure. The amount of brown manure applied per year sium chloride solution and determined colorimetrically at
ranged from 25 t ha1 to 40 t ha1. Three of the studied fields 520 nm. Acid and alkaline phosphomonoesterase activities
had received both organic and mineral fertilizers simulta- were measured using p-nitrophenyl phosphate as a substrate
neously. Seven fields had oilseed rape in rotation (one or according to Margesin [24]. Samples were incubated for 1 h at
two years during the last three years) and were also treated 37  C and the released p-nitrophenol was extracted with 0.5 M
with different pesticides – herbicides on all seven fields, insec- sodium hydroxide in the presence of calcium chloride. The
ticides and fungicides on six fields. All together 16 fields were amounts of extracted products derived from all activity mea-
treated with herbicides during the last three years. In 11 fields surements were determined photometrically at 400 nm. All
at least once during the three years leguminous crops (mainly measured microbiological parameters were calculated on
clover) were grown. One field had not been treated with any dry matter bases.
fertilizers or pesticides during the last three years, nor did it
have any leguminous crops in rotation. 2.4. Statistical analyses

2.2. Soil sampling Spearman rank correlation coefficient was used to relate soil
microbiological variables to soil chemical parameters, and to
The samples were taken from the fields with a soil corer the amount of mineral fertilizers applied annually and cumu-
(B2 cm) from 0 to 20 cm layer at the end of October 2003 and latively during the last three years. The Kruskal–Wallis one-
composite samples were made for each field. For the compos- way analysis of variance by ranks’ test was used to assess
ite samples (one to three composite samples depending on the the impact of soil type on soil microbiological and chemical
size of the field, one composite sample per 2 ha) 25 subsam- parameters. The data set of soil microbiological variables
ples were randomly collected from each field. The fresh soil was analyzed using principal component analysis (PCA) based
samples were sieved (<2 mm) and stored at 4  C until the anal- on a correlation matrix, and the effect of binary coded charac-
yses were carried out. From the sieved samples, soil organic teristics on the grouping of samples was assessed using
matter content (the loss on ignition method), dry matter a multivariate randomization test [23] with the computer
content, pHKCl, total nitrogen, total potassium, and available program ADE-4 [37]. Prior PCA values of microbiological
phosphorus content were determined and microbiological variables were log-transformed. The following management
analyses were performed. options were binary (presence/absence) coded: use of organic
fertilizers, and pesticides (herbicides, fungicides, and insecti-
2.3. Microbiological biomass and activities cides). The Mann–Whitney test was used to verify the impact
of coded factors on individual soil microbiological variables.
Substrate-induced respiration (SIR) by Isermeyer technique The results of PCA are interpreted using scatters of the sample
was applied to measure metabolically active microbial scores and a correlation plot showing the relationship of vari-
biomass carbon. Glucose (0.4 g 100 g1 soil) was added to 20 g ables with PCA axes. Grouping of samples due to binary coded
of field moist soil and then incubated in a closed vessel for variables is visualised using scatters of the sample scores
4 h at 22  C in the dark. The CO2 produced was absorbed in connected with group centroids (star plot). Group centroid
0.1 M sodium hydroxide and quantified by titration. The mi- coordinates are calculated as the average of the coordinates
crobial biomass C was calculated according to Beck et al. [2]. of all the group members.
Soil microbial respiration rate (basal respiration) was mea-
sured by titration according to Öhrlinger [41]. Twenty gram
of soil was incubated in a closed vessel for 24 h at 25  C. The 3. Results
CO2 produced was absorbed in 0.05 M sodium hydroxide,
quantified by titration, and the respiration rate was calcu- Comparison of soil microbiological parameters based on coef-
lated. The microbial metabolic quotient qCO2 was calculated ficient of variation (CV) showed that the highest variation
as the ratio between basal respiration and SIR-derived micro- among all samples appeared in values of dehydrogenase
bial carbon. Dehydrogenase activity was measured using activity and potential nitrification (CV 148.2% and 143.0%, re-
triphenyltetrazolium chloride as a substrate. Samples were spectively), followed by alkaline phosphatase (CV 92.4%), mi-
incubated for 16 h at 25  C and the triphenyl formazan pro- crobial biomass (CV 89.3%), basal respiration rate (CV 68.8%).
duced was extracted with acetone and measured photometri- The least variable was acid phosphatase activity (CV 57.9%).
cally at 546 nm [40]. N-mineralisation was determined under The multivariate randomization test showed that soil type
waterlogged conditions according to Kandeler [16]. Water- has a strong effect on soil microbiological variables (P < 0.01,
logged soils were incubated for seven days at 40  C. The 10,000 permutations). According to the Kruskal–Wallis test,
ammonium released from organic nitrogen compounds was microbial biomass, activities of dehydrogenase, and alkaline
extracted with 2 M potassium chloride solution, determined phosphatase had significantly higher values in Calcaric
by a modified Berthelot reaction, and measured with a spectro- Regosols (Table 2). The measured chemical parameters did
photometer at 660 nm [17]. In order to evaluate the nitrifica- not differ between soil types, except for pH (Kruskal–Wallis
tion capacity of the microbial communities, the potential test, P < 0.05) the values of which were lowest in Stagnic Luvi-
nitrification method was used [18]. Soil samples with sols (6.03  0.75), and did not differ between Calcaric Regosols
234 european journal of soil biology 44 (2008) 231–237

