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50,000 Glns Intz Water Tank


Capacity of Tank= 2.25 Lakh litres = 225 m3
Height of support tower = 15 m
Number of columns = 8
Depth of foundations = 3 m below ground level
Materials M 30 grade concrete
Fe 500 grade HYSD bars
2. Permissible stresses
For calculations relating to resistance to cracking
σct = 1.2 N/mm2, σcb= 1.7 N/mm2 , σst=150N/mm2
For strength calculations, the stresses in concrete and steel are the same as those
recommended in clauses B-2.1 and B-2.2 of IS:456-2000.
σcc= 5N/mm2, m=13, Q=0.897, j=0.906, σcb =7 N/mm2
(As per IS:3370(part-2)-1965, clause 3.3.1 and 3.4.2)

3. Dimensions of tank
Fig 1

Referring to Fig , let D= inside diametr of the tank.

Taking D = 9.0 m
Height of cylindrical portion of tank = 3.6 m
Depth of conical dome D/6= 9/6 = 1.5 m
Diameter of the supporting tower =7m
Spacing of bracings =3m
The salient dimensions of the tank and staging are shown in Fig. 1

4. Design of top dome

Thickness of dome slab t = 100 mm
Self weight of dome = (0.1× 25) = 2.5 kN/m2
Live load = 1.5 kN/m2
Finishes = 0.1 kN/m2
Total load w = 4.1 kN/m2
If R = radius of the dome
D = diameter at base = 9 m
r = central rise [(1/6) × 9] = 1.5 m
(𝐷/2)2 + 𝑟 2
R =( ) = ((9/2)2 + 1.52) / (2*1.5) = 7.5 m
Semi-central angle cos θ= (7.5-1.5) /7.5 = 6/7.5 = 0.8
Therefore θ = 36ο 50'
Meridional thrust T1 = ( ) = 4.1 x 7.5/ (1+0.8) = 17.08 = 17.1 kN /m
Circumferential force = wR (𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃 − 1+𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃

= 4.1 x 7.5 (0.8 -1/1.8) = 7.52 kN/m

Meridional stress = (1000×100)

= 0.17 N/mm2 < 5 N/mm2

Hoop stress =( ) = 0.07 N/mm2 < 5 N/mm2
The stresses are within safe limits.
providing nominal reinforcements of 0.3%
Ast = ( ) = 300 mm2
Provide 8 mm diameter bars at 150 mm c/c both circumferentially and meridionally.

1000/150 = 6.66 ie no of bars per meter. Area per meter = 6.66 x (pi/ 4)x82= 335 mm2 per
meter. So safe.
Provide 100mm thick slab at centre and 120 mm at edges.

5. Design of top ring beam

𝑇1 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃𝐷
Hoop tension Ft =( )

=( ) = 61.6 kN
Ast = ( ) = 411 mm2
Provide 8 bars of 12 mm diameter ( Ast = 904 mm2)
If Ac = cross-sectional area of ring beam
(𝐴 +13×904) = 1.2 , 1.2 Ac+ (1.2 x13x904) = 61.6 x 1000

Therefore Ac = 47,498 mm2

Provide 280 mm x 280 mm top ring beam, with 8 bars of 12 mm diameter as main
reinforcement and 8 mm diameter stirrups at 150 mm c/c.

6. Design of cylindrical tank wall:

Maximum hoop tension at the base of the wall
Ft = (whD/2)
Where w= density of water= 10kN/m3
h= depth of water
Therefore Ft = ((10x3.6x9)/2)
=162 kN/m
Tension reinforcement per meter height
Ast = ((162 x103)/150)
=1080 mm2
Provide 10mm diameter bars at 100 mm c/c on each face up to 2.6 m height (Ast= 1570 mm2)
Tension reinforcement required at 1 m below the top is
Ast= (1080x 1/3.6)
= 300 mm2
Provide 10mm diameter bars at 150 mmc/c on each face from 2600 to 3600mm height.
((162x103)/1000t+(13x1570)) = 1.2
1200 t + 1.2 x 13x 1570 = 162000
Therefore t = 115 mm.
Adopt 250 mm thick walls at the bottom, gradually reducing the thickness to 160 mm at the
top. Distribution reinforcement required at the bottom is given by
0.3 × 250 × 1000
𝐴𝑠𝑡 = ( ) = 750 𝑚𝑚2
Provide 10 mm diameter bars at 150 mm c/c on both faces.
Chk: No of bars per 1000mm is 2x (1000/150)=2x 6.66= 13.33
So Ast = 13.33 x 78 = 1040 mm2 So safe.

