Syllabus Sencer Seccions

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The present syllabus aims at developing students communicative competence i n English as a foreign language, Together with the printed version of this syllabus a set of blogs have been set up. It is highly recommended to browse them to have a complete vision of this syllabus. The introductory URL is elaborate this syllabus I have taken into account the present legislation while bearing in mind a school as point of reference, namely, its educational project, materials and facilities as well as the specific characteristics of its students.

1. The School
Escola Massana is one of the most prestigious Art schools in Barcelona. The school offer is very different from the rest of the municipal network of teaching institutions; there are three different study plans, all of them related to the world of Arts an d craft and this syllabus corresponds to the Batxillerat Artstic, the final two years of secondary school specializing in the arts. Batxillerat students in most centres are the oldest students in the school and they have, in many cases, studied ESO (Compulsory Secondary Education) in the same place. Massana doesn t offer ESO so all Batxillerat students studying there have made the decision of giving up their schools and studying in a new place. This, among other things, makes them a very special kind of students. They are also the youngest students in Massana and that makes them more mature than students in other schools, as they see adults studying in the same place and the degree of autonomy expected from them by their teachers is very high. Batxillerat Artstic is the only Batxillerat offered by the school and that allows us to program their studies focusing on artistic and creative topics which will be of the students interest .Cross-curricular activities are in the case of Massana basic considerations when establishing the content of our syllabus. We have to give our students a set of language skills which are adequate both for studying and working in an artistic environment.


2. The English Department

The English department has two teachers, one of them working part-time. It forms part of the department of humanistic studies and holds monthly formal meetings in which matters of interest are discussed. In this department, there are two full time language teachers; one Catalan and one Spanish and a French teacher working part time, with whom we also have meetings to discuss the use of common facilities and to develop the curriculum in a shared way. The most important discussions and distribution of tasks are, nevertheless, dealt with by the two English teachers. We have some formal meetings throughout the whole school year but the most important part of our work takes place in the form of very specific informal meetings which take place almost every day. Our timetable distribution implies a deep knowledge of what the other teacher is working in at every specific moment; each one of us is responsible for one of the two Batxillerat school years but teaches half of the other s group when we split classes so coordination is basic in our way of working. We have three weekly sessions divided into two blocks per week; we have one hour a week to work with our full group of students and a block of two ho urs in a row in which we work with the entire group for the first hour and we split the group in the second hour. In t his way we can introduce common topics in the first session which are going to be followed up in smaller groups in the second session. It also gives us the chance to have two hours when it is necessary for the specific characteristic of an activity (oral examinations, reading sessions, film reviews...) The school also offers Batxillerat students the opportunity to use the language lab as a self-access class one hour and a half per week. They can practice their weaknesses on their own, in pairs or in group under the supervision of one of the teachers.

3. The English Classroom

The school has a fully equipped English classroom which contains: -A DVD player -An overhead projector over a whiteboard linked to a laptop and CD/DVD player. The white board becomes interactive thanks to an E-Beam which transforms a simple whiteboard into an interactive digital board.

-Internet connection for the laptop m entioned above. -Loudspeakers which provide a very good sound quality to the classroom. -A library with dictionaries for both teachers and students use and graded readers, original novels and methodology books for teachers use. -A noticeboard where teachers can display information for communal use

4. The Language Lab

The Language lab is provided with: -Twelve computers with internet/intranet connection and headphones which allow students to work either individually or in pairs. -A big group table for group work activities in the split sessions. -A digital board -A computer for teacher use linked to a digital board and internet connection with loudspeakers. -A display unit to place magazines, newspapers and other publications for either students or teachers use. -A cupboard with dictionaries, thesaurus, original novels and short stories and a film library with CDs, DVDs and CD -ROMs for teachers use.

5. Virtual Resources
-Students computers in the language lab are provided with an intranet website wit h general revision resources. This website consists of a well-classified list of free internet resources selected for the students to work with. It is only available in the language lab. This is a carefully designed website created in the academic year 200 5-06 with the help of a computer design student who had a scholarship to collaborate with the English department. The problem with this website is that the English department hasn t had any other computer design students anymore and this website is very difficult to use for non-specialist users, which is why it has mainly remained a fixed list of resources for students in the self access class.


5.1.Massana Blogs. After the creation of the language lab website the need for a different tool became clear, an easy-to-use tool available from the net which could be used without the help of any expert, Blogs by blogger seemed to be the answer. We have now a set of linked blogs, some restricted for teachers use (the ones in grey) and some for students and teachers (the ones in green).
1 Batxillerat-1 1 Batxillerat General Blog Language Lab
st st st st

1 Batxillerat-2 1 Batxillerat-3 2 Batxillerat-4

nd nd nd

2 Batxillerat


2 Batxillerat-5 2 Batxillerat-6

English Classroom

1 Batxillerat 2 Batxillerat


Split Sessions

-The general Blog directs teachers to the rest of the blogs; besides teachers can use it to organize and keep any information, document, or website for further use. Students do not have access to this blog. -The Language Lab Blogintroduces students to the blog corresponding to their school year. We update it regularly by posting interesting news, songs, videos or general interesting material with no specific purpose. -The Blogs for First and Second Batxillerat are used to post the tasks the students have to work on in the split sessions when they are in the Language Lab -The Blogs for the Different Groups are for students use. They have access to it and post their compositions there. -The Classroom Projections Blog is used to introduce lessons for the English cla ssroom. We use it to post interesting materials to be projected in the classroom. Only teachers have access to it. The English classroom blogs are used to post any projections of interest in class. It means that the blogs which apply for the present syllabus are the ones for the first Batxillerat year. -The Split Sessions Blog is used to post any interesting materials for the Split Session. Only teachers have access to it.

5.2.Present Syllabus Blogs With the present syllabus a series of blogs have been set up. They are very similar to the ones used in Massana but they have been designed especially for this syllabus. They are original. In these blogs the resources, materials and projections mentioned in the printed syllabus can be found.You can find the use of ICT there. There are four blogs ; -Introductory blog. URL , This blog will direct to the rest of the blogs designed for the present syllabus. -Classroom projections blog. You can get to this blog by clicking the corresponding link in the introductory blog or in the URL In this blog you can find the resources to be projected in the general class mentioned in the printed syllabus. There are not explanations of the activities because it is meant for teachers use in the classroom. -Split sessions blog. You can also get there by clicking its corresponding link in the introductory blog or by using the URL This blog gathers the materials to be used in the Split Sessions with half of the students. -Language Lab blog. Access to this blog can also be found in the introductory blog and in the URL In there we can find the activities to be done in the computer room: listening, reading or vocabulary exercises which will introduce the students to the task of writing a composition. These compositions will be posted in the Group Blog with their corresponding labels so that we can find the compositions on one specific topic or the compositions of a particular student. In the right bar of this blog you will find three links labelled Group 1, 2 and 3 where you can see the real compositions from my students this year. All these blogs have been designed for this syllabus except for the students ones which correspond to my students this year working on topics suggested by D efinitions1 which is our current text book.


KEY COMPETENCES AND OBJECTIVES __________________________________________

The Decree 142/2008 which establishes the general principles of teaching/learning in Batxillerat mentions a series of objectives that students have to attain at the end of Batxillerat as well as a set of competences which have to be developed throughout the whole stage. In the following grid we can see which competences the students develop to help them in the acquisition of the general objectives for Batxillerat

1. Objectives and Key Competences in Batxillerat

Key competences represent the capacity of using skills and knowledge in a cross curricular transferable way in different situations and contexts which require interdisciplinary reflection for a full integration of knowledge, functional learning personal autonomy, so they have to organize our approach to the fulfilling of the main objectives in Batxillerat, that is the development of student s capacities which will make the able to reach Batxillerat goals. The following grid shows how the organization of Batxillerat around key competences helps students to develop the abilities which allow them to reach the objectives marked by the Decree 142/2008.
Batxillerat is organized around the following key competences Communication The communication competence is based on the use of languages in several communicative contexts. This competence involves using oral and written linguistic resources differently so that they can be applied to diverse social and academic circumstances. It constitutes an essential competence to the learning process and to the ability to relate with others and to interact with the world. to help students develop the abilities that all ow them (Objectives) d) To consolidate their reading, studying and routine habits as necessary conditions for an efficient use of the learning process and as a means of personal development. e) To have a good command of Catalan and Spanish both in their oral and written forms. f) To have an effective understanding of one or more foreign languages and a fluent and correct expression when using them. h) To learn about and have a critical view of the contemporary world s realities, their historical past and the main factors of their evolution. To parti cipate in a supportive way in the development and improvement of their social environment.

Information handling and management The competence regarding the handling and management of information is the whole combination of abilities and skills that allow the use of different resources in order to find, gather, select and analyse pieces of information coming from different sources

____________________________________________________________________________KEY COMPETENCES AND OBJECTIVES

and through different communication means, both in an academic environment and in our everyday lives.

i) To have access to the fundamental scientific and technologic knowledge and a good grasp of the basic skills required for their chosen module. g) To use information and communication technologies with competence and responsibility.

Digital knowledge The learning of digital literacy constitutes nowadays a top priority. Its deficit or absence contributes to the impoverishment of personal possibilities not only in the academic world but also in the personal world and, most importantly, in the w ork environment. Research A research competence is the ability to use the relevant knowledge and resources in different ways in order to apply a logic and reasonable method to find answers to questions or to solve relevant problems which haven t been solved yet. This applies to the person s suitable level and range of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Personal and interpersonal skills The competence regarding personal and interpersonal skills is the ability to use the full range of abilities and skills that allow on the one hand getting to know oneself and other people, and on the other, working in environments involving team work.

j) To understand the fundamental elements and procedures of scientific methods and research. To know and assess critically the contribution of science and technology on the changes in life conditions and to consolidate the sensitivity and respect towards t he environment.

a) To exercise democratic citizenship from a global perspective. To acquire as well a civic responsible consciousness inspired in the values of the Spanish Constitution and the Statute of Autonomy of Catalon ia and in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which promotes joint responsibility in the creation of a fair and equal society and favours sustainability. c) To promote effective equal rights and opportunities for both men and women, to analyse and assess critically the existent inequalities and to encourage real equality and non-discrimination of disabled people.

Knowledge and interaction with the world In the area of interaction with the physical world, this competence should allow students to learn the use of resources in a responsible way, being aware of the sustainability of the environment and to acquire rational habits regarding consumption and the management of the individual and collective health.

b) To consolidate a personal and social maturity allowing them to act in a responsible and independent way, and to develop their critical mind. To anticipate and solve personal, family and social conflicts in a non violent way.

The specific competence for the foreign language area is communicative competence and the specific objectives are objectives d and f which refer to the reading habits and to the use of a foreign language respectively .The present syllabus is, however, designed to help students develop the rest of competences to achieve the general goals of Batxillerat. The rest of the competences are present throughout the whole of the units as it is shown in the following grid.

____________________________________________________________________________KEY COMPETENCES AND OBJECTIVES

DISTRIBUTION OF KEY COMPETENCES IN THE UNITS Research and handling / managing Information -Search, select, analyze and present information about Bansky -Search, select, analyze and present information about Almodovar Information and communication technologies Personal and interpersonal welfare Knowledge and interaction of the world -Raise awareness about the difference between Street Art and Vandalism



-Elaboration of a file of slides using Power point -Using a You Tube video to comment a fashion show -Basic analysis of the concept of beauty and raising awareness plurality of beauties -Social use of ICT and prevention of cyberbulling -Respect for older age





Raising awareness about reliability in the sources of information -Search, select, analyze and present information about The Official New 7 Wonders -Search, select, analyze and present information in a webquest posted by the National Portrait Gallery of London

-Debate about the correct use of the net

-Social use of ICT and prevention of cyberbulling Environmental awareness in the building of the new Dubai

-Basic analysis of the concept of beauty and raising awareness plurality of beauties Use of Music for relax -Surfing the net for information about schools abroad Reflection about the meaning of art -Raising awareness about the possibility of studying abroad Raise awareness about future occupations in the world of art

Unit 7 :MUSIC Unit 8 : WITH MY HANDS Unit 9: ART? WHAT S

2. Objectives in the Foreign Language Area

In the end of the stage students have to be able to be an Independent User of English corresponding to B2 in the Common Reference Framework. In the following grid some of the activities developing the necessary skills to reach the objectives are shown.

In the end of 1 Batxillerat students will be able to.. . 1. To regard foreign languages: - as a means of communication, - as learning tools both for accessing other sources of knowledge and information and for transforming them or creating new ones, - and as a way to open possibilities of access to leisure and aesthetic pleasures.


By being involved in the following activities: -Students are exposed to audiovisual, recorded or written real material related to the world of Art, which will be useful for them not only in t heir English language class but also in their other subjects. - Students learn to assess their classmates work (peer assessment).

____________________________________________________________________________KEY COMPETENCES AND OBJECTIVES

2. To participate in face to face, telephone or electronic conversations with native and non -native speakers of the foreign language about subjects related to the learner s environment, such as studies, leisure, everyday life or current issues. To experience as well the linguistic scenarios likely to occur when the foreign language being learnt becomes the main language of communication (travel, exchanges and so on). 3. To produce a logical, straightforward and effective presentation on a subject familiar to them or of personal interest and describe facts, experiences, dreams, hopes and ambitions, and provide reasons and explanations of their opinions and projects in a brief and clear manner. 4. To have a good overall understanding of the main ideas from both oral and written information sources relating to the learner s everyday environment: studies, leisure, everyday life and current issues.

-Students are exposed to interactive activities in the weekly double sessions. -Students have an interactive exam every term, which implies a conversation with a classmate on a given topic.

-Students have to produce an oral presentation every term. -Students learn how to write different kinds of texts in their weekly double sessions. -Students are exposed to audiovisual, recorded or written real material related to the world of Art, which will be useful for them not only in their English language class but also in their other subjects. -Students learn how to extract the main ideas from different texts in different units. -Students learn how to develop different strategies to scan texts in order to find specific information. -Most sessions include exposure to oral, audiovisual or written material on hot topics , teen trends or arts related subjects. -Students always start their work in the Language Lab with a survey or quiz addressed to native speakers, and they often finish it with a song related to the topic they are working in. -Students have a Reading Session every t erm where they have to develop their own strategies for general comprehension and scanning for specific information. -Students are exposed to situations in which they need to analyze structures and extract rules from language patterns. -Students are faced with the absurdity of word for word translation. -Students are regularly faced with their own work by having it projected on a white board for self and peer correction. -Students are taught to be conscious of the fact that dictionaries are just a tool they can use and communicate with but not a solution when e ither writing or speaking English.

5. To enjoy and have an overall understanding of unabridged original versions of material relevant to the student, such as tales and short novels, films, documentaries, comic books, songs, digital productions and so on, using, if necessary, different means of support (dictionaries, gloss aries, subtitles, and so on). 6. To develop a reflective attitude about language in communication in order to improve one s own work as well as to understand others by being able to reason and be critical.

7. To be aware of one s own learning process, learning strategies and available resources, and to become independent to the point that, when leaving school, the student can continue learning those languages taught at their centres and start learning other languages as well. 8. To assess critically different cultural and artistic expressions linked to the social and linguistic reality of the foreign language native speaking community in order to achieve a better understanding of other cultures and better communication with their native speakers. To understand as well the relative value of socio-cultural conventions.

