Distribution Management Module 2

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Brgy. 71, Naga- Naga

6500 Tacloban City, Philippines

Distribution Management

1st Semester (Prelims)
S.Y. 2022-2023


Answer the following question

Explain in your own understanding

1. What is distribution management?

Answer: For me distribution management it is refers to the process of overseeing the
movement of goods from supplier or manufacturer to point of sale. It is an overarching
term that refers to numerous activities and processes such as packaging, inventory,
warehousing, supply chain, and logistics

2. What is importance of ECOMMERCE?

Answer: The Important of ecommerce in the continuously emerging of technologies,
ecommerce has become a vital part of all types of businesses. The increase in
the popularity of ecommerce, there is a decrease in the inflation caused on the
products and services with perks such as cost savings, kickass competitions,
and changes in the pricing behaviour of the sellers. At the same time, the
online buyers of a now know the convenience of purchasing online.

3. Explain the 4 Distribution channels? How will you apply if you have a business

Answer: for me that 4 distribution channels it’s a component of a management but they
have an first is Wholesaler, wholesaler its offer of raw materials or finished goods second
is Retailer this an option actually to work directly third is Distributor while distributor as
acts the intermediary while the fourth is Ecommerce is direct to consumer but this 4
distribution I apply this if I have my own business to improve my business and costumers
this is very important for those who have a business
Roger’s Tire Experts
There are a couple for HR
related problems in the case
“Rogers Tire Experts”. To
begin, Rogers
decisions on recruiting
employees is flawed. He does
not have a good personnel
system, his selection process is
based of two criteria’s, “They
must belong to the men’s club”
and “They must be able to beat
him in an arm-wrestling match”.
Next, Roger hiring the wrong
personnel based on personal
feelings rather than experience.
This is shown when he refused
hire a female mechanic with
five-year experience but went
ahead and hired an
worker in Jimmy. Finally, not
having health and safety policies
in place. This is shown when a
mechanic was injured when they
were trying to change the
muffler without stopping the
vehicle’s engine.
A job analysis on how some of
these problems could be
prevented and/or solved would
firstly, modifying the criteria on
the hiring process, taking out
criteria’s such as beating Roger
an arm-wrestling contest. Next,
tackling the issue of hiring out
of personal feelings, Roger
should minimize personal
feelings when choosing who to
hire and look more for the
with the most experience that
would help the business rather
than hurt. Lastly, implementing
health and safety protocols to
minimize the injuries in the
There are a couple for HR related problems in the case “Rogers Tire Experts”. To begin, Rogers
decisions on recruiting employees is flawed. He does not have a good personnel recruitment
system, his selection process is based of two criteria’s, “They must belong to the men’s club”
and “They must be able to beat him in an arm-wrestling match”. Next, Roger hiring the wrong
personnel based on personal feelings rather than experience. This is shown when he refused to
hire a female mechanic with five-year experience but went ahead and hired an inexperienced
worker in Jimmy. Finally, not having health and safety policies in place. This is shown when a
mechanic was injured when they were trying to change the muffler without stopping the
vehicle’s engine.
A job analysis on how some of these problems could be prevented and/or solved would be
firstly, modifying the criteria on the hiring process, taking out criteria’s such as beating Roger in
an arm-wrestling contest. Next, tackling the issue of hiring out of personal feelings, Roger
should minimize personal feelings when choosing who to hire and look more for the people
with the most experience that would help the business rather than hurt. Lastly, implementing
health and safety protocols to minimize the injurie

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