At the top 𝐴𝑠𝑡 =(
) = 480 𝑚𝑚2
Provide 10mm diameter bars at 150 mm c/c on both faces. The details of reinforcements
provide in the cylindrical tank walls at different heights are shown in below table

Details of reinforcements in water tank walls

From Bottom Main hoop steel Vertical distribution

each face steel, each face
(mm) (mm c/c) (mm c/c)
0 to2600 10@100 C/C 10@150C/C
2600 to 3600 10@150 C/C 10@150 C/C

7. Design of bottom ring beam:

Loads on ring beam

Load due to top dome = (meridional thrust x sin  ) = (17.1 x Sin 360 50’) = 10.2 KN/m
Load due to top ring beam = (0.26 x 0.26 x 25 ) = 1.7 KN/m
Load due to cylindrical wall = (
) 𝑥3.6 × 25 = 18.5 𝑘𝑁/𝑚

Self weight of ring beam (assuming a section 0.8 m x 0.4 m ) = (0.8 x 0.4x25) = 8 kN/m
Therefore total vertical load V1 = 10.2 +1.7+18.5 +8 = 38.4 kN/m
Horizontal force H = V1 Cot 
= 38.4 x cot 450 = 38.4 kN/m
Therefore tension due to vertical loads is given by
𝐻𝐷 38.4 𝑥 9
𝐻𝑔 = ( ) = ( ) = = 38.4x9/2 = 173 kN
2 2
Hoop tension due to water pressure
𝑤ℎ𝑑𝐷 10𝑥3.6𝑥0.4×9
𝐻𝑤 = ( )=( ) = whdD/2= 10x 3.6x .4x9/2 = 65 kN
2 2
Therefore hoop tension = (Hg + Hw)
= (173 +65) = 238 kN
𝐴𝑠𝑡 = (
) = 1587 𝑚𝑚2

Provide 16 bars of 12 mm diameter (Ast = 1808 mm2). Maximum tensile.

= 238 x 1000/ (800x400 + 13x 1808) = 0.692 N/mm2 < 1.2 N/mm2
238 × 103
=[ ] = 0.69𝑁/𝑚𝑚2 < 1.2𝑁/𝑛𝑚2
(800 × 400) + (13 × 1587)
Provide a ring beam 800 mm wide and 400 mm deep with 16 bars of 12 mm diameter and 8
mm diameter stirrups at 140 mm c/c.
8. Design of conical dome:
Average diameter of conical dome = ( 2 ) = 8𝑚
Average depth of water = 4.0 m
Weight of water above conical dome = pi x 8 x 4.0 x2x10 =2010 kN

Assuming 350 mm thick slab,

Self weight of slab = (𝜋 × 8 × 1.41 × 0.35 × 25) = 310 kN

Load from top dome, top ring beam, cylindrical wall and bottom ring beam
= (𝜋 × 9 × 38.4) = 1085 𝑘𝑁
Therefore load at base of conical slab
=(2010+310+1085) = 2405 kN
Load/unit length 𝑉2 = ( ) = 110 kN/m
Meridional thrust
𝑇1 = 𝑉2 𝐶𝑜𝑠 𝑒 𝑐𝜃 = (110 × 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝑒 𝑐450 ) = 156 kN
Meridional stress
=( )= 0.44 N/mm2 <5N/mm2 (thickness of conical dome slab is 350mm )

Therefore the stress is within safe limits.

Hoop tension in the conical dome will remain maximum at the top of the conical dome slab
since diameter D is maximum at this section.