-Students are exposed to all kinds of materials related to the world of art with different communicative aims, which helps them develop a critical spirit. -Students are presented with diverse real literary material which will be used in different activities. They are encouraged not only to understand it but also to appreciate it.

____________________________________________________________________________KEY COMPETENCES AND OBJECTIVES

9. To know and appreciate the multilingual and multicultural richness of the world we live in. To be aware of the different uses of the target language as a first or second language or as the language for international communication in different worldwide geographical areas and in different subject are as, such as business, science, leisure and personal relationships. 10. To accept as an inevitable part of the learning process the anxiety produced by the difficulties that may occur during the communication process in a foreign language. To develop strategies in order to overcome one s own insecurities and sensitivity towards the difficulties experienced by native speakers when using their mother tongue.

-Students are exposed to real English material from all over the world. -Students are exposed to situations where they have to compare their native languages to English.

-Students learn how to deal with ambiguity on a daily basis. Classes start with an oral presentation given by one or two students and their classmates have to assess them. -Students are exposed to situations in which communication is more important than accuracy.

____________________________________________________________________________KEY COMPETENCES AND OBJECTIVES

_______________________________________________________________________ According to the decree 142/2008 the contents in the first year of Batxillerat are categorized into four dimensions which reflect the complex processes of language acquisition.
Communicative Dimension This dimension includes interaction, comprehension and production of oral, written and audiovisual materials. Throughout the school year students have to be provided with communicative contents of all kinds so as to be able to fulfil the specific objectives of the foreign language area at the end of each term. This dimension is divided into three main parts Oral, Written and Audiovisual Interaction Interaction implies general use of language in class, participation in face -to-face and virtual conversations, using turn taking and, debating skills to express opinions on different subjects. and either virtual or paper-supported informal correspondence. Oral, Written and Audiovisual speech comprehension At this stage students have to face activi ties which include a high level of classroom language, a basic understanding of the language functions, intention and basic ideas of any kind of material, inference of meaning through linguistic, paralinguistic and non -linguistic context, and reading of graded or authentic literary or journalistic material. Oral Written and Audiovisual Speech Production Throughout the full year students have to be involved in activities which imply narrating either short fiction stories or personal anecdotes, describing people, objects or places, giving basic opinion and providing argumentative statements, role -playing and using the full range of overarching skills learnt in their productions to improve their accuracy. Research dimension Students must also work with information presented in grids, schemes and diagrams, they have to search for information from different reliable sources and use them to improve th eir abilities of comprehension and expression, they have to cooperate in order to solve different tasks through team work, they have to develop strategies to elaborate academic papers on different topics and to present them in front of the class, and they have to become familiar with basic data processing, and the use of ICT. Plurilingual and intercultural dimension Students have to be involved in activities which involve the perception of the multilingual reality of our world, the awareness of different dialects and sociolects, and the uselessness of word-to word translation, and the appreciation of relevant cultural aspects, behaviours, attitudes, values and beliefs Aesthetic and literary dimension According to the decree 142/2008 students have to perform tasks which involve reading valuable literary texts and expressing their opinions in the form of a piece of work with aesthetic value.


1. Organization of the School Year

This is the official calendar for the next school year. SEPTEMBER 2011- AUGUST 2012 September
Mo Tu We Th 1 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 Fr 2 9 16 23 30 Sa 3 10 17 24 Su 4 11 18 25

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With this official calendar in mind we can sensibly assume that the school year is going to be divided into three terms of eleven or twelve weeks using Christmas and Eastern periods as a division between them. This syllabus is therefore going to consist of three credits divided into three units each. Every credit will last approximately three months and the evaluation and assessment activities for the different units will be used as part of the summative evaluation for the term mark.

2. Organization of the Contents

All the previously mentioned contents have to be organized in three credits of three units each. In every unit students will have different kinds of tasks related to nine topics. As Escola Massana offers only artistic Batxillerat, all the topics will deal with the world of art and creativity. The school year is divided in to three credits of three units each. All the units will offer the students the opportunity to deal with tasks related to the three dimensions in the following way.

2.1. Communicative Dimension The communicative dimension of the language is going to be presented as follows 2.1.1 .Interactive Activities. Interactive Split Sessions Students have three hours per week: One day we have one hour session with the whole group and another day we have a two hour session in which there is a division of the group in two smaller ones in the second hour. The group is split into two. One half of the group goes to the language lab and the other half remains in the classroom for a fully interactive class. All the activities in the doubled class are meant for students to interact either in pairs or in teams, therefore the task of the teacher is to monitor and encourage students interaction. The teacher becomes a facilitator that provides support to students learning task. Interaction in General Sessions Whatever materials students are going to be presented with, the approach is communicative. The use of English as the main language in class is a must and students are asked to use English in any given situation.


Interaction Test At the end of every term students have an interactive test. We arrange students to meet in small groups. Out of these groups we select a pair at random on the same day, so that they cannot prepare their interaction in advance. The aim of the test is spontaneous interaction. They have to interact for five minutes talking about one of the topics or activities they have worked on in the split sessions. They have the support of a meaningful picture on a slide and they are assessed by the two teachers in the English department. 2.1.2. Listening Activities Formal Oral Presentations Our lessons start every day with an oral presentation given by one or two of the students. These oral presentations are assessed by the presenter him or herself, the teacher and a group of classmates selected at random. This implies that all of our sessions start with a listening activity. This peer assessment method draw the students attention not only to the fluency and accuracy of the student who is presenting but also to the whole set of paralinguistic communicative skills, such as body language, tone of voice and expression. Classroom Listening Every time a new topic is introduced, we find either recorded or audiovisual material to introduce it. Students are exposed to native speakers of English from all over the world so that they can understand all kinds of accents. These materials are either posted in the Classroom Projections blog or played in the classroom hi -fi. Formal Listening tests Students have two formal listening tests per term; these consist of high quality recorded material of three minutes which students can listen only twice. They might be given the meaning of relevant difficult vocabulary if needed. The test has ten multiple choice questions with three or four possible answers. 2.1.3.Reading Activities Graded Readers Students read a graded reader per term. At the beginning of the school year they take a level test and they are divided into three levels.


-Lower achievers with a poor level of English comprehension who can choose among six tittles of the third level of Oxf ord and Penguin graded readers. -Students with a standard levelof English who can choose among six tittles of fourth level Oxford and Penguin graded readers. -Students with a very high level ofEnglish whocan chose among six original novels. Reading in the Classroom Students are presented with at least one carefully selected text in every unit. This text will be used to practice different reading strategies as well as a source of new vocabulary and grammar. Reading Session Students have to read an original short story in class. They can use dictionaries. Their test has two parts; on the one hand there are ten specific questions which can be answered without having understood the full text and on the other there are five longer questions which imply a more general understanding of the story. In this way they have both to scan for specific information and skim for a general comprehension of the text. This gives as well weaker students an opportunity to find the specific answers even if they are not able to fully understand the story.

2.1.4. Speaking Activities Formal oral presentation Every student has to give an oral presentation every term. These are prepared presentations and there is one per term. -1st termTell us a fairy tale. Students have to choose a well-known fairy tale and they tell it in front of the class but in 1 st person. They have to tell the story from the point of view of one of the characters . Paralinguistic skills such as body language, expression and tone of voice will be required an d assessed. Students get familiar with the structure of a narrative text. -2nd termComment on a Proverb or a Quote . Students have to choose an English proverb or a quote by a famous person. They have to give their opinion in the form of an argumentative essay. They cannot use translated Spanish proverbs.


-3rd termDescription of a painting. Students have to choose a painting among the ones they are going to study in 2 ndBatxillerat Art history and describe it using a framework given by an Art history teacher. Description is a basic text type and in terms of English use I should have placed this presentation first but I have considered that it is an excellent cross-curricular activity which helps students in their way to second year of Batxillerat. In fact they do not do Art history in first year of Batxillerat so they analyse this compulsory painting in the English class for the first time. There are approximately forty paintings and thirty-five students. Nevertheless students are allowed to do a presentationabout the same work of art, even if there are some repetitions they are exposed to more or less half of the paintings they will have to study the following year. These presentations will be teacher, self and peer assessed. Informal Oral Presentations Students are requested to finish most of their interactive classes with a short individual presentation. Speaking in Class. Students use English as the main language in class, and they are requested to speak about a specific topic in the form of a short oral speech.

2.1.5. Writing Activities Short Quick Writings for Practice. Every time students go to the language lab they finish their tasks by posting a short composition in their Group Blogs. These compositions are not only good for students to practice but we also project them on the board in class as a way to prepare for the assessed formal compositions Assessed Formal Compositions. Every term students have to write two assessed formal written compositions in class. They are given a title and they have to follow the format they have practiced in class.

2.1.6.Increasing Vocabulary Units focus on an artistic topic and all the materials either oral or written are used to increase students vocabulary, by both exposing them to challenging materials and

asking them to activate their newly acquired vocabulary. Language Lab tasks are structured in such a way that pre activities lead to a final composition. For example they may start with vocabulary games, podcasts and short readers related to the topic and the language structures they may need for their writing 2.1.7.Dealing with Grammar In first year of Batxillerat students strengthen and revise their use of the English verbal system as well as the passive voice and reported speech structures. Grammar rules are inferred from context and presented in communicative situations. Students have a grammar resources section in every unit so that they can improve their knowledge of the language. Students have two vocabulary and grammar exams per term. The plurilingual, aesthetic and research dimensions are object of our focus in all units as it is explained in their development. 2.2. Plurilingual Dimension I have considered the plurilingual dimension as part of knowledge of the language. The intelligent analysis of similarities and differences between the functioning of different languages avoiding word for word translation is a good way of improving both, the mother tongue and English. This can help students to see language not as a set of rules but as a conception of the world. 2.3. Aesthetic Dimension As this is a syllabus meant for Art students, the focus is on art and aesthetics with many cross-curricular aspects. However the present syllabus offers students at least a literary piece per unit. 2.4. Research Dimension In every unit students have to search, select, analyze, process and present different kinds of data but they will have to specifically develop their research skills in the Question of the Week post in the Detective Corner. These are a set of questions related to the topic of the unit they are developing. Fast finishers can solve them in Language Lab sessions and, any of them can solve them as homework. They are not part of the term evaluation but may help to round their mark in a positive way. These questions imply a certain amount of r eading of quality information. The answer doesn t appear if you type the question in G oogle and it is not in the first lines of Wikipedia, but, in general, they are easy-to-find trivia questions.

3. Catering for Diversity

Massana s English classes are multilevel, there is not flexible grouping and there are thirty-five students per group. This implies that there are very different levels of previous achievement of English among Massana students. However the school offers students the opportunity to use the language lab as a self-access class one hour and a half per week. In there they can practice their weaknesses on their own, in pairs or in group under the supervision of one of the teachers. At the beginning of the school year students take a preliminary exam in order for us to detect strong weaknesses as soon as possible. Students with poor performances are highly recommended to go to the self-access class. Class teachers and parents are also informed about this opportunity. There is also an adaptation in the level of graded readings for both students with difficulties and students with a very good previous level of English. Individual study plans are considered in the case of disabilities and special needs. Some informal common sense attitudes on the part of the teachers can be applied sometimes to reasonably cater for diversity -Pairing off students of different levels so that they can help each other -Making sure that students with difficulties understand what they have to do -Eventually giving them more time in exams if it is possible and useful for them -Making them participate in class when the teacher can reasonably assume they are going to do well -Planning differential activities

4. Cross-curricular Contents
This syllabus is meant for Artistic Batxillerat students, so it is organized around the world of art and creativity. The choice of topics dealt with in the units, the oral presentations students have to prepare, the materials used to make them interact in the split sessions, the materials posted in the Language Lab blog and the projections in class are related to the world of Art. It is not easy to find material which is useful for both language learning and raising awareness of artistic topics, however, throughout the whole syllabus, several activities related to the other subjects in Batxillerat are planned.

One of the clearest examples of this cross-curricular intention is the choice of topics for the prepared oral presentations that students have to do every term. Students develop several types of text in oral form; a narrative in the first term, an argumentation in the second term and a description in the third term, so they are practising different frameworks for different types of texts which is useful for their expression skills not only in Engli sh but also in any other languages. Moreover, the oral presentation in the third term is the description of a painting included in the list of paintings that they will have to analyze on second year of Batxillerat so the instructions for this description w ere planned together with the teachers of History of Art. The following grid shows the subjects on first year of Batxillerat in Massana and the activities planned in the syllabus related to other subjects in our students curriculum:
-Catalan and Castilian -Science in Contemporary World -Philosophy -Physical Education

Applied Subjects
-Volume -Artistic Drawing -Technical Drawing

Elective subjects
-Plastic Techniques -Pottery,-Glass,-Jewellery,Wood,-Bookbinding -French

Unit 1 :STREET ART Unit 2:CINEMA Unit 3:FASHION -Catalan and Castilian. Writing reviews -Catalan and Castilian. Reading authentic literary short stories, Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel s Coat by Roald Dahl and the poem Warning by Jenny Joseph -Science in contemporary world. Raising awareness of the changes in our way of building knowledge -Catalan and Castilian. Reading literary authentic material, The Silken Tent by Robert Frost. -Catalan and Castilian. Reading authentic literary materials; The Oval Portrait by Edgar Allan Poe and The Colonel s Lady by S.t Maugham

- First contact Street Art


-Basic analysis of colour and shape in clothes.

- First contact with Street Art -Opinions about movies and movie posters - Opinions on jewellery and complements


-Basic analysis of the format of websites

-Basic analysis of format of websites




-Introduction to modern architecture and building -Analyzing works of art. *

-Raising awareness about the use of different building materials. -Analyzing works of art. *

Unit 7 :MUSIC Unit 8 : WITH MY HANDS Unit 9: WHAT S ART? -Catalan and Castilian Narrative type of texts -Philosophy. Reflection about the meaning of art

-Basic analysis of CD covers -Using narrative paintings as inspiration -Analyzing works of art. *

-Analysing Craftwork in schools of art abroad -Analyzing works of art. *

*The analysis in the activities has been revised by the teachers of Artistic

Drawing, History of art and Plastic


5. Hidden curriculum
We can describe hidden curriculum as a set of unstated norms, values, and beliefs that are transmitted to students through the underlying educational structure, the expectations of behaviour that we all seem to know, but were never taught (Bieber, 1994). In the case of foreign language learning and teaching the choice and focus of topics and activities allows both teachers and students to reinforce education in values. In the present syllabus this education in values has been taken into account in the different units by planning activities which aim to reinforce students education in several aspects. Social, civic and cultural education . Students have to develop social skills as responsible citizens as well as an interest in the cultural aspects of their environment and respect for their own and others culture. Some of the activities focus on that aim.

Education for Peace and Tolerance. Conflicts have to be dealt with an increasing degree of maturity. They have to learn how to debate and argue in a tolerant and empathic way. Respect for the others and the environment are a must in education. Respect and tolerance are taught in our lessons on a daily basis by encouraging students to face other people s opinion and ways of life with respect and tolerance avoiding narrow-minded and inflexible vision of their social environment.

