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1.5.3 Explore: Events That Shaped the Atlantic Exploration

AP U.S. History Sem 1

This explore assignment is worth 10 points. To get the best grade possible, review
the scoring rubric below and follow the instructions in the assignment closely.

Use the following links to research the defining characteristics of the Atlantic
World. As you conduct your research, keep notes on key findings in the chart below.
This section is worth 5 points.

Web links

Living in the Atlantic World

"Salutary Neglect," Encyclopedia Virginia

African Slavery in Colonial British North America

Religion in Colonial America: Trends, Regulations, and Beliefs

Slavery in America timeline

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Characteristic Web research notes Sources





Now it's time to think more deeply about the research you have just conducted. Use
your findings to answer the questions below. If you didn't find the answer to one of
these questions in your research, you can also try your textbook.

1. Give two examples of the role religion played in the colonies. Are they similar or

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2. Describe how the various colonies reacted to slavery. Did they all have the same
attitude toward slavery?

3. How did Britain's attitude toward the American colonies change over time? Was it

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4. Did slaves in the colonies accept their status as slaves?

5. How did politics in Europe affect the American colonies? Give two examples.

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6. What were some of the overriding movements that changed the culture of the
American colonies between 1650 and 1750?

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Here is the rubric on which your assignment will be graded.

Requirements Points Points

Possible Awarded

Conduct web research on the characteristics of the 2  

Atlantic World, taking note of your findings in the graphic
organizer on this assignment sheet.

Thoughtfully answer all five questions in the Analyze 5  

section of this assignment sheet.

Write a clear and complete synthesis of your research 3  

findings by answer question 6 under the Synthesize
section of this assignment sheet.

TOTAL 10  


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