San Diego - Psy 202 - Educational Psychology - LA2

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PSY 202 – Educational Learning

Psychology Lecture II – Activity 2

Cognitive Development

Name: San Diego, Christian Kyle B.

Career Day:
Year & Section: BSP 2D
Draw, Talk, Action!

 Students were able to be Elementary-aged students

independent and rely on their Age group:
own ideas in doing their
activities. This helps them to
 Drawing Materials
think beyond their Materials:
Individual Tasks: expectations and discover  Paper
more about themselves.  Eraser
 It also helps them to become
1. The teacher will instruct the students to
unique and be creative in
draw a sketch of what career they want to
making individual tasks.
pursue in the future. (5-10 minutes)
 It also helps to improve their Procedures: 2. After the students have their drawings,
own problem-solving each student will be asked by the teacher
capabilities and decision- to describe their drawing and their reason
making skills upon on why they chose that career.
encountering problems during 3. The teacher will then ask the student to
individual tasks. present a short play of the chosen career.
 It helps to promote active 4. The activity will continue until the end
listening and speaking skills in of classes. After the activity, all students
conversing with other people. should have a definite understanding and
 Students learn to explicit reasoning about their dream
communicate and be socially career.
Group activities: engaged within a group.
 Students also learn about Time Allotment: 1 hour
different perspectives and to
assess the best course of
action upon different
suggestions in group

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