Table 2 – Mean values and standard deviations of soil microbiological parameters in different soil types
Soil type (WRB) SIR (mgC g1 dw) Dehydrogenase activity Alkaline phospatase
(mgTFP g1 dw 16 h1) (mgNP g1 dw h1)

Calcaric Regosols 0.779  0.219** 6.397  4.022* 406.7  185.1*

Calcaric Cambisols 0.559  0.121 4.104  0.975 297.5  123.3
Stagnic Luvisols 0.439  0.139 2.988  0.705 167.4  157.4

Only parameters that were different among soil types according to Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis of variance by Ranks are shown. Asterisks
designate group means that are statistically different according to multiple comparisons of mean ranks. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.

and Calcaric Cambisols (6.82  0.27 and 6.38  0.35, respec- application of organic fertilizers had a significant impact on
tively). Total nitrogen content showed highest variation (CV the grouping of fields (P < 0.01, 10,000 permutations) (Fig. 1c).
106.69%) among samples and was related to soil microbial bio- According to the Mann–Whitney test, fields treated with
mass, dehydrogenase activity, potential nitrification, N-min- organic fertilizer are characterized by two times higher micro-
eralisation, and alkaline phosphatase activity (Table 3). Soil bial biomass (P < 0.01) and N-mineralisation values (P < 0.001).
organic matter content correlated significantly with all mea- Data analysis indicated a tendency for increased respiration
sured microbiological parameters, but the relationship was and microbial biomass in the case of fields with legume-based
strongest in the case of potential nitrification, dehydrogenase crop rotation (Mann–Whitney test, P < 0.01 and P < 0.05,
activity, N-mineralisation, alkaline and acid phosphatase respectively). At the same time, these two parameters were
activities. The soil pH was related to microbial biomass, basal negatively affected by the use of pesticides; respiration
respiration, and alkaline phosphatase, but was only slightly activity (mean values 0.21 and 0.10 mg CO2 24 h1 g1 dw, re-
correlated with potential nitrification. spectively) was repressed in particular.
A partial form of principal component analysis was used to Values of studied microbiological variables were regressed
estimate the importance of microbiological variables in the on the amount of mineral fertilizers applied annually and
grouping of the studied fields. In the case of partial PCA, the cumulatively during the last three years. From the set of mea-
analysis was performed on the residual matrix of microbiolog- sured microbiological parameters, only microbial biomass
ical variables after regression on soil type, i.e. the effect of soil was correlated negatively with the amount of mineral nitro-
type was removed from the analysis. The first two principal gen applied annually (R ¼ 0.53, . 0.57, P < 0.01), but the
components accounted for 78.9% of the total variation in the strongest relationship (R ¼ 0.68, P < 0.001) was found with
microbiological data set. The first principal component was the cumulative amount of mineral nitrogen applied during
positively related to dehydrogenase, potential nitrification the last three years.
and N-mineralisation activity, and microbial biomass, while
the second principal component was negatively correlated
with metabolic quotient and soil respiration (Fig. 1a). Accord- 4. Discussion
ing to PCA ordination, the fields of organic farms are located to
the right of the origin and are characterized by higher micro- Soil type is one of the primary determinants of soil microbial
bial activity values and biomass (Fig. 1b, Table 4). The second structure, as demonstrated by polyphasic studies of soil bacte-
group of fields is scattered around the origin and consists rial community composition [13,32]. We found that microbial
mainly of fields that have received both organic and inorganic biomass, and activities of dehydrogenase and alkaline phos-
fertilizers. The third group of fields, which is situated to the phatase are dependent on soil type, whereas measured soil
left of the origin, comprises mostly of fields that in most cases chemical parameters showed practically no variation among
have received higher amounts of mineral nitrogen as well as the three studied soil types. These differences in soil microbial
other agrochemicals (herbicides, pesticides and fungicides). parameters due to soil type may be related to the qualitative
The multivariate randomization test indicated that structure of soil organic carbon as well as to soil texture [33].
In the study of conventional and organic farms Van Diepenin-
gen with co-workers [38] found that soil type in general has
a much stronger effect on the soil characteristics than man-
Table 3 – Relationships between soil microbiological and
agement type. Our results support such a conclusion and
chemical parameters based on Spearman rank
correlation coefficient stress the importance of considering soil type in data analysis
of soil microbiological variables. In our study we took into
Variable Ntot TC pH
account the effect of soil type in the further statistical analysis
SIR 0.51** 0.45* 0.69*** of microbiological variables. The partial form of PCA based on
Dehydrogenase activity 0.82*** 0.75*** soil biochemical and microbiological parameters separated
Potential nitrification 0.83*** 0.76*** 0.48**
soils with different management practices, especially soils
N-mineralisation 0.62*** 0.60***
Alkaline phosphatase 0.88*** 0.82*** 0.83***
from organically managed fields. From measured soil bio-
Acid phosphatase 0.50** chemical and microbiological parameters, dehydrogenase,
Respiration 0.45* 0.39* 0.80*** potential nitrification, N-mineralisation activity, and micro-
bial biomass contributed most strongly to the separation of
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.
soils in PCA. These microbiological variables are considered
european journal of soil biology 44 (2008) 231–237 235