Education for Sexual Equality and Construction of Self Concept. Gender and sexual equality are concepts which must be developed, they are granted in legal terms but statistics show that there is still a lot of work to be done. In relation to this the construction of self-concept (basic in our Batxillerat students) might be biased by unequal stereotypes. Some of the activities in this syllabus are meant for a healthy construction of self-concept.


HIDDEN CURRICULUM IN THE UNITS Social, Civic and Cultural Education Unit 1 :STREET ART Debating about vandal attitudes in the world of Graffiti Approximation to classic cinema Listen to classmates role play performances with respect Activities dedicated to raise students awareness of correct use of the net Readings and projections dedicated to raise environmental and cultural awareness Analysis of works of art Education for Peace and Tolerance Bansky s paintings in Israeli s Wall depicting holes of happiness in the middle of the conflict Watching the final speech of The Great Dictator Debating about respect for extreme fashion trends Different approaches to cyberbullying Analyzing the choice of the world s new 7 wonders as an example of worldwide respect for art Activities dedicated to analyze the concept of conventional and nonconventional types of beauty Debating about sexual stereotypes in the cases of Madonna and Lady Gaga Education for Sexual Equality and Construction of Self Concept Banski s paintings of kisses between policemen Sexual Equality for All Commenting on female roles in Hollywood classics Reading a poem about the different concepts of beauty and adequacy Analysing sexual and gender stereotypes as a cause of cyberbullying





Unit 7 :MUSIC

Unit 8 : WITH MY HANDS Unit 9: WHAT S ART?

Activities dedicated to improve and test students music literacy Searching for information about studying abroad Activities dedicated to raise awareness about the contradictions of the world of art

Analyzing the lyrics of some songs from the point of view of tolerance

Analysis of works of art using recycled materials

Talking about woman artists productions


METHODOLOGY __________________________________________
The Decree 142/2008 clearly favours a communicative approach when it indicates that The ideal aim to achieve is not to resemble a native speaker but to become an efficient user of the target language in real communication, thus communication has priority over formal accuracy . Those are the methodological procedures which should be applied throughout the whole school year. The methodological tips here are related to: -Warm ups or revision activities -Productive activities, writing and speaking -Receptive activities, listening and reading -Activities to improve students knowledge of the language (Overarching skills)

1. Warm Ups or Revision Activities

Whenever teachers and students are going to face a new material it is the teacher s duty to activate their previous knowledge and help them to predict the information they are going to come across as well as arising a certain degree of interest and motivation. Students should be encouraged to reflect on their language learning and their study techniques and strategies. Every new material or activity presented in the classroom has to be introduced either with a revision of students previous knowledge or with a predicting warm up. The hang man with the main topic word describing the material to follow The Definition game (Pasapalabra). Students are in two lines: Line A has 2 minutes to define words from a previously studied text to studen ts in line B. Scatergories. Students have three minutes to complete grids such as the following categorizing vocabulary e.g. cinema: genres, professions, and people Guess what. Teacher mimes or fakes a situation and students have to guess. Today s Question. The question is on board when students come in.

Spider Web. Teacher gives a central word and students say words related to it, which are noted on the board around the central word Crazy Duster. This is more of a revision activity to end a class; it is common to finish the class with a great deal of words written on the board, teacher wipes off parts of the words and the students then need to reconstruct what was written on the board. In their productive activities either oral or written students have to be aware that communication is their final objective but at the same time they have to express themselves with a certain degree of accuracy. However they have to understand that mistakes are part of the process of learning a language.

2. Speaking Activities
This is carried out during all sessions. The main aim is communication but stress is put on a certain degree of accuracy and pronunciation. There are three main types of speaking practice: 2.1. Formal Speaking Practice There is one oral presentation every term. Guided individual output (assessed). 2.2. Formal Oral Interaction Practice There is an oral interaction test every term. Students have to talk in pairs about a slide for five minutes (assessed). 2.3. Less Formal Speaking Practice Pair/group oral activities basically in the double sessions. 2.4. Ungraded Spontaneous Speaking Practice in the classroom.

3. Writing Activities
The students writing practice is always guided and related to the lesson topics or topics of personal interest. Studen ts are exposed to models or samples, provided with a framework and offered key language items. The activities in the blog in the split sessions always finish with a short guided composition. These guided activities are published in the group s blog and reg ularly projected and corrected in the classroom so that students can learn the correct way to face a certain type of text. These class projections are carried out just before the class writing test providing students with the adequate strategies.

4. Reading Activities
In their reading and listening activities students have to decode the meaning of several types of texts, either written or recorded using any kind of anticipation and comprehension strategies The choice of materials is as important as the way of presenting them. Here are some tips for presenting reading materials 4.1. Iconic anticipation. Students have to describe the pictures in the text and through them try to guess what the text is going to be about, this is a good activity if texts are presented with pictures. 4.2. First and last lines The first and last line of a text are written or projected on the board and students have to guess what the text is going to be about. 4.3. Divide the text in parts. This is a pair work activity. Students A are given the first part of the text and students B are given the second. They have to read them and tell the other student what they have read, and then the reading activity becomes an interactive one. 4.4. Reading Strategies The way students read the text in terms of speed can be either quick or slow, and in the case of quick reading students can: Skim: Read to get the gist of a passage Scan: Read to find specific information . They have to develop strategies of full general comprehension of the different paragraphs trying to avoid translating meaning word by word. The way students read the text in terms of volume can be: Silent. The most common one, good for individual or pair work, it is the one used to scan or skim information Aloud. Very useful to practice pronunciation and intonation and needed when we want to put in common written information. In both silent and aloud reading it is recommended to use the recorded version if it is available.


5. Listening
5.1. Recorded materials As it was in the case of reading it is important to present all recorded materials we offer to our students in a proper way. Students should have the opportunity to listen to the material more than once and have been exposed to the key difficult words beforehand. A part from the anticipation strategies used in reading activities the following are adequate as well for listening activities. Musical anticipation. It is a wonderful approach if you find the perfect music related to the topic of the reading. Key words. Listening for stressed words can help students identify what is important and what the main ideas are. Identifying value judgements. Listening for specific words or information that suggest positive or negative values

In the case of formal listening students have to develop specific strategies for listening tests. They have to read the questions carefully in order to; Predict content.This will help students to predict what the topic is about so they can listen for the main idea. Predict possible answers.In the case of multiple choice tests they can probably predict the correct answer or at least the odd one . This is a good anticipation strategy.

5.2. Non-recorded listening activities Many other listening activities may not be recorded exercises. Other options are collecting comments from the class, dictation, teacher and other students comments and/or questions, retelling what your teacher/partner tells you, say if it is true or not for you... A very important activity in this sense is the peer assessment of oral presentations which implies that students have to listen to their classmates in an intelligent way and that they are expected to give feed-back in the form of assessment. In their receptive activities, reading and listening, they have to be aware that reading and listening to specific material in a foreign language may be a rather ambiguous


process that involves processing unknownlinguistic and cultural input, which might eventually cause uncertainty on the part of readers, so they have to develop their ambiguity tolerance strategies. It is necessary however to increase their knowledge of the language with what Kristyn Kidney in Tolerance of Ambiguity and Second Language Acquisitioncalls overarching skills.

6. Knowledge of the language (Overarching skills)

In Tolerance of Ambiguity and Second Language Acquisition Kristyn Kidney says Some skills are required for both receptive and productive aspects of language. These

overarching skills include grammar, vocabulary, cultural context, and self-study. Therefore these overarching skills belong both to the communicative and the plurilingual dimension of the content of the present syllabus. The Decree 142/2008 mentions that The learner is in the position of analyzing ( ) the pragmatic and cultural differences and similarities between languages, becoming aware of the different ( ) ways languages and cultures build their linguistic systems, their phonologic, grammatical, discursive and pragmatic rules. It also talks about the necessity of presenting new vocabulary and grammar rules as part of the natural communicative processes. Far from rejecting the native language of students, the teacher needs to encourage the awareness of one s own language. This implies:

Inferring grammar rules from real communicative situations rather than giving them as part of a language theory. Eliciting vocabulary from authentic materials. Activating any kind of previous grammatical or vocabulary knowledge using communication as a tool. Referencingnewly acquired vocabulary and grammar in a systematic way but giving students the option to choose their own ways of doing so.


_____________________________________________________ 1. Initial Evaluation (Placement Test)
At the beginning of the school year students take a placement to know their level of achievement. These tests are aimed for teachers and students guidance, they are not part of students assessment.

2. Credit Assessment
As I have already mentioned we have a full school year divided into three credits of three units each. In 1st year of Batxillerat in Escola Massana there are three Juntes d avaluaci (Assessment meetings) per year so I consider the credit the basic unit o f assessment. There is a formal assessment of all skills throughout the term but not throughout every single unit.



Above we have the structure of a single term of approximately twelve weeks. There are three sessions per week but two of them are in a row. In the two hour sessions,we have a session for the whole group first, then the group is divided into two . Half of the group goes to the language lab while the other half remains in the classroom for an oral interaction class. The two hour sessions are eventually used for the long evaluation of a task, that s why in the previous grid there is one column for the classes with the whole group and a second column with two cells, one for the class with the full group and another for the class with the small group. There are eight sessions reserved for assessment tasks. During these days students takes nine different tests. Their marks together with the oral presentation mark will constitute the final mark of the term. The following grid shows the location of the different evaluation activities in the different units so that all the skills are evaluated every term
DISTRIBUTION OF THE ASSESSMENT TASKS IN TERMS OF SKILLS AND UNITS COMMUNICATIVE DIMMENSION AND PLURILINGUAL DIMENSION Interact Street art Cinema Listening Test Interact. Session Listening Test Graded Reader Test Reading Session Receptive skills Listening Reading Productive skills Speaking Writing Oral presentations Oral presentations Oral presentations Oral presentations Oral presentations Oral presentations Oral presentations Listening Test Interact Session Listening Test Graded Reader Test Reading Session Oral presentations Oral presentations Writing Test Writing Test Writing Test Writing Test Vocabulary & Grammar Test Vocabulary & Grammar Test Vocabulary & Grammar Test Vocabulary and Grammar Test Overarching skills Vocabulary Grammar Vocabulary & Vocabulary & Grammar Test Grammar Test Vocabulary & Grammar Test Vocabulary and Grammar Test

Fashion Internet Landmarks

Listening Test Interact. Session Listening Test

Portraits Music With my hands What s art?

Graded Reader Test Reading Session

Writing Test Writing Test

Vocabulary & Grammar Test Vocabulary & Grammar Test

Vocabulary & Grammar Test Vocabulary & Grammar Test

3. Oral presentation
Description of the Task.Presenter student throws a dice to randomly select her/his peer assessment team of classmates and they receive their assessment form. Then the oral presentation starts, which should last more or less three minutes.The student

assesses him/herself and the teacher and classmates give their assessment as well. The peer assessment team collects all the assessment forms and gets out of the classroom. At this point the final oral presentation mark is the classmates responsibility Assessment Criteria.Classmates receive a form with ten descriptors to be graded 0, 0.5 or 1. Two of them are related to accuracy and the rest are related to fluency and body language which are the skills to be assessed in an oral presentation.
NAME: 1- The language used is adequate for the topic 2-The presenter used correct structures and vocabulary 3-The presenter caught my attention 4-The presenter prepared the speech properly 5-The speech was coherent 6-The presenter stood up and made eye contact with me 7-The presenter used effective gestures and adequate tone of voice 8-Length is adequate 9-The presenter spoke at a good pace and volume 10-The presenter appeared relaxed and faced the audience 0 0.5 1

4. Vocabulary and Grammar Test

Description of the Task.These are quite conventional exams, which are meant to reinforce accuracy and consist of a set of specific questions on vocabulary and grammar with correct/incorrect answers . These exams are prepared following certain criteria. -Asking vocabulary through definitions or meaningful fill in the gaps avoiding Spanish-English translations (Students often play the Definitions game in class in order to prepare for this way of activating vocabulary) -Favouring rephrasing rather than fill in the gaps exercises for grammar questions so that students see grammar not as a sort of magic rule they have to learn for an exam but as something that can help them in their expression. Assessment Criteria.In these tests students show their level of achievement regarding English structures in a controlled and set up context. They help students enrich their expression

5. Listening Test
Description of the Task.Students listen to a three-minute recorded text twice and answer ten multiple choice questions with three or four distractors.

Assessment Criteria.Students must show comprehension of the recorded material as well as understanding of the questions.

6. Writing Test
Description of the Task. Students have to write a 150 word composition on a given topic using a given structure. They do not know the exact title of the composition till the moment of the exam but they know that the topic and the structures will be among the ones covered in class. For example the first composition can be a film review or an opinion essay on the topics of fashion or cinema Assessment Criteria.Students adaptation to the format and the title of the

composition is a central criterion while evaluating writing; we also have to positively mark the use of recently acquired new vocabulary because in this way we encourage them to improve and enrich their written expression.

7. Graded Reader Test

Description of the Task . These testsare meant to check whether students have read the book or not and they consist of a set of specific questions with correct/incorrect answers on the characters or facts of the book. Questions are very specific so that students who haven t read the book cannot pass the exam watching the movie or just having been explained the book by one of their classmates. Tests are generally based on the ones offered by the publishers but we adapt them because many of them are available on the Internet. Assessment Criteria.Students show their level of reading and comprehension of their graded readings

8. Original Novel Test

Description of the Task. These are also meant to check whether students have read the book or not and they consist of a set of specific questions about characters or facts of the book but they are longer than the ones in graded readers. These are very competent students and need a more challenging kind of questions. Questions are also


extremely specific so that students who haven t read the book cannot p ass the exam watching the movie or just having been explained the book by one of their classmates. Assessment Criteria. The criteria here is seeing whether students have read the book or not.

9. Reading Session
Description of the Task. Students have two hours to read an original literary short story to answer ten specific questions and five general questions. The exam is meant for students to reinforce their scanning and skimming skills (which also forces them to spend two hours of their lives reading). Assessment Criteria. Students show their capabilities for both finding very specific information and answering more general questions.

10. Oral Interaction

Description of the Task. Students keep a 4-minute conversation with a classmate about a slide showing an iconic representation of some of the topics worked in class. The two English teachers of the department listen to, monitor and assess the conversation. Assessment Criteria. Teachers use an assessment form with ten descriptors to be graded 0, 0.5 or 1. Two of them are related to accuracy and the rest are related to interaction and fluency which are the skills to be assessed in the case of interaction. This is the grid used for the assessment of students interaction

NAME: 1.Use accurate vocabulary 2.Use accurate grammar 3.Make clear organized comment on photos 4.Speak without long pauses 5.Speak clearly enough to be understood 6.Express and justify opinion 7.Open and close conversations, agree and disagree 8.Follow the examiner s instructions 9.Make comments and suggestions 10.Keep the conversation going





11. Summative Evaluation

All these marks constitute the final term mark which in Batxillerat is expressed in whole numbers without decimals. The compositions in the blog, homework and attendance will round the mark upwards or downwards. At the end of the year an approximate average mark (adjusted to favour the 3rd term) of the three terms will give the final mark of the year.