Hoop tension, H = (p Cosec  + q Cot  )(D/2)

Weight of conical slab per m2, q = 0.35 x 25 = 8.75 kN/m2
Water pressure , p = (10x 4)= 40 kN/m2
 = 450
Therefore, H = (40 Cosec 450 + 8.75 Cot 45)(9/2) = 294 kN
Therefore 𝐴𝑠𝑡 =(
) = 1960 𝑚𝑚2
Provide 12 mm diameter bars at 110 mm c/c at both faces (Ast = 2055 mm2) in circular
fashion or in meridional direction.
Distribution reinforcement (.24 %) =( ) = 840𝑚𝑚2
Provide 12mm diameter bars at 200 mm c/c on both faces along the meridians. Ast=1130mm2
(294×103 )
Maximum tensile stress =
= 0. N/mm2 < 1.2 N/nm2
Stress is within safe limits.

9. Design of bottom spherical dome:

Assume avj thickness of dome slab = 225 mm, 250 at edge 200 at crown.
Diameter at base D =7m
Central rise r = (1/6x7) =1.16 say 1.2 m
If r = Radius of the dome
(2R-r)r = (D/2)2
(2R-1.2)1.2 = 3.5 2
2.4 R – 1.44 = 3.52
2.8 R -1.96 = 12.25
R= 5.7 m
Self weight of dome slab
2x 22/7 x5.7 x 1.2 x 0.225x 25= 242 kN

Volume of water above the dome

[Pi (72/4)* (3.6+0.4)] – (2*pi*5.72*1.2/3)
22/7 x 3.62(7+2) –(73.3 -46.1) = - 27.2
2𝜋×5.72 ×1.2 𝜋×3.52
=𝜋 × (7/2)2 (3.6 + 0.4) − ( − (5.7 − 1.2))
3 3
154 - (81.6 – 57.7) = 130 m3
Therefore weight of water = (130x10) = 1300 kN
Therefore load on dome = (1300+242) = 1542 kN
Load/unit area w = ( 2 ) = 40 𝑘𝑁/𝑚2
 wR 
Meridional thrust T2 =  
 1 + cos  
𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 = ( ) = 0.79. Therefore 𝜃 = 37.80
Adj/ Hyp = 5.7- 1.2/ 5.7 =(4.5/5.7)=0.79
Therefore 𝑇2 = ( ) = 127 𝑘𝑁/𝑚
Meridional stress = ( ) = 0.56 𝑁/𝑚𝑚2
Stress is within safe limits.
Circumferential force = 𝑤𝑅 (𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃 − 1+𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝜃)
(40 × 5.7) (0.79 − ) = 52.7 kNm

Hoop stress = ( ) = 0.234 𝑁/𝑚𝑚2
Stress is within safe limits.
Provide nominal reinforcement of 0.3 %.
0.3 × 225 × 1000
𝐴𝑠𝑡 = ( ) = 675 𝑚𝑚2
Provide 8 mm diameter bars at 140 mm c/c circumferentially and meridionally in two layers
at top and bottom.
Ast provided, bars per meter = (1000/140)*2 = 7.14*2= 14.28
So Ast provided = 14.28 x 50 = 714 mm2, so sufficient.

10. Design of bottom circular girder

Thrust from conical dome T1=413 acting at an angle  = 450 to the horizontal
Net horizontal force on the ring beam
= (T1 cos  + T2 cos  ) T1= 156 kN/m , T2 = 127 kN/m
= [(156 x0.707) - (127 x 0.707)] = 20.5 kN/m
Hoop compression in the beam= 20.5 x 7/2 = 72 kN
Assuming the ring girder to be 500 mm and 1000mm deep.
Hoop stress = ( ) = 0.144 N/mm2
Stress is within safe limits.

