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Nama Mahasiswa : Rohadhatul Atika

Reda Triyuliya

Prodi : S1 keperawatan

Mapel : TOEFL


Tika : Hallo reda

Reda : Hallo tika

Tika : How are you?

Reda : I fine, and you?

Tika : I fine to

Reda : By the way what do you after get up in the morning?

Tika : I always wake up at 5 a.m because i set my HP alarm at that hour, then i pray.
After that i made my bed

Reda : What else?

Tika : After that i take a bath then i have breakfast, how about you?

Reda : Every day I wake up at 05.00 and make my bed and I pray subuh after that I
take a bath and get ready go to campus. class start at 08.00 until the next 3 hours after
that ready for pray dzuhur

Tika : Where do you pray dzuhur?

Reda : I pray dzuhur at the campus mosque, how about you?

Tika : I pray dzuhur at the boarding house

Reda : Where did you have dinner?

Tika : I have dinner in front of the prima nusantara campus

Reda : what time do you sleep at night?

Tika : I sleep at 22.00 o’clock, how about you reda?

Reda I sleep at 23.00 o’clock

Tika : Thank you for listening to my daily activity

Reda : You are wellcome, see you

Tika : See you to

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