12. Remedial action

If a student doesn t have a successful final mark, at the end of the year he or she has the opportunity of taking a global test in June. Description of the Task. In our case the test consists of a composition on any of the formats and topics dealt with in first year of Batxillerat, a listening and a reading comprehension test with 10 multiple choice questions with three or four distra ctors, and a prepared oral presentation describing a painting which should be different to any they had already described. Assessment Criteria. With this final test, Teachers have to decide if the student has achieved the objectives of first year of Batxillerat and is prepared to face the following year.


BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INFORMATION SOURCES __________________________________________

DECRET 142/2008, de 15 de juliol, pel qual s estableix l ordenaci dels ensenyaments del batxillerat. ERTEN, I.H., ZEHIR TOPKAYA,E. Understanding Tolerance of Ambiguity of EFL Learners in Reading Classes at Tertiary LeveL. Novitas-ROYAL, 2009, Vol.: 3(1), 29-44. KIDNEY, K. Tolerance of Ambiguity and Second Language Acquisition . Teaching English. Touching the World. [online: ] OXFORD, R. The Role of Styles and Strategies in Second Language Learning. ERIC Digest.1989. [on line:] XIE F., JIANG X. Error analysis and the EFL classroom teaching. US-China Education Review. Sep. 2007, Vol 4(9)

BOWLER, B. Power 1. Student's Book. Richmond Publishing. Madrid, 2006. GRANT, E., PAYNE, K. Viewpoints for Bachillerato 1 Student's Book. Burlington Books. Madrid, 2010. MCGUINNESS, J.Definitions 1. MacMillan. Madrid, 2008. WILLIAM, A. Bridges 1. Students Book. Burlington Books. Madrid, 2008.

DONAGHY , K. Film English. [on line: ] Gunn,C. Lanternfish.[on line:] One Stop English [online:]

Short Stories
WEST ,C. (ed.), From the Cradle to the Grave. Oxford University Press. Oxford: 1993. DAHL,R.Mrs Bixby and the Colonel s Coat, in Clare WEST (ed.). From the Cradle to the Grave. Oxford University Press. Oxford: 1993. MAUGHAM,S.The Colonel s Lady, in Clare WEST (ed.). From the Cradle to the Grave. Oxford University Press. Oxford: 1993. Leila A BOULELA, The Museum, in Coloured Lights. Polygon. Edinburgh: 2001
___________________________________________________________________BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INFORMATION SOURCES

Guided debate Graffitti. Art or vandalism Who s Bansky? Strategy Listening for general information Entertainment radio show Strategy Listening for tone of voice Clothes talk Strategy Main ideas The secret artist Strategy Reading for general information Space cadets Strategy Interpreting pronouns They ve got the look Strategy Predicting content Second life, an alternative life in a 3d world Strategy Guessing words from context DubaiArchitectural Wonderland Strategy Scanning for specific information A New Model of beauty. Strategy Iconic anticipation Wanna be a star? Strategy Skimming the general ideas A prospectus of an Art School in Glasgow Strategy Scanning for specific information A selection of BBC news relating art and money Strategy Sharing information


Justifying opinion Is this art? An opinion essay: Street art


Informal conversation Choosing a movie

Recommendations Which movie would you recommend me? Expressing opinions Let s talk about extreme teen trends Talking about relationships Facebook

A film review


Commenting on a projected fashion show

A dialogue


Expressing value judgments Cyberbulling

Talking about relationships Strategy Identifying value judgments

An email


Discussing about landmarks The official new 7 wonders

A guided tour Strategy Listening for specific information

Description of Landmarks The official new 7 wonders

A description of a place


Describing people Blind dates

In a Museum Strategy Predicting wrong answers A radio interview Strategy Using previous knowledge A short film presenting the ArtSchool Strategy Listening for general comprehension

Analyzing portraits Top ten portraits in history Presenting songs

A description of a person


Music literacy contest

A biography of a famous person


Contrast and put information in common

Talking about Art schools

A narrative


Debate about what we can consider art using some polemic works

An interview with artist Wendy Holden Strategy Understanding irony

Present information about the relationship between art and money

For and against essay:


Graffiti and Teen trends Present Simple and Continuous State Verbs



Watching fragments of the film Exit through the gift shop

Using wikipedia as a first basic source of information

Cinema and entertainment

Past Simple and Past Continuous Past Perfect Used to Present perfect

Watching a chapter of Fawlty Towers

Reading entertainment section of newspapers Surfing the net for information

Clothes and Fashion

Reading and listening to the poem Warning. Reading an original story by RoaldDahl Reading and listening to the poem The good old days Watching fragmentsof the movie The Social Network

W 4 I N T E R 5

Information technology

Future simple, going to and present continuous Future continuous and future perfect

Short research on social websites

Buildings Houses

Defining relative clauses Non-defining relative clauses

Reading The Silken Tent by Robert Frost

Treasure hunt about the 7 wonders

Portraits Personal Descriptions

Modal Verbs Modal Perfects

Watching Fragments of The Girl in a Pearl Earring

A webquest in the National portrait gallery



First and second conditionals Third conditional

Analyzing and singing songs Karaoke

Music quizzes


Reported Speech Reported Statements Reported Questions Reported Orders, requests and commands

Using paintings to develop stories

Searching for information about studying abroad


Passive voice Present, past and future passives Passive Questions

Reflection and considerations about the meaning of Art

Reflection and considerations about the meaning of Art

Modal passives

UNITS CODE The following pages show the distribution of the contents into units, all the units have been designed to develop the objectives, competences, contents, methodology and assessment previously explained in the present syllabus. In every unit we find: 1- OBJECTIVES. They follow the statement In the end of this unit students have to be able to...." 2- CONTENT. The content is specified in the form of a grid in which the four dimensions are represented; -Communicative dimension. Showing the Productive and Receptive Skills, that is, the Interaction, Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing activities of the unit -Plurilingual dimension. The Overarching Skills, the activities dedicated to improve the Vocabulary, Grammar and Communicative Strategies of students -Aesthestetic dimension. Activities involving literary or aesthetic content -Research dimension. Activities meant to develop and reinforce students Research Competence. 3- RESOURCES. In this part equipment and materials are specified. Linked to the present printed syllabus a series of blogs have been set up with all the mater ials used. -Introductory blog. URL , This blog will direct to the rest of the blogs designed for the present syllabus. -Classroom projections blog. You can get to this blog by clicking the corresponding link in the introductory blog or in the URL -Split sessions blog. You can also get there by clicking its corresponding link in the introductory blog or by using the URL This blog gathers the materials to be used in the Split Sessions with the half of the students. -Language Lab blog. Access to this blog can also be found in the introductory blog and in the URL There we can find the activities to be done in the computer room, those are listening, reading or vocabulary exercises which will introduce the students in the task of writing a composition. All these blogs have been designed for this syllabus except for the ones of the students which correspond to my students this year working on topics suggested by Definitions1 which is our present text book. 4- DISTRIBUTION OF CONTENT IN SESSIONS. The grid shows the teaching and learning activities that every session involves as well as the skills and the competences developed. The code is: Skills.-I. Interaction, -L. Listening, -R. Reading, -S. Speaking, -W. Writing, -V&G. Vocabulary and Grammar Competences.-IH&M. Information handling and management, -D. Digital knowledge, R. Research, -P. Personal and interpersonal skills, -K&I. Knowledge and interaction with the world

5- EVALUATION.The grid shows the evaluation tasks and the procedures and criteria.


Art is either plagiarism or revolution. Paul Gauguin 1. OBJECTIVES
-Understand classroom procedures and general evaluation system -Understand their placement in a particular level -Participate in oral interactions in the classroom -Have previous knowledge activated -Have necessary elements to assess their own and other students performances -Overcome inhibitions to communicate in target language -Talk about street art -Express their opinion in written and oral texts -Enter the virtual Language Lab, post compositions, enter links of recommended websites -Use present simple, present continuous and state verbs in a correct way

COMMUNICATIVE AND PLURILINGUAL DIMENSION INTERACTIVE, RECEPTIVE AND LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE(OVERARCHING SKILLS) PRODUCTIVE SKILLS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY STRATEGIES DEVELOPED Interaction.Graffitti. Art or vandalism Listening.Who s Bansky? Reading.The Secret Artist Writing. Is Street Art real Art? Present simple and continuous State Verbs Street Art, Graffiti and teen trends -Guided debate -Listening and reading for general information -Opinion Essay RESEARCH AND AESTHETIC DIMENSION

Watching fragments of the film Exit through the gift shop Using Wikipedia as a first basic resource of information Question of the week. Is there Bansky graffiti in Barcelona?

3. RESOURCES -Equipment.Class projector and Language Lab computers -Materials. Handouts (Letter from the teacher, Who s Bansky, The Secret Artist Grammar exercises), audiovisual materials (Slides and interviews), some grids in the classroom and virtual materials posted in the blogs.

4. DISTRIBUTION OF CONTENTS IN SESSIONS The following grid shows the distribution of the content of the unit in sessions specifying teaching and learning activities as well as the skills developed :

________________________________________________________________________________1 TERM AUTUMN UNITS 1-2-3

Teaching Activities

Learning activities

Skills & Key Competences Developed S ----------P

Session 1 Teacher introduces herself with an oral interactive guessing game Teacher gives students information about and dates for assessments, especially daily oral presentations. Teacher and students decide on the dates for the oral presentation Session 2 Teacher gives students a letter introducing herself Session 3 (Split Session) Teacher takes students to the Language Lab and provides them with the URLs they may need throughout the school year. Teacher guides students through the placement test posted in the Language Lab blog Teacher monitors students task and records their results Session 4 Teacher projects some related slides and elicits opinions from students Teacher provides students with an adapted fragment of Wikipedia to read

Students play guessing game Students take notes of their term agenda and choose a date for their oral presentation

R,W Students read and answer the letter R,W,V&G, L ---------D

Students and browse the blog to get familiar with it Students take their placement tests in the language Lab Students tell their results to the teacher

From this session on, sessions will start with an Oral presentation by one or two of the students. This term oral presentations will consist of the narration of a fairy tale in the first person Students read the text for general information. Students have to look for new vocabulary in the text

S,R ---------K&I,P,I

Session 5 Teacher provides adequate grammar material for Present simple and continuous

Individually, in pairs in teams or as a group class activity students solve and correct different exercises and work on different tasks


Session 6 (Split Session) Teacher proposes a debate and provides students with the adequate materials Teacher guides supports and monitors s tudents work Session 7 Teacher projects an interview with Bansky

Students remain in the class for a Split session which consists of a guided debate on Graffiti. Art or Vandalism.(The other half of the group goes to the Language Lab) Students listen to the interview and give their opinion on Street Art

S --------P,K&I

L,S -----P,K&I W,S

Session 8 Teacher provide students with adequate material about expressing opinion and writing an opinion essay Session 9 (Split Session) Teacher takes students to Language Lab Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 10 Teacher provides adequate grammar material

Students work on the materials individually, in pairs in teams and express their opinions on Street Art Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to Street Art wh ich include writing and posting an opinion essay on their blog Individually, in pairs in teams or as a group class activity students solve and correct

V&G,L,W,R ----D V&G

________________________________________________________________________________1 TERM AUTUMN UNITS 1-2-3

for revision of Present simple and continuous Session 11 Teacher provides students with their tests

different revision exercises and work on different revision tasks V&G Students take their Vocabulary and Grammar Tests S -----P,K&I,I

Session 12 (Split Session) Teacher projects some slides containing photograph of non-conventional pieces of Street Art. Teacher asks students to choose one of them and prepare a short opinion presentation about them, the opinion should start by I think this is Art because....

Students remain in the class and give a presentation their opinions on Is this Art? With the support of selected slides Students have a guided debate on the topic

Tasks 1. Placement Test. Including writing, listening, reading and grammar tasks Procedures and Criteria Placement Test. A composition in the classroom and the rest of the test in the Language Lab. The assessment criteria for this test is to detec t students weaknesses and students with a very poor levels of English which st may have problems in achieving the objectives of 1 year Batxillerat Vocabulary and Grammar Test It is part of the summative evaluation. Students take the test in the classroom. In these tests students show their level of achievement regarding English structures in a controlled and set up context. They help students enrich their expression

2. Vocabulary and Grammar Test. Including words to define and definitions to recall words and rephrasing to test on students grammar knowledge.

________________________________________________________________________________1 TERM AUTUMN UNITS 1-2-3

If my films don't show a profit, I know I'm doing something right. Woody Allen 1. OBJECTIVES
-Participate in oral interactions in the classroom -Raise awareness of the importance of paralinguistic signals in their receptive and productive oral activities -Raise awareness on the importance of interpreting pronouns for the comprehension of a text. -Write film and TV shows reviews -Use the Past tenses in a correct way -Activate and increase vocabulary related to the world of cinema -Overcome inhibitions to communicate in target language -Getting used to their blogs and virtual environments

COMMUNICATIVE AND PLURILINGUAL DIMENSION INTERACTIVE, RECEPTIVE AND LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE(OVERARCHING SKILLS) PRODUCTIVE SKILLS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY STRATEGIES DEVELOPED Interaction.Choosing a movie -Past Simple Cinema and -Informal Listening.Entertainment radio and Past entertainment conversation show Continuous Abstract -Listening for tone Final speech of Chaplin s -Past Perfect nouns of voice movie The Great Dictator -Used to -Interpreting Reading. Space cadets pronouns Writing. A film review RESEARCH AND AESTHETIC DIMENSION

Watching a chapter of FawltyTowers Watching the final speech of The Great Dictator Reading entertainment section of newspapers Question of the week. Which is the record of Oscars for a movie?

3. RESOURCES -Equipment.Class projector and Language Lab computers -Materials. Handouts (Entertainment section of a newspaper, Choosing a movie, Space Cadets), audiovisual materials (Slides, a chapter of Fawlty Towers and the final speech of Chaplin s The Great Dictator), some posters in the classroom and virtual materials posted in the blogs.

4. DISTRIBUTION OF CONTENTS IN SESSIONS The following grid shows the distribution of the content of the unit in sessions specifying teaching and learning activities as well as the skills developed :

________________________________________________________________________________1 TERM AUTUMN UNITS 1-2-3

Teaching Activities Session 1 -Teacher projects a set of Hollywood classics posters and asks students what the unit is going to be about. -Teacher asks students if the movies in the presentation would have been chosen as one of their favourites . - Teacher asks students to choose a movie which they believe deserve being i n a top ten list -Teacher elicits from students names of different films. -Teacher helps students with their task of choosing a top ten list, providing them with some adequate expressions and vocabulary In the end a new presentation is created. Session 2 -Teacher provides students with the text Space Cadets -Teacher asks some of the students for some informal film reviews -Teacher introduces the topic of film reviews Session 3 (Split Session) -Teacher takes students to Language Lab -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 4 -Teacher projects and comments students posts in the Language Lab blog. The compositions will be opinion essays and film reviews. Students have to prepare both types of texts -Teacher guides and supports a process of error analysis. Session 5 -Teacher provides students with their listening tests -Teacher plays the listening recorded text twice. -Teacher projects a short chapter of a TV series (FawltyTowers) and asks students to write a review of the chapter using adequate format, structures and vocabulary. Session 6 (Split Session) -Teacher proposes an interactive activity about Film Festivals and provides students with the adequate materials -Teacher guides supports and monitors students work. Session 7

Learning activities

Skills & Competences S ------D,R,IH&M

-Students answer teacher s questions and concentrate on the topic of cinema. -Individually students choose one movie they think deserves being in a top ten list -In Groups they put together a list of their favourite films in common an d as a class they have to gcome up with a Top ten list. -They have to give arguments to defend their choices. -Two of the students create the new presentation with the help of the rest of the class.