Vertical load on ring beam

= [T1 sin  + T2 sin  ]
[(156x0.707) + (127 x0.707)]= 110.2 + 90 = 200.2 kN/m
Self weight of beam = .5 x 1.0 x 25 = 12.5 kN/m
Total load w = 200 + 12.5 = 212.5 kN/m
Total design load on the ring girder
𝑊 = (𝜋𝐷𝑤 ) = (𝜋 × 7 × 212.5) = 4673 𝑘𝑁
The circular girder is supported on 8 columns.
The moment coefficients for different numbers of columns as per book of Ramamrutham are
complied in Table below
Table Moment coefficients in circular girders supported on columns
Number Negative Positive Maximum Angular Angle
of BM at BM at twisting distance between
Columns support centre moment for maximum the
of spans or forque torsion columns
 K1 K2 K3 0 0
4 0.0342 0.0176 0.0053 19 12 90
6 0.0142 0.0075 0.0015 12 44 60
8 0.0083 0.0041 0.0006 9 33 45
10 0.0054 0.0023 0.0003 7 30 36
12 0.0037 0.0014 0.0017 6 15 30
Using the moment coefficients given in Table
Maximum negative BM at support section
= (0.0083 WR) = (0.0083x4673 x 3.5 ) = 153.7 kNm
Maximum positive BM at mid-span section
= (0.0041WR)= (0.0041 x4673 x 3.5) = 67 kNm

Shear force at support section.

212.5 × 3.5 × 𝜋/4
𝑉=( ) = 292 𝑘𝑁
Shear force the section of maximum torsion (at an angle of 12.750 from column support)
212.5 × 𝜋 × 3.5 × 12.75
𝑉 = (292 − ) = 126.5𝑘𝑁
(a) Design of support section

M = 153.7 kNm
V = 292 kN
Therefore d = √ = 585𝑚𝑚 , j = 0.874, width of beam = 500 mm
Adopt effective depth d= 900 mm, cover = 50 mm

Ast =
sst. j.d

153.7 × 106
𝐴𝑠𝑡 =( ) = 1380𝑚𝑚2
150 × 0.874 × (900 − 50)

But min area of steel to be provided is 0.3 %.

So Ast = (0.3 x 500x 900) /100= 1350 mm2
Larger of the two value is 1380 so provide 1380 mm2
Provide 6 bars of 20 mm diameter (Ast = 1885 mm2) at top.
𝑇𝑣 = (
) = 0.65𝑁/𝑚𝑚2

100𝐴𝑠𝑡 100×1885
% steel used =(
) = ( 500×900 ) = 0.42 %
From Table 23, IS 456, τc = 0.28 N/mm2
Since τc < τv, shear reinforcement are required
Shear borne by concrete = ( )
= 126 kN
Permissible shear stress Table v in concrete (IS : 456-2000)
100As Permissible shear stress in concrete tv N/mm 2
bd M-15 M-20 M-25 M-30 M-35 M-40
< 0.15 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.2 0.2 0.2
0.25 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.23 0.23
0.50 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.32
0.75 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38
1.00 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.42
1.25 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46
1.50 0.42 0.45 0.46 0.48 0.49 0.49
1.75 0.44 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.52 0.52
2.00 0.44 0.49 0.51 0.53 0.54 0.55
2.25 0.44 0.51 0.53 0.55 0.56 0.57
2.50 0.44 0.51 0.55 0.57 0.58 0.60
2.75 0.44 0.51 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.62
3.00 and above 0.44 0.51 0.57 0.6 0.62 0.63

Ref IS 456:2000 Clause B 5-4

Balance shear = (292-126) = 166 kN
Using 10 mm diameter 4 – legged stirrups, spacing
𝑆𝑣 = ( )= 240 mm
Adopt 10 mm diameter 4 legged stirrups at 180 mm c/c near supports
(b) Design of mid – span section
Maximum positive moment in the section
67 × 106
( ) = 601𝑚𝑚2
150 × 0.874 × (900 − 50)
But minimum area of reinforcement in the section
0.3 × 500 × 900
( ) = 1350𝑚𝑚2
Provide 6 bars of 20 mm diameter at mid-span section and 4-legged stirrups of 10mm
diameter at 100 mm c/c. Ast provided = 6x(pi/4) 202= 1885 mm2

(c ) Design of section subjected to maximum torsion

T = 34 kNm D = 120 mm
V = 521 kN b= 600 mm
M=0 d= 1150mm
 1+ D / d   1 + 1200 / 600 
M1 = T   = 34   = 60kNm
 1.7   1.7 
IS 456 – 2000, clause B-6.4.2
Therefore Me1 = ( M + M1 ) = ( 0 + 60 ) = 60kNm
 60 106 
Ast =   = 387mm

