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High Dimensional Decentralized Systems based Healthcare Privacy

Approach Using Blockchain Technology


A huge amount of data, generated by different applications in computer network, is growing up

exponentially based on nonstop operational states. Such applications are generating an avalanche
of information that is disruptive for predictable data processing and analytics functionality,
which is perfectly handled by the cloud before explosion growth of Big Data. Blockchain
technology alleviates the reliance on a centralized authority to certify information integrity and
ownership, as well as mediate transactions and exchange of digital assets, while enabling secure
and pseudo-anonymous transactions along with agreements directly between interacting parties.
It possesses key properties, such as immutability, decentralization, and transparency that
potentially address pressing issues in healthcare, such as incomplete records at point of care and
difficult access to patients’ own health information. An efficient and effective healthcare system
requires interoperability, which allows software apps and technology platforms to communicate
securely and seamlessly, exchange data, and use the exchanged data across health organizations
and app vendors. Unfortunately, healthcare today suffers from siloed and fragmented data,
delayed communications, and disparate workflow tools caused by the lack of interoperability.
Blockchain offers the opportunity to enable access to longitudinal, complete, and tamper-aware
medical records that are stored in fragmented systems in a secure and pseudo-anonymous
fashion. This book chapter focuses on the applicability of Blockchain technology in healthcare
by (1) identifying potential Blockchain use cases in healthcare, (2) providing a case study that
implements Blockchain technology, and (3) evaluating design considerations when applying this
technology in healthcare.


Fog computing or fog networking, also known as fogging, is pushing frontiers of computing
applications, data, and services away from centralized cloud to the logical stream of the network
edge. Fog networking system works on to build the control, confguration, and management over
the Internet backbone rather than the primarily control by network gateways and switches those
which are embedded in the LTE network. We can illuminate the fog computing framework as
highly virtualized computing infrastructure which provides hierarchical computing facilities with
the help of edge server nodes. Tese fog nodes organize the wide applications and services to
store and process the contents in close proximity of end users. Sometimes, fog computing used
frequently and often interchangeably the term “edge computing.” However, there is a little bit
difference between those two concepts. Fog and edge computing both involve pushing the
processing and intelligence capabilities down to the proximity where the information is
originating. Te main difference between both architectures is exactly where the computing and
intelligence power is placed. In both structures data is sent by the same sources or physical
assets, like pumps, relays, motors, sensors, and so on. All those devices perform a physical chore
in this world such as electrical circuits, pumping water, switching, or sensing the task around

A blockchain system can be considered as a virtually incorruptible cryptographic database where

critical medical information could be recorded. The system is maintained by a network of
computers, that is accessible to anyone running the software. Blockchain operates as a pseudo-
anonymous system that has still privacy issue since all transactions are exposed to the public,
even though it is tamper-proof in the sense of data-integrity. The access control of heterogeneous
patients’ healthcare records across multiple health institutions and devices needed to be carefully
designed. Blockchain itself is not designed as the large-scale storage system. In the context
healthcare, a decentralized storage solution would greatly complement the weakness of
blockchain in the perspective.

The blockchain network as a decentralized system is more resilient in that there is no single-
point attack or failure compare to centralized systems [6]. However, since all the bitcoin
transactions are public and everybody has access, there already exist analytics tools that identify
the participants in the network based on the transaction history [7]. With popularity analytics,
similarity or closeness among topics within large volume of data can be detected.. Groups of
items or topics can be system generated using closeness relationship formulation [7]. As
information flows among different nodes in bitcoin network, Bitcoin transaction is slow due to
the fact that information needs to be propagated across the network to synchronize the ledger
replicas. The slow dissemination of information exposes a potential security hole for the
malicious attacks. Some measures have been implemented to mitigate the number of the
blockchain forks in the network by 50%. However, a long-term solution is still needed [8]. Like
any other networks, Bitcoin network is no exception when it comes to malicious attacks. One of
the notable form of attack against Bitcoin network topology is eclipsing attack by using
information propagation knowledge [8]. Bitcoin peer-to-peer network topology can be inferred
and utilized by malicious attackers to perform precise attacks such as eclipsing attack. By
observing the flooding process of the information flow, a flooding network’s topology can be
inferred. A network topology inference method has been proposed along with a proof of concept
in real network [9]. The critical players of bitcoin transactions can be identified use various
network centrality metrics [10–19]. Blockchain might replace conventional methods of keeping
track of valuable information such as contracts, intellectual-property rights, and corporate
accountings. Personal healthcare records need to be protected with the highest standard. With the
increasing number of data breach incidents in the past several years, the awareness of the general
public about the personal data privacy will continue to increasing. The necessity for data privacy
will grow stronger with an increasing number of services and device collecting our personal data
associated with our personal identity. There are techniques that obfuscate the linking of
pseudonymous address and the real person such as CoinJoin [20].

Literature Survey

1: Title: Issues and Effectiveness of Blockchain Technology on Digital Voting

Author: Gupta A, Patel J, Gupta M, Gupta H.

Description:- System presented in the Issues and Effectiveness of Blockchain Technology on

Digital Voting that block chain is a technology that enables moving digital coins or assets from
one individual to other individual. Blockchain concept can be understand with the concept of
linked list in Data Structure, because its next key address are stored in previous key and they are
linked with each other.

Methodology: - It was first conceptualized in 2008 which implemented in the successive year as
a core component of the digital currency bitcoin, which works as a public ledger of all
transactions. Digital voting through block chain technology has some issues and effectiveness
but our concern is to focused that how much system make this technique more effective. Here,
our main focus is that how system can implement this technique in our daily life. Our country
India is deeply interested for future use and lots of efforts are being done to overcome the
security issues as early as possible.