-Students read and understand the text. -Students give some informal film reviews in front of the class

R,S -------IH&M

-Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to Cinema which include writing and posting An opinion essay on their blog -Student have a look at, comment, correct and analyze their own and their classmates compositions -Students understand the types of text they can be asked for in their writing exam in the following class. -Students take part in a process of error analysis. -Students take their listening test -Students write their film reviews

V&G,L,W,R ----D S,W ----------IH&M

-Students remain in the class for a Split session which consists of an interactive activity about Film Festivals in which they have to choose a movie, comment on it and discuss timetables and places using the Festival programme

S,R ------IH&M

________________________________________________________________________________1 TERM AUTUMN UNITS 1-2-3

Teacher provides students with their Graded Reader Tests,. There is not previous revision for this test because this reading has to be don as homework students have to get used to perform long term tasks on their own without help from teachers Session 8 -Teacher plays an entertainment radio show -Teacher provides students with adequate material about Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect and Used to

-Students take their Graded Reader Tests

-Students listen to an entertainment radio show and understand it all, and then they have to comment about the speaker s tone of voice. -Students complete, understand and correct their tasks on past tenses -Students go to the Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to Cinema which include writing and posting a review on their blog -Individually, in pairs in teams or as a group class activity students solve and correct different revision exercises and work on different revision tasks -Students take Grammar Tests their Vocabulary and

L,S,V&G --------P

Session 9 (Split Session) -Teacher takes students to Language Lab -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 10 -Teacher provides adequate grammar material for the revision of Past tenses Session 11 -Teacher provides students with their tests Session 12 (Split Session) -Teacher projects a cloud of abstract nouns and some trailers of movies with tittles including abstract nouns -Teacher proposes a classification and wordbuilding task -Teacher tells the students they are going to see and listen a speech including many abstract nouns and asks them to predict which one are going to appear in the speech -Teacher projects the final speech of Chaplin s film The Great Dictatorand gets feed-back from students -Teacher guides, monitors and supports students tasks

V&G,L,W,R ----D

L,V&G,S,R,W ----------IH&M,P,K&I -In pairs students classify abstract nouns in categories. -Students write a list of predictions

Students watch and comment on the scene

Tasks .Listening Test. Including multiple choice questions with two or three distractors Writing Test. Consisting of a film review of a chapter of a TV series previously projected in the classroom Graded Reader Test. Consisting of a set of correct/incorrect questions, using a different test for every reader Vocabulary and Grammar test. Including words to define, definitions to recall words and rephrasing exercises to test students grammar Knowledge. Procedures and Criteria Listening Test. Students must show comprehension of the recorded material as well as understanding of the questions. Writing Test. Students adaptation to the format and title of the composition is a central criterion while evaluating writing skills; we also have to positively mark the use of recently acquired vocabulary Graded Reader Test Students show their level of reading and comprehension of their graded readings Vocabulary and Grammar TestIn these tests students show their level of achievement regarding English structures in a controlled and set up context. They help students enrich their expression

________________________________________________________________________________1 TERM AUTUMN UNITS 1-2-3

Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months.Oscar Wilde 1. OBJECTIVES
-Participate in oral interactions in the classroom -Write dialogues -Get familiar with literature in English -Use the Present Perfect in a correct way -Activate and increase vocabulary related to fashion -Analyse and correct their own and their classmates writings -Participate in oral interactions for assessment -Reading authentic materials for assessment

COMMUNICATIVE AND PLURILINGUAL DIMENSION INTERACTIVE, RECEPTIVE AND LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE(OVERARCHING SKILLS) PRODUCTIVE SKILLS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY STRATEGIES DEVELOPED Interaction. Commenting on a Present Clothes and Expressing opinions projected fashion show perfect Fashion Main ideas Listening.Clothes talk Predicting content Speaking. Let s talk about Writing dialogues extreme teen trends Reading.They ve got the look Mrs Bixby and the Colonel s coat by RoaldDahl Writing. A dialogue RESEARCH AND AESTHETIC DIMENSION

Reading and listening to the poem Warning. When I am an old lady I shall wear purpleby Jenny Joseph Reading a non-adapted version of Mrs Bixby and the Colonel s coat by RoaldDahl Surfing the net for information

3. RESOURCES -Equipment.Class projector and Language Lab computers -Materials. Handouts (They ve got the look andWarning. When I am an old lady I shall wear purple), audiovisual materials (Slides and podcasts), virtual materials posted in the blogs.

4. DISTRIBUTION OF CONTENTS IN SESSIONS The following grid shows the distribution of the unit s content in sessions specifying teaching and learning activities as well as skills developed

________________________________________________________________________________1 TERM AUTUMN UNITS 1-2-3

Teaching Activities

Learning activities

Skills & Key Competences Developed R,S,W -------P,K&I

Session 1 -Teacher projects the photo of an old woman wearing purple -Teacher elicits from students their opinions about the image and asks students what the poem is going to be about -Teacher provides students with the poem Warning and plays the podcast -Teacher proposes the students the task of changing the poem -Teacher guides, monitors and supports students tasks Session 2 -Teacher provides students with the text and plays the podcast They ve got the look -Teacher elicits from students the vocabulary of the text -Teacher supports the task of inferring the rules of Present Perfect from it

-Students give their opinions on the photo -Students listen and read the poem -In pairs students change the poem by proposing other clothes, foods, and activities for the old lady -Students read their results to the rest of the class aloud with an adequate tone of voice and body language

-Students listen, read and understand the text -Students ask for and reference the vocabulary from this text, from the poem of the previous day and from any other written material that might have appeared in the unit -Students infer the rules of the present Perfect

L,V&G --------IH&M

Session 3 (Split Session) -Teacher takes students to Language Lab -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 4 -Teacher projects and comment students posts in the Language Lab blog. The compositions will be dialogues -Teacher guides and supports a process of error analysis

-Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to Cinema which include writing and posting a dialogue on their blog

V&G,L,W,R ----D

-Student see, comment, correct and analyze their own and their classmates compositions -Students understand the types of text they can be asked for in their writing exam in the following class. -Students take part in a process of error analysis -Students take their listening test -Students write their dialogues

W ------IH&M

Session 5 Teacher provides students with their listening tests -Teacher plays the listening recorded text twice. -Teacher asks students to write a dialogue that could take place in a shop using adequate format, structures and vocabulary Session 6 (Split Session) -Teacher projects a fashion show and asks students to prepare ,in teams, a professional presentation of it -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 7 -Teacher projects an interview with Carolina Herrera -Teacher asks students to prepare a role play of a reporter-designer interview

-Students have to prepare a professional presentation of the projected fashion show

S,W -----D,K&I

-Students watch the interview and prepare one in pairs -Students role play their interview in front of

L,S -----P,K&I

________________________________________________________________________________1 TERM AUTUMN UNITS 1-2-3

-Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 8 & 9 Reading Session -Teacher provides students with a copy of a nonadapted version of Mrs Bixby and the Colonel s coat by RoaldDahl and the questionnaire

the class

-Students read the non-adapted version of Mrs Bixby and the Colonel s coat by RoaldDahl and answer their questionnaires ,they have two hours and they can use dictionaries

Session 10 -Teacher projects Hitchcock s version of the short story Mrs Bixby and the Colonel s coat a (A chapter of Alfred Hitchcock presents...) -Teacher projects some artistic and original Christmas cards and asks students to create one for their classmates -Teachers gives time slots for the oral interaction Session 11 & 12 Oral Interaction -Teachers provide the adequate slides for the interaction -Teachers assess students performances

-Students watch the video -Students create a Christmas Card for a classmate

L,W -----P

-Students interact in pairs with the support of a given slide

Tasks .-Listening Test. Including multiple choice questions with two or three distractors -Writing Test. Consisting of a dialogue in a shop -Reading Session. Students have to read a non-adapted version of Mrs Bixby and the Colonel s coat by RoaldDahl -Oral Interaction. Students have to talk in pairs for four minutes with the support of a given slide Procedures and Criteria Listening Test. Students must show comprehension of the recorded material as well as understanding of the questions. Writing Test. Students adaptation to the format and title of the composition is a central criterion while evaluating writing skill we also have to positively mark the use of recently acquired vocabulary Reading Session. Students show their capabilities for both finding very specific information and answering more general questions. Oral Interaction Teachers use an assessment form with ten descriptors related to interaction and fluency

________________________________________________________________________________1 TERM AUTUMN UNITS 1-2-3

The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow. Bill Gates

-Participate in oral interactions in the classroom -Be able to prepare the second oral presentation -Express opinion -Write an email -Use the future tenses in correct way -Activate and acquire new vocabulary on the topic of internet, computers and ICT -To express value judgments -Participate in guided debates -Participate in informal group oral presentations -raise awareness about the dangers of misuse of ICT

COMMUNICATIVE AND PLURILINGUAL DIMENSION INTERACTIVE, RECEPTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Interaction. Expressing value judgments Cyberbulling Listening.Talking about relationships Reading.Second life, an alternative life in a 3d world and Cyberbulling Speaking. Facebook Writing. An email LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE(OVERARCHING SKILLS) GRAMMAR VOCABULARY STRATEGIES DEVELOPED -Future simple, going to and present continuous -Future continuous and future perfect Information technology -Identifying value judgments - Guessing words from context -Writing an email RESEARCH AND AESTHETIC DIMENSION

Reading and listening to the poem The good old days Watching fragmentsof the movie The Social Network Short research on social websites

3. RESOURCES -Equipment.Class projector and Language Lab computers -Materials. Handouts (Second life, an alternative life in a 3d world and Grammar exercises), audiovisual materials (Slides and interviews), and virtual materials posted in the blogs.

4. DISTRIBUTION OF CONTENTS IN SESSIONS The following grid shows the distribution of the content of the unit in sessions specifying teaching and learning activities as well as the skills developed



Teaching Activities

Learning activities

Skills & Key Competences Developed

Session 1 Teacher projects a quiz about internet vocabulary and elicits answers from students Teacher projects a picture related to Second Life and uses it to warm up the text Teacher provides students with the text Second life, an alternative life in a 3D world Teacher makes sure that students have understood the text and referenced new vocabulary Teacher informs about the tern agenda and both teachers and students decide on the dates for the oral presentation Session 2 Teacher plays a recorded conversation about the social use of the new technologies Teacher asks the students for their opinion about the new model of communication with the new technologies

Students answer the projected quiz Students read the text for general information. Students have to look for new vocabulary in the text Students take note of their term agenda and choose a date for their oral presentation

R,S ------R,IH&M

From this session on, sessions will start with an Oral presentation by one or two of the students. This term oral presentations will consist of the expression of an opinion using a quote or a proverb as topic sentence of an oral opinion essay Students listen and understand the recorded text Students give their opinion on the topic of the social use of new technologies

L,S ----D,IH&M

Session 3 (Split Session) -Teacher takes students to Language Lab -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 4 Teacher projects a video to introduce the text. Teacher provides Students with the text Cyberbulling and guides the reading task Session 5 Teacher provides adequate grammar material for the future tenses Session 6 (Split Session) Teacher proposes a guided debate on Cyberbullying and provides students with the adequate materials Teacher guides supports and monitors students work Session 7 Teacher provide students with data and figures about internet Teacher projects a short report about an AmericanHigh School which talks about the extensive use of new technologies by teenagers Teacher proposes the task of finding good uses for such a new tool

-Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to Internet which include writing and posting an e mail on their blog

V&G,L,W,R ----D

Students read the text focusing their attention on value judgments. Students have to look for new vocabulary in the text Individually, in pairs in teams or as a group class activity students solve and correct different exercises and work on different tasks Students remain in the class for a Split session which consists in a guided debate on Cyberbullying

L,R ------P,D

V&G -----D SL ------D,P

In pairs students prepare a short presentation proposing good uses for the new technologies Students present their proposals to the rest of the class

L,S,W ------D,P



Session 8 Teacher provides students with the BBC news report Internet use good for the brain Teacher projects some slides about emails and internet searching Session 9 (Split Session) Teacher takes students to Language Lab Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 10 Teacher provides adequate grammar material for revision of Future tenses

Students read and understand the report, they check and reference vocabulary

L,S,V&G -------IH&M,D,P V&G,L,W,R ----D

Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to the social use of the Internet which include writing and posting an email including some recommendations on their blog Individually, in pairs in teams or as a group class activity students solve and correct different revision exercises and work on different revision tasks Students take their Vocabulary and Grammar Tests In teams, students prepare a group oral presentation and a powerpoint to support it. In teams, students present their work to the other team


Session 11 Teacher provides students with their tests Session 12 (Split Session) Teacher divides the class in two teams and provides every team with a laptop Teacher proposes the task of creating a powerpoint to support a group oral presentation about a topic related to internet Teacher guides supports and monitors students work

S,W,L ------D,R

Tasks A Vocabulary and Grammar Test. Including words to define and definitions to recall words and rephrasing to test on students grammar acquisition. Procedures and Criteria Vocabulary and Grammar Test It is part of the summative evaluation. Students take the test in the classroom. In these tests students show their level of achievement regarding English structures in a controlled and prepared context. They help students enrich their expression



The higher the buildings, the lower the morals . Noel Cowards 1. OBJECTIVES
Describe places Activate and acquire vocabulary related to architecture and building Use of defining and non-defining clauses in a correct way Raise awareness of the aesthetic values of the buildings Observe and analyse buildings Encourage students to visit important places Analyse and correct their own and their classmates writings Interact with classmates and teacher about architecture Raise awareness of the special places in their own city Read aloud in a proper way

COMMUNICATIVE AND PLURILINGUAL DIMENSION INTERACTIVE, RECEPTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Interaction. Discussing about landmarks. The Official New 7 Wonders Listening.A guided tour Reading.Dubai-Architectural Wonderland Speaking The Official New 7 Wonders. Writing. A description of a place LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE(OVERARCHING SKILLS) GRAMMAR Defining relative clauses Non-defining relative clauses VOCABULARY Buildings STRATEGIES DEVELOPED - Listening for specific information - Scanning for specific information RESEARCH AND AESTHETIC DIMENSION

Reading The Silken Tent by Robert Frost Treasure hunt about the 7 wonders

3. RESOURCES -Equipment.Class projector and Language Lab computers -Materials. Handouts (Dubai-Architectural Wonderland, The Official New 7 Wonders), audiovisual materials (Slides and interviews), and virtual materials posted in the blogs.