 150  0.9 1150 

But minimum area of tension reinforcement
0.3 × 500 × 900
𝐴𝑠𝑡 = ( ) = 1350𝑚𝑚2
IS: 456-2000, Clause B 6.3.1

Provide 5 bars of 20mm diameter (Ast = 1885 mm2)

Maximum Torsional moment =0.0006* wR =0.0006* 4673* 3.5 = 9.81 kN/m
Shear force at support section is = V = (w.R.p/4)/2 =212.5 *3.5* (pi/4))/2 = 292 kN
Shear force at section of maximum torsion is (At an angle of 12.75 degree from higher
V= 292-(212.5 *3.14*3.5*12.75)/180 = 126.5 kN
Equivalent shear V2 = (V+1.6(T/b))
= (126.5 + 1.6 × ) = 158𝑘𝑁
𝑉𝑒 158 × 103
𝑇𝑣𝑒 = ( ) = ( ) = 0.37𝑁/𝑚𝑚2
𝑏𝑑 500 × (900 − 50)
100𝐴𝑠𝑡 100 × 1885
( )=( ) = 0.44
𝑏𝑑 500 × (900 − 50)
From Table 23, Tc = 0.29 N/mm2
Since Tv>Tc, shear reinforcements are required.
Using 10mm diameter 4 legged stirrups with the side covers of 25 mm and top and top and
bottom covers of 50 mm, spacing.
IS : 456-2000 Clause B6.4.3.
𝐴𝑠𝑣𝜎𝑠𝑣 4 ∗ 78 ∗ 150
𝑆𝑣 = ( )=( ) = 624𝑚𝑚
(𝑇𝑣𝑒 − 𝑇𝑐)𝑏 (0.44 − 0.29)500
Adopt 10 mm diameter 4 legged stirrups at 180mm c/c.

11. Design of column of supporting tower

The supporting tower comprises 8 equally spaced columns on a circle of 8m diameter.
Loads on columns
Vertical load on each column = (
) = 584 𝑘𝑁
Self weight of column of height 15 m and diameter 550mm
( × 0.552 × 15 × 25) = 89 𝑘𝑁
Self weight of bracings (5 numbers at 3 m intervals,
(size 350 mm (b)x 400 mm (d)) = (5 × 0.35 × 0.4 × × 25) = 55𝑘𝑁
Total vertical load on each = (584+89+55) = 728 kN

Wind force on column

Reduction coefficient of circular
Intensity of wind pressure = 1.50 kN/m2 = 0.70
(a) wind force on top of dome and wall.
= 4.5 x 9.0 x 0.70 x 1.50 x = 42.5 kN
(b) Wind force on conical dome= 1.5 x 8.0 x 0.70 x 1.50 x = 12.6 kN
(c ) Wind force on bottom ring beam 1.2 x 8.00 x 0.70 x 1.50 x = 11 kN
(d) wind force no.
on 5 column = 5 x 0.65 x 0.70 x 1.50 x 16.0 55 kN
(e) wind force in bracing = 0.5 x 8.00 x 3 x 1.50 = 18 kN
Total Horizontal force = 219 kN
Wind forces on top dome and wall = (4.5x 9.0 x0.7x1.5 = 42.5 kN
Wind force on conical dome
=(1.5x8x0.7x1.5) = 12.6 kN
Wind force on bottom ring beam = 0.9 x 7x 0.7x 1.5 = 6.6 kN
Wind force on five columns
= (5x0.55x15x0.7x1.5) = 43.3 kN
Wind force on bracings
=(0.4x7x4x1.5) = 16.8 kN
Therefore total horizontal wind force
=(42.5+12.6+6.6+ 43.3+16.8) = 121.8 = 122 kN
Assuming contra flexure points at mid-height of columns and fixity at base due to raft
foundations, the moment at the base of the columns is computed as
𝑀=( ) = 183𝑘𝑁𝑚
If M1 = moment at the base of the column due to wind loads
=(42.5x(15+ 2.5)+ (12.6x(15+1)+(6.6x15)+(6x12)+(6x8)+(6x4) = 3299kNm
And V = reaction developed at the base of exterior columns
M1 =  M +  r 2
V  4  