2: Title: Electronic voting machine based on Blockchain technology and Aadhar verification
Author: Navya A., Roopini R., SaiNiranjan A. S. et. Al

Description:- System presented in the Electronic voting machine based on Blockchain

technology and Aadhar verification that A nation with less voting percentage will struggle to
develop as choosing a right leader for the nation is very essential. Our proposed system designed
to provide a secure data and a trustworthy election amongst the people of the democracy. Since
aadhar card is the most needed for a person identity hence deploying an election process using it
is highly recommendable. Blockchain will be publicly verifiable and distributed in a way that no
one will be able to corrupt it.

Methodology: -The proposed system is mainly designed for our country based on Aadhar
verification where the details of the persons who are above 18years are extracted from aadhar
card database since it had become mandatory in the present scenario. To ensure more security,
finger print of voter is used as the main authentication resource. The system will allow the voter
to vote through his finger print. As soon as they cast their vote, blockchain technology comes
into existence which is integrated inside EVM. By adopting Blockchain in the distribution of
databases can reduce one of the cheating sources of database manipulation. This research
discusses the recording of the voting result in blockchain algorithm from every place of election.

3: Title: E-Voting with Blockchain: An E-Voting Protocol with Decentralisation and Voter
Author: Hardwick, Freya Sheer, Raja NaeemAkram, and Konstantinos Markantonakis

Description:- E-Voting with Blockchain: An E-Voting Protocol with Decentralisation and Voter
Privacy that a potential solutionto the lack of interest in voting amongst the young tech
savvypopulation. For e-voting to become more open, transparent, and independently auditable, a
potential solution would be base it on block chain technology. This paper explores the potential
of the block chain technology and its usefulness in the e-voting scheme. an e-voting scheme,
which is then implemented.
Methodology: -The implementation and related performance measurements are given in the
paper along with the challenges presented by the block chain platform to develop a complex
application like e-voting. The paper highlights some shortcomings and presents two potential
paths forward to improve the underlying platform (block chain technology)to support e-voting
and other similar applications. Block chain technology has a lot of promise; hosystem ver, in its
current state it might not reach its full potential. There needs to be concerted effort in the core
block chain technology research to improve is features and support for complex applications that
can execute within the block chain network.

4: Title: Design of Distributed Voting Systems

Author: Meter, Christian

Description:- System present the Design of Distributed Voting Systems. Electronic voting
systems attempt to be as easy to use and secure as ideal traditional elections and attempt to
eliminate the human errors described.

Methodology: - This is hard to achieve, because electronic voting systems need a strong
encryption to guarantee security, integrity and anonymity of the vote. This must be ensured and
still result in a user-friendly application, which is often hard to achieve. But to assume that
traditional elections are completely secure and correct is also questionable, as system already so,
this is a good opportunity to think about reinventing elections with the help of computers and

5: Title: A secure end-to-end verifiable e-voting system using zero knowledge based blockchain
Author: Panja, Somnath, and Bimal Kumar Roy

Description:- System presented in the secure end-to-end verifiable e-voting system using zero
knowledge based blockchain that present a cryptographic technique for an authenticated, end-to-
end verifiable and secret ballot election. Voters should receive assurance that their vote is cast as
intended, recorded as cast and tallied as recorded. The election system as a whole should ensure
that voter coercion is unlikely, even when voters are willing to be influenced. Currently, almost
all verifiable e-voting systems require trusted authorities to perform the tallying process. An
exception is the DRE-i and DRE-ip system. The DRE-ip system removes the requirement of
tallying authorities by encrypting ballot in such a way that the election tally can be publicly
verified without decrypting cast ballots. Hosystem ver, the DRE-ip system necessitates a secure
bulletin board (BB) for storing the encrypted ballot as without it the integrity of the system may
be lost and the result can be compromised without detection during the audit phase.

Methodology: - System have modified the DRE-ip system so that if any recorded ballot is
tempered by an adversary before the tallying phase, it will be detected during the tallying phase.
In addition, system have described a method using zero knowledge based public blockchain to
store these ballots so that it remains tamper proof. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first
end-to end verifiable Direct-recording electronic (DRE) based e-voting system using blockchain.
In our case, system assume that the bulletin board is insecure and an adversary as read and write
access to the bulletin board. System have also added a secure biometric with government
provided identity card based authentication mechanism for voter authentication. System is able
to encrypt ballot in such a way that the election tally can be publicly verified without decrypting
cast ballots maintaining end-to-end verifiability and without requiring the secure bulletin board.
Problem Statement

In the propsoed research work to design and implement a system for health care data, where user
can store all information in single blockchain without any Trusted Third Party (TTP) in fog
computing environment. The system also carried out data integrity, confidentiality as well as
eliminate the incinsistency for end user.


 To deisign appraoch for health insurance company where system store all hostorical data
into block chain manner.
 To create a fog computing environment hierarcy for paralel data processing for end users
 To design impelement own SHA family block for whole blockchain.
 Each transaction has stored on dependant blockchain in cloud environment.
 To design and implement a new mining technique for generate new block for each
 To imepement a varification algorithm which can validate each peer on every access

Proposed System architecture

Figure 1: Proposed system Architecture

Algorithms Used

 Role Base Access Control (RBAC)
 Key exchange Protocol for Peer Verification
 Mining Algorithm for valid hash creation


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