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Stocks Update

Guidance for Stock Market Investing Exclusively for TrulyRichClub Members Note: To understand the Stocks Update, first read Bos Ebook, My Maid Invests in the Stock Market. Click here to download now.

Volume 2, No.13

June 2011

Start Buying Slowly Again Even if the Stock Market Is Going Down
Attention TrulyRichClub SAM Investors: Be happy. Because the stock market is going down. As crazy as that may sound, thats how long-term investors think. Were contrarians. When other people are panicking because of falling stocks, were rejoicing. Because we know a great day is coming when well be able to buy our favorite giant companies very cheaply. Attention SAM Investors: Start buying slowly again. Last June 13, I told you to postpone buying. We wanted to be sure and check how the stocks were doing. We thought it was going to be a big drop. But it didnt come. We just wanted to be very safe. So yes, its time to buy again. A Long Sideways Movement with a Downward Bias That fancy subtitle above means stock prices wont go up for some time. It will just remain the sameor possibly move downward still. I repeat: This is good news for us, SAM investors. Why? We put in our money each month. The longer the sideways movement is, the cheaper we get our stocks. Last week, my mentor called me up and explained to me why well be seeing this sideways movement. For some time, hes been telling me that the US economy has been spooking him out. He was seeing a coming collapse. (And as you know, whatever happens in the US economy will affect the worldincluding the Philippine Stock Market.) He says there may be a slight jump in the next few days because stocks in the US are oversold, but long-term, the picture doesnt look nice at all. My mentor knows what a collapse smells like. Hes been doing the stock market for 38 years. Thats almost four decades. So hes seen many collapses. He can smell it a mile away. So Why Be Happy? The US Market is slowly collapsing now. And its affecting the Philippine Stock Market now. The good news is that the bulk of your money is still out of the market, not inside. (And even if you failed to pull it out, its really okay. You know that the stocks will go up one day.) Naturally, I follow my own advice. Last month, I sold all my stocks. Stocks Update Stocks Update PaGE 1 of 3

And two weeks ago, I divided my money into 12 parts and invested one part or 1/12th of my money into our five SAM stocks. (See below what they are again.) Its value has been going down. On paper, Im negative 2%. Im not worried at all. Being a long-term investor, Im smiling. I know this will go up after the crisis. But more importantly, the bulk of my money11 of 12 partsis sitting in my Citiseconline account doing nothingwaiting for the right time to enter again. Thats the beauty of investing slowly. And even more importantly, the new money that I save each monthIll be able to buy our SAM Stocks at cheaper prices. Why the US Market Is Going Down Americas long-term direction isnt as bright as before. People ask me what should they do with their US dollars. Personally, early this year, Ive sold most of my US dollars. Ive also withdrawn all my dollars from the US Stock Market (after four years of being there). I then bought good ol Philippine Pesos. I added it to my investments in the Philippine Stock Market. And in the stock market, I earned a huge profit for the first five months of the year, just following the same advice I gave you back then. Heres the problem with America: The US Government has been printing money like crazyto pay for their insane debts, to rescue their defaulting banks, to pump up their troubled economy. Result? The US Dollar has steadily been losing its value. (This is one reason why Gold has risen in value at an unbelievable rate. People have been looking for a more secure place to park their money.) For the longest time, when China or Japan or Saudi bought and sold goods, they used the US Dollar. Today, theyre veering away from it. They want to use their own currencies. Soon, the US Dollar will not be as central as it was before. And Europes economy is in crisis too! Countries there are defaulting their debts too. But Asia is different. This will be where the action is. Asia will be the center of the worlds growth. In the next decade, I predict that the value of the US Dollar will go down and the value of the Peso will go up. Obviously, bad events may happen in our country. Political uprising. Natural calamities. Etcetera. If these things happen, the stock market will take a beating. But thats okay. Because were long-term investors. Were betting on the Philippines general upward direction, even if there will be dips and snags along the way. (You can be sure Ill be recommending buying stocks during those dips and snags!) Because after the tragedy, well rise again. Gosh, thats a long side note.

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Our Five Favorite Stocks Here are the Buy Below Prices and Target Prices of our five favorite stocks: Ayala Land (ALI), Aboitiz Power (AP), Energy Development Company (EDC), First Philippines Holdings (FPH), and Metrobank (MBT). Just a definition of terms. Buy Below Price means just that: You buy only the stock when the share price is below that price. If it goes above that price, dont buy it. Wait for it to go down our Buy Below Price. Reason for this: So we dont chase a stock price all the way to the top, where the risk is higher that it will come down. Target Price means thats when we sell. When the share price reaches near our Target Price, you can sell half of your shares or all of them. Here are our SAM Stocks: Recommended Stocks
STOCK SYMBOL ALI AP EDC FPH MBT DATE BOUGHT Jun 2011 Jun 2011 Jun 2011 Jun 2011 Jun 2011 PRICE BOUGHT Php15.09 Php29.78 Php6.53 Php63.18 Php71.52 PRICE TODAY Php15.22 Php30.55 Php6.52 Php58.20 Php69.50 YOUR RETURN 0.86% 2.59% -0.15% -7.88% -2.82% BUY BELOW Php16.73 Php32.60 Php6.93 Php71.47 Php74.50 TARGET PRICE Php19.75 Php36.70 Php7.76 Php98.00 Php84.50 EXPECTED GROWTH 29.76% 20.13% 19.02% 68.38% 21.58%

Keep Putting Money Into Your Investment Fund Every crisis is a great buying opportunity. The bigger the crisis, the bigger the buying opportunity. Focus on your job or business. Be the best that you can be. Increase your income. Every month, save 20 percent (or more!) from your salary or business profits. And invest it in the stock market for long-term profits. Happy investing! Bo Sanchez May your dreams come true,

P.S. In my next Stocks Update, Ill explain a little bit more on why we chose these five stocks, why we believe these stocks are the faster-growing giants.

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