4. DISTRIBUTION OF CONTENTS IN SESSIONS The following grid shows the distribution of the content of the unit in sessions specifying teaching and learning activities as well as the skills developed



Teaching Activities

Learning activities

Skills & Key Competences Developed R,S,L,W,V&G --------D,R

Session 1 -Teacher provides students with a text about the origins of The New 7 Wonders -Teacher elicits from students information about The New 7 Wonders -Teacher pre-teaches vocabulary and structures for description of places -Teacher asks students to choose one of the new 7 wonders and describe it Session 2 -Teacher projects a video showing the new buildings of Dubai. -Teacher provides students with the text DubaiArchitectural Wonderland -Teacher uses the text to extract new vocabulary and grammar rules

-Students answer teacher s questions and concentrate on the topic. -In groups of four students prepare a short description of one of the wonders -Student present their descriptions to the rest of the class -Students read and understand the text. -Students practice vocabulary and grammar rules of Defining relative clauses Non -defining relative clauses -Students reference vocabulary and grammar newly acquired

R,L,V&G -------IH&M

Session 3 (Split Session) -Teacher takes students to Language Lab -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 4 -Teacher projects and comment students posts in the Language Lab blog. The compositions will be emails and description of places, stude nts have to prepared both types of texts -Teacher guides and supports a process of error analysis. Session 5 -Teacher provides students with their listening tests -Teacher plays the listening recorded text twice. -Teacher projects images of a famous Landmark Session 6 (Split Session) -Teacher proposes an interactive activity about the new 7 wonders -Teacher guides supports and monitors students work. Session 7 Teacher provides students with their Graded Reader Tests, There is not previous revision for this test because this reading has to be done as homework students have to get used to perform long term tasks on their own without help from teachers Session 8 -Teacher plays a guided tour and ask for very

-Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to Landmarks which include writing and descriptions of places on their blog -Student see, comment, correct and analyze their own and their classmates compositions -Students understand the types of text they can be asked for in their writing exam in the following class. -Students take part in a process of error analysis. -Students take their listening test -Students write their description of the projected landmark

V&G,L,W,R ----D R,W,S -------D,R,IH&M

-Students remain in the class for a Split session. In teams they choose one of The New 7 Wonders and analyse it from an architectural point of view -Students mix in new teams and comment on the analysis of the different buildings -Students take their Graded Reader Tests

S,R ------IH&M

-Students listen to an guided tour and




specific questions -Teacher provides students with adequate material about Defining relative clauses Non-defining relative clauses Session 9 (Split Session) -Teacher takes students to Language Lab -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 10 -Teacher provides adequate grammar material for revision of the Defining relative clauses Non-defining relative clauses Session 11 -Teacher provides students with their tests Session 12 (Split Session) -Teacher projects a video of Guided tour around Dubai -Teacher proposes the task of dubbing a video of a Guided tour in Barcelona -Teacher guides, monitors and supports students tasks

understand it all, they have to listen for very specific answers. -Students complete, understand and correct their tasks on Defining relative clauses Non-defining relative clauses


-Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to Landmarks which include writing and posting a description of a place on their blog -Individually, in pairs in teams or as a group class activity students solve and correct different revision exercises and work on different revision tasks -Students take their Vocabulary and Grammar Tests -In teams, students dub a silent guided Tour around Barcelona, they have to write and present their comments on the projection of the silent video

V&G,L,W,R ----D


S,L,W -----R,D

Tasks Listening Test. Including multiple choice questions with two or three distractors Writing Test. Consisting of a landmark projected in the classroom Graded Reader Test. Consisting of a set of correct/incorrect questions, a different test for every reader Vocabulary and Grammar test. Including words to define and definitions to recall words and rephrasing to test on students grammar acquisition. Procedures and Criteria Listening Test. Students must show comprehension of the recorded material as well as understanding of the questions. Writing Test. Students adaptation to the format and the title of the composition is a central criterion while evaluating writing; we also have to posi tively mark the use of recently acquired new vocabulary Graded Reader Test Students show their level of reading and comprehension of their graded readings Vocabulary and Grammar Test It is part of the summative evaluation. Students take the test in the classroom. In these tests students show their level of achievement regarding English structures in a controlled and prepared context. They help students enrich their expression



Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.Oscar Wilde 1. OBJECTIVES
Read authentic literary materials Describe people s appearance Describe personality Use modal Verbs in a correct way Analysing portraits with an artistic point of view Be aware of the digital resources museums offer -Activate and increase vocabulary related to description of people and art -Analyse and correct their own and their classmates writings -Participate in oral interactions for assessment -Reading authentic materials for assessment

COMMUNICATIVE AND PLURILINGUAL DIMENSION INTERACTIVE, RECEPTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Interaction. Describing people BP awards National Gallery Listening.In a Museum Reading.A New Model of beauty. The Colonel s Lady by Somerset Maugham The Oval Portrait by Edgar Allan Poe Speaking. Analyzing portraits Top ten portraits in history Writing. A description of a person LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE(OVERARCHING SKILLS) GRAMMAR Modal Verbs Modal Perfect VOCABULARY Describing people Personality adjectives Compound adjectives Painting STRATEGIES DEVELOPED Describing people Predicting wrong answers Iconic anticipation Watching Fragments of The Girl in a Pearl Earring Reading the nonadapted version of The Colonel s Lady by Somerset Maugham A webquest in the National portrait gallery RESEARCH AND AESTHETIC DIMENSION

3. RESOURCES -Equipment. Class projector and Language Lab computers -Materials. Handouts (A New Model of beauty.), audiovisual materials (Slides and interviews DVD of The Girl in a Pearl Earring,The Oval Portrait by Edgar Allan Poe), and virtual materials posted in the blogs.

4. DISTRIBUTION OF CONTENTS IN SESSIONS The following grid shows the distribution of the content of the unit in sessions specifying teaching and learning activities as well as the skills developed



Teaching Activities

Learning activities

Skills & Key Competences Developed L,R,V&G -------D,IH&M

Session 1 -Teacher projects fragments of The Girl in a Pearl Earring -Teacher projects two videos showing how the concept of beauty has changed throughout the years in Hollywood -Teacher elicits from students opinions about the similarities and differences in facial features in the different years -Teacher provides students with the text A New Model of beauty -Teacher proposes the students the task of expressing their opinion on t one of the portraits. -Teacher guides, monitors and supports students tasks Session 2 -Teacher provides students with The Oval Portrait by Edgar Allan Poe and plays the podcast -Teacher elicits from students the general idea of the text Session 3 (Split Session) -Teacher takes students to Language Lab -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 4 -Teacher projects and comment students posts in the Language Lab blog. The compositions will be descriptions -Teacher guides and supports a process of error analysis Session 5 Teacher provides students with their listening tests -Teacher plays the listening recorded text twice. -Teacher asks students to write a dialogue in a shop using adequate format, structures and vocabulary Session 6 (Split Session) -Teacher projects some slides of portraits (winners of the BP awards of the National Portrait Gallery) -Teacher provides students with adequate scaffolding materials and proposes the task of describing the sitter and the portrait as a work of art -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances

-Students give their opinions on the changes of the concept of beauty throughout the years -Students listen and read the text and understand it , they elicit the new grammar and vocabulary

-They have to express their opinions on one of the actors or the actresses

-Students listen, read and understand the plot of the story -Students have to analyse the story to see the relationship between portraits and sitters -Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to portraits which include writing and posting a description of a person on their blog -Student see, comment, correct and analyze their own and their classmates compositions -Students understand the types of text they can be asked for in their writing exam in the following class. -Students take part in a process of er ror analysis -Students take their listening test -Students write their film reviews

L,R ----R,K&I

V&G,L,W,R ----D

R,L,W ------D,IH&M

-In teams, students have to prepare a presentation describing the appearance and imagining the personality of the sitter -The second part of the task consists of describing the portrait as a work of art

S,W -------D,R



Session 7 -Teacher projects a selection of classic portraits of all times -Teacher asks students to prepare a description of these classic portraits with the structures studied in the previous task -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 8 & 9 Reading Session -Teacher provides students with a copy of a nonadapted version of The Colonel s Lady by Somerset Maugham and the questionnaire Session 10 -Teacher projects TV version of the short story -Teacher guides a short literary analysis of the story -Teachers gives hours for the oral interaction Session 11 & 12 Oral Interaction -Teachers provide the adequate slides for the interaction -Teachers assess students performances

-Students choose one of the paintings and prepare the presentation to the rest of the class

S,W -------D,R

-Students read the non-adapted version of The Colonel s Lady by Somerset Maugham and answer their questionnaires ,they have two hours and they can use dictionaries

-Students watch the video -Students have a guide debate and analysis of the story


-Students interact in pairs with the support of a given slide

Tasks .-Listening Test. Including multiple choice questions with two or three distractors -Writing Test. Consisting of a description of a person -Reading Session. Students have to read a non-adapted version of The Colonel s Lady by Somerset Maugham -Oral Interaction. Students have to interact in pairs for four minutes with the support of a given slide Procedures and Criteria Listening Test. Students must show comprehension of the recorded material as well as understanding of the questions. Writing Test. Students adaptation to the format and the title of the composition is a central criterion while evaluating writing; we also have to positively mark the use of recently acquired new voc abulary Reading Session. Students show their capabilities for both finding very specific information and answering more general questions. Oral Interaction Teachers use an assessment form with ten descriptors related to interaction and fluency interaction



If music be the food of love, play on. William Shakespeare 1. OBJECTIVES
-Participate in oral interactions in the classroom -Be able to prepare the third oral presentation -Write biography -Understand the lyrics of different songs -Use the conditional in correct way -Activate and acquire new vocabulary on the topic of music -Sing and properly pronounce in English -Participate in guided debates -Participate in informal group oral presentations -Creating an improvised lip dub

COMMUNICATIVE AND PLURILINGUAL DIMENSION INTERACTIVE, RECEPTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Interaction. Music literacy contest Listening.A radio interview Reading.Wanna be a star? Speaking. Presenting songs Writing. A biography of a famous person LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE(OVERARCHING SKILLS) GRAMMAR VOCABULARY STRATEGIES DEVELOPED -First and second Music - Using previous conditionals knowledge -Third - Skimming the conditional general ideas AESTHETIC AND RESEARCH DIMENSION

Analyzing and singing songs Karaoke Music quizzes A lip dub on a Madonna or Lady Gaga song

3. RESOURCES -Equipment. Class projector and Language Lab computers -Materials. Handouts(Wanna be a star? and Grammar exercises), audiovisual materials (Slides and interviews), and virtual materials posted in the blogs.

4. DISTRIBUTION OF CONTENTS IN SESSIONS The following grid shows the distribution of the content of the unit in sessions specifying teaching and learning activities as well as the skills developed

_______________________________________________________________________________3RD TERM SPRING UNITS 7-8--9

Teaching Activities

Learning activities

Skills & Key Competences Developed R,L,W,V&G -------R,IH&M

Session 1 -Teacher projects a quiz about music vocabulary and elicits answers from students -Teacher provides students with the text Wanna be a star -Teacher makes sure that students have understood the text and referenced new vocabulary -Teacher informs about the tern agenda and both teachers and students decide on the dates for the oral presentation Session 2 -Teacher plays a recorded radio interview and provides students with a questionnaire on the interview -Teacher projects a video with the top ten songs of the decade and asks students their opinion about them, they also have to vote for the best one -Teacher plays the chosen again and project the lyrics Session 3 (Split Session) -Teacher takes students to Language Lab -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 4 -Teacher projects a video with ten songs used to infer the grammar rules of the conditionals. -Teacher provides students with the adequate material for their inference and guides their task Session 5 Teacher provides adequate grammar material for the conditionals Session 6 (Split Session) -Teacher proposes a guided debate about music and songs - Teacher guides supports and monitors students work Session 7 -Teacher provide students with different adequate materials about biography writing -Teacher projects a documentary on Lady Gaga s life. -Teacher proposes the task of writing and presenting a short biography text and present it

-Students answer the projected quiz -Students read the text to skim its general ideas. -Students have to look for new vocabulary in the text -Students take note of their term agenda and choose a date for their oral presentation

-From this session on, sessions will start with an Oral presentation by one or two of the students. This term oral presentations will consist of a description of a work of art -Students listen and understand the recorded text -Students answer teacher s questions and give their opinions on the songs -Students vote for the best song -Students listen, understand and analyse the song -Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to Music which include writing and posting a biography on their blog

L,S,R -----D,R

V&G,L,W,R ----D

-Students listen to the songs in the video. -Students have to infer the rules of conditionals from the songs and reference them

L,S,V&G ------IH&M,K&I

Individually, in pairs in teams or as a group class activity students solve and correct different exercises and work on different tasks -Students remain in the class for a Split session which consists of a guided debate on Music and songs


S,L ------P,K&I

-In pairs students prepare a short presentation on Lady Gaga s biography -Students present their proposals to the rest of the class

R,L,W ----R,IH&M

_______________________________________________________________________________3RD TERM SPRING UNITS 7-8--9

to the rest of the class Session 8 -Teacher projects a short video on Madonna s life -Teacher proposes the task of writing and presenting a short biography text

-In pairs students prepare a short presentation on Lady Gaga s biography -Students present their proposals to the rest of the class

L,S,W ---D,R,IH&M

Session 9 (Split Session) Teacher takes students to Language Lab Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 10 Teacher provides adequate grammar material for revision of Conditionals

Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to music which include writing and posting a biography on their blog

V&G,L,W,R ----D

Individually, in pairs in teams or as a group class activity students solve and correct different revision exercises and work on different revision tasks Students take their Vocabulary and Grammar Tests -In teams, students rehearse and sing the songs -In teams, students prepare and present their lip dub to the other team L,S ------D

Session 11 Teacher provides students with their tests Session 12 (Split Session) -Teacher divides the class in two teams and provides the with the lyrics and the karaoke version of two songs. They have to sing it properly -Teacher proposes the task of creating an improvised lip dub of the songs Teacher guides supports and monitors students work

Tasks A Vocabulary and Grammar Test. Including words to define and definitions to recall words and rephrasing to test on students grammar acquisition. Procedures and Criteria Vocabulary and Grammar Test It is part of the summative evaluation. Students take the test in the classroom. In these tests students show their level of achievement regarding English structures in a controlled and prepared context. They help students enrich their expression

_______________________________________________________________________________3RD TERM SPRING UNITS 7-8--9


My hand is the extension of the thinking process - the creative process. Tadao Ando 1. OBJECTIVES
Write a narrative Activate and acquire vocabulary related to craftwork and studying abroad Use of reported speech in a correct way Search for information about studying abroad Be aware of the possibilities of studying in other countries Put in common different information Analyse and correct their own and their classmates writings Use paintings as inspiration for their writings Report what someone else has said both in grammatical and communicative sense Revise on punctuation and use of capital letters

COMMUNICATIVE AND PLURILINGUAL DIMENSION INTERACTIVE, RECEPTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Interaction. Contrast and put information in common Listening.A short promotional film presenting the ArtSchool Reading.A prospectus of an ArtSchool in Glasgow Speaking. Talking about Art schools Writing. A narrative LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE(OVERARCHING SKILLS) GRAMMAR -Reported Speech VOCABULARY -Craftwork and studying abroad STRATEGIES DEVELOPED -Listening for general comprehension -Scanning for specific information -Searching for information about studying abroad -Using paintings to develop stories AETHETIC AND RESEARCH DIMENSION

3. RESOURCES -Equipment.Class projector and Language Lab computers -Materials. Handouts (prospectus of an ArtSchool in Glasgow ) audiovisual materials (Slides and interviews), and virtual materials posted in the blogs.

