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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Iloilo
Guimbal National High School
Guimbal, Iloilo

General Instructions: Read the questions carefully and select the letter of the correct answer.

1. I feel as old as dirt. This is an example of ______.

A. simile B. metaphor C. personification D. apostrophe

2. The moon is a diamond in the sky . This is an example of ______.

A. metaphor B. personification C. apostrophe D. paradox

3. Train him. He is a beginner in the field of journalism. Which of the following idiomatic expressions has the same
meaning with the underlined word?
A. crocodile tears B. half-hearted C. seventh heaven D. greenhorn

4. The archeologist carefully removed the tome from its ancient resting place and proceeded to read the pages related
to marriage in ancient Greece. What does the word tome probably mean?
A. pen B. weapon C. book D. sausage

5. His pertinacity, or stubbornness, is the cause of most of his trouble. What does the word pertinacity probably mean?
A. stubbornness B. indifference C. uninterest D. unwillingness

6. She was reluctant to be team captain, but she was eager to continue being the goalie. What does the word
reluctant probably mean?
A. eager B. passionate C. excited D. hesitant

7. Lakes occupy less than two percent of the Earth’s surface, yet they help sustain life. For instance, lakes give us fish
to eat, irrigate crops, and generate electrical power. What does the word sustain probably mean?
A. support B. obstruct C. lessen D. destroy

8. My opponent’s argument is fallacious, misleading – plain wrong. What does the word fallacious probably mean?
A. misleading B. right C. accurate D. exact

400 Agra, Elvira F.

A277 English Language Power the New Grade
2013 1/Elvira F. Agra, Corazon C. Concepcion
Sibs Publishing House, Inc.c. 2013
--sec.ed.—Quezon City, Philippines:
xii : 345 p.

ISBN: 978-971-24-6947-7

9. What type of card catalog is shown above?

A. title card B. author card C. series card D. subject card

10. Which of the following is a fragment?

A. I am the smile, soft and sweet, of my younger sister Cara
B. Which drips down my arms and stains my jeans
C. I am the cheer of my black-and-white puppy.
D. I am the whisper of the wind

11. Which of the following is a sentence?

A. The dullness of a Friday evening at home C. I am but one stone
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B. As I kneel and say my bedtime prayers D. In the unpaved path of love

12. A good conscience is a soft pillow. _____ is the simple subject of the sentence.
A. good B. conscience C. good conscience D. A good conscience

13. One hundred cyclists from our region joined the Marlboro Tours . _____ is the complete subject of the sentence.
A. One B. hundred C. One hundred D. One hundred cyclists

14. Which of the following sentences is a declarative sentence?

A. How did the boy meet the girl? C. The stranger speaks very little Filipino.
B. Beloved Philippines, we can make you great again! D. Continue reading and find out.

15. Which of the following sentences does NOT observe correct subject-verb agreement?
A. Jesus loves his people. C. One does not live by bread alone.
B. This book for children has many pictures. D. There are nobody to welcome him.

16. Which of the following sentences does NOT observe correct subject-verb agreement?
A. A few delegates from Indonesia have arrived. C. Today’s news are encouraging.
B. Some of the food was not served. D. My classmate and my neighbor come to me often.

17. Which of the following sentences does NOT observe correct subject-verb agreement?
A. Dinuguan and puto makes a delightful snack.
B. Either the glasses or the table cloth is hers.
C. Mrs. Jordan,together with her three children, have left for Cebu.
D. Each boy and girl has a gift.

18. Which of the following sentences does NOT observe correct subject-verb agreement?
A. Ten years are such a long, long time.
B. Two-thirds of the students are staying behind.
C. The family is leaving for abroad.
D. The ship’s cargo was pineapples.

19. Which of the following sentences does NOT observe correct subject-verb agreement?
A. The number of absentees is big.
B. “Short Stories for Children” is worth reading.
C. There are practices that are difficult to change.
D. Two weeks are the usual Christmas vacation.

20. When Nicolaus Copernicus went to school, _____ learned that Earth was the center of the universe and that
everything in the heavens revolved around Earth. Which of the following pronouns completes the sentence?
A. them B. he C. us D. they

21. Prehistoric inventors found ways to make and keep fires burning. _____ invented ways to grow plants for food and
learned how to tame animals. Which of the following pronouns completes the sentence?
A. We B. She C. They D. It

22. The sun looks much larger than other stars because _____ is closer to the Earth. Which of the following pronouns
completes the sentence?
A. I B. it C. she D. he

23. What section of the newspaper answers the question, “How much is the peso-dollar exchange rate now?”
A. front page B. editorial C. classified ads D. business

24. What section of the newspaper will you find the information about the weather for the day?
A. editorial B. classified ads C. business D. front page

25. Which of the following patterns has the correct sequence of events?
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1. The king was seriously ill and only the song of the Adarna bird could cure him.
2. Don Juan successfully caught the bird
3. The three princes decided to get the bird.
4. Don Juan was equipped by the hermit objects to help him catch the Adarna bird.
5. Don Pedro and Don Diego were turned into stone.
A. 12345 B. 13542 C. 53421 D. 15432

26. Which of the following patterns has the correct sequence of events?

1. Juan Panganiban went off to the mountains to fight the fierce Ilongots.
2. Lam-ang looked for his father and found his beheaded body.
3. He went home to a great welcome.
4. Namongan gave birth to Lam-ang.
5. In his desire for justice, he fought the Ilongots and he vanquished them all.

A. 23541 B. 45231 C. 41253 D. 14253

Cleopatra was queen of Egypt about 2,000 years ago. She was intelligent, proud, strong-willed, and
she was determined to keep her country free from invaders. When Egypt’s army was defeated by the
Romans, Cleopatra decided she would rather die than be taken captive. According to legend, she held a
poisonous snake to her body.

27. The article is mostly about _____.

A. Egypt B. Romans C. Cleopatra D. the invaders

28. What could have happened when Cleopatra held a poisonous snake to her body?
A. The snake crawled away. C. The snake died.
B. The snake bit her. D. The invaders got scared.

Egypt was sometimes called “the gift of the Nile.” All Egyptian life depended on the river. Farmers
dug ditches to bring its water to fields of wheat, grapes, and onions. Rich nobles, town traders, and poor
country families all built homes made of sun-dried river mud. Craftspeople shaped clay from the Nile into
pottery, and wove cloth from the flax plant that grew on its banks. Families caught fish and river birds for
food. Children played in riverside pools, but they had to watch out for killer crocodiles! “Crocodile” is a
common name for an order, or large group, of animals called crocodilians.

29. The article is mostly about _____.

A. Nile B. Egyptians C. Egypt D. Crocodiles

30. Which of the following sentences does NOT support the topic sentence?
A. First sentence B. Second sentence C. Fourth sentence D. Last sentence

“What you would not others do unto you, do not do unto them.”
- Confucius

Good luck and God bless!

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