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Panel Discussion

*Good Day! Ladies and gentlemen, today we officially open the ECA Day 2022!!!

For this year’s theme: Highlights your talent, improve your abilities, and together we will have much
better opportunities.
Let’s welcome your host..
Mr. Jasper Gallero
Moderator Jas: Good Morning Everyone, before we start
- who among you students like to dance?
- enjoys writing a story, essay, and taking pictures?
- actively participating in an oragnization?
- and of course plays mobile games?
Moderator Jas: Alright! So everyone must have their different specializations right?.. today we’re going
to tackle about the extracurricular activities. A quick background from the topic, Extracurricular activities
began in the United States in the 19 th century. At first they were just an additional part to the normal
academic schedule for the year. Extracurricular activities usually had some practical or vocational
interest that was included into the activities. The first extracurricular activities that were well known in
schools started at Harvard and Yale University. They were literacy clubs that consisted of different
debate clubs and Greek systems such as fraternities and sororities.
Moderator Jas: With our panelists you may find a path that leads to your future career. Our first panelist
is an international professional dancer, performed in different places here in the Philippines and a
representative of the country.. let us welcome our very own Mr. Mark Gil Del Carmen.
*Kaway audience at lalapit sa moderator makikipag kamay
Moderator Jas: Our second panelist is a representative of the Humss society, she brings up the concerns
of the students under this strand and is willing to help students to accomplish what they are striving
together. Let us welcome the Dean of students..Ms. Michelle Bernal.
*Kaway audience at lalapit sa moderator makikipag kamay
Moderator Jas: The third panelist is a former journalist who is known for his remarkable writing and will
possibly help you towards your career in journalism..Let us welcome Mr. Blynken Darrel Banan.
*Kaway audience at lalapit sa moderator makikipag kamay
Moderator Jas: Our last panelist for this morning is a professional online gamer, with a total of 5
championships in mobile legends, call of duty and valorant. She proved that even games can help you
succeed in your life. Let us welcome Ms. Nicole Ann Cruz.
*Kaway audience at lalapit sa moderator makikipag kamay
Moderator Jas: We will start by throwing questions to our panelists regarding their specialties in relation
to the topic, and then later on the questions will be coming from the audience in an open mic q and a.
Moderator Jas: Our first question is, how important for the students to join extracurricular activities?
Pan Blynken: By looking at the perspective of a student, engaging in extracurricular activities can
highlight and improves the other talent or abilities of a person, it can also help to build their confidence
to face the challenges especially in school and to know what they are capable to do.
Moderator Jas: Alright, precisely . So we have here a question, I think this is for you Mr. Mark Del
Carmen. What is the importance of dancing in students life?
Pan Mark: Thank you for that.. For me dancing is life. I know there are many students here in Rizal High
School has the same thought about dancing. In dancing, movements of the body are required and by
doing so, whenever I am stressed in school , It gives me a relaxing mind to overcome it and it is also a
good exercise that can help us perform well in our duties. Without dancing I think I can’t express myself
very well, for it can be the foundation of strength within ourselves right?
Moderator Jas: Yes, I agree to what you’ve said.. dancing is really fun and can help a student in many
ways. Moving forward, our next question is for Ms. Nicole Cruz in the field of Esports. What are the
benefits of playing mobile games in students?
Panel Discussion

Pan Nicole: Thank you. Not only that it can help in relaxing your brain from different activities, but it can
also help the students to enhance their critical thinking skills and social skills in dealing problems in
school. Some students make use of the mobile games as an early professions and they are making
money from it.
Moderator Jas: Since your a professional gamer, may we know how much do you earn from playing and
Pan Nicole: It depends on the views and the stars that sent during the livestream.. maybe my highest
livestream earn is 6 digits.
Moderator Jas: Nice answer from Ms. Nicole and maybe you should treat us sometimes.. Mr. Banan..
Why does engaging in a literacy club such as journalism club significant nowadays?
Pan Blynken: Writing is very important especially for students to become more complex, to enhance
their skills and to be prepared for their chosen career. They will somewhat benefit from it when they are
exercised in writing.
Moderator Jas: A precise answer from Mr. Banan. The next question is, What particular program of
Rizal High school from the past years showcased the talents of our dear Rizalians?
Pan Michelle: There are many programs from our school that helps the students to show what they are
capable of. The Supreme Student Government took the lead on the Rizalians Got Talent. Also, different
clubs and departments from our school have conducted several activities for the students. From spoken
word poetry, Speech choir, Festival Dance, and even in sports. It primary proves that rizalians have their
different capabilities to show their special abilities.
Moderator Jas: Very interesting programs from RHS, looking forward for the basketball games here.
Now to cool down a little bit, Underneath your chairs you will see a placard.. because we will be having
an AGREE or DISAGREE portion this time.. I will read a certain issue or a statement about the extra
curricular activities and you will raise your placards whether you agree or disagree alright?
Moderator Jas: The first one is.. “VP Sara tells teachers to focus on academics, no extracurricular
activities yet.” Agree or Disagree?
*Panelists will raise their answers
* Moderator Jas points to a panelist to know why they agree or disagree.
Moderator Jas: moving on to the next one.. “I make most of my friends through my extracurricular
*Panelists will raise their answers
*Moderator Jas points to a panelist to know why they agree or disagree.
Moderator Jas: the next one is.. “There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them.”
*Panelists will raise their answers
*Moderator Jas points to a panelist to know why they agree or disagree.
Moderator Jas: Nice alright let’s move on to the next one..“Academic activities are better than
extracurricular activities.”
*Panelists will raise their answers
*Moderator Jas points to a panelist to know why they agree or disagree.
Moderator Jas: Ok that was fun, now please pass the placards from left to right.. thank you. We may
continue our discussion about extracurricular activities.
The question will be.. Now that the classes already begun for school year 2022-2023, what are the
upcoming activities for the Humss strand that students may participate to gain more interaction?
Pan Michelle: *answer
Panel Discussion