3299 = 439 + ( 2  4 ) + 4 
 
4   2  
Therefore V= 179 kN
=(1944+179) = 2123 kN
Moment in each column at base = (438/8) = 55kNm
Axial load P = 2123kN
Bending moment M = 55kNm
Eccentricity e = (M/P) = (55x106/2123x103) = 25.9
Since eccentricity is small, direct stresses are predominant.
Using 8 bars of 20 mm diameter and lateral ties of 10mm diameter at 300mm c/c.
𝐴𝑠𝑐= (8 × 314) = 2512 𝑚𝑚2
Equivalent area of composite section
𝐴𝑒 = ( + (1.5 × 13 × 2512)) = 0.286 × 106 𝑚𝑚2
Equivalent second moment of area of composite section
   3254    275  

le =   + (1.5 13) ( 2  804  275 ) + 4  804   


 4    2  
= 13.48 x 109mm4
Direct compressive stress
 2123 103 
 tc1 =  6 
= 4.71N / nm2
 0.45 10 
 55 106  325 
Bending stress =  tc1 =  9 
= 1.32 N / nm2
 13.48 10 
Permissible streses in concrete are increased 33.33% while considering the wind effect.
1 1 
I.S. 456 – 2000, clause B – 41 =  cc + cb   1
  cc  cb 
 4.71 1.32 
 +  = 0.84  1
350 mm
 5 1.33 7  1.33 
Stress is within safe limits.
12. Design of bracings
400 mm
Moment in brace = (2xmoment in column x 2 )
M = (2x55x 2 )
=156 kNm
Section of brace = 350mm x 400 mm
Therefore b = 350 mm, d = 400-50 = 350 mm
Limiting moment of resistance of section is
Mu, lim = 0.138 fckbd2 = 0.138*30* 350* 3502= 177 kN.m
Moment in each column at base = 183/8= 23 kN.m
Service moment in brace = 2x 23x √2 = 65 kNm

Moment of resistance of section

M1 = (0.897x350x3502) = 38.45x106 Nmm = 38.45 kNm
Balance moment M2 = (M-M1)
=(65 – 38.45)
= 26.55 kNm
 91106 
Ast1 =   = 976mm

 230  0.9  450 

 65 106 
Ast 2 =   = 707mm

 230  450 
Ast = ( As1 + As2 = 1683mm2
Provide 4 bars of 25 mm diameter (Ast = 1964 mm2) at the top and bottom since wind
direction is reversible.
Length of brace L = (2x4xsin 22.50)=3.06m

 moment in brace 
Maximum shear force in brace=  
 1/ 2 length of brace 

 156 
=   = 102kN
 0.5  3.06 
 102 103 
= Ty   = 0.45 N / mm

 500  450 
 100 Ast   100 1964 
=  =  = 0.87
 bd   500  450 
IS: 456-2000 Clause B.5.4 and Table 23
From Table 1.3b.
Tc = 0.37 N / nm2
Since Ty > Tc, shear reinforcement are required, Shear borne by concrete
 0.37  500  450 
=   = 83kN
 1000 
Balance Shear = (102-83) = 19kN
Using 10mm diameter 2 – legged stirrups at 330 mm c/c
13. Design of foundations
A circular girder with a raft slab is provided the tower foundations
Total load on foundations = (1944xs8) = 15 552 kN
Self weight of foundations at 10%% = 1555kN
Total load = 17107 kN
SBC of soil at site = 250 kN/m2
Therefore area off foundation = (17107/250) = 68.4m2
If a raft slab with equal projection on either side of a circular ring beam is provided and if b =
width of raft slab, then
(  8  b ) = 68.4m
Therefore b= 2.72m
Adopt a raft slab of 5m inner diameter and 11m outer diameter (b=3m)
(a) Design of circular girder