4. DISTRIBUTION OF CONTENTS IN SESSIONS The following grid shows the distribution of the content of the unit in sessions specifying teaching and learning activities as well as the skills developed

_______________________________________________________________________________3RD TERM SPRING UNITS 7-8--9

Teaching Activities

Learning activities

Skills & Key Competences Developed R,W --------D,R,IH&M

Session 1 & 2 -Teacher asks the students how many of them would be interested in studying abroad in the future -Teacher provides students with selected fragments of different prospectus of arts and crafts schools in the UK -Both teachers and students put in common their information about studying abroad and different art schools Session 3 (Split Session) -Teacher takes students to Language Lab and asks them to follow on their research task of finding a possibility to study abroad. They also have to write a narrative -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students work Session 4 -Teacher projects a video of a school of arts in Glasgow and makes sure students have got the general meaning of it -Teacher uses some parts of the video to introduce and explain the reported speech -Teacher provides adequate materials to practice on it Session 5 -Teacher plays a conversation about schools -Teacher provides students with adequate material about reported speech Session 6 (Split Session) -Teacher proposes an interactive activity of creating crime stories using paintings -Teacher guides supports and monitors students work. Session 7 -Teacher projects and comment students posts in the Language Lab blog. The compositions will be narratives or biographies , students have to be prepared for both types of texts -Teacher guides and supports a process of error analysis.

-Students answer teacher s questions and concentrate on the topic. -In groups of four students read and understand the texts and put their information in common

-Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks of researching about studies abroad , besides they have to write and post a narrative on their blog.

V&G,L,W,R ----D

-Students watch and understand the information given in the video -Students understand reference and practice the structures of reported speech

L,S,R,W -------R,IH&M

-Students listen to a conversation and understand it all, they have to listen for very specific answers. -Students complete, understand and correct their tasks on reported speech -Students remain in the class for a Split session. In teams they create crime stories -Students present their stories to the rest of the class


W,S,L ------

-Student see, comment, correct and analyze their own and their classmates compositions -Students understand the types of text they can be asked for in their writing exam in the following class. -Students take part in a process of error analysis. -Students take their listening test -Students write their compositions

R,W -------D

Session 8 -Teacher provides students with their listening tests -Teacher plays the listening recorded text twice.

_______________________________________________________________________________3RD TERM SPRING UNITS 7-8--9

Session 9 (Split Session) -Teacher takes students to Language Lab -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances

-Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to craftwork which include writing and posting a narrative on their blog. They can also work on their grammar materials on the reported speech -Individually, in pairs in teams or as a group class activity students solve and correct different revision exercises and work on different revision tasks -Students take their Vocabulary and Grammar Tests -Students take their Graded Reader Tests

V&G,L,W,R ----D

Session 10 -Teacher provides adequate grammar material for revision of the Defining relative clauses Non-defining relative clauses Session 11 -Teacher provides students with their tests Session 12 Teacher provides students with their Graded Reader Tests, There is not previous revision for this test because this reading has to be done as homework students have to get used to perform long term tasks on their own without help from teachers


Tasks Listening Test. Including multiple choice questions with two or three distractors Writing Test. Consisting of a landmark projected in the classroom Vocabulary and Grammar test. Including words to define and definitions to recall words and rephrasing to test on students grammar acquisition. Graded Reader Test. Consisting of a set of correct/incorrect questions, a different test for every reader Procedures and Criteria Listening Test. Students must show comprehension of the recorded material as well as understanding of the questions. Writing Test. Students adaptation to the format and the title of the composition is a central criterion while evaluating writing; we also have to positively mark the use of recently acquired new vocabulary Graded Reader Test Students show their level of reading and comprehension of their graded readings Vocabulary and Grammar Test It is part of the summative evaluation. Students take the test in the classroom. In these tests students show their level of achievement regarding English structures in a controlled and prepared context. They help students enrich their expression

_______________________________________________________________________________3RD TERM SPRING UNITS 7-8--9


A man paints with his brains and not with his hands .Michelangelo 1. OBJECTIVES
Approach the world of art from different points of view Write for against essay Reading and listen to the news Use Passive voice in a correct way Share information Understand irony Activate and increase vocabulary related to the world of art Analyse and correct their own and their classmates writings Participate in oral interactions for assessment Reading authentic materials for assessment

COMMUNICATIVE AND PLURILINGUAL DIMENSION INTERACTIVE, RECEPTIVE AND PRODUCTIVE SKILLS Interaction. Guided debate about the meaning of art Listening.An interview with an artist Reading A selection news relating art and money Speaking Present information Writing. For and against essay LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE(OVERARCHING SKILLS) GRAMMAR VOCABULARY STRATEGIES DEVELOPED Passive voice Art Understanding irony Sharing information AETHETIC AND RESEARCH DIMENSION

Reflection and considerations about the meaning of Art

3. RESOURCES -Equipment.Class projector and Language Lab computers -Materials. Handouts ( A selection news relating art and money), audiovisual materials (Slides and interviews), and virtual materials posted in the blogs.

4. DISTRIBUTION OF CONTENTS IN SESSIONS The following grid shows the distribution of the content of the unit in sessions specifying teaching and learning activities as well as the skills developed

_______________________________________________________________________________3RD TERM SPRING UNITS 7-8--9

Teaching Activities

Learning activities

Skills & Key Competences Developed the S,L,R --------D,R

Session 1 -Teacher projects an image of a dollar note with an image of the Mona Lisa -Teacher elicits from students opinions about the relationship between Art and money -Teacher divides the class in three groups and provides them with different BBC news relating art and money -Teacher then mixes students in teams of three with three different news -Teacher proposes the students the task of presenting their news to the other members of their team -Teacher guides, monitors and supports students tasks Session 2 -Teacher projects the interview with a polemic artist, Wendy Holden -Teacher elicits from students their opinion on the interview Session 3 (Split Session) -Teacher takes students to Language Lab -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 4 -Teacher projects and comment students posts in the Language Lab blog. The compositions will be either narratives or for and against essays, students must be prepared for both. -Teacher guides and supports a process of error analysis Session 5 Teacher provides students with their listening tests -Teacher plays the listening recorded text twice. -Teacher asks students to write a dialogue in a shop using adequate format, structures and vocabulary Session 6 (Split Session) -Teacher projects some reports about artists who relate art and rubbish -Teacher provides students with adequate scaffolding materials and proposes the task of role playing critics or artists and they have to attack and/or defend the proposals shown -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 7 -Teacher projects a selection of polemic works

-Students give their opinions on relationship between money and art

-Students read the text and understand it , they elicit the new grammar and vocabulary

-They have to present what they have understood to their teams

-Students listen and understand the interview -Students have to answer teacher s questions

L,S -----R,D V&G,L,W,R ----D

-Students go to Language Lab to work ontheir tasks related to art which include writing and posting a for and against essay on their blog -Student see, comment, correct and analyze their own and their classmates compositions -Students understand the types of text they can be asked for in their writing exam in the following class. -Students take part in a process of error analysis -Students take their listening test -Students write their film reviews

W,L,R ------D

-In pairs, one role playing an artist and an other a critic students have to prepare a discussion on the different artistic proposals

L,R,S,W -------K&I

-Students choose one of the polemic works of


_______________________________________________________________________________3RD TERM SPRING UNITS 7-8--9

of art of all times -Teachers focuses on the changes of what is considered polemic -Teacher asks students to prepare a description of these works with the structures used in their oral presentations -Teacher monitors, guides and supports students performances Session 8 & 9 Reading Session -Teacher provides students with a copy of a nonadapted version of The Museum by Leila Aboulela and the questionnaire Session 10 -Teacher guides a short literary analysis of the story -Teachers gives hours for the oral interaction Session 11 & 12 Oral Interaction -Teachers provide the adequate slides for the interaction -Teachers assess students performances

art and prepare the presentation to the rest of the class


-Students read the non-adapted version of The Museum by Leila Aboulela and answer their questionnaires ,they have two hours and they can use dictionaries

-Students have a guide debate and analysis of the story


-Students interact in pairs with the support of a given slide

Tasks .-Listening Test. Including multiple choice questions with two or three distractors -Writing Test. Consisting of a narrative or a for and against essay -Reading Session. Students have to read a non-adapted version of The Museum by Leila Aboulela -Oral Interaction. Students have to interact in pairs for four minutes with the support of a given slide Procedures and Criteria Listening Test. Students must show comprehension of the recorded material as well as understanding of the questions. Writing Test. Students adaptation to the format and the title of the composition is a central criterion while evaluating writing; we also have to positively mark the use of recently acquired new vocabulary Reading Session. Students show their capabilities for both finding very specific information and answering more general questions. Oral Interaction Teachers use an assessment form with ten descriptors related to interaction and fluency interaction

_______________________________________________________________________________3RD TERM SPRING UNITS 7-8--9

APPENDIX __________________________________________
The most important appendix of the present syllabus cannot be included in this printed version because it consists of a series of blogs specially designed for this syllabus. -Introductory blog. URL , This blog will direct to the rest of the blogs designed for the present syllabus.

-Classroom projections blog. You can get to this blog by clicking the corresponding link in the introductory blog or in the URL In this blog you can find the resources to be projected in the general class mentioned in the printed syllabus. There are not explanations of the activities because it is meant for teachers use in the classroom.

-Split sessions blog. You can also get there by clicking its corresponding link in the introductory blog or by using the URL This blog

gathers the materials to be used in the Split Sessions with the half of the students.

-L c


also be found in the introductory and in the URL we


languagelab1 blogs

can find the activities to be done in the computer room, those are listening, reading or vocabulary e ercises which will introduce the students in the tas of writing a composition.These compositions will be posted in the Gr Bl

with their

corresponding labels so that we can see the compositions on one specific topic or the compositions of a particular student. In the right bar of this blog you can see three links labeled Group 1, 2 and 3 there you can see the real compositions of my students this year. All these blogs have been designed for this syllabus e cept for the ones of the students which correspond to my students this year working on topics suggested by Definitions 1 which is our present te t book.

-This link leads students to different writing references -Those are the titles of the different compositions, if you click on one of them you will have the whole set of

compositions on the same topic. -These are students names if you click on one you ll see his her compositions. The projections, resources, slides, short films and other materials mentioned in the present syllabus and in its appendix are posted in the blogs, so I recommend the members of this tribunal to browse it to fully understand the proposal presented in this syllabus. In this printed appendix a selection of the handouts and printed materials has been included, these handouts have been designed to be photocopie and delivered to the students, and I d


l . Access to this blog

have tried to use the minimum number of pages per handout to avoid large amounts of photocopies. They include: A letter to the students which I give them at the beginning of the year A letter to parents offering the possibility of self-access classes for lower achievers Instructions for the oral presentations Handouts for different activities in different units The slides for the oral interaction exam in the 1st Term The questionnaires for the three Reading Sessions

Dear Students, I m addressing this letter to you so that we can get to know each other and be aware of what we can expect from each other from now ill the end of the school year. My name is Estfana, a rather weird name that together with my profession makes some people think that I am from abroad; I am not, I am from Barcelona. I was born here on the 23rd of November of 1965, but my name has its own story; my parents were married on Saint Steve day and I was supposed to be a boy and be baptised Steve but, always a rebel, I happened to be a girl so my parents, without thinking it twice, invented that name which has been one of my personal marks. We are going to be together for, at least, one full school year and we all have to learn, we are a team, we have to help each other, we are together in this, guys!!!.... OK, OK, I always go to far, no, we are not together in this, we are not a team, I am the teacher and you are the students but I want to ask you that you trust me, teachers decisions are not always nice but they are meant for students own good, we are not such evil creatures to make you suffer for the sake of it. I want you to work hard but I want you to understand that this is the best thing that I can do for you. Now, I want you to answer this letter back, I need to know you, why you decided to come here to an Art school and how is your level of English Looking forward hearing from you Sincerely Yours


Benvolguts pares i mares, La nostra escola ofereix, a part de les tres hores de classe que estableix la llei, un Espai d Autoaprenentatge. L espai d autoaprenentatge s una rea de treball, dotada amb diferents aparells i material per poder desenvolupar tasques en llengua estrangera i de manera autnoma sota la supervisi i l assessorament de la professora d angls.

Durant aquest curs 2011-12 aquest espai estar obert a tot l alumnat de Batxillerat, els dimarts de 15 00 a 18 00 amb la tutoritzaci de la professora ________per a tot aquell alumnat que ho consideri necessari, en aquest espai , els alumnes podran dur a terme nombroses activitats d angls, que complementen el treball que es fa a classe i faciliten l assoliment d un nivell adequat d angls. El seu fill/a _______________________________ ha tret uns resultats fora baixos en un test de nivell que hem passat ara a inici de curs i per aix considerem que la seva assistncia a aquest servei d autoaprenentatge s obligatria i, sobretot, necessria.


El Departament d Angls

ORAL PRESENTATION 1st Term _________________________________________

Happily ever after Scott Gustafson oil on canvas 51x23


We are going to start our English classes with one or two oral presentations every day, these oral presentations have to be oral versions of classic fairy tales told in first person by one of the characters. You have to choose a well known fairy tale and feel free to tell us the character s version of the story, this is an oral exercise and oral expression does not only deal with words, it deals with intonation, body language, face expression and any kind of communicative skill that you may need to create acommunicative situation and an appropriate atmosphere remember you are telling us a fairy tale, one of the most magic literary experiences we may have, so enjoy and make us enjoy it!!!! You can choose any fairy tale you want but you have here two websites that may help you:

You cannot read from a paper and you will have two or three minutes. This oral presentation will be evaluated by yourself, an evaluation team of your classmates and the teacher.





Write down the names of the components of your group and pick up a moderator. (Moderator) -

y y

Choose among these statements, change whatever you need or use the blank lines to include your own opinion. Point out your mates' position and define whether you all share the same stand or there are different opposing teams; if possible, in one single round of words..... (10 minutes).

-Graffiti is rubbish. -Art cannot be I museums anymore, it must jump to streets. -Art has become a business nowadays; the only authentic, pure art is in streets. -There are very few women in graffiti because they don t have what is needed to paint. -I hate tags it is a way of saying Hi! I m here! this is not Art, it is pure territorialism. -Bansky has sold some of his work and made a lot of money of it - Some of the most beautiful pieces of Street Art have been vandalized by other artists . -There is a difference between taggers, graffitters and street artists.

y y

Give reasons from articles, statistics or personal experiences to justify your opinion. Mention the group components you agree with and defend yourself/yourselves of the opposed views in about three rounds of words. If you are asked to clear up any point, do so; otherwise, write down your reply and wait your turn without monopolizing the conversation or talking in circles. Summarize everybody's stands and note them down............................... (20 minutes).


By turns and briefly, define what is your stand at the end of the debate, whether the same or different regarding the beginning and the reasons to keep or change your mind. Summarize as well your mates' conclusion......(15 minutes). Read the conclusions of your group to the rest of the class

Useful expressions We all share the same point of view There are different opinions in our group Mostly, we think that .. There are two groups; 1st view 2nd view We have all kept our opinion, Some people have changed their minds by the end of the debate,

UNIT 2: CINEMA __________________________________________

The title of the following movies have something in common, What?