Moderator Jas: Wow that’s Interesting! Everyone! If you want to join, you know who to call.. Ok so for
our next question.. who among you won a gold medal or 1st place in a competition?
Ok so we have __
What are your particular preparations to be able to won that prize?
Pan Blynken: First of all, I trained well, I applied my knowledge and I’ve done my best to bring home the
bacon. Of course I prayed to God and put a coin in my shoe.. well that’s my mama’s advice to me, to
bring luck.. right? and that’s it I’ve won.
Pan Mark: I trained so hard, we even practice until night and I am focused on our goal to not just win
the prize but to inspire children to dance. We pray to God that we all do this for His glory. We practiced
each step carefully and the countings. Communication is one of the factors and the trust within the
group that makes us won the prize.
Moderator Jas: follow up question for the two of you.. what are the factors that helps you to become
more effective as a dancer and a journalist?
Pan Mark: Always have determination, precision, and teamwork within the group, and of course self
Pan Blynken: for me the knowledge with the particular topic, having an investigative skills, discipline is
important too and of course ethics of a journalist really help me a lot.
Moderator Jas: Nice Job! Truly that your hardworks paid off. Let us continue to the questions.. A
question for Ms Nicole, Is there a situation where you lose hope to continue with your interest?
Pan Nicole: Yes, there is one time.
Moderator Jas: may we know the reason?
Pan Nicole: It is during the pure online classes like year 2020 or 2021. All of my problems, in studies, in
our house, and with my anxiety comes together and I bursted out. I take a rest from playing to find
adjustments and somewhat the mobile games are keep pulling me to my career. Now that I am a
professional gamer, everything you do that makes you happy at the same time makes you more
productive.. do it in moderation.
Moderator Jas: Good for you Ms. Nicole and hopefully anyone who’s in the situation of her right now,
will overcome it..just trust your abilities and follow your passion. Ok so for the last question before we
proceed to our audience’s queries.. With the plan to revive the ROTC in the educational curriculum, do
you think abolishing extracurricular activities will result in a nourishment of a student? Or just a
squander of many talents?
Pan Mark: For me ROTC will bring a shock to many students and the removal of extracurricular activities
would be a waste for the interesting talents and abilities.
Pan Michelle: It will be such a burden to the students especially those who started their career
profession early as now.
Pan Nicole: If it is approved, then we can continue our interest outside even if the ROTC will be back
from our curriculum.
Pan Blynken: It depends on the student if he/she is willing to pursue his passion while in training and
that’s good. Some may lose the fire within them but others will keep igniting it because they are truly
dedicated to his/her potential.
Moderator Jas: Alright everyone have spoken their knowledge about extracurricular activities regarding
their different fields. Now let’s give the microphone to the audience for their queries and clarifications..
Audience you may raise your hand if your going to ask and please state the name of the panelists if your
going to ask for a specific field.. thank you!
*Moderator Jas will choose among the audience
Aud Sandy: A question for Mr. Mark Del Carmen.. What are the effects of extracurricular activities
specifically in dancing on students academic performance?
Aud Gian: For Ms. Nicole Cruz, what are the disadvantages of Esports to students?
Follow up Q: can you give us an advice as a professional gamer?
Aud Jenny: As a Dean of students, what programs are you proposing to showcase the talents of rizalians
when it comes to academic and extracurricular activities?
Panel Discussion

Follow up Q: Do you think it will be effective knowing that we still have restrictions?
Aud Harold: For Mr. Blynken Banan... As a humss student who wants to pursue journalism as a career,
what step should i be taking to overcome the competitive nature in journalism?
Follow up Q: Is there any advantage in joining such activities during senior high school or even before
*Each panelists will answer a question from the audience
Moderator Jas: We’re getting close to the end of our time together. If there is one thing you would like
this audience to take away from this session, what would it be?
Pan Mark:
Pan Michelle:
Pan Blynken:
Pan Nicole:
Moderator Jas: Did you catch up an idea about the discussion? We certainly did, of course they
successfully delivered the ideas about the extracurricular activities in different perspectives of the
students. Thank you to our dear panelists and our audience for this morning. We really do appreciate
your interest in this very important topic. Thank you.

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