Total load on circular girder W = 15 552 kN

 15552 
Load per metre on girder =   = 618.8kN / M
  8 
Referring to moment coefficients given in Table 5.2, the maximum moments in the circular
girder are computed.
Maximum negative moment at support = 0.0083 WR
=(0.0083 x 15 552 x 4) = 516 kNM
Maximum positive moment at mid-span = 0.041WR
= 0.0006WR = ( 0.0006x15 552 x 4) = 37.3kNm
Shear force at support section
 618.8  4   / 4) 
V =  = 972kN
 2 
Shear force at section of maximum torsion
 618    4  9.5) 
V =  972 −  = 562kN
 180 
The support section is designed for a maximum negative moment
M = 516 kNm and a shear force V = 972kN
Assuming the width of section b = 750 mm
 516 106 
 = 875mm
Effective depth d= 
 230  0.9  930 
Adopt d = 930 mm, overall depth D = 1000 mm and cover = 70 mm
 516 106 
Ast =   = 1.39 N / nm

 750  930 
Provide 6 bars of 25 mm diameter (Ast = 2496 mm2)
 972 103 
Tv =   = 1.39 N / nm

 750  930 
 100 Ast   100  2946 
= =  = 0.42
 bd   750  930 
From Table 1.3b, Tc = 0.26N/nm2
Since Tv>Tc, shear reinforcements are required. Shear borne by concrete
 0.26  750  930 
  = 181kN
 1000 
Therefore balance shear = ( 972-181) = 791 kN
Using 12mm diameter 4 legged stirrups,
 230  113  930 
Sv =   = 122 mm
 791 10 

Adopt 120mm spacing for stirrups

Reinforcement required for mid-span section
 255 106 
Ast =   = 1325mm

 230  0.9  930 

But minimum reinforcement is given by
 0.85bd   0.85  750  930 
Ast =   =   == 1429mm
 f
 y   415 
Provide 3 bars of 25mm diameter at mid-span section. The section subjected to
maximum torsional moment and shear should be designed for the following forces:
T = 37.3kNm D = 1000mm
V = 562 kN b = 750 mm
M= 0 d= 930mm
IS: 456-2000 clause B-6.4.2.
 D/d 1 + 1000 / 750 
M 1 = T 1 +  = 3.73   = 51kNm
 1.7   1.7
Therefore M e1 = ( M + M1 ) = (0 + 51) = 51kNm
 51106 
Ast =   = 265mm

 230  0.9  930 

Minimum area of reinforcement = 1429mm2
Provide 3 bars of 25 mm diameter (Ast = 1473mm2)
Equivalent shear
Ve = (V + 1.6 (T / b ) ) = [562 + 1.6(37.3 / 0.75)] = 641KN
IS : 456-2000 Clause B-6.3.1
 641103 
Tv =   = 0.92 N / mm

 750  930 
 100 A   0.21 750  930 
 =  = 495kN
 bd   1000 

Using 12 mm diameter 4 – legged stirrups,

 4 113  230 
Spacing Sv =   = 195mm
 0.092 − 0.21)750 
Adopt 12 min diameter 4-legged stirrups at 190 mm c/c
(b)Design of raft slab
Maximum projection of raft slab from face of column
 3 − 0.75 
 1.125m
 2 
 155.52 
Soil pressure =  2 2 
= 206 kN / m2
 5.5 − 2.5 
Considering 1 m width of raft slab along the circular arc,
 206 1.12 
Maximum BM =   = 124.63kNm
 2 
124.63 106
d= = 373mm
0.897 1000
Provide 500 mm overall depth with an effective depth d = 450 mm to contain the shear
stresses with in permissible limits.
 124.6 106 
Ast =   = 1205mm

 230  0.9  450 

Provide 25mm diameter bars at 200 mm c/c to reduce shear stress (Ast -2454 mm2)
 0.12  500 1000 
 = 600mm
Distribution reinforcement = 
 100 
Provide 12 mm diameter bars at 180mm c/c
Shear force at a section 450 mm from the face of the column is given by
IS : 456-2000 Table 23
V = ( 206  0.651.00 ) = 134kN
 134 103 
Tv =   = 0.29 N / mm

 1000  450 
 100 A   100  2454 
 =  0.545
 bd   1000  450 
From Table 1.3b, Tc = 0.31 N/mm2
Since Tv<Tc,shear stresses are within safe permissible limits.
The thickness of the footing is retained at 500 mm up to a distance of 500 mm from the
column face and thereafter gradually decreased to 250 mm at the edges. The details of
reinforcements in the various structural elements of the intze-type tank are shown in below

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