An abstract noun is a noun you can t see, hear, touch, taste, or smell. These are typical suffixes for abstract nouns: -tion, -ism, -ment, -ness, -age, -ence/-ance, -ship, -ability, -acy -Write the abstract nouns in their corresponding categories Emotions / Feelings Love States / Attributes Beauty

Ideas / Ideals / Concepts Freedom

We are going to watch a speech in which a lot of abstract nouns are used, in pairs guess some of the things that are going to be said in the speech Watch the video Discuss the following questions with a partner. 1. Do you think there will always be dictators in the world? 2. Is it legitimate to impose democracy in a country which has a dictatorship? 3. Is democracy the only legitimate political system? 4. Should voting in elections be compulsory? 5 . D o y o u t h i n k i t s i mp o r t a n t t o vo t e? 6. What qual ities do you think are impor tant for a politician? 7. What do think of politicians in your country? 8. What do you think of your country s political system?

The Great Dictator (Script)

I'm sorry but I don't want to be an Emperor - that's not my business - I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another, human beings are like that. We all want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone and the earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful. But we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men's soulshave barricaded the world with hate; has goose-stepped us into misery andbloodshed. We have developed speed but we have shut ourselves in: machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little: More than machinery we need humanity; More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost.

UNIT 3: FASHION Task You are reporters of a local TV and you work in a morning program called Hello, girls you have to comment the images of this Hawaiian fashion show. Two parts 1st part Comment on the specific outfits when they appear on screen, without opinion, you can take turns 2nd part Dialogue about the show in general according to the characteristics of your role. Group There are 4 people in each group -A fashion photographer -A fashion designer -A model -A moderator The fashion show You do have to concentrate in the first two-three minutes of the show, your comments have to be related to the outfits that you can see in every moment. There are several groups of outfits (flowered dresses, jeans & waistcoats ) you don t have to comment on every dress, you can comment the different group of dresses but talking about what you can see on screen every moment. After the show you can give your general opinion of the show. Some useful words Fringe- row of fibres that hang down from a piece of clothing Flounce-English word for volante Sequin-Small shinny piece of metal or plastic that you can sew on your clothes to decorate them Waistcoat-Piece of clothing without sleeve that you usually wear over a shirt Moderator Photographer You don t like neither the collection nor the You are married to the designer who work for fashion show personally, but the designer Miss Hawaii but you don t want anyone to who works for Miss Hawaii is sponsoring your know it, you think people won t like the program, you have to find positive things to collection and you feel you have to help say about the show him/her without compromising Designer Model You wanted to work for Miss Hawaii and the You think that misses in general (and this organisation rejected your collection saying ones in particular) are not good models you that it didn t fulfil their high standards of think designers should use professional quality models Having a look at the show you don t understand a word.

READING SESSION FIRST TERM Name: ____________________Group:_______ The Colonel s Lady by Sommerset Maugam
1. Who was the author of the successful book entitled When Pyramid Decay? 2. Who is Eva Katherine Hamilton? 3. Where do the Colonel s and his wife live? 4. Did the Colonel have any children? How old are they? 5. How long did the love affair between the characters of the poem last? 6. What was the name of George s lover and how old was she? 7. Who was the first person to talk George about Evie s book? 8. Who is Henry Dashwood? 9. Who sent a great spray of orchids to Evie, the Colonel s wife? 10. Who is Henry Blane and which was his advice to the Colonel?


1. How old is Evie? And George? 2. When did the Colonel start to pay attention to her wife s poems? 3. Why was George happy that Evie used her maiden name when she published the poems? 4. What was When Pyramid Decay about? 5. Why didn t Evie say anything about the Duchess of Haverel invitation?

ORAL PRESENTATION 2nd Term __________________________________________

ANALIZING A PROVERB OR A QUOTE You have to give your opinion on a quote or a proverb that you can find in one of the following websites. You have to speak for about two minutes giving your opinion about a quote or a proverb.

Nomade Jaume Plensa, painted stainless steel 2007

Here you have some examples of quotes or proverbs but you cannot use them, you have to find your own in the pages or wherever else, it is forbidden to directly translate from Spanish. You cannot read from a paper. -Be careful that victories do not carry the seed of future defeatsRalph W. Sockman

-Between the devil and the deep sea -Where there's a will there's a way -A burnt child dreads fire -First come, first served
This oral presentation will be evaluated by yourself, an evaluation team of your classmates and the teacher. Use the instructions of an opinion essay for this oral presentation. 1st Paragraph- Explain the proverb and give your opinion about it. 2nd Paragraph-Give reasons for your opinion 3rd Paragraph-Give an example and/or restate your opinion. Proverbs and quotes are part of the richness of a language, so work on them and enjoy it!!!

UNIT 5: LANDMARKS __________________________________________


There are several videos of guided tours around Barcelona in the blog, they are some videos which last 3 or 4 minutes showing some of the most representative parts of our city. They are very touristic visions and none of them is commented. You have to work in groups of 3 or 4 students 1st Step- Watch the videos 2nd Step-Choose one of them 3rd Step-You have to decide how to comment it. You can be the presenter of a TV program dedicated to tourism, a tourist guide proposing a tour from the hotel, a tourist coming back from holidays showing the video to friends.... 4th Step- Prepare the presentation as a group. 5th Step-Present your video to the rest of the class

UNIT 6: PORTRAIT ____________________________________________________ DESCRIBING PORTRAITS

2 1


_____________________________________________________________________ This activity is based on the material proposed by the National Portrait Gallery of London using the winners of the annual BP Portrait Award which is the most prestigious portrait competition in the world, promoting the very best in contemporary portrait painting. The first prize of the competition is a cash award of 25,000, plus, at the judges discretion, a commission worth 4,000, to be agreed between the National Portrait Gallery and the artist. 1-Have a look at the previous couples of portraits and decide which ones are commissions and which ones are not. Give reasons for your answers. 2-Watch the slides posted on the blog and see if your guessing is right. Portraits

BP first prize, 1997 Penelope watching TV James Lloyd

3- In groups, answer the following questions -Can you see any differences between commissioned and non-commissioned portraits? -Which ones are more expressive? - Which ones present the sitter with a more attractive appearance? - Which artist would you choose If you wanted a portrait? Give reasons for your answers

4-You have to match the following reviews with their corresponding painting
AUnlike the sea of books behind Pinter, Ishi guro is shown with a more traditional bookshelf. This rigid linear backdropacts as a foil (contrast) to the relaxed pose of the writer.Sharp lighting illuminates his face on the left side, making a strong contrast with his dark pullover. This lighting toge ther with the raised hand and arm create a diagonal line whichcuts from the top left to the bottom right hand side of the painting. The diagonal crosses the vertical books giving the work dynamism by suggesting action whereas in fact Ishiguro is placid, seeming to be in a calm, pensive mood . BThe actress was painted in her London home,where sittings took place two to three times a week over a period of three months. The painting measures 72 in. x 48 in(1828 mm x 1220 mm), such a large painting could signify a larger than life character. In this instance as the sitter is presented in her underwear, we are given slightly mixed messages. Can we assume that she is a powerful figure even without the costume or the character of a part she might play? Does the scale and characterless setting induce us to focus on her rather impish expression? Does the scale coupled with the fragility suggested by semi-nakedness enable us tocome closer to her real-life character? Does the plain drapery background imply a stage set to be imagined?... DPaul Smith sits in the corner of Lloyd s studio, the wrong way round on the chair. His long splayed legs (Smith is over six feet tall), echo the V shape of the corner. He appears almost boxed in, as if hiding behind the bolt of beautiful green-mauve silk balanced on the floor equidistant (half way) between his legs (his socks match the underside of the silk).

C-...The difficulty with commissioned portraits is precisely this, if the artist does not know the person that they are painting or is only familiar with them through TV or the stage, then how can they make a portrait that can show the real character of the sitter? An actor shows us many faces, if they are good at their trade. An artist can give an inspired and realistic portrayal of a person, but not necessarily give an insight into the true character of the sitter. Myerscough had not met Mirren before the painting was commissioned, but made a series of preparatory drawings towards her painting E... The position of the he ad, body and limbs can tell us things about the character of the sitter. Additional symbolic references can give us more clues. These hints can be ambiguous (unclear) as with Lloyd s painting of Penelope. Is she bored sitting for her portrait or merely c ompletely absorbed in watching the mini TV screen? Her pose is certainly relaxed, and her clothing unpretentious and comfortable...

FThe vibrant bright red-orange background in this portrait of Pinter immediately grabs our attention. The sea of books naturally evokes (suggests) his profession and might also refer to his creative mind...

5-Now watch the set of slides which refer to portrait analysis posted in the blog

6- In groups, you have to analyze the following concepts in the paintings Symbolism- It basically refers to the objects and background used to portray the sitter Scale & Frame- It refers to the size, framing and layout of the portrait Palette- The quality of its brushwork Style & Pose- the way sitter poses Artist/sitter relationship- The idea viewer may have about it by watching the portrait 7-All of these considerations convey meaning when we analyse a portrait. Now, Every team has to choose one of the portraits; they have to present it giving the rest of the class -A physical description of the sitter -A description of his her personality - A description of the portrait as a work of art. Here you have some help for physical description
HEIGHT / WEIGHT Is she obese fat slightly overweight well-built heavily built of average build slightly built slim thin / skinny / bony ? Is she tall of medium height shortish short / tiny ? Is she curvy ? (flat/small-breasted, large-breasted) Does she have thin waist big hips nice shapely legs firm belly muscles lovely figure ? FACE Is she pretty attractive lovely and charming nice and friendly ? Does she have round / oval / square / heart shaped face bushy / thick / thin eyebrows round / almond / narrow / close set eyes broad / flat / sharp / button / fake nose full / thin / well-defined lips broad smile / charming smile healthy / damaged teeth / (tooth) braces wrinkles / freckles / pimples / smooth skin moustache / beard ? CLOTHES / HAIR Is she wearing glasses / contact lenses smart clothes elegant clothes casual clothes shabby clothes jewellery ? Does she have thick / rich / strong / healthy / shiny hair damaged hair / split ends thin hair / receding hair straight / wavy / curly hair spiky hair fringe permed hair coloured / dyed hair bleached hair / highlights pigtails / ponytail / braids / bun / dreads pull your hair back/put your hair up (with a clip or an elastic band) long / short / shoulder-length ?

You can use the following adjectives in the description of personality

bossy trendy confident thoughtful dreamy lonely frustrated disappointed confused embarrassed bored overworked helpful terrifying generous worried excited enthusiastic

READING SESSION 2nd TERM NAME:__________________________GROUP____ Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel s Coat by Roald Dahl
1-Where did Mrs. Bixby aunt live? 2-Who was the dirty dog in this story? 3-What was Cyril s profession? 4-Did the Colonel give Mrs. Bixby the coat as Christmas present? 5-What colour was the coat? 6- How much does the pawnbroker loan Mrs. Bixby? 7- What did Mrs. Bixby say she had found? 8-What did Cyril actually give her? 9-What time would go back home that day? 10-Who was Mrs Pulteney? 1 6


1-What is Roald Dahl opinion on women? Does Mrs Bixby reaction to the note with the coat confirm Roald Dahl s opinion on women? 2-Why did the relationship between Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel last so long? (Give the point of view of both Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel) 3- Why didn t Mrs. Bixby want the pawnbroker to write her name on the ticket? 4- Why did Mrs. Bixby refuse to redeem the ticket? 5-What happens to the mink coat in the end? 1

ORAL PRESENTATION 3rd TERM __________________________________________

Frontal Sant.Climent de Taull

Danae Titian

The Arnolfini Marriage Van Eyk

The Swing Fragonard

DESCRIPTION OF A WORK OF ART You have to describe a work of visual art, you can choose the one you want to describe among the ones that you can find in the following website Those are the paintings that you are going to analize next year in the subject of "Histria de l'art" for PAUs. You have to speak for about two minutes trying to describe the essence of the work of art in your oral presentation, we'll try to use the projector in all of your presentations but in case it is not available print it as big as you can when it is your turn. What do you think is important in describing a picture? Here are some things to think about. Where is the painting placed? The size The layout, How has the painter placed the characters on it? Where is the focus? How is this focus marked? The use or not of perspective. The use of light. The use of colour. The quality of brushwork. The emotions the picture convey to you and if you think they are purely personal or general and part of painter's intention. The story told or the lack of story There is a lot to think about! So, off you go and start enjoying the world of art.

Liberty leading the People Delacroix

Breakfast in the Open Air Manet

Composition IV Kandinsky

UNIT 7: MUSIC _________________________________________

-1.Here you have the first half of some conditional sentences extracted from different songs. -2. In pairs or teams you have to predict the second part. Please try to be creative! If I never had a cent... If it hadn't been for Cotton-Eye Joe... If my true love he was gone.... If I get locked up tonight... If I can't have you... If you go If you don't know me by now.... If I knew you were coming.... If I were a boy... If you leave me now... 3-Now,watch the following video and compare your answers to the real ones. Can you name any of the artists?

Decide which type of conditional each song is. [zero conditional] if+ present tense, present tense

[First Conditional] if + present tense, will/can/might/must + infinitive

[Second conditional] if + past simple, would + infinitive

[Third conditional] If + had + past participle, would + have + past participle

1) Chicago, If You Leave Me Now The opening music is from Flight of theConchords. 2)Beyoncee, If I Were a Boy 3) Gracie Fields, If I Knew You Were Coming I'd've Baked a Cake 4) Simply Red, If You Don't Know Me by Now 5) The Pixies, Hey 6) Yvonne Elliman, If I Can't Have You 7) Eminem, If I get Locked up Tonight 8) The Silencers, Wild Mountain Thyme 9) Rednex, Cotton-Eye Joe 10) Frank SInatra, The Sunny Side of the Street




You have to create a short crime story with the support of some works of visual art. 1- In teams, choose the slides you want to support your story

They are sets of 3 slides each that you can use in the order you prefer. 2- You have to create your story bearing in mind the structure and format of a narrative. Here are some tips; Structure 1st Paragraph (Opening) Where? When? Who? 2nd Para.(Sequence of Facts) What? How? 3rd Paragraph (End) Sequencing Links & Time References Sequencing Links -At the begining/First -After that/Later -Finally/In the end y Time References -One day/ Last night/year/month

3-Now, With the projected works of Art behind you, tell the story to the rest of the class.

READING SESSION 3rd TERM NAME:__________________________GROUP____ The Museum by Leila Aboulela

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1 What does Shadia study? Who killed himself? How was Bryan shirt? What city does Shadia come from? Who is Fareed? What makes Shadia feel as if she knew him in some way after reading Bryan notes? What two things does Shadia tell Bryan she doesn t like of him? What does Bryan do when she talks about these two things? Where is Bryan from? What is Shadia s father s job? 6


1. Why does Shadia choose Bryan to ask him for his notes? 2. In her city Shadia never mixed with people like Bryan, she says so once in the text; What does she refer when she says people like that in the case of Bryan? 3. Shadia s mother is an unhappy woman; What had happened to her? 4. What is Fareed doing while he is waiting for Shadia? 5. What do you make of the end of the story?

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