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1’ abide by (v): tuân thủ, tuân theo

Ex: The two parties agreed to abide by the judge's decision.

2’ agreement (n): (U) sự thỏa thuân; (C) hợp đồng = contract

Ex: According to the agreement, the caterer will also supply the flowers for the event.

3’ assurance (n) – assure (v): sự đảm bảo – đảm bảo

Ex: The sales associate gave his assurance that the missing keyboard would be replaced the next day.

4’ cancellation (n) – cancel (v): sự hủy bỏ, sự chấm dứt

Ex: The cancelation of her flight caused her problems for the rest of the week.

5’ determine (v): xác định

Ex: After reading the contract, I was still unable to detemine if our company was liable for back wages.

6’ engage (v): tham dự

Ex: He engaged us in a fascinating discussion about current business law.

7’ establish (v): thành lập, thiết lập

Ex: The merger of the two company established a powerful new corporation.

8’ obligate (v): bắt buộc

Ex: The contractor was obligated by the contract to work 40 hours a week.

9’ party (n): bên (tham gia hợp đồng)

Ex: The parties agreed to settlement in their contract dispute.

10’ provision (n): sự chu cấp/ sự cung cấp OR điều khoản

Ex: The father made provision for his children through his will.

11’ resolve (v): giải quyết

Ex: The manager resolved to clean out all the files at the end of the week.

12’ specific (adj): cụ thể

Ex: The customer's specific complaint was not addressed in his e-mail.

1. The two sides were no closer to a final --- at midbight than they were at noon.
a. Agreement
b. Agreeable
c. Agree
d. Agreed
- sides = parties (n) : các bên
2. Our union representative --- members that our rights would be defended.
a. Assured
b. Assurance
c. Assuredly
d. Assure

- union (n) (tổ chức) liên hiệp/ công đoàn.

- representative (n): người đại diện.

3. If you --- your reservation 48 hours in advance, you will not be billed.
a. Will cancel
b. Cancel
c. Cancellation
d. Canceled

- reservation (n) : việc đặt ( chỗ, phòng, vé, bàn,…)

- [time] + in advance: trước [bao lâu đó]

- bill (v) : tính phí, tính tiền, gửi hóa đơn

4. I don’t feel any --- to give my boss more than two weeks notice when I leave.
a. Oblige
b. Obligatory
c. Obliged
d. Obligation
- Give (v) sb notice: thông báo cho ai đó
5. The --- for terminating the contract were not discussed.
a. Provide
b. Provisions
c. Provider
d. Provisioning
- Terminate = cancel (v)
6. The contract calls for the union to --- who their bargaining representative will be.
a. Specific
b. Specification (n) : chi tiết kĩ thuật/ sự chỉ rõ
c. Specifying
d. Specify (v) : chỉ rõ
- Call for (v) : kêu gọi/ yêu cầu
- Bargaining (n) : sự thương lượng

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