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Visual representation of the data using tableau.

Data visualization refers to the use of charts, diagram or even graphs to present the
information (Battle, 2019). We can describe a scenario of a manufacturing firm. The
manufacturing firm deals with Product category, sales, quantity and year of date. The products
dealt with the firm include Furniture, office supplies and technology. The products are supplied
over four regions: Central, East, West and North. The year of date in which the products were
ordered include 2016,2017, 2018 and 2019. A visual interpretation of the data can be made using
Tableau. Superstore data will be used during the data visualization (Weirich,2018). Suppose the
Manager of the company wants to know which products that the company should concentrate on
to maximize profit. Data visualization of the sales, Products and Quantity in various regions and
the date of year date can be used by the manager to make the appropriate decision. The tools to be
used in the analysis include the Pie chart, line graph and Bar graph.

The above diagram shows the products dealt with the company. The tool of analytics is Pie
chart. According to the pie chart above, technology is the category of the product that has the
highest profit of $ 145,455 then followed by the office supplies which has a profit of $ 122491 and
lastly is the furniture which has a profit of $ 18,451.
The above diagram shows the sales made by each Category. Technology is the category
that has the highest sales of $ 864,154. Office supplies is the category of product that has the least
sales of $719,047. Furniture had total sales of $ 742,000.
According to the graph above, West region had the highest total sales of $ 725,458. The
South region had the least sales $ 391,722. The East region had sales of $ 678,781 while the
Central region had sales of $ 501,240.
The above diagram shows the quantity of the product ordered in four years (2016, 2017,
2018 and 2019). The above diagram uses a line graph as a tool of analytics. According to the line
graph above 2019 had the highest quantity of 12476 that was ordered by the company. The year of
2016, the company had the least quantity to be ordered which was 7,581.
A company can make more profit of a product if the sales of that product is much more
than the rest of the products and the cost incurred in the product is too minimal (Lankoski,2018).
Therefore, for the company to maximize profit, technology should be the product that needs to be
ordered by the firm and needs to be supplied to the west region.

Battle, L., & Heer, J. (2019, June). Characterizing exploratory visual analysis: A literature review

and evaluation of analytic provenance in tableau. In Computer graphics forum (Vol. 38, No.

3, pp. 145-159).

Weirich, T. R., Tschakert, N., & Kozlowski, S. (2018). Teaching data analytics skills in auditing

classes using Tableau. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, 15(2), 137-150.

Lankoski, L., & Smith, N. C. (2018). Alternative objective functions for firms. Organization &

Environment, 31(3), 242-262.

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