Fig. 1 – Partial principal component analysis based on the correlation matrix of soil microbiological parameters. (a)
Ordination of soil samples along first two PCA axes (F1 3 F2). (b) Correlation of soil microbiological parameters with PCA
axes. Abbreviations: AcP – acidic phosphatase, AlP – alkaline phosphatase, D – dehydrogenase, N – N-mineralisation,
PN – potential nitrification, Q – metabolic quantient, R – respiration, SIR – microbial biomass. (c) Star plot showing
impact of manure application on grouping of soil samples. The results of PCA are interpreted using a scatter of the
sample scores connected with group centroids. Group centroids are designated by letters a (no manure used) and
b (fields with manure use).

as potential indicators of soil quality and management impact distinguished: soils which received manure in one or two years
in many papers [3,11,12,27,35]. In our case the soils originating or all the three last years, and those that have not received ma-
from organically managed farms were generally characterized nure during the three year period. This treatment had a positive
by elevated microbiological parameter values, but at the same effect on microbial biomass and N-mineralisation, potential
time the within-group variation of soil microbiological param- nitrification, dehydrogenase activity and acidic phosphatase
eters was also highest. The reasons for such large deviations activity. Surprisingly, there was no significant positive impact
among organically managed soils may be the different dura- of manure on soil microbial biomass, which has been shown
tions of organic management practice as well as differences by several authors [19,21,25]. The consecutive application of
in management history among fields, such as different manure over three years enhanced respiration rate, probably
amounts and types of organic fertilizers (green or brown due to the addition of easily degradable organic fractions in
manure) applied and differences in crop rotation. the last year, when soil samples were taken. According to
The application of manure affected the functioning of Sparling [34] and Dilly [9] the quality of organic matter greatly
the microbial community and two groups were clearly determines the amount of CO2 efflux from the soil. The

Table 4 – Minimum and maximum values of soil microbiological parameters in soils of studied fields with different
fertilizer use
Variable Only organic Mineral and organic Only mineral
fertilizers (n ¼ 5) fertilizers (n ¼ 6) fertilizers (n ¼ 11)

SIR (mgC g1 dw) 0.46–1.23 0.54–0.85 0.26–0.80

Dehydrogenase activity (mgTFP g1 dw 16 h1) 3.32–14.6 2.96–4.49 2.00–5.41
Potential nitrification (mgN g1 dw 24 h1) 0.85–6.64 0.51–2.91 0.56–4.2
N-mineralisation (mgN g1 dw d1) 0.94–2.28 0.81–1.80 0.40–2.23
Alkaline phosphatase (mgNP g1 dw h1) 92.5–774 90.0–419 20.7–565
Acid phosphatase (mgNP g1 dw h1) 120–336 90–419 118–259
Respiration (mgCO2 24 h1 g1 dw) 0.07–0.24 0.07–0.15 0.05–0.09
236 european journal of soil biology 44 (2008) 231–237

increase of qCO2 due to organic amendments was reported

also by Leita and co-workers [21]. Higher microbial biomass Acknowledgements
and activities in the case of organic farming and manure
amendment have been described by many authors This study was part of the research project ‘‘Impact of agricul-
[1,5,6,15,29]. Bittman et al. [4] have found significantly greater tural management practices to the diversity of soil biota in
bacterial abundance in the soils where manure has been Estonian arable soils’’ funded by Estonian Science Foundation
used compared to minerally fertilized and untreated soils, grant No. 5571. The authors are grateful to the head of the
but fungal biomass responded negatively to both types of fertil- Laboratory of Soil Biology at Hohenheim University, Prof. Ellen
ization. Long-term organic and mineral fertilizer application is Kandeler, for the opportunity provided for M. Truu to study
reflected also in altered soil bacterial community structure soil biochemical methods in their laboratory. We also thank
[36]. Another management option frequently used for the in- Dr. Dagmar Tscherco and Dr. Kerstin Mölter for their help
put of organic matter, legume-based crop rotation, has been and advice.
reported to having a positive effect on the microbial commu-
nity [22]. Legume-based crop rotation was also proved to
increase soil respiration and microbial biomass, although the references
use of manure had a much stronger overall effect on soil micro-
bial activity.
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