Common Sense From Dating Games

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Common sense from dating games

Conrad James Pitre

University Of Houston Clear Lake

Writing 301, Composition 1

Dr. Christal Seahorn

Due Midnight, Friday, September 23rd 2022


Common sense from dating games

This paper itself is about lessons I’ve learned, through dating simulator games. The evidence I

will be using comes from my memory, but the creator of the games I'm talking about is Genius

Studio Japan Inc, and the distributor is Google Play. This information is important so you know

my sources, so you get the idea of the paper, and you might want to play one of the games I

talk about.

The game I will be talking about is Re: Highschool, where you are inserted into the story of a

particular high school graduation. Everyone in the school either wants to ignore you or irritates

you. You end up being framed, as the thief who was stealing female undergarments from the

dressing room this school year. The evidence is stacked against you, one pair in your bag and

another in your locker. The three notable friends you had in the story, start to turn their backs on

you except for one of them. I talked about Re: High School a bit, now I will get to my main Point

after finishing the story.

In this paragraph I will get to my main point. I see why they stopped talking to me, and the one

who believed we will call Kayori. She stopped talking to me after just like the others, but she

was the most reluctant to do so, crying at my defense and we were closer friends. This person

in the story made this lesson possible, that you trust people who believe in you.

The Game I am playing is Dating My Highschool Bully. First, I’m going to talk about one of the

bullies at your school, then about a lesson I learned from this game. In the game you start your

day by waking up to a text from one of your friends. Her name is Nanami, she wants you to buy

her a pack of soda before school. At the store the player thinks to himself that Nanami’s going to

kill him if he doesn’t get the soda. Last, once you get to school to give her the soda, she shows

no sign of thanks and begins to peer pressure you into asking out some girl that you have no

interest in. In the game you are in high school, and your friends use your friendship and

coercion, mostly to emotionally bully and take advantage of you. I talked a bit about the bully,

now I will talk about the lesson learned from this game.

Now I’m talking about who particularly surprised me in the game. Her Name is Aya, she is an

enclosed and timid type of person with no friends. Surprisingly, as the player when you ask her

out with your friends listening at the other table she accepts. Other than looking like she needs a

therapist, she surprised me in two ways on the date. Surprisingly Aya didn't respond negatively,

when I told her me asking her out was a dare. She said friends don’t act how you're describing

and if you're annoyed just leave them. Aya gave me helpful advice on how to proceed with my

friends, and in the game the more people she interacted with, the more engaging she became.

And that is how I learned about strangers, being surprisingly nice. Next, I will talk about how to

call out a friend's bad behavior.

This game is called my sweet bully. I will talk more about the story and introduce the bully, then

I will give the lesson to be learned talking a bit about the story. The story background Involves,

you are moving back to your home country. Because of a very lucrative deal that your father

made with his boss. The deal involves you dating this stranger's daughter. And your dad in the

story tries to comfort you by saying,” its ok son, she's hot.” Wait no that doesn’t sound good,

actually he says, she is not ugly. Later in the story, her name is revealed to be Asami, she is a

sixteen-year-old girl in high school. This being a weird situation that you the character will do

your best to help with. First, I talked about the story, now I will explain the lesson.

I will explain a conflict me and Asami have, and the lesson learned from all of this. After your

first meet up, she is bullying a girl in the courtyard, in infront of all the students. You are trying to

get Asami to let the girl go. You tell her to let the girl go, and when she declines you move

closer to the girl. Asami threatens to cut the girl, when you try to tell her she will get in trouble for

this, she says if you know me I really won’t. She was right this was repeated bullying, and every

time she got away with it. Asami left when her dad called, and the situation deescalated. In time

because of the dating contract, the player and Asami did at least in the story become close. Not

too long after what happened in the courtyard, you talked about it with your girlfriend, voiced

your opinions. And Asami said she wouldn’t do it again, as long as you would stay. In the story

you didn’t instantly make her better, but you talked about what happened together and Asami

became better with time. I talked about a lesson learned from the third game. Now I will explain

another one.

This game is called I Made a Contract with Three Cute Devils. I will first relate the story to you,

and then talk about the lesson all in this paragraph. Alright, so imagine the best day that you

had in high school. A lazy day with no work, most of your classes had substitute teachers and it

was a chilly day. Once you end up getting home, your parents tell you to clean the shed. After

three hours you finish, and you find a weird book. And later in the night for some reason you

basically found a genie in a lamp. Except the genie was from this book, and the Genie is three

demon girls. And they tell you to have one wish, and after making my wish my parents used it

as a sacrifice. I instantly stopped playing. The lesson I’m bringing home is to always read your

terms and conditions. Although I never do read those long contracts. One of the demons was

going to be nice and tell me before I made the wish. But my character chose to skip over the

explanation. I just explained why you should be cautious, in a situation that's too good to be

true. Now I will talk about the summary of the paper.

This paper was about five dating simulator games I’ve played and the lessons I have learned from them. I

learned who do you trust, how to call out a friend's bad behavior, I always read or understand what

you're getting yourself into, and that people can surprise you.

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